Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 612 Luzon Chief Envoy

Chapter 612 Luzon Chief Envoy

Li Jing smiled: "Pay more attention to your body, don't work so hard, things can't be done all at once."

Zhang Li said with a smile: "Don't say I'm desperate, Commander. Why isn't Commander like this? If Commander really wants to understand us, you should take it easy."

"Hehe, it looks like it's my fault. That's fine, I'll take it easy in the future, so don't be tense." Li Jing said with a smile.

Zhang Li shook his head and said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief must do what he says, but in the eyes of the following officials, the commander-in-chief is just talking about what he should do at that time."

"Hehe, what Master Zhang said is that our commander-in-chief only cares about others, but he doesn't care when it's his turn." Song Yingxing laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said, "I'm younger than you, so I should do more."

Zhang Li smiled: "Marshal, you didn't call me here just to care about my body, did you? If you want me to do anything, just tell me."

"Hehe, just now Heng Chen praised you for being smart, you are really smart. But what I want you to do this time is related to your body, so I must care about your body." Li Jing laughed.

"It's okay, my body will be fine if I work with the commander for another ten or eight years." Zhang Li smiled.

Li Jing shook his head and said seriously, "I want you to go to Luzon this time. If your health is not good, how can I let you go with confidence?"

"What does the commander want me to do in Luzon?" Zhang Li asked doubtfully.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I am going to establish the Luzon Province, and I want you to be the chief envoy of Luzon."

"The chief envoy of Luzon? Is the war in Luzon over?" Zhang Li wondered.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "It will be too late to make arrangements after the war in Lu Song is over."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Today I received the battle report from Sun Meng. Our army captured Manila a month ago. Now that all businesses in Manila are dying, we must immediately set up an administrative office to deal with people's livelihood matters."

"Hehe, with Sun Boya here, the government affairs of a mere city of Manila are nothing." Zhang Li laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and said, "Sun Boya has to focus on military affairs, and I'm afraid I don't have the energy to deal with local affairs. In addition, I have no intention of letting Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting manage local affairs in Luzon."

Zhang Li nodded lightly when he heard the words: "In that case, then I'll go."

"Zhang Li, although I prefer you to be the chief envoy of Luzon, but the climate in Luzon is different from ours, I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it!" Li Jing said.

"Hehe, Marshal, you won't just let me go alone? You have to arrange some specific people for me, right?" Zhang Li laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Of course, you can't do so many things even if you are exhausted by yourself."

"Isn't this the end? Then what are you worried about? My body is not that weak." Zhang Li laughed.

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not as easy as you imagined. Let me tell you the truth, the climate in Luzon is completely different from ours. If you go to Luzon, you may never come back."

Hearing the words, Zhang Li said with emotion: "Commander, if Zhang Li can be a commander and build a good foundation overseas for Daming, what regrets will he have in this life if he bury his bones in a foreign land?"

Li Jing patted the table lightly: "Okay, since you have such arrogance, then I will appoint you as the first chief envoy of the Luzon Chief Envoy of the Ming Dynasty. Feel free to ask if you have any requirements. I will do my best to satisfy you." you."

Zhang Li smiled lightly: "Marshal, I am the first chief political envoy, how many grades do you plan to seal for me?"

"How many grades do you want, I will seal you the grades." Li Jing said seriously.

Zhang Li shook his head and said: "My Zhang Li can be what I am today, all thanks to the cultivation of the commander. If the commander gives me a few products, I will make a few products. I was joking with the commander just now. I didn't have the courage to joke with the commander before. This time it's here. Lu Song, it is very likely that I won’t be able to come back, if I don’t make a joke with the commander, it will be a regret in my life.”

Li Jing couldn't help being silent when he heard the words. After a while, Li Jing sighed, patted Zhang Li's hand lightly and said, "Five years, I will send someone to replace you after you stay in Luzon for five years."

Zhang Li shook Li Jing's hand vigorously: "Marshal, if he can expand the territory for the Ming Dynasty, what's the point of Zhang Li leaving this life in Lu Song? Wang Changling's poem says: Huangsha wears a golden armor in a hundred battles." If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it. Although Zhang Li is not a soldier, he should have the pride of a soldier. Marshal, your son and daughter have grown in love."

Li Jing felt inexplicable for a moment when he heard the words, and shook Zhang Li's hand vigorously.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Li said: "Commander, Luzon is far away overseas, and it is inconvenient to communicate with the imperial court. Many things may not be reported to the commander in time, and he may not be able to get instructions from the commander in time.

However, all the natives of Yi and Di were under the rule of Lu Song. The governance of Lu Song could not be the same as that of Ming Dynasty, and it would even be very different from Liaodong and North Korea.

Now that I have decided to go to Luzon, I would like to ask the commander-in-chief to explain what kind of policy should be implemented for these Luzon people, so that I can have a plan in my heart. "

Li Jingjing nodded: "You are right. Governing Luzon is indeed different from Liaodong and North Korea. Liaodong has been our Chinese territory since ancient times, and the Jurchens are also Chinese after all, so we should treat the Jurchens as we treat Han people, and treat them equally. , That’s why I appointed Huang Taiji as Liaodong Chief Envoy.”

(Note: In ancient times, China was not an official country name, because the dynasties at that time only had country titles but no country names. Like Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, etc. were all countries. No. The original meaning of ancient China is the country in the center, which originated from the fact that the Huaxia people called the peoples of the four borders Man, Yi, Rong, and Di, and called themselves China.

In fact, there are six meanings in China. The first refers to the capital city where the emperor is located, the "Book of Songs"."People's Labor" Note: China, the capital also.

The second type refers to the country directly ruled by the emperor. For example, Zhuge Liang said to Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms period: If you can use the land of Wuyue to compete with China, it is better to kill it as soon as possible.It means that if you can compete with Cao Cao who is holding the emperor hostage, it is better to sever ties with Cao Cao as soon as possible and fight him decisively.

The third type is worthy of the Central Plains, "Historical Records."Biography of Dongyue": Dongou invites the whole country to move to China.

The fourth type refers to domestic, inland, "Historical Records.""The Benji of Emperor Wudi": There are eight famous mountains in the world, three are in the barbarians, and five are in China.In the Qing Dynasty, the mainland was also called China.

The fifth refers to the areas where the Zhuxia people live. "The Analects of Confucius": Zhuxia, China also.The vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period, and even the seven states of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin in the Warring States Period belonged to the Zhuxia tribe. In fact, there were many ethnic groups in the places to which these vassal states belonged, but the Han people accounted for the majority.

The sixth type refers to the country established by the Huaxia or Han nationality. Such titles often appear in "Historical Records" and "Hanshu".Therefore, since the Han Dynasty, people often refer to the Central Plains Dynasty established by the Han as China.

However, due to the great influence of Han culture on all ethnic groups, any minority regimes occupying the Central Plains are all influenced by Han culture, so that these countries also like to call themselves China, such as the Liao Kingdom in the Song Dynasty, the Jin Kingdom, and later Mongolia The Yuan Dynasty established by the Manchus and the Qing Dynasty established by the Manchus.

In fact, China at this time is mainly a regional concept.

However, what Li Jing called China was not a regional concept. Li Jing hoped to instill in everyone the concept of China as a country name, so Li Jing often used the name "China" and "Chinese" in front of his ministers. )
Picking up the teacup, Li Jing gestured to the crowd, took a sip, and then continued: "Compared to Liaodong, North Korea is one level behind. During the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, he conquered North Korea and established four prefectures in North Korea. North Korea was included in China's territory, but as the national power of the Han Dynasty weakened, the control over North Korea became less and less. After the Three Kingdoms, North Korea began to rise and finally completely got rid of China's control. At that time, North Korea had three countries, called Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje.

Both the Sui Dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty sent troops to expedition to Goguryeo, but there was a disastrous defeat and a big victory. Later, Silla united with the Tang Dynasty to unify Korea. Jin Gongyi will be overthrown and the name of the country will be changed to Koryo.It was not until Li Chenggui overthrew Koryo during the Taizu period of this dynasty, and Taizu bestowed the name of Korea on the country, that North Korea became a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty.

For nearly a thousand years, North Korea and China have been separated and combined. Strictly speaking, Koreans are not Chinese.However, the people of Korea favor Ming Dynasty, and they also respect the culture of our Han people, so I appointed Li Zong as the chief envoy of North Korea and Yue Tuo as the deputy envoy. "

"The commander-in-chief is knowledgeable, I'm amazed." Gao Qi and others praised.

Li Jing waved his hand: "What is there to praise? I want to include North Korea in the territory of Ming Dynasty. Naturally, I need to research North Korea's history. Without these historical facts as a basis, how can I make a decision lightly?"

Gao Qi and the others hurriedly said, "What the commander said is true."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "As for Luzon, it is much worse than North Korea. Most of the people in Luzon are Malays who immigrated there. These people have nothing to do with us Chinese.

If there is a relationship, it means that after the founding of the dynasty, Lu Song was afraid of Ming's force and admired Chinese culture. At the same time, in order to trade with Ming, he was willing to become a vassal state of Ming.With the weakening of Ming's national strength, Luzon was finally occupied by Spain and broke away from Ming's rule.

Therefore, the treatment of Luzon people should not be like the Jurchens and Koreans. To rule these people, you need to use various means. The first is military coercion, and take down all those who do not obey!Of course, you have to grasp this degree by yourself, I am just a suggestion here.

But there are two things you must do. First, destroy all books and texts in Luzon. Second, destroy all religions in Luzon, whether it is Christianity, Christianity or Indian Buddhism. Use Chinese characters, believe in Chinese Taoism and Chinese Buddhism.Well... Confucianism can spread in Luzon, and the more ignorant Luzon people can be taught, the better. "

"This... I don't know what is the use of this?" Zhang Li asked in surprise.

Li Jing smiled, and immediately recounted what he had just said to Gao Qi and the others.

After finishing speaking, Li Jing smiled and said, "Now do you understand what I mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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