Chapter 641
Kong Yinzhi turned pale when he heard the words, bowed to Li Jingchang, and begged in a low voice: "Mr. Xingguo, you are also a scholar, please look at the face of the ancestors and the most holy teachers, don't let me make a fool of myself in public. I admit all the sins, and all the sins are borne by me alone."

Li Jing looked at Kong Yinzhi with great interest and said, "Oh? You have pleaded guilty now? What are you afraid of? Yes, you are afraid that spreading these things will insult the saint's lintel and tarnish Duke Yansheng's reputation."

Sighing slightly, Li Jing continued: "It's a pity that you pleaded guilty too late. Originally, you should plead guilty earlier, and I would save some face for the Kong family, but now these scholars want to ask me for an explanation. If I don’t explain it clearly to these scholars, they will think that I intend to insult the saint.”

"Save some face for the Kong family? Li Jing, what are you going to do?" Kong Yinzhi asked in shock.

Li Jing shook his head, looked at Kong Yinzhi teasingly and said, "Kong Yinzhi, you said that if you were not a direct descendant of the most holy master and took over the title of Lord Yansheng, what would you do? During this time So many things have happened, what I want to do, you only need to think about it carefully."

Seeing Kong Yinzhi's confused face, Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "I don't think you can do anything other than greed for money and fear of death. Oh, you value the reputation of Duke Yansheng quite a bit. Seeing your son being killed, you don't know what to do." It’s a good thing to refuse to admit that you are guilty, I have never seen many people like you, such a ruthless, shameless person like you is really in the same line as your ancestors who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country.”

Saying that, Li Jing stretched out his thumb.

Hearing Li Jing's sarcasm, Kong Yinzhi was furious: "Li Jing, it doesn't matter if you insult me, but how dare you insult Kong's ancestors!"

As soon as Kong Yinzhi finished speaking, there was an uproar among the literati and students who had just entered the hall, who didn't know the truth. Immediately, someone asked Li Jing why he insulted the ancestors of Yan Shenggong.

Li Jing didn't defend himself, just looked at everyone with a smile.

After everyone finished yelling, Li Jing smiled and said: "Everyone came at the right time, and asked at the right time. Then I will tell you how many people in the Kong family defected to the enemy and betrayed the country, in order to attack Duke Yan Sheng."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "The Kong family has been entrusted with Marquis since the Han Dynasty. During this period, I don't know how many dynasties and people were entrusted. Due to the long history, many historical facts are unclear, so I will not talk about these people. Now, lest you say that I slander the ancestors of the Kong family, I will only talk about what happened after the Kong family was named Yan Shenggong. I remember that the Kong family was named Yan Shenggong, it seems to be during the reign of Song Renzong? I can't remember, who can tell me?"

"Song Renzong Zhihe two years." A student called out.

Li Jingting nodded and said: "Yes, it was the second year of Song Renzong Zhihe, and this title has been passed down since Song Renzong made Yan Shenggong.

Ordinarily, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty conferred such a great title on the Kong family, so the Kong family should be loyal to the Song Dynasty, right?Not to mention that Confucius taught people to pay attention to loyalty and filial piety, but whoever conferred such a high title should not betray the Song Dynasty.

But this is not the case. After the battle of Jingkang, Zhao Song was forced to the south by Jin Guo, and Shandong was occupied by Jin Guo.Hehe, in order to keep Yan Shenggong's title, he didn't even want the face of his ancestors.

After several decades, Meng Yuan rose up and destroyed Jin Guo. What was the name of Yan Shenggong at that time? Yes, it was called Kong Yuanyong.After Kong Yuanyong surrendered to Meng Yuan, he was named a great general, good guy, great general!Lead the army to fight!I don't know how many of us Han people died under his butcher's knife.Later, Kong Yuan was used in the battle to suppress the Han resistance forces, but unfortunately died in the army.

Who is the successor? It seems to be Kong Yuancuo, Kong Yuanyong's brother, right?

Later, in order to please the Mongolian Emperor Kublai Khan, the Confucian family sent people to meet Kublai Khan. I remember they sent the great Confucian scholars Zhang Dehui and Yuan Haowen.The two knelt down and asked Kublai Khan to be appointed as the great master of Confucianism.

I was wondering, how many Chinese characters do you think Kublai Khan knew?Can he understand the meaning of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust, loyalty, forgiveness, filial piety and fraternity advocated by Confucius?The great master of Confucianism?Barbarians like Kublai Khan are shameless, but why are the people of the Kong family so shameless?
I'm not making up nonsense, it's all historical, and it's not that old.

Kong Yinzhi, I wonder if the two people I just mentioned are your ancestors?Or that you don't have these two people in the family tree of the Kong family?I remember that in your family tree, there are biographies of the people who served as Yan Shenggong, right?
Meng Yuan occupied our Han country for more than [-] years. After that, there were several members of the Kong family who were named Yan Shenggong by Meng Yuan. I can’t remember so many names. I only remember one named Kong Zhen and the other named Kong Zhi. right?

Let me not say that the ancestors of the Confucian family betrayed the Great Song Dynasty, but that the people of the Confucian family used the doctrine of saints to preach and preach for foreigners to occupy our Han people. I don’t know how the most holy master would feel when he knew that his descendants had done such a thing?

You said that I insulted the ancestors of the Confucian family. I doubt whether Confucius, the old man, would admit that these people are his descendants when he learns that his descendants have done these things. "

Li Jing talked eloquently, with extreme sarcasm and sarcasm in his words. When it came to Kong Yuanyong's unfortunate death in the army, Zhu Youjian, Ma Wu and others couldn't help but burst out laughing. When they got a few words, they couldn't help laughing. If they were not afraid of interrupting Li Jing's speech, they would have laughed out loud.

After Li Jing finished speaking, seeing that everyone in the hall was speechless to refute, Zhu Youjian suppressed his laughter, coughed twice and said, "Brother Li, let me say a few words."

Li Jing smiled and bowed and said, "Please, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty?" Seeing that Li Jing bowed to him and called him His Majesty, everyone in the hall was shocked when they heard the words, and hurriedly looked at Zhu Youjian, seeing that although Zhu Youjian was dressed plainly, he couldn't hide the aura of a superior person no matter what Suddenly, everyone reacted suddenly, Hula Laqiqi fell to his knees and shouted: "Long live the emperor."

Zhu Youjian smiled, but didn't let everyone get up.

It's no wonder that the emperor of the old Zhu's family didn't have a good impression of literati, especially Zhu Youjian, who had been the emperor for so many years, had suffered from this group of people, especially the aversion to those literati who were old-fashioned. The scenery can be said to be more than that.

In the past, Zhu Youjian had nothing to do with those ministers. After all, he couldn't let the ministers kneel and talk all the time. Now these people are just ordinary people, and they still come to make trouble. If you don't torment them, I really feel sorry for the food I have eaten all these years. suffering.

Coughing twice, Zhu Youjian said: "The Master said, a person with lofty ideals is a benevolent person. He does not seek to live to harm benevolence, but kills himself to achieve benevolence."

Turning around and pointing to the statue of Confucius behind him, Zhu Youjian said: "Sage Kong's words must be recited by everyone backwards, right? But many people don't seriously understand the meaning of the saint.

What does this sentence mean?This sentence means that people with lofty ideals and benevolent people do not harm their benevolence by being greedy for life and fear of death, but only by sacrificing their own lives to complete benevolence.

In later generations, there was a great sage who explained in detail the words of the sage Confucius. This person was Mr. Wang Yangming. How did Wang Yangming explain the way of the sage?I try to recite this article for everyone. "

After thinking for a while, Zhu Youjian cleared his throat, and then recited aloud:
"A sage is one who has a master in his heart, and he determines how perfect his heart is.

Husbands, lofty men and benevolent people all have the heart to determine the master and not be confused by selfishness. As a human being, at the time of death and life, I can only see that his request is not ashamed in my heart, but how can I be sympathetic to my body?This master is sympathetic to those who have no ambition and no benevolence in the world.

So to say this and show it, if you say: things in the world are impermanent, and the relationship between life and death is very great.There are inherently difficult people who can't avoid it, but seek to survive to harm benevolence; there are also those who see danger and give orders, and kill themselves to become benevolent.I have something to take from people with lofty ideals and benevolent people!
The husband's so-called people with lofty ideals take the weight of the general principles in their bodies, and their ambitions are noble and pure, and every time they think about it, they can plant a big disturbance in the world.

The so-called benevolent people know the wholeness of the virtues of heaven with their bodies, and the light of their minds and bodies must have the great integrity of chasteness in the world.

Those who are two people cannot be surprised by events, and cannot be seized by interests, and their death and life are not exhausted.

Therefore, Fang Yin, who is suffering from disasters, is inherently able to take refuge and seek perfection. However, in the face of disasters and self-avoidance, he can be safe in his body, but not in his mind.

The occasional value of the accident is inherently lucky and those who try to survive, but if things go wrong, my life will be perfect, and my benevolence will be lost.

What he does is only based on reason, if there is no opportunity to stand side by side, and if he is fatal, he will follow his will, and those who want to secure the chastity of the world will be regretful even if they die.

There is no potential for both, and those who sacrifice their lives to face disasters and use the way of the world to be good, even if they die, they will have no regrets.

When the country is overturned, it is dedicated to taming the patients who have been involved in the past. Its benevolence is also that they will go to them without avoiding them, and they will be willing to refuse them. It doesn't matter.

In the midst of upheaval and displacement, those who sacrifice their lives to give up peace and rest, their benevolence is also that they should be treated as if they are not intimidated, and they will treat them as if they are at home. Don't be sorry for life and death.

It is those who take my heart as the most important and my body as the least, and their generosity and fierceness are considered to be the strategy of benevolence.How sincere is it to look at all the hesitant and cowering things, and to be all in one moment?

To live with intention, but to save one's body as a burden, a man who calmly sacrifices justice and clearly distinguishes righteousness, is safe for the benevolent, and is also the decision of a man of lofty ideals. What's wrong?

It is to know what the people of lofty ideals do, and those without ambition in the world can be ashamed; to see what the benevolent people do, and the unkind people in the world can think about it. "

After Zhu Youjian finished reciting the whole article, Li Jing couldn't help cheering and said: "The emperor recited this article with a sense of righteousness, and deeply understood Mr. Yangming's lament for the decline of the literati at that time. It must be very gratifying to understand what he means.”

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Li is too much for the prize."

Turning his head to look at the people in the hall, Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "You are all people who have read a lot of poetry and books. I don't need to explain Mr. Yangming's article to you, right?"

After a pause, Zhu Youjian continued: "Sage Kong and Mr. Yangming expounded the way of benevolence, while Yasheng expounded the way of righteousness.

Mencius said: Life is what I want, righteousness is what I want.The two cannot be obtained at the same time, and those who sacrifice their lives for righteousness are also.

Kong Yinzhi, do you understand what these three sages said about the way of benevolence and righteousness? "

(End of this chapter)

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