Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 624 Anguo Fights

Chapter 624 Anguo Fights
Gao Qi sighed: "I don't know, but An Guo is going, and I can't use this reason to stop him. Fortunately, although An Guo is young, he is very assertive, and it is not so easy for others to use him as a gunman. "

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and said after a while: "Brother Gao, you are Anguo's teacher, and you know Anguo better than I do. I think you should know it well."

Gao Qi silently nodded upon hearing this.

Suddenly, Gao Qi slapped his head: "Oh, I forgot to let someone notify Zhuzi."

After speaking, he summoned a soldier and told him to go to the barracks outside the city immediately to inform Chen Guozhu to come to the Military and Political Department.

Then Cao Wenzhao and others were invited to sit temporarily in the signing room, and went to explain their official duties.

Cao Wenzhao and others sat in Gao Qi's study for nearly half an hour when they saw Zhu Zi rushing over.

Seeing Cao Wenzhao suddenly, Zhuzi was taken aback for a moment, then said happily, "Brother Cao, when did you come back? You miss me so much."

Cao Wenzhao laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, it's been a while since I came back, not only I'm back, but Brother Zu and Uncle Zhang are also back."

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui hurriedly stood up and said, "I've seen the deputy commander."

Zhuzi smiled and said: "This is not the front line, what is the name of the deputy commander, besides, I am no longer the deputy commander, brother Zu, you are much older than me, if you think highly of me, just call me brother, just to take advantage of the eldest uncle It’s cheaper.” (Note: Zu Dashou is Wu Sangui’s uncle.)
Wu Sangui smiled and said: "Others want Uncle Shi to take advantage of it, but I'm afraid they haven't had such a chance yet."

Everyone laughed.

After laughing for a while, Zhuzi wondered: "Brother Cao, why did you come to the Military and Political Department? Didn't you go to see the commander in chief?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Then can we not go? We went to see the commander-in-chief first, and then went to the palace. Originally, the emperor wanted to invite us to have dinner in the palace, but I urged the emperor to go to the commander-in-chief's mansion." Drinking here, the emperor agreed, and then the emperor went to the cabinet to find the commander-in-chief, and I came to you and Brother Gao."

"Hahaha, it's really you. You're good at motivating us. Today we won't get drunk and we won't return." Zhu Zi laughed.

"That's right." Cao Wenzhao laughed.

After a pause, Cao Wenzhao asked: "I said brother, why did you go out of the city? I remember that your yamen gate is also in the city?"

Zhu Zi shook his head and smiled: "I was originally in the city. After the commander-in-chief built a new cabinet office, I also moved here. My office door is not far from the side, and it is only a wall away from Brother Gao's military and political department. But I am in the city. It's useless to stay here, so I ran to the barracks."

Cao Wenzhao wondered, "How do you say that? How important is security and defense in this city? How can you say that staying in the city is useless?"

Zhu Zi smiled and said, "It's the commander's arrangement. Now my people are responsible for the defense of the city except for the city gate. The security of the city is no longer under my control."

"What's going on?" Cao Wenzhao wondered.

Zhu Zi raised his eyes and looked out, seeing that Gao Qi hadn't come back yet, he smiled and said, "That's it..."

At that moment, Zhu Zi told the story in detail.

It turned out that Chen Guozhu's garrison was mainly responsible for two things. The first was responsible for public security and defense in the capital (similar to the infantry commanding the yamen in the Qing Dynasty).The other is to deploy defenses outside the city to protect the safety of the capital's periphery (similar to Fengtai Daying in the Qing Dynasty).

But after Li Jing fully grasped the power, and the rogue bandits in various places were basically pacified, especially after the pacification of Liaodong, the capital was basically no longer threatened by foreign enemies, so Li Jing asked Zhuzi to withdraw the troops responsible for security and defense in the city. Only a few soldiers were left at the palace, the cabinet and the city gates to be responsible for security guards, totaling less than 2000 people.

Li Jing did not allow the troops to be responsible for public security, because he did not want the situation in which multiple officials ruled over public security in the city to recur. In the past, public security in the capital was under the jurisdiction of Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Shuntianfu, and the garrison in the capital.

Of the four, Dongchang is the most powerful, Jinyiwei is second, and the army is third, but Shuntianfu Yamen, which is supposed to be in charge of law and order, is the weakest department.

The four families manage the public security of the capital, and if there is a problem, it is fine to take responsibility together, but any public security problem in the capital is the responsibility of Shuntian Prefecture.

(Note: In fact, Dongchang and Jinyiwei are basically responsible for the things that affect the public security in the capital. After they are done, Shuntianfu will have to take the blame, but Shuntianfu has nothing to do with them. So don't look at the level of the governor of Shuntianfu. For other prefects, this job is actually the worst job to do.)
Li Jing abolished the East Factory and Jinyiwei. The two biggest scourges affecting the public security of the capital can be regarded as eradicated. However, the army Shuntian Mansion also cannot be provoked. If the army participates in the management of public security, then the work of Shuntian Mansion is still difficult to do, and there is a security problem. However, Shuntian Mansion still has to take the blame.

Therefore, Li Jing thought again and again, exempted the army from being responsible for public security, and handed over public security to the Shuntian Mansion. The garrison only needed to defend the safety of the palace, the cabinet and a few city gates.

In fact, the security of the palace and the cabinet is in charge of Li Jing's bodyguards. The person in charge of the security of the palace is Yang Xuan, the commander of the Ouchi bodyguards, and Li Jing's head of bodyguards, Xiao Jiu, is in charge of the security of the cabinet.

In this way, the responsibility of the garrison is only to guard a few city gates, and if there is a problem with the city gates, there is no doubt that the outer defenses are not done well.Therefore, the energy of the pillars is basically put on the army outside the city.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no military power in the city. On the contrary, the military power in the city is very strong.

There are three hidden military forces in the capital. The first one is the military academy, which specializes in training officers. After two years of enrollment, the military academy now has more than [-] students, all of whom are educated young people. These people will be the backbone of the Ming army in the future.

The second place is the commando team under Chen Erhu's command. After Chen Erhu came back from Liaodong, Li Jing asked Chen Erhu and Xiao Wu to deploy more than [-] elite soldiers from various units to expand the commando team.

In fact, these two thousand elite soldiers are not formal commando members, they have to go through systematic training, and the training base of the commando team is in the capital.

The third place is the training school of the Security Intelligence Agency, which is Ma Wu's subordinates. There are more than 1000 students in this school. These more than 1000 students are also young people who have studied. These students not only need to learn intelligence knowledge , but also to study military subjects.Weapons suitable for assassination, such as rifles, daggers, and bows, can be used proficiently by this group of people.

There are more than 5000 students and instructors in the two schools and one base. These 5000 people can be said to be well-trained and well-equipped, and they can be called the most elite troops in Ming Dynasty.

In particular, the more than [-] members of the commando team are mostly veterans of hundreds of battles, with extremely rich combat experience, and the weapons and equipment are even more sophisticated. The [-]-plus members of the commando team alone are equivalent to the strength of two divisions of ordinary troops.

In addition to these people, the military force in the city also includes the gendarmerie under the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The gendarmerie is responsible for supervising military discipline, whether it is soldiers outside the city or students in the city, as long as they violate military discipline, they will be under the control of the gendarmerie.

There is no doubt that if the gendarmerie wants to control those soldiers, it must have its own strength, otherwise it will not be able to subdue those lawless guys.

Because of these hidden military forces in the city, Li Jing didn't have to worry about the defense of the capital at all, so he dared to ask the pillars to pull the troops out of the city.

Since the army was mainly outside the city, Zhu Zi stayed in the barracks most of the time except for returning to the city once during a routine inspection of the city defense.

After listening to Chen Guozhu's narration, Cao Wenzhao and others nodded silently.

After taking a sip of tea, Cao Wenzhao looked up at the sky, frowned and said, "Brother Gao, why did you go and haven't come back for so long?"

As soon as Cao Wenzhao finished speaking, he saw Gao Qi leading a young man and pushing the door open.

Cao Wenzhao was taken aback, looked carefully, and couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "An Guo?"

"Hello, Uncle Cao, my nephew kowtows to you." Seeing Cao Wenzhao, the boy hurried forward and knelt down on the ground, kowtowing and saying.

"Get up, get up, let uncle see." Cao Wenzhao hurriedly pulled Li Anguo up.

Gao Qi pointed to Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui and said coldly: "I haven't seen General Zu and General Wu yet."

Li Anguo knelt down and kowtowed to Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui again, "An Guo pays his respects to the two generals."

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, Eldest Young Master please hurry up."

Hearing that Gao Qi's tone was wrong, Cao Wenzhao asked suspiciously, "Brother Gao, what are you doing?"

Gao Qi smiled wryly, pointed at Li Anguo and said to Cao Wenzhao, "Ask him what he did just now."

Cao Wenzhao was surprised when he heard the words, he pulled Li Anguo to his side and asked, "An Guo, tell Uncle Cao, what did you do just now?"

Li Anguo twitched for a while and said, "Uncle Cao, I'm sorry, my nephew just got into a fight with your own soldiers."

"What? I'm fighting with my own soldiers. Don't worry. Uncle will take care of them right away. The unsightly things have gone wrong." Cao Wenzhao stood up with a hesitation.

"Don't, Uncle Cao, don't blame your soldiers, it's my nephew's fault." Li Anguo hurriedly pulled Cao Wenzhao back.

"What's going on?" Cao Wenzhao asked suspiciously.

Gao Qi looked at Li Anguo, smiled wryly and said, "Let me tell the story. Didn't you come to me on horseback from the palace with your own soldiers just now? I guess your horses are faster. After the gendarmerie found out, I just want to investigate and deal with you.

But you ran fast, and these boys didn't catch up, so they searched everywhere in the city, until they reached the entrance of the military and political department, and finally found the few soldiers you brought.These guys didn't even say hello, they wanted to grab people when they went up, so they started fighting.Fortunately, I heard the movement, so I stopped these people. "

"Ah!" Cao Wenzhao said in surprise.

As he spoke, he squatted down, looked Li Anguo up and down, and asked, "An Guo, are you not injured?"

"He got hurt! When I went out, he was riding on your men and beating him fiercely? Brother Cao, you said that if he does this now, he will have to pay for it in the future?" Gao Qi said helplessly.

Cao Wenzhao laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, you are promising, you are worthy of being the son of the commander-in-chief, it is amazing to have such skills at such a young age!"

(End of this chapter)

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