Chapter 627
As the master, Li Jing naturally took the main seat, Zhu Youjian sat on Li Jing's left hand seat, Cao Wenzhao sat on Li Jing's right hand seat under Gao Qi's push, Gao Qi was next to Cao Wenzhao's seat, Chen Guozhu Sitting next to Zhu Youjian, Zu Dashou sat beside Gao Qi, Wu Sangui sat beside Chen Guozhu, Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo sat between Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui.

Seeing Wang Chengen standing behind him and Zhu Youjian, Li Jing smiled and turned his head to Wang Chengen and said: "Chengen, today is a family banquet, and there are no outsiders here, so you can sit too."

Wang Cheng'en hurriedly said: "The emperor, the commander-in-chief and all the generals are here, how dare this old slave sit down. This old slave is here to serve the emperor and the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Cheng En, this is my home, are you afraid that no one will serve the emperor and me? Come, let's sit together."

Cao Wenzhao looked at Li Jing, saw that Li Jing was not polite, thought for a while and said, "My lord, although Lao Cao has been outside these years, I heard that you serve the emperor and the commander-in-chief with all your heart.

Those of us who are outside want to say that we have any concerns, that is, we are worried about the health of the emperor and the commander. You have taken good care of the emperor and the commander. We are very grateful to you and regard you as our own brothers. I won't look down on you like those civil servants.

So you don't have to be polite, Wang Gonggong, let's sit together, otherwise, everyone will look at you standing, and this wine will not taste good to drink. "

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Cheng En, you see that brother Wen Zhao said so, if you don't sit down, you won't give brother Wen Zhao face, if you don't give brother Wen Zhao face, be careful that he drinks too much in a while Trouble with you."

Zhu Youjian also said with a smile: "Cheng En, since Brother Li and General Cao want you to sit down, then you should sit down, otherwise they won't have a good time drinking, isn't my drink for nothing?"

Wang Chengen said with a smile: "Since the emperor, the commander-in-chief and General Cao think highly of this old slave, then this old slave has the courage to sit down."

Li Jing smiled and said, "I admire you only if you have the courage to toast Brother Wenzhao for three glasses of wine."

Pointing between Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo, Li Jing smiled and said: "Cheng En, you sit across from me, it will be convenient for you to toast later."

Everyone laughed.

After Wang Chengen sat down, Li Jing picked up his wine glass and got up and said: "Today, the emperor has invited you for this drink. Let's toast the emperor first, wishing the emperor good health, and wishing Daming an early prosperity."

Cao Wenzhao and the others hurriedly picked up their wine glasses and got up and said: "I wish the emperor a healthy body and a prosperous Ming Dynasty."

Hearing the words, Zhu Youjian raised his wine glass to Li Jing, and then raised it to everyone: "Brother Li and all my lovers, I thank you, come, let's all drink up this glass."

After all, raise your glass and drink it up.

Li Jing and everyone also toasted and drank.

After the servant girl filled up the wine, Li Jing raised his glass and said, "This second glass..."

"Wait, Brother Li, it's my turn for the second cup." Zhu Youjian said hastily.

As he said that, Zhu Youjian picked up the wine glass: "This second cup, we all wish Brother Li good health, and hope that Brother Li will lead everyone to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible."

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, everyone raised their glasses together without hesitation and drank all the wine in their glasses.

When the servant girl filled up the wine again, Li Jing held up the wine glass and said, "This glass of wine, I respect Brother Wenzhao, Brother Zhuzi, Brother Fuyu and Uncle Zhang. You all made great achievements in pacifying Liaodong, and you are all heroes of Ming Dynasty."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly said: "Commander, if it weren't for you to strategize, if it weren't for your colleagues to do their best to ensure the logistics supply, how could Wen Zhao and the generals accomplish this amazing feat? To pacify Liaodong, the commander is the first one. Your Excellency and others have contributed more than Wen Zhao and others, so I forgive Wen Zhao for not daring to drink this glass of wine."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Although the battle is about logistics, the support of logistics can only be said to meet the conditions for victory. In the end, if you want to win, you have to rely on the command of the generals in front. The soldiers fought the enemy bravely. Otherwise, the logistics No matter how adequate the guarantee is, it is useless.

In the past, we fought countless battles with the Jurchens, but we always lost more than we won. Could it be that every time we lose is because the commander's strategic layout is wrong?Or is it poor logistical support every time?I'm afraid not?
Sun Tzu said: There are five ways to know victory. Those who know what can be fought and what cannot be fought will win. Those who know how to use the few will win. Those who have the same desire will win.

These five victories all use military methods, but you are well versed in the methods of this battle, and you are indeed the style of a famous general, just as Sun Tzu said, the general is the assistant of the country.

Therefore, this first achievement belongs to you and the soldiers under your command. Brother Wen Zhao, you don't need to be humble, this glass of wine should be respected to you. "

Holding the wine glass, Cao Wenzhao sighed: "The commander-in-chief didn't say a word about his achievements, and he took credit without being proud. Wenzhao was inexplicably impressed by his kindness. In this way, Wenzhao and his brothers and colleagues are ashamed to receive this glass of wine." .”

After all, he raised his glass and drank it.

After three glasses of wine, Li Jing put down his glass and said with a smile: "Okay, I finished the first three glasses of wine with the emperor, now everyone can drink to their heart's content."

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, Xiao Jiu came in in a hurry. After greeting Zhu Youjian and others, Xiao Jiu said, "Report to the Marshal, Master Yuan sent someone to report that more than 100 foreigners came to Beijing." , Said that Tang Ruowang had invited you here, Master Yuan didn't know how to arrange it, so he came here to ask the commander in chief."

Li Jingwen suddenly got up when he heard this: "What? There are more than 100 people here? Let Yuan Shu arrange someone to receive them first, and I will go there right away."

"Marshal, didn't you agree that you won't be dealing with official business today?" Cao Wenzhao said anxiously.

Li Jing rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "It's been a year. I've been waiting for these people for a year. I didn't expect Tang Ruowang to really invite them. Let me tell you, there are only three or five scientists among the more than 100 people. , Our Daming's technology will advance by leaps and bounds, and many problems that cannot be solved by the Academy of Sciences will be solved immediately."

Cao Wenzhao said helplessly: "But you can't leave us here, can you? Why don't you let Master Yuan receive them today, and you can meet them tomorrow?"

"Yeah, brother Li, it's not too late to be anxious, let alone let these people settle down first." Zhu Youjian also said.

"This..." Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "Okay, let's settle these people down first."

After speaking, Li Jing turned to Xiao Jiu and said, "Xiao Jiu, tell Yuan Shu to let Tang Ruowang and those missionaries entertain these people well, arrange food and accommodation carefully, and then let them rest first, I will see them tomorrow. "

"Yes!" Xiao Jiu hurriedly said.

When Xiao Jiu went out, Li Jing held up his wine glass and said, "Come on, come on, let's have a drink."

Seeing that Li Jing was so happy, everyone couldn't help being surprised. In the past two years, Li Jing's demeanor has become more and more calm. Few things can move Li Jing's face. At least, everyone present has not seen Li Jing so excited for a long time.

Of course, Li Jing's good mood naturally aroused everyone's enthusiasm for drinking, and everyone exchanged glasses, drinking with great joy.


The next day, after sending Cao Wenzhao and others away, Li Jing hurried back to the cabinet office. When Li Jing returned to the office, Yuan Shu and Tang Ruowang had already been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Li Jing, Yuan Shu and Tang Ruowang hurriedly saluted.

Li Jing waved his hand to signal the two to sit down.

After the two sat down, Li Jing smiled and said, "Mr. Tang, are your friends still used to living here last night?"

Tang Ruowang hurriedly said: "Marshal Meng is concerned. Everyone said that Marshal took good care of him. They are all very satisfied."

Li Jing smiled and said, "It's good if you're satisfied, Mr. Tang, can you introduce to me what these people who came this time do? That way I can arrange them."

Tang Ruowang hurriedly said: "Commander back, these people come from many countries. I don't know most of them, and I haven't even heard their names. After all, I have been in Daming for many years. It is inconvenient to transmit information, and domestic affairs are not very good. Clear. I found these people through my friends in the church.

However, my friends from the church said in a letter to me that many of these people are very knowledgeable, and their studies involve many disciplines, and some of them are famous scientists. "

Hearing this, Li Jing said in his heart: This Tang Ruowang is tactful, he first shirked his responsibility completely.

Smiling, Li Jing said, "Mr. Tang, did your friend tell me the purpose of these people coming to Daming?"

Tang Ruowang said: "As I said, some of these people came here for fame, some came to Daming to seek refuge, some heard that Daming could provide them with scientific research funds, and some came to Daming to travel. Of course, most of them came to work for the commander-in-chief. of."

"Oh." Li Jing nodded slightly.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said: "No matter what, you have done a good job this time, and I will fulfill what I promised you. You can choose a site to build a church by yourself."

"Thank you, Marshal." Tang Ruowang said hurriedly.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "You just said that these people come from many countries, so language communication may be difficult. Do you have a friend who is proficient in Chinese and familiar with the languages ​​of various countries to be an interpreter for me?"

Tang Ruowang hurriedly said: "Yes, I have a church member named Ai Julian. He is very proficient in Chinese and is familiar with various languages. He has translated many scientific works from various countries."

Li Jing pondered and said, "Oh? Ai Julia? I seem to have heard Mr. Zixian mention this person. This person once assisted Mr. Zixian in compiling the calendar with you before, right?"

"Yes! Marshal really has a good memory. Ai Julius has been preaching in Fujian these years, and this time he also came to Beijing with these people, in order to be an interpreter for everyone." Tang Ruowang said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You are very considerate in doing things, very good. Let's go, let's meet friends from all over the world."

"Yes!" Tang Ruowang hurriedly got up upon hearing this.

After a while, Li Jing and others came to the posthouse, and seeing Tang Ruowang coming with a group of people, a group of foreigners hurriedly stood up to greet them.

Tang Ruowang beckoned to one person and said, "Ai Julian, this is the chief assistant of Daming, Your Highness Xing Guogong, His Highness the Duke took some time to visit everyone, and you come to introduce His Highness the Duke."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Our Daming's rules are different from yours in the West. Our Daming can only address princes, county kings, and princes as Your Highness. Please don't call me Your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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