Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 628 Dictatorship

Chapter 628 Dictatorship
"Yes!" Ai Julius hurriedly said.

After pondering for a while, Ai Julian said: "Then call him Lord Duke?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "Your Excellency?"

Ai Julius bowed and saluted: "Your Excellency the Duke, you are the most graceful and approachable nobleman I have ever seen."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand.

Ai Julius turned around and muttered something to the foreigners.

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly bowed to Li Jing.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Everyone has come from afar. On behalf of Daming, I would like to extend welcome to you all. Could you please introduce yourself one by one? Let's get to know each other."

After Aileen translated, an old man in his sixties took two steps forward, bowed to Li Jing, and said, "Hello, Your Excellency the Duke, my name is William Harvey, I'm from England and I'm a doctor.

The year before last I had been to the Holy Roman Empire, where there was a terrible war, the people there were very poor, people suffered from the war.

As a doctor, I can't do anything about the war, and I can't dissuade the politicians of various countries from stopping the war, so I am very painful.

Last summer, I heard that there was a Daming Empire in the east. The Chief Assistant of the Daming Empire, that is, you, are very wise and mighty. You decisively ended the war that had lasted for many years in the Ming Dynasty. The purpose of my coming to Daming is to think Know how you ended this war. "

After listening to Julian's translation, Li Jingchong nodded to William Harvey and said, "Hi, dear Mr. Harvey, I have also heard about the war in the Holy Roman Empire. As a doctor, you must be very disgusted with war.

It's a pity, it's a pity, what I can tell you is that if you want to solve the war, you can only use the means of war.Daming has many powerful enemies, and reasoning against these enemies will not work, and only when they are completely defeated, will they accept peace.

Hehe, you asked me what method I used to end this war. I can tell you that I won this battle. It took me a year to defeat the most powerful enemy of Ming Dynasty.In addition, I am very happy to tell you that now the former enemy of Daming has become a member of Daming.

My advice to Mr. Harvey is that the job of a doctor is to save people, you don't need to deal with wars, just do your job well.

Mr. Harvey is compassionate, and he must be very skilled in medicine. We have many doctors with excellent medical skills in Daming. Since you have come to Daming this time, I hope we can have a medical exchange. "

william.Harvey said with a smile: "Thank you very much for your answer, Your Excellency the Duke. I also heard that your country's medical skills are amazing. Another purpose of my visit this time is to learn."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Learning from each other, only by learning from each other's strengths can we improve our medical skills and save more people."

"What Your Excellency the Duke said is very true." William said.Harvey laughed.

william.Harvey was the royal doctor of the United Kingdom and was very famous in Europe at that time. Harvey started to practice independently when he was 31 years old. He cared about the sufferings of patients very much. poor treatment.

Harvey's purpose is: doctors should do good things for the poor.

Because of Harvey's superb medical skills and high moral character, he has become a household name in London, and many foreigners have also come to London to ask him to see a doctor.

It's a pity that Li Jing did not study medicine. If Li Jing had studied medicine, he would have known that William Harvey was not only a doctor, but also a physiologist. He discovered the law of blood circulation and laid the foundation The foundation of the development of modern physiological science is one of the founders of experimental physiology.

Although he didn't know William Harvey's influence on later generations, Li Jing still gave William Harvey due respect.In Li Jing's view, a doctor who cares about people's suffering is undoubtedly a good doctor, and doctors in Daming want to have medical exchanges with such doctors.

There was William Harvey, and then someone introduced himself, and Li Jing also answered the questions of these people one by one.

At this time, a middle-aged man about 40 years old asked: "Dear Your Excellency, Hello, My name is Pierre de Fermat. I am a lawyer from the Kingdom of France. I heard that your country is drafting a new constitution." , The constitution clearly stipulates that the emperor is the symbol of the country, but he no longer has the power to govern, and the power will be handed over to the cabinet. I am very interested in your idea, and this is one of the purposes of my visit to Ming Dynasty.

However, after I arrived in Daming, I heard your name along the way. I have never heard of any country whose leader has such a great prestige and influence among the people. In fact, I think that the Ming Empire is now With your dictatorial rule, I would like to know, what is the point of your new constitution? "

After hearing Ai Julian's translation, all the officials behind Li Jing were in an uproar. Yuan Shu was about to reprimand him, but seeing Li Jing wave his hand, Yuan Shu immediately stopped his words.

Smiling, Li Jing said: "Hello, respectful Mr. Fei Ma, I am very glad that you can speak up about this question, and I am also happy to answer this question for you."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Mr. Fei Ma, you are a lawyer. You should know that when this constitution is introduced, we have established a new system. But the establishment of a new system will definitely Harm the interests of the established forces, and the established forces are bound to resist the new system.

Generally speaking, conflicts between old and new forces in a country and even conflicts of interests are very prone to wars. In order to avoid wars, I can only rely on power to implement a new system, which is the dictatorship you just mentioned.

In addition, Mr. Ferma, you should know that there are many things that we cannot consider in every detail. I can tell you without any concealment that the new system we have formulated still has many imperfections, and we are slowly groping for it.

What we have to do is to correct it as soon as we find something wrong.But at this time, there must be a powerful person in charge. In this regard, I think I should do my part. "

After Ai Julia finished translating, when Ferma finished digesting his words, Li Jing asked with a smile, "I wonder if Mr. Ferma is satisfied with my answer?"

Ferma hurriedly said: "Honorable Prime Minister, thank you very much for clarifying my doubts. You are really a wise and courageous political leader. Compared with you, our nobles in France are really far behind. I believe Under your leadership, the Ming Empire will grow stronger and stronger."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Fei Ma, for your compliment. You are a lawyer who is proficient in the laws of the Kingdom of France. I look forward to our two countries being able to learn from each other in terms of law."

Fei Ma smiled and said: "Honorable Prime Minister, I heard that your country has an Academy of Sciences, and I would like to communicate with scientists in your country."

Li Jing couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, lawyers communicating with scientists?What to communicate?
Seeing Li Jing's puzzled expression, a middle-aged man in his forties stepped forward and said, "Dear Prime Minister, you may not know that although Mr. Fei Ma is a lawyer, his greater interest lies in mathematics. , Mr. Fermat spends his spare time studying mathematics, and his attainments in mathematics are more advanced than many people who study mathematics professionally."

"Amateur mathematician?" Li Jing couldn't help thinking when he heard this.

As a person of later generations, Li Jing knew that there was a great amateur mathematician in France in the [-]th century. Later generations called him the king of amateur mathematicians, but Li Jing couldn't remember the name of this person.

If this person is Pierre.Germany.Fei Ma, then this time I really found a treasure.

Restraining the surprise in his heart, Li Jing looked at the person in front of him: "What is the name of this gentleman?"

"My name is René. René. Descartes," said the man.

Hearing this name, Li Jing felt his head thump.

If Li Jing doesn't remember Pierre, an amateur mathematician.Germany.Ferma's name, then René.Descartes's name is known to him. As long as there are people who have studied in high school in future generations, almost no one does not know this person's name. Students who don't know Descartes don't study hard.

rene.Descartes is a world-renowned scientist and is hailed as the ancestor of modern science by later generations. Because he formulated the geometric coordinate system, Descartes is known as the father of analytic geometry, which is a high school course.

Descartes is also the founder of modern Western philosophical thought, the pioneer of modern materialism, and put forward universal doubts. His philosophical thought deeply influenced the subsequent generations of Europeans. Hegel called him modern the father of philosophy.

Descartes was also a physicist. The law of conservation of motion created by him laid the foundation for the law of conservation of energy. Descartes was also a biologist and a thinker.

"Geometry", "Methodology", and "Metaphysical Meditations" are representative works of Descartes.

But Li Jing really couldn't believe that this Descartes was the world-famous great scientist later, because Li Jing didn't believe that a scientist like Descartes would take so long to travel across the ocean to Daming.

Looking at Descartes, Li Jing pondered for a while and asked, "Is Mr. Descartes studying geometry?"

Descartes smiled and said, "I am very interested in geometry. I have been studying geometry for many years. I published a book "Geometry" last year, which can be regarded as my opinion on geometry."

Li Jing nodded silently, the scientist who is famous in the future is the person in front of him.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Li Jing looked at Descartes with a smile and said, "What is the purpose of Mr. Descartes coming to Daming?"

Descartes asked without answering: "I wonder if the Prime Minister thinks that the universe is centered on the sun, or that the universe is centered on the earth?"

After hearing Descartes' question, Li Jing immediately understood why Descartes came to Daming.

During this period, the heads of state and religious leaders of many countries in Europe were held by one person, or the heads of state obeyed the orders of the Holy See, and the national laws were based on religious teachings, that is, in the country of the Communist Party, the political power is equal to controlled by the Holy See.

(End of this chapter)

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