Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 648 On the Tao

Chapter 648 On the Tao
Li Jing fished just for peace of mind, he didn't care if he caught fish or not, Li Jing was not in a hurry if the fish didn't take the bait, he just sat still.

After sitting there for some time, Li Jing suddenly felt someone approaching gently beside him. Li Jing turned around and saw Xiao Jiu and a Taoist priest coming behind him.

Seeing Li Jing turn around, Xiao Jiu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Marshal, this is the real Yunyangzi I was talking about."

Li Jing put down the fishing rod, got up and cupped his hands: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that the real Yunyangzi was coming, and Li Jing was far away to meet him. Forgive me, forgive me."

The Taoist clasped his fists together and made a salute: "Don't dare to be a real person. The commander-in-chief rarely has leisure. It's a crime for a poor Taoist to disturb you."

Li Jing smiled: "It was Li Jing's fault that Daoist Daoist labored and disturbed Daoist Qingxiu."

As he said that, Li Jing made a gesture to the pavilion: "Really, please sit down, Xiao Jiu, pour tea for the real person."

"Thank you, Marshal." Yunyang Zi Jishou said.

When he came to the pavilion and sat down, Li Jing took the teacup from Xiaojiu's hand and handed it to Yunyangzi, then said with a smile: "The real person is immortal, Li Jing's eyes are clumsy, I really can't tell the real person's age, I don't know how long the real person will live this year? "

Yun Yangzi thanked him, took the teacup, put it on the table casually, and said with a smile: "The poor are no more than the people in the mountains, how can there be any sense of immortality? This year, I am sixty-seven years old."

Li Jing nodded slightly, and it was clear from just a few words of conversation that this Yunyangzi was not a flamboyant person.

Picking up the teacup and raising it, Li Jing said with a smile, "Tea, please, Daoist."

Yun Yangzi said politely, but he didn't pick up the teacup, but looked at Li Jing seriously. After watching for a while, Yun Yangzi sighed: "The general's physical condition doesn't seem to be very good."

Xiaojiu heard the words and said: "Yes, yes! My commander-in-chief has been busy with government affairs all day long these years. Basically, he only goes to bed after midnight ([-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.) every day, and in the morning it is less than [-] o'clock ( I wake up at five o'clock in the morning, and often forget to eat the busy meals.

This time there was a locust plague in Shandong and Henan, and the commander-in-chief couldn't even sleep well, and his health was not as good as before. "

Yun Yangzi nodded silently: "Marshal, can you stretch out your hand, and Pindao can give you a pulse?"

Li Jing stretched out his hand with a smile: "Really, what Xiao Jiu said is a bit too much, I'm not so desperate."

Yunyangzi smiled and said nothing, just put his hand on Li Jing's wrist, and silently felt his pulse.

After a long time, Yunyang Zifang let go of his hand and said, "The commander-in-chief's pulse is weak and weak, and the energy in his heart is somewhat insufficient. It can be seen that the commander-in-chief's spleen and stomach are not very good. In addition, the commander-in-chief's pulse is strong in floating and weak in the middle, which shows that the commander-in-chief Shuai's hard work is insufficient, but his spirit is fair."

When Xiao Jiu heard the words, she said urgently: "I don't know if the real person has any way to help my handsome man recuperate. We don't want to live forever, we just want to live a hundred years.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Don't listen to his nonsense! Longevity, birth, old age, sickness and death are all predestined, how can it be changed by manpower?
Yun Yangzi smiled and shook his head: "My generation of cultivators seek to prolong life and become immortals. Although there are very few people who have truly attained Tao, prolonging life is not a problem."

"What's the way? Tell my commander-in-chief to know." Xiao Jiu said anxiously.

Yunyangzi smiled: "There are countless ways to practice in my Taoist school. Some people divide Taoism into four kinds of cultivation methods, namely: movement, stillness, art, and flow. Some people divide Taoism into five categories, namely mountains, Medicine, fate, physiognomy, divination.

In fact, no matter how you divide it, the general meaning is the same.

Shan refers to bait, meditation, martial arts and other methods, which are similar to the previous two techniques of movement and stillness.Food food refers to practice by taking tonic or elixir, meditation refers to practice through meditation, chanting, meditation, and controlling one's energy and spirit, and martial arts refers to practice of boxing skills.

Medicine refers to the use of prescriptions, acupuncture, spiritual therapy and other methods to treat people's diseases, so as to achieve the effect of prolonging life.Ming refers to inferring the fate of people, seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck.Physiognomy is what the common people call looking at the face, looking at feng shui.Bu refers to divination, choosing auspiciousness, and measuring the situation.These three cultivation methods are similar to the two techniques of Shuliu.

But no matter how they are divided, these methods can help people prolong their lives. I wonder which aspect the commander is interested in? "

Xiao Jiu couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "Reverend Yunyang, this is fortune-telling, fortune-telling and fortune-telling, can it prolong life?"

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "You talk about fortune-telling and fortune-telling, what is fortune-telling about? Is it to seek good fortune and avoid evil? If you can seek good fortune and avoid evil, you will naturally prolong your life."

Xiao Jiu shook her head again and again: "How can my master learn these things? Isn't that a swindling quack?"

Yun Yangzi smiled and said, "Fortune-telling and fortune-telling, fortune-telling and fortune-telling are not bluffs. But you are right, these should be things that our Taoists should do, and it is really not appropriate for the commander-in-chief to learn this."

Xiao Jiu continued: "It's useless for my handsome man to study medicine! You can't let my handsome man treat others to save people, right? This has nothing to do with strengthening your body and prolonging your life, right?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Xiao Jiu, you don't understand the generality of Yunyang Master's words. The medical skills mentioned by Taoism are not the same as those of doctors. This kind of medicine should be called surgery."

Yun Yangzi smiled and said, "It's still the Commander who understands."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "But Xiao Jiu is right. I only want to strengthen my body. As for whether I can prolong my life, or even live a hundred years, I don't think about it. Therefore, there is no need to learn these Taoism."

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "Then the commander-in-chief should learn the word of the mountain? In fact, if we who are Taoists want to become immortals, the main thing we need to practice is the word of the mountain."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled and said, "You can become immortal by taking pills? There are countless emperors in the past who pursue longevity, but who can live forever? Let alone become immortal after attaining Taoism? Not to mention the emperors of all dynasties, there are people who are true practitioners of Taoism." How many have attained enlightenment and become immortals?"

Yunyangzi said with a smile: "In fact, Taoism and Buddhism have a lot in common. They both pay attention to enlightenment. If you can't understand, you can't get the Tao. It's really not that easy for ordinary people in my generation to realize the Tao. There are not many people who know the way.”

"Then you said so much just now, isn't it nonsense?" Xiao Jiu asked anxiously.

"Don't be rude!" Li Jing glared at Xiao Jiu.

Turning to look at Yunyangzi, Li Jing said with a smile: "Children are ignorant, and their words are meaningless. I hope the real person will not be offended."

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "It's okay, brother Jiu is simple-minded, just a man of temperament."

Li Jing smiled: "Reverend Yunyang, I think there is some truth in using martial arts to keep fit. Why don't you teach me some martial arts?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that the martial arts I taught the commander-in-chief may not suit the commander-in-chief." Yun Yangzi laughed.

"I just want to strengthen my body, and I don't have anything wrong with it." Li Jing smiled.

Yunyangzi said: "My Wudang martial arts is also called Neijiaquan, which focuses on nourishing and training qi. Therefore, practicing Wudang boxing is very important, and the commander-in-chief of the government has millions of troops, so he needs to be decisive. , but this conflicts with my Wudang boxing technique."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm taking the liberty, I'm not a member of Wudang sect, presumably Wudang boxing is not passed on to outsiders."

Yun Yangzi hurriedly said: "Although Wudang has this rule, how can the commander-in-chief be an ordinary person, how can he be bound by this rule? It is really because the position of the commander-in-chief is not suitable for practicing Wudang boxing."

Hearing this, Li Jing lowered his head and pondered for a while, then looked up at Yunyangzi and said, "Is the real person trying to tell me something?"

"Don't dare, dare not, what virtue can you do if you are poor, how dare you warn the commander-in-chief?" "Yunyangzi said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Reverend Yunyang, forgive Li Jing for speaking bluntly, the real person will never come to Beijing this time just to teach Li Jing to strengthen his body and prolong his life. If it is for this reason, Li Jing has not summoned the real person for several months. Walked away."

Yun Yangzi hurriedly said: "Commander, there are many people who study Taoism in the world who want to see him but can't get it. Now that the poor Taoist has this opportunity, he naturally doesn't want to miss it."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Youdao means that real people don't tell lies in front of them, and real people in Yunyang don't need to hide anything, just say what you want."

Yun Yangzi pondered for a while and said: "How dare the commander-in-chief conclude that the poor have something to say to the commander-in-chief?"

Li Jing smiled: "I don't know if the real person knows that the Yuan Taizu summoned the Quanzhen Taoist Qiu Chuji back then."

"Hehe, how can a poor man not know about this? It was at the summoning of Genghis Khan that the Quanzhen sect of Qiu Zhenren sprang up in the north." Yunyangzi laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said, "The Master Yunyang must know why Genghis Khan summoned Qiu Chuji. How similar are these situations? Back then Genghis Khan wanted to live forever, so he summoned Qiu Chuji to ask.

Now my subordinates are also looking for someone to ask, by chance, my subordinates found Master Yunyang, how could Master Yunyang miss this opportunity?So if Master Yunyang doesn't want to tell me something, I don't believe it at all.

In fact, Yunyang's rhetoric is very similar to that of Qiu Chuji back then, the only difference is that the real person didn't tell me the subtle truths like Qiu Chuji did. "

Yun Yangzi sighed lightly and said: "The commander-in-chief is very accurate in seeing things, which is beyond the reach of others. What the commander-in-chief said is good, and Pindao really has something to say to the commander-in-chief."

After a pause, Yun Yangzi smiled wryly and said: "It's just that the commander-in-chief's stability is beyond human reach. If others saw the poor Taoist, they would have been eager to ask about the method of longevity, but the commander-in-chief didn't move, so he is poor." Dao pointed out that the commander-in-chief was in poor health, and the commander-in-chief was not in a hurry to ask, so Pindao couldn't say anything even if he had something to say."

Li Jing smiled: "Hehe, then I will ask now, and if Master Yunyang has anything to say, just say it."

Yunyangzi smiled wryly and said: "Since the Marshal came to power, the imperial court began to pay less attention to Taoism. Pindao originally wanted to talk to the Marshal so that the Marshal valued Taoism and supported Taoism."

Li Jing nodded slightly, and suddenly said with a smile: "Do you think that I value the Catholicism of the barbarians when you see churches being built in various places? Are you worried that Taoism will not be valued from now on?"

Yun Yangzi smiled wryly, "I really have this idea."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Master Yunyang doesn't need to worry. I don't value any religion in my heart. If I want to say that I value it, Taoism is the one I value most."

Seeing Yunyangzi's puzzled expression, Li Jing smiled and said, "I don't understand why? Then let me tell you, because Taoism is our traditional religion in China."

(End of this chapter)

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