Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 653 Li Jing's Worries

Chapter 653 Li Jing's Worries

Gao Qi said with a smile: "I don't understand business matters, anyway, what elder brother says is always good."

Li Jing smiled.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu walked up to Yunyangzi and said, "Really, did you catch any fish?"

Yun Yangzi smiled and said, "The fish haven't come so quickly in the nest just now."

Xiao Jiu smiled and said, "Since you didn't come over so soon, why don't you take advantage of this time to guide me?"

Yun Yangzi shook his head with a smile and said, "Your character is not suitable for learning Taijiquan."

Xiao Jiu said anxiously: "I don't want to learn Taijiquan, you can give me some pointers on other aspects."

"This..." Yun Yangzi looked at Li Jing, thought for a while and said, "You are Jimin's personal bodyguard, and Jimin's safety depends entirely on you. Anyway, I will teach you, but I can only teach you the basics. It’s up to you whether you can comprehend the truth.”

"Thank you, Daoist." Xiao Jiu said hurriedly.

Yun Yangzi coughed lightly and said: "Listen carefully. Fists are like meteors, eyes are like electricity, waist is like snakes, feet are like drills. The tail is centered and the head is straight, hard and soft, round and alive. The body is loose and the heart is firm. Introverted, the whole body is light and agile, and the head hangs. The deficiency and reality of yin and yang change rapidly, and the source of destiny is in the waist."

After reading the boxing formula, Yunyangzi said: "This boxing formula is the essence of boxing combining internal and external. If you can comprehend it, you will be able to use it forever."

"A combination of inside and outside? Isn't a real person good at internal boxing?" Xiao Jiuqi asked.

Yunyangzi said with a smile: "Practicing boxing without practicing kung fu will be empty when you grow old. Practicing kung fu without boxing is like a ship without a rudder. What do you mean? That is to say, if you have skills but no strength, no matter how high your skills are, it will be nothing. If you only have strength But without skills, it is like a boat without a rudder or a scull. It has strength but does not know how to use it. There are many principles in common between internal boxing and external boxing. It is strength, so the technique of martial arts is slightly different."

Looking at Li Jing, Yun Yangzi continued with a smile: "As for Taijiquan, it is a little different from other boxing methods. Taijiquan, as the name suggests, its principles come from Taoist scriptures.

In Tai Chi, Yin and Yang are not separated.If it moves, it is divided into yin and yang.If it is quiet, it will be combined into Tai Chi.Taijiquan must be practiced from the place of movement to the place of stillness. It is like the combination of Yin and Yang to form Taiji.From the perspective of martial arts, the changes of reality and reality are always contained in the inside but not in the outside.Hence the name Tai Chi.

The opening chapter of Wang Zongyue's "Taijiquan Theory" states: Taiji people are born of infinity, the machine of movement and stillness, the mother of yin and yang, when moving, they are divided, and when they are still, they are combined.Nothing is too late, just follow the song.

When a person is firm and I am soft, it is called walking, and when I follow the back of others, it is called sticking.If you move quickly, you respond quickly, and if you move slowly, you follow slowly.Although it changes a lot, the reason is consistent.Gradually comprehend and understand Jin from recruiting familiarity, and from understanding Jin to rank and god.However, if you don't use force for a long time, you can't suddenly penetrate it.

Xu Ling is vigorous, and his qi sinks to his dantian.Unbiased, flickering.If the left is heavy, the left will be empty, and if the right is heavy, the right will be empty.If you look up, you will get higher, if you go forward, you will get deeper, if you go in, you will get longer, and if you go back, you will get faster.A feather cannot be added, a fly cannot fall, people do not know me, I alone know others.Heroes are invincible, and Gai Jie comes from this.

There are many sects of Si technology, although there are differences in potential, they are all the same, the strong bully the weak, and the slow give way to the fast.Powerful beats weak, slow hands give way to quick hands, these are all innate and natural abilities, not related to academic ability but to be successful.Observing four or two sentences with a thousand catties, it is obvious that it is not powerful; observing the form of an old man who resists the crowd, what can be done quickly.

Stand like a scale, live like a wheel, if it is heavy, it will follow, if it is double, it will stagnate.Every few years of pure kung fu, those who cannot be transported, the rate is self-controlled, and the double disease has not been realized.

If you want to avoid this disease, you must know yin and yang; sticking means walking, walking means sticking, yang cannot be separated from yin, and yin cannot be separated from yang;After understanding the strength, the more you practice, the more refined you will be, and you will be able to do what you want gradually.This is to sacrifice oneself and follow others, and many mistakes make mistakes.

The so-called difference is a thousand miles away.Scholars must distinguish in detail.It is for theory. "

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Master, I won't learn martial arts skills. I only need to learn how to practice Qi and keep healthy. You can tell Xiao Jiu the truth."

Yunyangzi smiled and said: "What Jimin said is true, you won't be able to use martial arts skills even after you learn them. Now that you are in your current position, can you still fight with others?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Xiaojiu and said, "Actually, these boxing theories are all about how to use power. If you use proper power, you can beat fast with slowness, and use clumsy to beat skillful. As for using fast to beat slow, it's even easier to use skillful to attack clumsy. "

Xiao Jiu nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.

Seeing Yun Yangzi explaining the principles of boxing to Xiao Jiu, Li Jing smiled, turned to Gao Qi and said, "Let's go, let's go fishing."

Gao Qi shook his head and smiled, "Brother, what kind of apprentice are you? Master teaches boxing, but you are fishing while running."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "I have something to think about, I need to be quiet."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Since the eldest brother wants to do something, then I won't bother you. I just go back and do what the elder brother asked me to do."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Alright, then you go back first."

Gao Qi smiled, cupped his fists at Li Jing, greeted Yunyangzi, and went back to the Military and Political Department to deal with official duties.

But Li Jing picked up a fishing rod, walked to the edge of the pavilion and sat down.

Li Jing didn't think about anything else, but how to persuade Zhu Huiyu.

You must know that Zhang Yan will never be famous because of her status. In the eyes of Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu, Zhang Yan is not as good as Li Jing's concubine, and will never threaten their status. Knowing his relationship with Zhang Yan, Zhu Huiyu didn't take Zhang Yan seriously, so he assumed that Li Jing had raised a concubine outside.

But Zhang Yan has a child now, if it is a daughter, it is okay, but if it is a boy, it will be different from before.

Although Zhang Yan herself would still not have any status in the Li family, this child would threaten the status of Li Anguo and Li Xingguo, which Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu would never allow.

Therefore, if Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou wanted to agree to Zhang Yan's birth of the child, they could not give the child a title, not even the name of adopted son.

After all, Li Jing has many adoptive sons, and they are all highly regarded by Li Jing, especially Li Dingguo.

It can be said that everyone in the army knows how much Li Jing thinks highly of Li Dingguo. It can be seen that in 20 years, Li Dingguo will take over the post of chief inspector and become the number one figure in the army.

Fortunately, most of Li Jing's adoptive sons were raised and taught by Shen Ying, like Li Dingguo was sent to Hongshanling when he was seven years old, and was brought up by Shen Ying. , even more filial than Li Anguo, so Shen Ying strongly supported Li Dingguo's succession of Li Jing's position.

But Zhang Yan's child will not be handed over to Shen Ying to be raised no matter what, then this child will not be able to treat Shen Ying and Shen Ying's son like Li Dingguo and Li Jing's other sons in the future. If this child is as outstanding as Li Dingguo , and being valued highly by Li Jing, how will Li Anguo and Li Xingguo be arranged in the future?

Therefore, in order to reassure Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou, Li Jing had no choice but to bear not to recognize the child, which was also a prerequisite for Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou to accept the child.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed lightly. After all, his heart is not cruel. If he was more ruthless, he wouldn't have so many troubles.

But Li Jing knew that even if the matter happened again, he would still make the same decision, otherwise, Li Jing would have a disturbed conscience for the rest of his life.

Feeling that the fishing rod hadn't moved for a long time, Li Jing picked up the fishing rod, only to find that the bait on the hook had already been eaten by the fish.

With a wry smile, Li Jing put the fishing rod aside and looked up at Yunyangzi.Seeing that Yunyangzi was explaining boxing theory to Xiaojiu with great interest, he made gestures at the same time.

Smiling slightly, Li Jing waved to the guard standing beside him, and the guard hurried over.

"I'll go back to the mansion first. Immortal Yunyangzi and Xiao Jiu will finish their practice later, let them go back to the mansion for dinner." Li Jing said.

After speaking, Li Jing got up and walked slowly towards his mansion.

In the past two months, Li Jing was busy with disaster relief matters and seldom returned to the mansion. Most of the time he lived in the cabinet. Today, when he suddenly returned to the mansion, Li's mansion and all the women in the mansion were overjoyed.

Seeing that Shen Ying and the others came to greet each other with their children, Li Jing sighed in his heart for a moment.The so-called family and everything prosper, that's what it says.

After teasing the child in Xiaodie's arms for a while, he hugged the big girl again, then asked Li Anguo and Li Xingguo about their homework, and then sent the children out.

After the child left the house, Shen Ying smiled and said, "Master doesn't seem to have anything to do today? Why did you come home so late?"

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "You put eyeliner around me, right? You actually know that I don't have any business today."

Shen Ying said with a smile: "Master hasn't been home a few times in the past two months. I can't rest assured, so I told the children to take good care of your daily life, and asked them to report your physical condition to my concubine at any time. The children Sensible, you will come back every day to report on what is going on. The child came back to report earlier, saying that the master has no business today and may return to the mansion, so this concubine knows that."

Li Jing said with a smile: "I really don't have any business today. I wanted to come back early. I didn't want Xiaojiu to bring the real Yunyangzi from Wudang Mountain to see me, so I was delayed for a while."

Shen Ying hurriedly said: "The real concubine of Yunyangzi has met him, a Taoist priest who is very virtuous, how is the master talking with him?"

Li Jing smiled, knowing that Xiaojiu would report to Shen Ying after finding Yunyangzi, Shen Ying was worried, so she went to meet Yunyangzi.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip of tea lightly, and then said with a smile: "You must never have imagined that I have already worshiped Master Yunyangzi as my teacher."

"Ah! Appreciate the teacher? Then why didn't you invite the master back to the mansion?" Zhu Huiyu asked in surprise.

"Hehe, master is teaching Xiaojiu to practice boxing right now? They will come over when they finish teaching." Li Jing smiled.

Zhu Huiyu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, and after a while Fang said: "Master teaches others to practice boxing, and your apprentice is not there to serve him. How can a master be like an apprentice like this?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "I don't learn fighting skills, let's see what that one does."

Zhu Huiling looked at Li Jing, pondered for a while and said, "No, the master has always respected the teacher, even if he was dealing with the master worshiped by the Taoist priest of Yunyang, he would definitely not do such a demeaning thing. .Um...does the master have other matters to discuss with our sisters, and he came back first because he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for some Taoist priest to speak here?"

Hearing this, Li Jing flicked Zhu Huiyu's head lightly: "You are the only one who is clever!"

(End of this chapter)

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