Chapter 625
Gao Qi repeatedly shook his head and said, "Brother Cao, you still praise him? Aren't you pampering him? You don't even ask who the other party is or why. Do the military police enforce the law like this?"

Sighing lightly, Gao Qi continued: "Brother Cao, do you know? Ever since Anguo joined the gendarmerie, he has become domineering. I heard rumors that they even dare to control the guards of the palace and the cabinet. If things go on like this , is not a good thing!"

"What? You dare to take care of the commander's guard?" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and looked at Li Anguo, Cao Wenzhao asked seriously: "An Guo, are these people from the gendarmerie under your banner? Or is that what you want everyone to do?"

" was my nephew's own idea." Li Anguo said weakly.

Seeing Li Anguo's expression, Cao Wenzhao suddenly knew that there must be something hidden in it, and immediately said seriously: "To be honest, don't think about showing loyalty at this time."

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "Yes! It was the elder brothers of the gendarmerie who told my nephew that my nephew was the commander's son, but the commander's guards sometimes violated military discipline and asked my nephew if these people belonged to the gendarmerie. Impulsive at the time, my nephew said that there is nothing I dare not do, isn’t what our gendarmerie is doing to clean up military discipline? Later, my nephew led people to punish the guards of my father’s commander twice.”

Cao Wenzhao was silent when he heard this, and asked after a while, "Does the commander know about this?"

"Maybe you don't know? Those big guards won't tell my father." Li Anguo said in a low voice.

Cao Wenzhao shook his head: "An Guo, you know that those guards are your elder brothers, why do you still do such a thing?"

Li Anguo said in a low voice: "My nephew didn't think much about it, but he felt that military discipline should be pruned without distinction."

"You..." Cao Wenzhao pointed at Li Anguo and reprimanded him intentionally, but finally realized that Li Anguo was too young, and besides Li Jing's son, he opened his mouth and finally restrained himself.

Standing up and looking at Gao Qi, Cao Wenzhao shook his head and sighed, "Brother Gao, don't let Anguo work in the gendarmerie. Anguo is still young, and there are some things he doesn't understand."

Gao Qi also sighed and said: "Yes, today's incident also reminded me that I can't let Anguo work in the gendarmerie anymore. Today he arrested your own soldiers. Even if something happens, you won't Anguo will be blamed.

But what if you change someone?Anguo punishes people like this without asking the background, even without asking the reason, even if he is justified, others will inevitably think that An Guo is relying on the power of the commander, and will have prejudice against Anguo.This will have a great impact on Anguo leading the army in the future. "

Cao Wenzhao nodded and looked at Li Anguo: "Did you understand what your master said?"

Li Anguo drooped his head and said, "I understand."

"Do you really understand?" Cao Wenzhao asked.

"Yes, I don't understand. Isn't it right for my nephew to clean up military discipline? Why would someone hold prejudice against my nephew?" Li Anguo asked in a low voice.

Cao Wenzhao smiled, patted Li Anguo's head lightly and said, "Are you really cleaning up military discipline? If you were really cleaning up military discipline, you wouldn't take people without asking why.

Just like today's incident, I haven't seen your father for more than a year, do you know how I feel after entering Beijing?I can't wait to fly to your father's side all at once.With such a mood, how could I slowly enter the city?

After entering the city, I chatted with your father-in-law for a short time before being arranged by your father-in-law to enter the palace to meet the emperor. The emperor wanted to keep us in the palace for dinner. I managed to persuade the emperor to have dinner with your father-in-law, and then I So I came to look for your master in a hurry. I haven't seen your master for more than a year. How excited do you think I am?So I galloped all the way.

Yes, running wildly in the city is indeed a violation of military discipline, and I admit it.

But can you deal with the violation of military discipline by me and the people I lead?There are only two people in this world who can punish Uncle Cao for violating military discipline. One is your father-in-law and the other is your master. When will it be your turn, the little gendarmerie captain, to call the shots?What kind of behavior do you do with Uncle Cao's people without authorization? This is called ultra vires, and it violates military discipline.

Also, are the guards next to your father-in-law also your gendarmerie can deal with?You know what mission they are performing and dare to stop them?You are the handsome son, they all know you so they won't touch you, another person stops them to have a look!Don't talk about dealing with them, if they don't take them down, they will burn the incense.

Anguo, we have no objection to you joining the gendarmerie to clean up military discipline, but you cannot exceed your authority. You have violated military discipline yourself, so what can you do to restrain others?

The reason why everyone is afraid of you now and listens to you is because you are the son of the handsome man, but if things go on like this, you will become supercilious, and then there will be nothing you dare not control, and that will not be good for you growing. "

"Nephew understands, thank you Uncle Cao for your advice." Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Cao Wenzhao nodded with a smile: "An Guo, do you want to be like your father?"

Li Anguo hurriedly replied: "My nephew has always set his father as an example."

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "The person who knows your father the most in this world is your master. You must learn from your master with your heart. Now you can ask your master, how would your master handle this matter today?"

Gao Qi shook his head, smiled and said: "An Guo, your Uncle Cao can be called your father's confidant. In terms of understanding your father, your Uncle Cao is as good as I am. It is rare that your Uncle Cao can give you advice. , you should ask Uncle Cao for more advice."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "What I said just now was done on behalf of Yue Zu, that is, our brothers will not see each other, how can I say these things? Brother Gao, you are the master of Anguo, and it is your responsibility to teach Anguo. You better come."

Gao Qi shook his head and smiled, "It's not my responsibility to teach An Guo to become a talent. Don't you uncles have any responsibility?"

Cao Wenzhao smiled and shook his head: "When Anguo grows older, I'll teach him to lead troops to fight. You should do it now. I'll go outside and take care of the people below."

Gao Qi smiled and said, "Brother Cao still needs to worry about these trivial matters? I have already arranged them."

Cao Wenzhao nodded with a smile. Gao Qi said that the arrangement was well done.

Looking at the time, Cao Wenzhao waved his hand and said: "We have been delayed for so long, I guess the emperor should be in a hurry, let's talk as we walk."

Gao Qi nodded, stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation to everyone, then took Li Anguo's hand and went ahead with Cao Wenzhao.

After leaving the Military and Political Department, Gao Qi touched Li Anguo's head and said: "An Guo, your father-in-law often said that the law is nothing more than human feelings. It means that people who enforce the law must pay attention to human feelings.

Your father-in-law seems to be very strict in law enforcement, but in fact he is the most lenient.If you have time, go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and check the case files written by your father-in-law. You will find that your father-in-law has never imprisoned the entire family of the prisoner like in the previous dynasty, let alone implicated the nine clans of the prisoner.In the past year, your father-in-law rarely even killed people, except of course those heinous people.

Let me give you an example. After you listen to it, you will know that your father is very lenient. Shuntian Mansion used to imprison many criminals who committed the crime of theft. Difficulties, those who are thieves for the first time are released. "

"Didn't my father-in-law always say that we should use heavy codes to govern troubled times? Why is he so lenient?" Li Anguo wondered.

Gao Qi smiled and said: "Using heavy codes does not mean that you have to kill people. You must know that people cannot be resurrected after death, and our purpose is to let those who made mistakes correct their mistakes, and at the same time, punish these people to serve as a warning to future generations , To put it bluntly, it is to kill chickens and monkeys.

Although your father-in-law doesn't kill people, the punishment for those prisoners is much more severe than that of the previous dynasty, such as stealing. In the past, the punishment for stealing people was indiscriminate. First, they would be beaten with a board and then thrown into a cell for a period of time.

But your father-in-law's punishment for these people is different. Your father-in-law asked the people below to treat the prisoners differently. Those who were trapped in life and were thieves for the first time were released after they were beaten and taught.But for those habitual offenders, they are not only punished with the board, but also punished with hard labor.

There are also those corrupt officials who are fined ten times for corruption. Basically, after they are found out, they will be fined to lose their property, and then they will have to go to jail and do hard labor.

We have a lot of jobs that ordinary people don't want to do, but these prisoners do it.If you have time, you can take a look at the place where these prisoners are serving. After you see it, you will know that those jobs are simply not done by human beings, not to mention how miserable they are.

I can say with certainty that after these people are released, most of them will no longer commit crimes, and those corrupt officials will never dare to be corrupt again after seeing it.This is the purpose of punishment, and it is also the true meaning of using heavy codes to govern troubled times. "

"Oh, nephew understands." Li Anguo nodded in response.

Gao Qi smiled: "Now let me talk about the things you did in the gendarmerie. Let me ask you, did the soldiers who violated military discipline break the law? If they broke the law, they should be dealt with by the military law department, not the gendarmerie. .”

"Isn't the gendarmerie affiliated to the military law department? My nephew thinks that since the gendarmerie belongs to the military law department, it can deal with those soldiers who violate discipline." Li Anguo whispered.

Gao Qi smiled: "The Gendarmerie can only be said to be a branch of the Military Law Department, but it is actually an independent department. The Gendarmerie can only supervise soldiers, which means that the Gendarmerie only has the power to supervise, not to dispose of. The military police have the right to dispose of soldiers who violated discipline, and when they see soldiers violating discipline, they should record their violations and hand them over to the commanders of their troops.”

"In this case, it seems that the gendarmerie has no deterrent effect?" Li Anguo said.

Gao Qi smiled and shook his head: "Do you think there is no deterrence? You are wrong! Do you know why soldiers are so afraid of the gendarmerie? Because this record of the gendarmerie will affect the soldiers' future promotions.

Under normal circumstances, if the commander of the army wants to promote a soldier, he must check the records of the gendarmerie in advance. If a soldier is found to have violated discipline and is still in the punishment period, then the soldier cannot be promoted.

Failure to be promoted means that the soldier's salary will not be improved, and the treatment will not be improved.

Why do you think those people are soldiers? Isn’t it just to get paid and enjoy the treatment of being a soldier?
This is the deterrent power of the gendarmerie to soldiers, greater than any deterrent power. "

(End of this chapter)

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