Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 642 The Southern Sect and the Northern Sect

Chapter 642 The Southern Sect and the Northern Sect

Shaking his head, Zhu Youjian looked at Kong Yinzhi contemptuously: "With the style of your Kong family, you probably wouldn't understand the philosophies of these saints, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people in the Kong family who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country. Willing to be an eagle dog of a foreign race.

Kong Yinzhi, do you know that when the ancestors of your Kong family surrendered to Meng Yuan, we Han people still had a hero who was not moved by glory and wealth and who was not afraid of death.

Before his death, the hero left his last words: Confucius said to be benevolent, Meng said to take righteousness, only his righteousness is exhausted, so benevolent, read the books of sages, why?From now on, I have nothing to be ashamed of. "

Looking up at the crowd, Zhu Youjian raised his voice and asked, "Does anyone know who said this sentence?"

"Back to the emperor, that's what Wenshan Gong said." A literati replied.

Zhu Youjian nodded and said: "That's right, it is Wen Tianxiang Wenshan who has a righteous spirit in his chest, said that no one in life will die since ancient times, and kept his loyalty to reflect the history.

Kong Yinzhi, the ancestors of the Kong family defected to the enemy and betrayed the country, while Wen Shangong sacrificed his life for righteousness. Compared with Wen Shangong, the ancestors of the Kong family are superior and inferior. I don’t need to comment, right? "

Suddenly Zhu Youjian stretched out his halberd to point at the crowd, and reprimanded sharply: "And what about you? You claim to have read the books of sages, but you don't know the integrity of the country and the nation, and you even defend it like Kong Duancao, Kong Yuanyong, Kong Yuan Cuo et al., who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country, seem so shameless, ignorant of national integrity, and corrupt Confucians of the country's righteousness, how dare they argue with Xing Guogong in front of the most holy teacher seat in the Dacheng Hall.

Duke Xingguo worked hard to raise money and food to relieve the victims of the disaster, while Kong Yinzhi colluded with the county magistrate of Qufu to embezzle the food for the disaster relief. It seems that this kind of unfaithful, unfilial, benevolent, unrighteous, and shameless generation is not worthy of being called a saint. , How can I be worthy of being my Duke Yan of the Ming Dynasty!

Today, I issued a decree to cut off the title of Kong Yin Zhiyan Shenggong, and remove his ancestors Kong Duanyou, Kong Fan, Kong Zheng, Kong Yuanyong, Kong Yuancuo, Kong Zhiquan, Kong Zhen, Kong Zhi, etc. The title of Duke Yansheng conferred by Jin Guo and Meng Yuan.

In addition, Kong Xixue was conferred the title of Duke Yansheng by Meng Yuan, and later Taizu also named him Duke Yansheng of Ming Dynasty. It seems that people who don't know what loyalty is is not worthy of being Duke Yansheng. . "

Hearing Zhu Youjian's stern reprimand, Kong Yinzhi and a group of literati and students looked ashamed and kowtowed to the ground.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Li Jinglang said in a loud voice: "Come here, take off Kong Yinzhi's official uniform, and have a trial and conviction by the Si Yamen."

"Yes!" Xiao Wu replied.

Immediately, two guards were ordered to remove Kong Yinzhi's black yarn and python clothes and escort him out of the hall.

Then Li Jing said to the group of literati and students: "You should go back and read the books of sages and sages carefully. If you can't even tell right from wrong, then don't come out and embarrass the scholars."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing waved his hand to order everyone to retreat.

After everyone retreated, Li Jing ordered Xiaowu to send someone to Dongsheng Rice Shop to count the grain, and then went to the Confucian Mansion to check the money.

As for the housekeeper of the Confucian Mansion and the county magistrate of Qufu, Li Jing did not directly order the owls to show their heads to the public, but handed them over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for detailed investigation.

In fact, even if the investigation is not carried out, these two people will definitely be sentenced to death. The reason for the detailed investigation is to investigate whether they have done other things. It is self-evident from the conduct of these two people and the Kong family. Unjust, false and wrongly decided cases must be indispensable. If Li Jing killed these two people directly, it would be difficult to investigate the previous cases in Qufu.

Without the interference of Kong Yinzhi, the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate will be able to investigate the cases in Qufu County over the years. It can be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment.

In fact, Li Jing did not have the energy to deal with the old cases in Qufu.

After Kong Yinzhi took the title of Duke Yansheng, Li Jing still has countless things to deal with.

First of all, the evil deeds of Kong Yinzhi and the Kong family must be made known to the world, otherwise, those literati will definitely make trouble if they don't know the truth.

Secondly, Kong Yinzhi was taken down, and the title of Lord Yansheng was vacant. Some courtiers and some literati must ask the court to confer another member of the Confucius family as Lord Yansheng.

And Li Jing didn't plan to confer the title of Duke Yan Sheng again.

If the canonization continues, what Li Jing has done in the past few months will be meaningless.

However, there must be a reason for not conferring Duke Yansheng. After all, a title that has been passed down for hundreds of years cannot be cancelled.To cancel the title of Lord Yansheng must be reasonable and convincing.

That is to say, in the future, we must intensify the propaganda of public opinion, to spread the deeds of the descendants of the Confucius family all over the world, and to let everyone know how unworthy the descendants of Confucius are.

Of course, Li Jing wouldn't kill all the members of the Kong family, let alone kill them all.After all, the Kong family still has a lot of talents, and many of them have inherited the teachings of their ancestors. For such people, Li Jing should still use them.

In addition, if Kong Jiayan Shenggong's title is revoked, the original imperial court's rewards will be withdrawn, including Yanshenggong's mansion and the fields awarded to the Kong family by the imperial court before.

This raises a question, without the royal salary, without the land bestowed by the court, how will the people of the Kong family live?These are all issues that Li Jing has to consider.

And the most crucial point is to worship Confucius.

Confucius is the sage and philosopher of the Chinese nation, and his thoughts are the treasures of the Chinese nation. In order to inherit Confucius' thoughts, the ceremony of worshiping Confucius must never be abolished.This is not only a family matter of the Kong family, but also a state matter.

So how can we separate family affairs from state affairs?After all, on Confucius' birthday, the Confucian family would also go to the Confucian Temple to worship Confucius. Li Jing couldn't stop this.

Therefore, Li Jing has many things to consider, and there are two things that Li Jing needs to solve immediately.

The first is the Confucius Memorial Ceremony to commemorate the birthday of Confucius next month.

In the past, the Confucian Memorial Ceremony in Qufu was presided over by Yan Shenggong, but now Yan Shenggong Kong Yinzhi has been taken down, so the person who will host it will have to be carefully considered.

The second thing is that Kong Yinzhi, the Duke of Yansheng, was taken down, and the Kong family had no leader. Such a family with great influence on scholars all over the world must not be chaotic. A respected person from the Kong family must be elected as the patriarch immediately.

Back at the Qufu County Government, Li Jing ordered people to find the family tree of Kong, and looked at it carefully.

Zhu Youjian couldn't help wondering when he saw it: "What are you doing looking at this?"

Li Jing smiled wryly and told Zhu Youjian his thoughts.

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said, "Actually, I have someone to choose."

"Oh, who?" Li Jingwen asked hurriedly.

"Kong Zhenyun." Zhu Youjian said.

"Ah? Kong Zhenyun is from the Kong family?" Li Jingqi asked.

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "Hehe, Kong Zhenyun is the 63rd generation grandson of Confucius, and his seniority is still higher than that of Kong Yinzhi. However, Kong Zhenyun belongs to the southern sect of the Confucian family, so let him be the head of the Confucian family, fearing that the northern sect will not accept it. "

"Why is the Confucian family still divided into the southern sect and the northern sect?" Li Jingqi asked.

Zhu Youjian smiled and shook his head: "Brother Li, it seems that you are only focusing on the Northern Sect of the Kong family, and you don't even know that there is another branch of the Kong family in the south."

Hearing this, Li Jing immediately became interested, and poured Zhu Youjian a cup of tea: "Let's listen."

Zhu Youjian took the tea cup with a smile: "Actually, the branch of the Kong family has to be talked about from the Song Dynasty. After Jingkang was in trouble, Yanshenggong Kong Duanyou took his family to move south with Song Gaozong and settled in Quzhou, Zhejiang. Kong Duanyou and his descendants were killed. Zhao and Song Dynasty conferred the title of Duke Yansheng, while Kong Decao took the Kong clan from Shandong to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Jin and served as Duke Yansheng of the Kingdom of Jin. So far, the Kong family was divided into two sects.

In fact, it’s no wonder you don’t know Nanzong. After Meng Yuan destroyed Zhao and Song Dynasties, Yuan Shizu called Kong Zhu, the sage of Nanzong, to Beijing, and wanted him to return to Qufu to enshrine him. Kong Zhu shunned his predecessor’s tomb in Quzhou Unable to bear to leave, he gave way to Kong Zhi, the elder brother of Qufu.

Because Nanzong lost his title and his status declined day by day, he was once as wretched as a rascal, and was gradually forgotten.

Until the 18th year of Hongzhi, that is, the year when Emperor Xiaozong died, the prefect of Quzhou played Emperor Xiaozong, hoping to confer the doctor of Five Classics of the Imperial Academy on one of the descendants of Kong Duanyou, and support the family temple sacrifice.After Emperor Wuzong (Zhengde) succeeded to the throne, Kong Yansheng, the successor of Kong Duanyou, was granted the title of Doctor of the Five Classics, which was hereditary from descendants.Kong Zhenyun is the descendant of Kong Yansheng and the current patriarch of the Southern Sect of the Kong family. "

Li Jing was overjoyed when he heard the words: "In this way, Kong Zhenyun is allowed to be the patriarch, and with Kong Zhenyun's reputation and status as the patriarch of the Kong family, no one dares to object."

"But the tombs of Kong Zhenyun's ancestors are all in Quzhou. I'm afraid he won't be the patriarch." Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "That's Kong Zhu's excuse for refusing to be Meng Yuan's Duke Yan Sheng. How about this, let me talk to Kai Zhong (Kong Zhenyun's word) and hear what Kai Zhong means."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "Brother Li, how could he refuse what you talked to Kong Zhenyun?"

Li Jing smiled: "Kai Zhong has a dignified character and is not afraid of power, so he wouldn't listen to me like that."

Zhu Youjian smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid it was like this before, but I'm afraid it won't be the case now. Brother Li, everyone has seen the changes that have taken place in Ming Dynasty in the past two years. People who didn't understand Brother Li before, now Everyone began to agree with Brother Li's actions, including Kong Zhenyun, they all admired Brother Li extremely."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's still early, I estimate that it will take another 20 years for Ming Dynasty to become truly strong."

Zhu Youjian laughed and said, "Twenty years is not too long."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

After taking a sip of tea lightly, Li Jing continued: "Your Majesty, if Kai Zhong is appointed as the patriarch of the Kong family, Kai Zhong will preside over the grand ceremony for worshiping Confucius next month. What official position is more suitable."

Zhu Youjian pondered and said: "The official position in charge of the sacrificial ceremony is usually not high. Kong Zhenyun is now the Guozijian's sacrificial wine, and the grade is from the fourth grade, which is much higher than that of the sacrificial officer. Presiding over the sacrificial ceremony in the name of the name is justified."

Li Jingjing nodded: "The Minister of Education separated from the Ministry of Rites has always been held by Yuan Shu. I think we can let Kai Zhong take over this position, and give Kai Zhong the title of minister of the Ministry of Rites. What do you think?"

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "I won't comment on the specific appointment."

Li Jing smiled, raised his teacup and reported to Zhu You.

(End of this chapter)

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