Chapter 652

Hearing this, Wang Chengen couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Wang Chengen went from a low-level eunuch to the position of the chief eunuch step by step. He was highly valued by Zhu Youjian and appreciated by Li Jing. It can be seen that Wang Chengen's ability to observe words and feelings, to figure out the best intentions, and even to judge the situation and deal with things is far beyond the ordinary. Can and.

Just now when Li Jing spoke, even if his expression changed a little, or his tone was a little indifferent, Wang Chengen would immediately arrange for someone to knock out the child in Zhang Yan's stomach without hesitation, and even Zhang Yan could be silenced together.

But Li Jing's tone and expression told Wang Chengen that Li Jing had no intention of silence.

Wang Chengen was quite surprised by this.

Wang Chengen had known Li Jing for quite a long time. When he first met Li Jing, Wang Chengen knew that he acted resolutely and killed decisively. Later, when Li Jing went to Beijing, he used thunderbolts to purge the imperial court. Wang Chengen was shocked by the ruthless killings.

Although Li Jing's ruling style began to change in the future and became more and more lenient, Li Jing's decisive style has not changed. You can tell by killing Kong Yinzhi's son.

In Wang Chengen's mind, Li Jing must find a way to kill the child in Zhang Yan's stomach, because this matter is related to Li Jing's political life. Once this news is released, it will be a shocking scandal. No matter how prominent you are, you have to resign and retire.

Wang Chengen never expected that Li Jing would leave this child with such an important relationship, and the reason for keeping this child was really ridiculous. It turned out to be to make Zhang Yan feel that life has a bright future, and to prevent Zhang Yan from having any regrets in life.

However, after learning that Li Jing wanted to let go of the child in Zhang Yan's womb, Wang Chengen heaved a sigh of relief.

Wang Chengen knew very well that if Li Jing didn't let Zhang Yan go, then after Wang Chengen silenced all the insiders who knew Zhang Yan was pregnant, it would be his turn to be silenced in the end.

Although Wang Cheng'en is not afraid of death, it does not mean that he is willing to die, especially for doing such a thing, he must be silenced for his meritorious service, so dying like this is really aggrieved.

Now that Li Jing wanted to let Zhang Yan go, he would naturally not kill Wang Chengen. If this kind of thing is going to be silenced, let it go together.

Thinking of this, Wang Chengen was terrified.

Zhang Yan is such a shrewd person. Wang Chengen knows very well that Wei Zhongxian, who is so powerful, will eventually fall under Zhang Yan's calculations. How can she handle this matter so easily?Zhang Yan asked him to report the news to Li Jing probably because of other intentions.

First of all, Zhang Yan is very aware of how powerful Li Jing is. Zhang Yan must know that she is pregnant and cannot hide it from Li Jing's eyes and ears, which means that Li Jing will know sooner or later.

Instead of letting Li Jing's people know and tell Li Jing later, she might as well tell Li Jing herself, so as not to make Li Jing fall into a passive position, and not make Li Jing think that she deliberately concealed it.

Now that she took the initiative to tell Li Jing about this, Li Jing must seriously consider how to treat Zhang Yan.

In fact, Li Jing had only two choices: one was to abort the child, kill the mouth of the insider, and eliminate future troubles.The second is to let Zhang Yan and the child in her stomach go, and try to hide it.

If it is a heartless and ungrateful person, then there is no doubt that he will adopt the first option, killing people and killing them, so as to prevent future troubles forever.

But Zhang Yan knew Li Jing very well. She knew that Li Jing was definitely not a heartless person. If Li Jing was heartless, he would not be able to achieve the position he is today.

Zhang Yan thought that Li Jing would be thinking about the friendship between the two, and Zhang Yan's help and loyalty to Li Jing would not silence her.And if she deliberately concealed it, Li Jing might become murderous instead.

Secondly, the acquaintance between Li Jing and Zhang Yan was caused by Wang Chengen unintentionally, and Wang Chengen could not get rid of this matter anyway.Zhang Yan told Wang Chengen the news in order to completely drag Wang Chengen into this matter.

If Li Jing wanted to silence him, Wang Chengen would definitely not be able to escape.If Wang Chengen didn't want to die, he had to find a way to help Zhang Yan.

Even if Li Jing ignored Wang Chengen, then Li Jing had to consider how to cover up the sudden death of so many people.

Zhang Yan was silenced, she could use the excuse of a sudden illness, but if Wang Chengen was added, the excuse of a sudden illness and death would not be justified.The more people died, the more suspicious points, the bigger the flaw.

In this case, it is easier to cover up the matter without killing people.

Thinking about this point, Wang Chengen couldn't help but smile wryly.Li Jing and Zhang Yan are both good people. If Zhang Yan can think of it, I am afraid that Li Jing will also think of it. Although he thought of it too, he is a bit late.

When dealing with these two people, you must carefully consider what their intentions are, otherwise, you will have to count the money for them if you are sold by them.

Of course, Wang Chengen was very relieved, because no matter what Li Jing thought in his heart, the decision he made in the end was a good ending for everyone.And it can be seen from it that Li Jing treats those close to him very humanely, or in other words, has some affection for his sons and daughters.

While Wang Chengen was thinking, he suddenly heard Li Jing say: "Chengen, if you want to hide this matter, Empress Yi'an must leave the capital, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide it from Empress Zhou's eyes."

Wang Chengen nodded: "Yes, Empress Zhou will visit Empress Yi'an in Xiyuan regularly. Although I can't see anything now, but after a long time, I can't hide it no matter what."

"Just thinking of a reason to let Empress Yi'an leave the capital?" Li Jing mused.

Hearing Li Jing muttering to himself, Wang Chengen suddenly knew that Li Jing hoped that he could help him think of a reason.

Although Wang Chengen is a member of Zhu Youjian, Li Jing has always regarded him very highly and cared for him, but Wang Chengen has not done anything for Li Jing. Now that Li Jing is in trouble, Wang Chengen can't stand by.

Ning Mei pondered for a while, Wang Chengen suddenly said: "Commander, there is a reason that is not a reason, I don't know if it is feasible."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Li Jing said.

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "Commander, Empress Yi'an has never gone home to visit her relatives since she entered the palace. In the past, Empress Yi'an would definitely not be able to go out of the palace to visit her relatives, but after the Marshal took power, many The rules have been changed, so it is not impossible for Empress Yi'an to go back to her mother's house."

Li Jing mused after hearing the words: "Going home to visit relatives is a reason to leave Beijing, but it will be difficult after leaving Beijing, because since it is going home to visit relatives, Queen Yi'an has to go back to her natal home and live in her natal home, so she is pregnant. The news of the news will be known to the family, and I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"Empress Yi'an is now running the Royal Garment Factory in Beijing, why don't you let the empress go to Shanxi to inspect the garment factory?" Wang Chengen continued.

Li Jing pondered for a while, then nodded lightly: "It's a good reason to go to Shanxi to inspect a garment factory, but who should accompany you?"

"If Madam is with you, no one else can rest assured." Wang Chengen blurted out.

Hearing Wang Chengen's suggestion to let his wife accompany him, Li Jing was startled for a while, then he patted his palm lightly and said, "That's right, let my wife accompany you, and let the second lady go back to Henan in the name of going home to visit relatives, and visit the garment factory in Shanxi by the way. After hearing the news, Empress Yi'an wanted to go to Shanxi with the second lady, so the reason was established. When she arrived in Shanxi, Empress Yi'an asked her to take care of her illness and stay in Shanxi for a few months."

"However, the commander-in-chief has to think carefully about how to explain to the second lady, and not let the second lady know the relationship between you and Empress Yi'an." Wang Chengen continued.

Li Jing smiled and said: "My two wives know about my relationship with Empress Yi'an."

"Ah? How did the two ladies know?" Wang Chengen was shocked when he heard this.

"Hehe, guess. Later, the two of them bluffed Empress Yi'an, and Empress Yi'an was flustered for a while, so she admitted it." Li Jing laughed.

"The two ladies are really amazing, you can guess this." Wang Chengen praised.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, you go back and inform Empress Yi'an quietly, and I will go back to the mansion and discuss it carefully with the two wives."

When Wang Chengen heard the words, he hurriedly said: "The old slave will leave."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

After Wang Chengen left, Li Jing was about to go back to his residence when he suddenly remembered that Gao Qi and Yun Yangzi were still fishing in Shuiyun Pavilion.

Patting his head lightly, Li Jing sighed and almost forgot about these two people. It seems that Zhang Yan's matter can only be discussed at home at night.

Going out and beckoning to Xiao Jiu, Li Jing took the guards and walked quickly to Shuiyun Pavilion.

When we arrived at Shuiyun Pavilion, Gao Qi said with a smile: "What have you been talking about for so long? Isn't it because the emperor has something to ask you to help? It seems that he is still in a hurry, that eunuch Wang Chengen greeted me and left in a hurry. "

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Cheng En is also busy now, the emperor has so many things pointed at him alone, and he is so busy that he doesn't even touch the ground."

Gao Qi smiled: "It's all the elder brother's fault. If the elder brother hadn't brought so much business to the emperor, Wang Chengen wouldn't have been so busy."

"No way, the signboard of the emperor is easy to use. The same factory, with the royal signboard, all the merchants flock to it. Hehe, did you know that the emperor's factories paid more than 4 taels of silver to the court last year, It pays more taxes than many businesses in Beijing. This is still in its infancy, and when the scale of the factory grows, the benefits will be even higher." Li Jing said with a smile.

"I don't think they made less money this time. Those Dutchmen were brutally slaughtered by you and the emperor this time." Gao Qi laughed.

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "What is slaughtering or not? It's so ugly to say, I'm doing business. What I sell is a signboard, and what I sell is rare and expensive!"

"Hehe, I just fooled those Dutchmen who don't know how to do it. If they know that the emperor still has a large amount of inventory, they will know that they have been deceived." Gao Qi laughed.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Your words have reminded me that the inventory of the emperor's ceramic factory must not be seen by the Dutch, otherwise, it will be difficult to do business in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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