Chapter 613

After hearing this, Zhang Li nodded and said: "Understood, the commander-in-chief is brilliant, this is indeed the best way to bring Lu Song into Ming Dynasty."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Li continued: "However... Marshal, according to the strategy you have formulated, I think the staffing of Luzon officials must be carefully considered.

I don't hide from the commander in chief, the military commanders in Luzon are Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting. I am not very familiar with these two men, and I don't know their temperament very well.

I am the chief political envoy of Luzon. Although I am in charge of local affairs, it also has many intersections with the military. What I do may not be in tune with the two generals, and may not be in the mind of the two generals. Without soldiers, I can only rely on the two generals Sun. If the two generals feel that what I do affects their military actions and do not support me, then I will inevitably be tied up when I do things. "

Li Jing smiled and said, "What do you think, or if you have any request, it's okay to say, I will support you with all my strength."

Zhang Li nodded, cupped his hands at Li Jinggong and said, "Thank you, Commander. I have two requests. First, there must be a local garrison in Luzon. In this way, if I need to use military power to handle local affairs, I will not be constrained by the two Generals Sun.

Second, I asked the commander-in-chief to assign me a capable deputy. This deputy should preferably be someone close to the commander-in-chief who can help me reconcile my relationship with the two generals Sun.If the two generals don't sell my face, they also have to sell this person's face. "

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words, and after laughing for a while, Li Jing turned his head to look at Gao Qi and said, "Did you hear that, what Zhang Li said hit the point, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting are both the chief commanders of the army, and their rank is much higher than that of the chief envoy , How can I obey the orders of the chief envoy? That's why I have to appoint another Luzon general who is of the same level as the chief envoy, so that the military and government can cooperate.

As for not allowing Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting to serve as local officials in Luzon, it is because Luzon is located overseas and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. I cannot let them be caught by the military and government.It's not that I don't trust the two of them, it's just that a system has been established through this incident. In the future, for all territories far away from the mainland of Ming Dynasty, military and political affairs will be separated, and the generals of the garrison will be rotated every three years, so as not to cause dissent among these people. "

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "Actually, the generals who rebelled in history had no dissent at first, but due to the court's excessive trust and indulgence, they had a dissent.

It's like you let a person guard a pile of gold and silver. Because you trust him, you seldom take care of him. After a long time, he will naturally have an idea: no one cares about me anyway, and no one will take some money home. Know.At first, he would take less, and when he saw that it was all right, he would take more, and when he found that it was all right to take too much, he would move all the gold and silver home.

Those generals who hold military and political power are very similar to this situation. Without supervision or supervision, each of these people has become a local emperor. When their strength has accumulated to a certain level, they feel that they can When confronting the imperial court, there is a heart of disobedience. The Anlushan Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty fell into this situation.

Therefore, complete trust is sometimes not a good thing. If you have too much faith in the person who manages money, this person will become corrupt. If you have too much trust in the person who holds power, this person will become corrupt.If this person has money and soldiers in his hands, he will have two hearts in his heart.

If we want to keep the country's long-term stability, the most important thing is to strengthen supervision, especially the military, and not let the country's military become some people's private soldiers. "

Looking at the crowd, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, many people now regard Daming's army as my personal army."

Gao Qi and the others hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief's loyalty to the country is obvious to all. We all know that the commander-in-chief handed over all his private soldiers to the country."

Li Jing shook his head, sighed softly and said, "I know that many people call me a traitor and a traitor, and I am Cao Cao of Ming Dynasty."

Gao Qi said angrily: "Which bastard dares to say that about the Marshal? Brother, screw his head off. The Marshal has done so many things over the years, which one is not for the country? If the Marshal is a traitor, how can the world still do it?" Are there loyal ministers?"

Li Jing waved his hand: "What people in the world want to say, can we stop their mouths, can we stop their hearts? I just have to have a clear conscience."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "I'm not worried about what others will say about me. I'm afraid that future generations will take me as an example. Therefore, I must formulate a system. In the future, military generals are not allowed to interfere in local government affairs. After two years, I will resign from the local positions of Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and others, and I will also resign from the position of the governor."

"Master!" Gao Qi and the others exclaimed in surprise.

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "Don't talk about this, I'm digressing."

Turning his head to look at Zhang Li, Li Jing said: "You want me to assign someone around me to be your deputy. I understand what you mean, but how can there be such a person around me?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Su Heng, and Li Jing continued with a smile: "Pingzhi has no experience in handling local affairs, and his qualifications are far from enough, and his grade is not enough to be the deputy envoy of the chief executive. , when he accumulates some experience, he can send it to you."

Zhang Li shook his head and said with a smile: "The people around the commander-in-chief are more than ordinary people. Aren't Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing in Nanjing now the people around the commander-in-chief?"

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "Both of them? Wen Qing has just been released for training, and his actual experience is far from enough. Zhang Tongchang's experience is not enough either. I'm afraid he won't be qualified for the position of deputy chief envoy."

"Marshal, I think Zhang Tongchang is qualified for this position. Last year, Zhang Tongchang was sent by the Marshal to Dali Temple to compile the constitution of the Ming Dynasty, and he came up with the outline in only half a year. It can be seen that Zhang Tongchang is very familiar with the criminal laws of the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time he knows very well. Dashuai's thoughts.

This year Zhang Tongchang investigated the case of official fraud in Jiangsu.It is already a shame for me to let him serve as the chief envoy and deputy envoy. "

(Note: According to the level of the procuratorate and the chief envoy, the chief envoy is in charge of civil affairs, and the procuratorial envoy is in charge of punishment. Together with the commander and envoy who is in charge of the military affairs of a province, they are collectively called the three divisions.)
Li Jing shook his head: "Zhang Tongchang is inexperienced in the local area, and he is a bit too much to be a magistrate. How can he be directly appointed as the deputy envoy of the chief minister? It is not good for him to encourage the growth of the seedlings."

Zhang Li smiled and said: "Commander, to be honest, we only occupy one city in Luzon. Our chief envoy only has a nice name, and the actual territory we manage is not even a large county. Isn't this just an opportunity for experience?" Well, when the territory occupied by the two generals Sun gradually expands and Zhang Tongchang's experience is accumulated, what else should the commander worry about?"

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "It seems that you must let me send Zhang Tongchang there?"

"Hehe, Marshal, Zhang Tongchang is your book office. With him here, he may help me solve a lot of troubles." Zhang Li laughed.

Li Jingwen nodded silently: "Okay, then let Zhang Tongchang be your assistant."

"Thank you, Marshal." Zhang Lixi said.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are doing things for the country, and it is my duty to support you. Is there any need to thank you? Well, what you said just now reminded me that our territory in Luzon is still very small , there are not many government affairs to be dealt with, so it is not necessary to send all the officials with local governance experience, but some newly promoted officials can be sent to serve in Luzon."

"No problem, these people have been trained, as long as they have some experience, they will be of great use." Zhang Li said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You only mentioned these two requests just now, do you have any other requests?"

Zhang Li pondered for a while and said: "The commander-in-chief said just now that he wants to use culture to change Luzon, and is going to send those pedantic scholars to Luzon. If this is the case, I want to ask the commander-in-chief for two people."

"Who else do you want?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

"Ruan Dayue and Ma Shiying." Zhang Li said.

Li Jing was startled: "Huh? What do you want them to do?"

Zhang Li hurriedly said: "Marshal, I am not interceding for these two people. It is not an exaggeration to say that what these two people have done is to kill them all over the house. However, killing them is actually not very useful, but will have a great impact. Handsome reputation, you might as well hand them over to me, instead of killing them without any meaning, you might as well let them do something in Luzon."

Li Jingwen was silent for a while, and finally said slowly: "These two people will be escorted to Beijing today, I wanted to see them, since you want these two people, then I will disappear, when they arrive in Beijing, Go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to pick someone up yourself."

"Don't worry, Marshal, I will understand what to say." Zhang Li hurriedly said.

Li Jing nodded slightly, and after a while, Li Jing said: "The climate in Luzon is hot and humid, I'm afraid your family members won't adapt to the climate there, I suggest you only bring two concubines to take care of your daily life, Don’t take your wife and children with you for the time being, if they want to go, you can take them after you are stable in Luzon.”

Zhang Li smiled and said: "Marshal, I am not going to Luzon to live a life. Why do I bring my family? I don't bring any family members with me!"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Someone has to take care of your life. How can you do it without your family? Let me tell you, don't think about finding women in Luzon. Because of the climate, the women in Luzon are all dark and not autumnal. Keep it safe." You're sick of seeing it."

Hearing Li Jing's evaluation of women in Lu Song so suddenly, Zhang Li didn't realize it, and almost choked his throat.

After coughing several times in a row, Zhang Li said in embarrassment: "Marshal, how old am I, how can I have such thoughts."

"Hehe, you're only in your fifties, so you're not too old! What's more, men, there's no one who doesn't like women, but you have to pay attention to your taste. After all, you are a second-rank member of Daming, so don't lose our Daming." Part." Li Jing said with a smile.

Seeing that Zhang Li looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a while, Li Jing laughed and said: "You just joked with me once, and this time I joked with you too."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words.

After everyone laughed, Li Jing continued: "Although what I said was a joke, it is also telling the truth, and your daily life cannot be left alone, so you should take two concubines with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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