Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 626 Mobei Mongolia

Chapter 626 Mobei Mongolia
After a pause, Gao Qi continued: "Of course, the gendarmerie also has the right to supervise the commander's handling of soldiers who violate military discipline. If the commander shields the soldiers and promotes them during the punishment period for violations of discipline, the gendarmerie will have to ask the Military Law Office to investigate and deal with these people. , this is the job of the gendarmerie.

But now, since you have joined the gendarmerie, the gendarmerie in the city has begun to deal with those soldiers who violated military discipline by themselves, and many times they have done all the work of the military law department.

Let me ask you, if the gendarmerie can deal with soldiers who violate discipline by itself, where will the commander of the army be located?Then why did your father set up a military law office? "

"Master, since the Gendarmerie is a branch of the Military Law Department, why did my father-in-chief divide the responsibilities of the Gendarmerie so clearly? Didn't the merger save a lot of manpower?" Li Anguo wondered.

Gao Qi smiled: "This is to disperse power. You must know that the management of the army is the top priority of the country. If you are not careful, there will be problems. After the power is dispersed, many ills will be avoided."

Li Anguo frowned and pondered for a while when he heard the words, and finally nodded slowly: "Master, I understand."

Gao Qi smiled: "It's good that you understand, actually, I think the reason why your father-in-law didn't object to your joining the gendarmerie was because he wanted you to experience it.

Anguo, you are still young, and you still don’t understand some truths. I want you to understand these truths. Only by letting you do some things yourself, especially after doing something wrong, can you understand why some things cannot be done. "

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching." Li Anguo said hastily.

Cao Wenzhao continued with a smile: "An Guo, what your master taught you is not only how to manage the army, even if you are a magistrate, you must follow this principle."

Gao Qi smiled and said: "An Guo, your father has a copy of Mr. Yangming's "Biography and Learning Records" on his desk. You should read this book carefully. If you can understand this book and understand the combination of knowledge and action that Mr. Yangming said One means, then you will be able to do things in the future to your advantage."

"Yes, students must read carefully." Li Anguo said hurriedly.

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and smiled, "Brother Gao, it's no wonder you are so respected by the Commander-in-Chief, and now you're actually starting to read."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief has great admiration for Mr. Yangming, and he often mentions this book to me. You said the book that the commander-in-chief attaches so much importance to, can I not read it carefully?"

While speaking, a group of people came to the cabinet office.

Seeing Xiaojiu at the door, she hurried over and shouted: "Uncles, you are here. The emperor is waiting impatiently. If you don't come, he will go find you."

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "Have you finished handling the general's official duties?"

Xiao Jiu shook her head: "It's not over yet, I haven't read a whole bunch of them yet."

Cao Wenzhao sighed when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Gao Qi and said, "Brother Gao, this is not a problem! Even an iron man can't stand such a tiring method!"

Gao Qi shook his head and sighed: "How many times have I been persuaded, but I can't persuade you! Alas, this year's locust plague, the commander will lose at least two or three years of life."

Cao Wenzhao nodded silently when he heard the words, thought for a while, then turned to Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui and said: "Brother Zu, Eldest Uncle, we will return to Liaodong tomorrow, and then quickly dispatch troops to sweep Mobei to solve the plight of the general. "

"Yes!" Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui responded hastily.

Gao Qi continued: "Brother Cao, this time the troops are mainly for looting, so you don't need to bring infantry. In addition, it is not advisable to send more cavalry. I think 2 people are enough. If there are too many, logistics supplies It's a burden."

Cao Wenzhao nodded: "I understand."

After pondering for a while, Cao Wenzhao continued: "Brother Gao, I plan to send troops from Guangning, from Daning (now Chifeng) to the west, then go north and west to sweep, and then return from naturalization. Your side will be for Ma Ke and Bianjiao to send a letter, let them be ready to respond, I will plunder a batch of cattle and sheep, and send a batch back."

Gao Qi pondered for a while, calculated the distance of the journey, nodded lightly and said: "Okay, this route saves a long distance compared to going north from the direction of naturalization. We are now in short supply of food, and we can save some time." Province. Don't worry, let me deal with naturalization matters."

After finishing speaking, Gao Qi turned his head and said to Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, immediately ask someone to take my token and rush to Guihua to inform you of Uncle Ma Wu's men, and ask them to send a few people who are familiar with the terrain of Mobei." The spies with the situation of the Mongolian tribes rushed to Liaodong, and then led the army."

As he spoke, he took out a token from his bosom and handed it to Xiao Jiu. Hearing this, Xiao Jiu hurriedly called a guard to give some instructions. The guard took the token and rushed to Gao Qi. Cao Wenzhao and others clasped their fists , hurried away.

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said, "Brother Gao is more careful."

Gao Qi waved his hand: "It is not difficult to defeat the Mongols in Mobei, but the difficulty is to find their position, so the commander-in-chief asked the fifth brother to send people deep into Mobei a few years ago, I am afraid that when you conquer Mobei in the future No trace of the enemy was found."

Cao Wenzhao sighed: "Yes, in the vast desert, it is not easy to find the tribe of the Mongols. The commander has far-sightedness and foresight, and prepared for the Northern Expedition many years ago. Alas! Everyone said that Cao is a general who is always victorious, But I don’t know how Cao could have won the victory so smoothly if the commander hadn’t strategized.”

Gao Qi also sighed: "Yes, with a commander like the Marshal, the generals below have saved a lot of energy."

Cao Wenzhao lightly patted Gao Qi on the shoulder: "So we must pay more attention to the commander's body, and we must not tire him out. Brother Gao, I am away all year round and cannot help the commander-in-chief. You have to worry too much about it."

Gao Qi nodded emphatically: "Brother Cao, don't worry, brother understands."

While the two were talking, they saw Wang Chengen coming out in a hurry. Seeing everyone, Wang Chengen said anxiously: "My lords, you are here, the emperor is waiting impatiently."

"Isn't the commander-in-chief accompanying the emperor?" Cao Wenzhao laughed.

Wang Chengen shook his head again and again: "Don't mention it, the commander-in-chief is reviewing official documents while talking to the emperor, and he has approved more than 20 official documents in a short while, and the people below come and go back and forth like lanterns. Don't get tired of this way of working." ? You are here, hurry up and drag the commander away."

Cao Wenzhao and Gao Qi looked at each other, they smiled wryly at the same time, and walked quickly inside.

"Wait a minute, generals." Wang Chengen called hastily.

"What's wrong?" Cao Wenzhao and others hurriedly stopped.

"Don't talk about official business when you talk today, talk about things that make the commander-in-chief happy, and persuade the commander-in-chief to drink more." Wang Chengen said hurriedly.

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and lightly patted Wang Chengen's shoulder: "Your Majesty reminded me."

After finishing speaking, several people quickened their pace and entered Li Jing's study.

Seeing that there was still a stack of official documents on Li Jing's desk, Cao Wenzhao waved to Wen Qing: "Take away the official documents of the commander-in-chief, I won't deal with official business today."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Is it still early? What are you in a hurry for? I'll go back home after reading these official documents."

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and said with a smile: "Commander, brother will return to Liaodong tomorrow, you can drink a few more drinks with brother today, and you can take care of these official affairs after brother leaves."

"Leave tomorrow? What are you in a hurry for?" Li Jingqi asked.

Cao Wenzhao said with a wry smile: "Commander, seeing you are so tired, can you not be in a hurry? Well, listen to me today, let's go, let's go back home."

Chen Guozhu also smiled and said: "Brother, it's rare that Brother Cao is back, so you don't have to be busy, and have a few more drinks with Brother Cao."

As he spoke, he walked to Li Jing's side and pulled Li Jing up.

And Gao Qi stepped forward to pack up the official documents on Li Jingshu's case and handed them to Wen Qing who was at a loss, and then gave Wen Qing a wink.

Wen Qing understood, and hurriedly took the official document and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Li Jing said helplessly: "Well, it seems that if I don't leave, you should be kidnapped."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "You definitely wouldn't dare to tie him up, but if you can't fight him, you might as well."

Zhu Youjian laughed when he saw it: "If you had come earlier, you would have taken Brother Li back, and I have waited so long."

It was only then that the crowd remembered that they had not yet greeted Zhu Youjian, so they hurriedly bowed to Zhu Youjian and said, "I have seen the emperor."

On the other hand, Li Anguo stepped forward and knelt down to Zhu Youjian, kowtowed three times respectfully and said: "My son pays homage to the emperor."

Zhu Youjian waved his hands to everyone, then smiled and pulled Li Anguo up and said, "Good boy, get up quickly. Why haven't you entered the palace to play with Aimee for so long?"

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "My child goes to school in the morning, to the gendarmerie in the afternoon, and dare not enter the palace at night."

Zhu Youjian wondered, "Why can't you enter the palace at night?"

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "Mother said that the child has grown up, and it will be inconvenient to enter the palace at night."

Zhu Youjian laughed when he heard the words: "It seems that he has really grown up. Okay, it's good to grow up. When he grows up, he can help your father and handsome."

Li Anguo hurriedly said: "Uncle Cao and the master have taught my son a lot of principles today, and my son knows that there is still a long way to go."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and smiled, "You know you are far behind, which means you have really grown up."

Turning his head to look at Li Jing, Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "Brother Li, An Guo has grown up, I think he will marry Aimee in two years' time."

Li Jing shook his head repeatedly when he heard the words: "The children are growing up, and it is not good for them to get married too early. Let them get married after the princess is born."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "Also, Your Majesty, children love to play, so don't let the princess stay in the palace all the time. In my opinion, let the princess go to school to study, which is good for the princess' growth."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "Hehe, it's your daughter-in-law anyway, you can arrange it."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Then I will take the princess out."

Zhu Youjian laughed and said, "I have lived in your house for three or four years. I think she is closer to your father-in-law than to my father."

Li Jing laughed out loud.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing waved to Xiao Jiu, who hurriedly took Li Jing's hat and handed it over.

Li Jing took the hat from Xiaojiu and put it on, then waved to everyone: "Let's go."

After speaking, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian went first, followed by Cao Wenzhao and others.

When everyone came to Li's mansion, the imperial dining room had already delivered the dishes, and after Sun Hutou, Li Dingguo and their family members had finished seeing Zhu Youjian and others, Li Jing called everyone to the table.

(End of this chapter)

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