Chapter 649
Smiling, Li Jing continued: "Although I don't think all Chinese things are good, I think that we should believe in the local religion, and Taoism is just born and bred in China."

Yunyangzi wondered: "Then why does the commander-in-chief support the Catholicism of the Yi people so much?"

"Hehe, because I need talents from foreigners, every time I build a church, they will send a group of missionaries over, and these missionaries are very knowledgeable. Daming needs such talents now." Li Jing said with a smile .

Yunyangzi nodded silently.

After a while, Yun Yangzi suddenly said: "Commander, let me teach you a method of calming your mind and nourishing your energy. After you learn this, you can learn the thirteen postures of Tai Chi."

"Tai Chi Thirteen Poses? I've heard that there is Sanfeng Tai Chi in Wudang, but I haven't heard that there are Tai Chi Thirteen Poses?" Li Jingqi said.

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "There are several kinds of Wudang Taijiquan. The Sanfeng Taijiquan that the commander just said was evolved from the thirteen postures by the disciples of the founder of Sanfeng, and it is the method of Wudang disciples' universal practice. But Taiji Thirteen It is indeed the treasure of Wudang Zhenshan, the secret method."

"So that's how it is." Li Jingwen was stunned.

However, Li Jing immediately asked in doubt: "But Master Yunyang taught me the secret method of Wudang, I'm afraid it's not appropriate?"

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "Pindao doesn't know much about government affairs, but he also knows that what the commander-in-chief does is for the revival of the Ming Dynasty and the well-being of the people, so the commander-in-chief must take care of his health, Wudang secret method Although it is heavy, what is it compared to the handsome body?"

Hearing this, Li Jing sighed, "Then I would like to thank Master Yunyang."

Yun Yangzi smiled, put the fly whisk on the table, and stood up: "Commander, actually the reason why the thirteen Taiji postures are called the secret method by Wudang is mainly because the method of breathing and exhaling is combined with the practice. , there is nothing surprising in terms of boxing alone. Pindao will demonstrate it to the commander first."

Hearing this, Li Jing hurriedly got up and stood to one side.

Yunyangzi said: "The thirteen postures of Taiji include starting posture, holding the ball posture, single pushing posture, exploring posture, supporting posture, rushing posture, carrying posture, dividing posture, cloud posture, transforming posture, double pushing posture, downward posture, Closing trend.

When punching, you need to push your neck in a spirit, push your back with your chest in your chest, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and put your tongue on top of your palate.

Movement and stillness are like needles hidden in cotton, which should be contained but not exposed; breathing should be opened and closed freely, rising and falling naturally, deep and slender, long and even, and the breath returning to the root. "

After finishing speaking, Yunyangzi slowly started to perform a set of thirteen Tai Chi postures from beginning to end.

When Yunyangzi stopped, Xiao Jiuqi said: "This set of boxing is so slow, what's the use if you fight with others?"

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Reverend Yunyang's boxing is for practicing Qi and health, but it's not for fighting people bravely."

Yun Yangzi nodded and smiled, "What the commander said is absolutely true."

Xiao Jiu asked suspiciously: "Since this set of boxing is the treasure of Wudang Zhenshan, the secret method can definitely be used in actual combat, but how can it beat people so slowly?"

Yun Yangzi smiled and said: "Wudang boxing belongs to internal boxing, which emphasizes using softness to overcome rigidity. Besides, how can we cultivators be so brave and ruthless? If we are not forced to, we will not hurt people."

Xiao Jiu laughed and said: "I don't believe how such a slow punch can overcome rigidity with softness, Master Yunyang, why don't we have a competition?"

"Don't be rude!" Li Jing scolded.

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "It's okay, Pindao will learn some tricks with brother Jiu."

Xiao Jiu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately took off the outer soap clothes, moved his hands and feet, and then said to Yunyangzi: "Really, the boy has heavy hands. If you confiscate and hurt the real person, I hope the real person will not blame you."

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "You have the ability to hurt a real person." "

Xiao Jiu didn't believe it, so after moving around for a while, she stood in front of Yunyangzi and said, "Be careful, real man, I'm about to strike."

Yun Yangzi smiled: "Please act."

Xiao Jiu shouted without hesitation, and punched Yun Yangzi directly in the chest.

This punch was as powerful as lightning, and Yunyangzi couldn't dodge it in time to hit his chest, but when the fist hit his chest, Yunyangzi's chest shrank slightly, and his body leaned back slightly with the punch, and stepped back a little. Half a step, then took a step forward, and then heard Xiao Jiu ouch.

Immediately, Yunyangzi put his left hand on Xiao Jiu's wrist to draw it to the right, and his right hand stretched out to Xiao Jiu's armpit, shaking slightly, Xiao Jiu immediately lost his footing, and fell to the ground with a snap.

Seeing this, Li Jing couldn't help applauding: "Good work!"

Yun Yangzi stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Jiu up, turned his head to look at Li Jing and said with a smile, "The commander-in-chief is laughing."

Xiao Jiu rubbed her wrist, and said with a confused face, "What's going on? I obviously hit your body, but why does it feel like I'm hitting cotton?"

Yun Yangzi smiled and said: "This is the mystery of internal boxing."

Xiaojiu said embarrassedly: "Please ask the real person for advice."

Yun Yangzi smiled and reached out his hand to Li Jing, who returned to the table with a smile and sat down.

Holding Fuchen in his hand from the table, Yunyangzi smiled and said to Xiaojiu: "Brother Xiaojiu, you are young and strong, but Pindao is already old, no matter what you do, you are not as fast as you, so your punch will kill me." You can't hide at all. But although Pindao's movements are not as fast as yours, the reaction in your heart is much faster than your movements. Just when your fist reaches your body, Pindao's body has already reacted, that is, follow the trend, unload Drop the power on your fists.

You punch hard, but you can't feel the force, and your body loses balance, which is like hitting Pindao's hand.Pindao can knock you down as long as he borrows your strength. "

"Ah? The real person used my strength to knock me down?" Xiao Jiu was surprised.

"Hehe, the poor are old and frail. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to compare strength with a young man like you? If you can't defeat you, you will be countered. Therefore, you must borrow your strength. .” Yunyangzi laughed.

Xiao Jiu hurriedly asked: "I just don't know how the real person borrows power?"

Yun Yangzi smiled and said: "This is a little tricky to talk about. First of all, you have to be stable yourself. If you are not stable, you will not only be unable to borrow your strength, but will be brought down by the strength of others. Secondly, when you borrow strength, your strength How to use it to achieve the effect."

Seeing Xiaojiu's confused face, Yunyangzi smiled and said, "Let's make an analogy with you, this round stone bench. I'll put it on the ground."

Speaking of which, Yun Yangzi lifted a stone bench and laid it flat on the ground, and then continued: "Little Brother Jiu, this stone bench won't move now, try pushing it lightly."

Xiao Jiu pushed lightly according to her words, and saw the stone bench move slightly forward.

Yunyangzi smiled, and slowly turned the stone bench, so that the stone bench rotated on the ground, and when the stone bench turned faster and faster, Yunyangzi smiled and said, "Little Brother Jiu, push it again now."

Xiao Jiu reached out to push the stone bench, not wanting to be taken aside by the rotating stone bench, Xiao Jiu was caught off guard and almost fell down.

Seeing this, Yun Yangzi smiled and said, "Do you understand? I didn't use much strength when I rotated this stone bench just now, it must be weaker than your strength to push it, but look, you still use the strength just now to push it at all. If you don't move it, you will almost be brought down by it.

This is what Pindao said just now, to stabilize oneself, and then skillfully use one's own strength, just like this rotating stone bench.When you punched me just now, Pindao used this method to remove your strength and push you down. "

"But I still don't understand how a real person can remove the power of my frontal punch." Xiao Jiu said.

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "This is the beauty of Taoist qi training. The heart moves freely, and the qi is in harmony with the spirit. Although the poor way is not as fast as your movements, the poor way's heart has already reacted. Your movements are Ten times faster and still the same result."

Xiao Jiu shook her head and smiled wryly, "It's too profound, I still don't understand."

Li Jing said with a smile: "If you understand, you won't be tricked."

Xiao Jiu scratched her head: "That's true."

Then Xiao Jiu said again: "Is this the exercise that the real person wants to teach my handsome?"

Yun Yangzi shook his head and said with a smile: "This is the top Qi training method of my Taoist school. It can't be done to this level within a few decades. The commander is busy with his affairs, so he might not be able to meditate and practice Qi all day long. If you do If you don't persevere, it's useless to learn.

What Pindao wants to teach the commander is the most basic method of breathing and exhaling, and then combine the thirteen Taiji postures to exercise. You can see how long it took Pindao to do this set of boxing just now. It only takes half an hour every morning and evening, as long as you persevere, you can achieve the purpose of strengthening your body, nourishing your energy and prolonging your life. "

Xiao Jiu was overjoyed when she heard the words: "It only takes half an hour every morning and evening to strengthen your body and prolong your life? That's great!"

Yun Yangzi smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Li Jing and said, "Marshal, my Taoist school emphasizes the naturalness of Taoism, so when you practice, you must be calm and let nature take its course. In addition, you must have righteousness in your heart and kind thoughts.

There is no doubt that the commander-in-chief is righteous, but the commander-in-chief is too ruthless, which is against the harmony of heaven and hinders the training of qi. I hope the commander-in-chief will be more benevolent in the future. "

Li Jing smiled, bowed and saluted and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Daoist, Li Jing is taught."

Seeing that Li Jing didn't take it seriously, Yun Yangzi sighed softly in his heart, then smiled and said: "My Wudang mentality has never been passed on to outsiders. Today, the poor way to pass on the exercises to the commander-in-chief can't fall into words, so the poor way I can only hang around here for a few days with the commander in chief."

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's easy to say, the real person will live in my mansion."

Yun Yangzi shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient for the poor to live in the Marshal's mansion."

"Oh?" Li Jing pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "The real person will live here. There is a loft here, and I will come here to rest in my spare time, just to ask the real person for advice."

Yun Yangzi looked at the attic, then looked around, and nodded with a smile: "The scenery here is pleasant, and it's the place to practice Qi. It's very good!"

Li Jing reached out and waved his hand in the direction of the attic: "I'll take the real person over there to have a look. Please, real person."

Yunyangzi waved his whisk, "Thank you, Marshal, to lead the way."

Li Jing smiled, turned to the guards and said, "If General Gao is here, invite him to the attic."

The guard hurriedly responded when he heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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