Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 651 Difficulties

Chapter 651 Difficulties
Yunyangzi originally wanted to decline, but Li Jing had accumulated a lot of power over the years, and the majesty of that kind of superior was really hard to object to.Moreover, Li Jing wanted to worship him as his teacher, Yun Yangzi couldn't help but feel secretly happy, and at the same time, Yun Yangzi felt that Li Jing's move might have other deep meanings, so Yun Yangzi hesitated for a moment, then kept silent.

After a while, the guard brought up a cup of tea. Li Jing first knelt down to Yunyangzi, kowtowed three times respectfully, and then took the teacup from the guard's hand to Yunyangzi.

Yun Yangzi took a sip from the teacup, put it back on the table, and hurriedly helped Li Jing up.

Gao Qi saw it and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Zhenren for accepting a virtuous apprentice, and congratulations to Marshal for having a famous teacher."

"The poor man has little talent and little learning, and the commander-in-chief worships the poor man as his teacher, which is really flattering the poor man." Yun Yangzi said hastily.

Li Jing smiled, and ordered Xiao Jiu to move a chair and sit next to Yun Yangzi.

Seeing Li Jing sitting next to him, Yun Yangzi couldn't help but nodded secretly. Li Jing's apprenticeship was not a show, so he was treating him like a disciple.

Gently patted Yunyangzi's hand, Li Jing smiled and said: "Master, although I didn't give you any official position, but you are my master, this title is enough to think about it, as long as Wudang makes good use of it, It is not impossible to become the leader of Taoism. But it depends on your own efforts, and I will not interfere."

Yun Yangzi suddenly realized when he heard the words, he smiled wryly and said, "The commander-in-chief is really kind."

"Hehe, master, that's not the right name for you. I'm your apprentice. You can just call me Jimin. Jimin is my name." Li Jing laughed.

Hearing the words, Yunyangzi pondered for a while and said: "The name is Jing, the word is Jimin, your wording is good! The scene is light, and the place illuminated by the light has a limit. It is also called Da Ye, Dao Ye. And the one who is a great way is nothing more than helping the world and keeping the people safe, and helping the people, the gentleman who gave you the word is a master!"

Li Jing nodded lightly: "My disciple's husband is Lord Jiehuan."

Yun Yangzi shook his head and sighed: "It turned out that he was a student of Lord Jie Huan, and Lord Jie Huan is also a member of my Taoist family. Unfortunately, Lord Jie Huan's talent for managing the world has not been reused, and he cannot realize his lifelong ambitions, nor has he It is a pity to see that you have granted his wish."

Li Jing sighed and said: "Sir, the old man has great expectations for his disciples, but unfortunately, the disciple is not talented, and he has not fulfilled his wish for more than ten years, and he has failed his old man's expectations."

Yun Yangzi shook his head and said with a smile: "Jimin is modest, since ancient times it is easy to start a business but difficult to maintain it, and it is even more difficult to save a country that is already unsustainable.

As a teacher, I have traveled all over the world over the years. I have heard and seen that Daming is already riddled with holes, the national strength is exhausted, and it is difficult to move forward. With foreign invasions and internal and external troubles, it is like a building that is about to collapse.

If you turned the tide under the situation of Ming Dynasty, even Zhuge Wuhou would be revived.If Jiehuan Gongquan knows that you have made such achievements, you must be glad to have such a good disciple like you. "

Li Jing shook his head: "Master has won the award, how can disciple He De take this praise? There are still many foreign troubles in Ming Dynasty, plus natural disasters every year, and the treasury is stretched. If we want to revive, there is a long way to go!"

"Is it easy to revive a country? I'm afraid it will take more than ten years of work, so you must take care of your health. Although teaching your exercises to the teacher will not make you become a fairy, but it can strengthen your body." , you must practice diligently." Yunyangzi said solemnly.

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "I understand. From tomorrow on, I will learn to meditate and practice Qi with Master."

"Then I won't bother you and the others to discuss business. I'll go fishing." Yun Yangzi laughed.

Li Jing smiled: "It's rare to have time today, let's go fishing together."

Yun Yangzi shook his head and said with a smile: "You can't catch fish like that at all, you need to make a nest if you want to fish."

"Hehe, I just want to be quiet when I go fishing, and I don't care whether I can catch fish or not. But master, you are a Taoist, why do you still fish?" Li Jing laughed.

"Hahaha, as a teacher, I belong to the Zhengyi sect, so I can't help but eat meat, but as a teacher, I seldom eat meat. Fishing is just fun," Yunyangzi laughed.

"So that's it, let's go fishing together." Li Jing said with a smile.

While speaking, the three of them left Shuiyun Pavilion.

When he was about to reach Shuiyun Pavilion, he suddenly saw a person rushing in front of him. Li Jing took a closer look, but it was Wang Chengen.

Seeing Wang Chengen coming, Li Jing couldn't help being very surprised.

Wang Chengen is usually not with Zhu Youjian, but in the factory, and has never looked for himself alone, so he doesn't know why he came to look for him today.

Seeing Li Jing from a distance, Wang Chengen hastily quickened his pace. Li Jing thought for a while, and said to Yunyangzi and Gao Qi: "Cheng En must have something important to see me, you go fishing first, and I will leave after I finish talking with Cheng En." come over."

Gao Qi frowned: "This eunuch, big brother rarely rests, why is he here to make trouble."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Cheng En has never looked for me alone, if there is no accident this time, why would he come here?"

Gao Qi nodded: "Then the real person and I will go first, and the eldest brother will come over after finishing the matter."

Li Jing nodded with a smile, waved to Wang Chengen, turned around and walked slowly towards Shuiyun Pavilion.

After a while, Wang Chengen trotted all the way to catch up.When Li Jing saw it, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Cheng En, how old are you? Why are you so urgent that you have to run over here? Let's take a breath and talk about it when we get to the attic."

"Thank you, Marshal." Wang Chengen said out of breath.

Li Jing smiled and said nothing, took Wang Chengen back to the study of Shuiyun Pavilion, and ordered the guards to bring tea.When Wang Chengen recovered, Li Jing smiled and said to Wang Chengen: "Chengen, why are you looking for me so urgently?"

Wang Chengen looked up at the guards, Li Jing understood and waved the guards to go out.

Seeing the guards go out, Wang Chengen lowered his voice and said, "It was Empress Yi'an who asked me to come to the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and then asked: "Why did Empress Yi'an ask you to pass the message? What happened?"

Wang Cheng'en said: "Empress Yi'an asked me to tell the commander-in-chief that the garment factory has a large backlog of military uniforms. If the logistics department does not pay, the garment factory will stop production."

"Why is production stopped? How many military uniforms are there in the garment factory?" Li Jing asked in surprise.

"About more than 20 sets, materials and labor, each cost nearly four taels of silver, the value of these 20 sets of military uniforms is close to 80 taels of silver." Wang Chengen said.

Li Jing was taken aback when he heard this: "80 taels? Why are there so many? Where did the garment factory get so much money to buy so many dyes for cloth?"

"Empress Yi'an borrowed money from Jingji Bank." Wang Chengen said hastily.

Li Jingwen nodded silently. After a while, he sighed softly and said, "It's my fault. I used that money to buy disaster relief food, but I didn't want to hurt the garment factory. Go back and tell Empress Yi'an." , just say that Luzon will send a sum of money to Beijing immediately, and when the money arrives, I will transfer the money to her immediately."

Wang Chengen nodded, looked at Li Jing, pondered for a while and said, "How long has it been since the commander-in-chief has seen Queen Yi'an?"

"It's been about three months, what's wrong?" Li Jing asked in surprise.

"More than three months? That should be it." Wang Chengen murmured.

Li Jing was surprised when he heard this: "What should it be?"

Wang Chengen smiled bitterly and said: "Commander, Empress Yi'an may be happy."

"What!" Hearing this, Li Jing felt a thunderbolt hit his head, and he didn't wake up for a long time.

After a while, Li Jingfang asked: "Cheng En, how did you know about this? Did Empress Yi'an tell you?"

Wang Chengen shook his head: "Marshal, how could Empress Yi'an tell me in person? The old slave has stayed in the palace for so many years, from the queen to the concubine, whether they are happy, the old slave doesn't need to ask the imperial doctor to know But Empress Yi'an is different from those people, and the old slave is also a little uncertain.

The reason why the old slave was sure that Empress Yi'an was happy was because she asked the old slave to tell the commander about the military uniform.It's not that there is no one around Empress Yi'an. There is no need to find the old slave for such a matter, but why didn't Empress Yi'an send those people? "

"That's because I'm afraid that others will see the clues, and she knows that you have always been loyal to me, and she won't spread the word even if she sees something, so she asked someone to find you and let you spread the word." Li Jing pondered.

"According to this old slave, Empress Yi'an probably wanted this old slave to disclose this matter to the commander-in-chief to see how the commander-in-chief is going to deal with this matter. Otherwise, the empress would not talk to me face to face." Wang Chengen said .

"It's not impossible." Li Jing nodded slightly.

Lightly tapping on the table, Li Jing frowned and began to think.

If Zhang Yan deliberately asked Wang Chengen to disclose the news to herself, it meant that Zhang Yan wanted to follow her own wishes. If she didn't want this child, then Zhang Yan would definitely find a way to get rid of this child.

But Zhang Yan is already 30 years old. If this child is gone, she may never have another child in the future. This is too cruel for Zhang Yan.

Seeing that Li Jing was silent for a long time, Wang Chengen suddenly said: "Commander, Empress Yi'an has kept this matter a secret, except for a few maids around her, no one should know about it. If the commander finds it difficult, the old slave Arrange for someone to dispose of this child."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't mess around, let me think about it."

"Marshal, this matter cannot be delayed. If it is delayed for a long time, I'm afraid it will be hard to hide it, because Queen Zhou will visit Queen Yi'an in her spare time. If Queen Zhou finds out, the consequences will be disastrous! "Wang Chengen said anxiously.

Li Jing shook his head, sighed softly, and said, "Chengen! You should know what it's like to be alone without descendants, and you should be even more clear about Queen Yi'an's situation. She is alone and helpless, how can I bear it?" Let her abort this child, if this child is gone, she will probably never have another child in the future."

"However, this matter is related to the reputation of Empress Yi'an, and it is even more related to your reputation, Commander-in-Chief. Compared with your reputation, a child is nothing!" Wang Chengen said anxiously.

Gently patted Wang Chengen's shoulder, Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "But this is my child too! Tiger poison doesn't eat its own children, no matter how ruthless I am, I can't attack my own child! Allow me to think about it, see See if there is any way, if there is a way, let's keep this child. With this child, Empress Yi'an can have a bright future in her future life."

(End of this chapter)

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