Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 654 Awareness

Chapter 654 Awareness
Turning his head to look at the maids behind Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu, Li Jing said to Xiaodie and Xiaozhu beside him: "I have something to tell you two sisters, you go out first."

"Yes, master." Xiaodie and Xiaozhu hurriedly blessed upon hearing this, and then went out with a group of maids.

Seeing that Li Jing even shunned Xiao Die and Xiao Zhu, Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu couldn't help being surprised. Li Jing had never been so solemn at home before.

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou looked at each other, feeling ominous in their hearts.

Seeing the dignified expressions of the two, Li Jing sighed lightly and said, "The two ladies, the reason why you rejected them is because what I'm talking about now must not be spread."

"What is something that even Xiaodie and Xiaozhu don't know?" Shen Ying asked in surprise.

"It's Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan is happy." Li Jing sighed softly.

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou were shocked when they heard the words, and Zhu Huihou blurted out, "What? Yi...is she happy?"

Seeing Li Jing nodding again to confirm, Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.The relationship between Zhang Yan and Li Jing was clear to both of them, so they naturally knew that the child in Zhang Yan's womb must belong to Li Jing.

After a while, Shen Ying said quietly: "What is the master going to do? Should I stay or...? Sigh! Since the master has discussed this matter with us, he will definitely keep this child."

Zhu Huiyu said anxiously: "But..."

Before Zhu Huiyu could finish speaking, Shen Ying interjected, "But have you ever thought about it, master? You can hide other things. How can you hide the birth of a child? Now Zhang... Now her month is not enough, and she doesn't show her body, but after a while After a few months, she couldn't hide anymore. Could it be that she has been avoiding people for the next few months? Others can ignore her, but can Queen Zhou avoid it?

Even if Queen Zhou can be avoided, she still has to have a baby, right?When it's time to give birth, you still have to find a stable wife. You don't have to think about the ones in the palace, you can only look for them from the outside, but can you hide it when you look outside?Therefore, if the master wants to keep this child, he must think of a safe way. "

Li Jingwen nodded silently: "I have thought about what you said, so Zhang Yan must not stay in Beijing."

"Where are you going if you're not in Beijing? She can't go anywhere with her identity?" Zhu Huiyu asked anxiously.

"That's why I asked the two ladies for help." Li Jing continued.

Zhu Huiyu said anxiously: "Master, it's easy to talk about other things, the key is that we can't help you with this matter! Master, from the perspective of a concubine, you still..."

Hearing that Zhu Huiyu wanted to dissuade Li Jing, Shen Ying hurriedly gave Zhu Huiyu a wink.

Zhu Huiyu suddenly came to his senses when he saw this. Li Jing was asking them for help, but he didn't ask them to make up their minds.Moreover, Shen Ying didn't say anything as the main room, how could she have the right to raise objections as the side room?If he blindly opposes it, Li Jing will definitely feel disgusted.

At this time, you should win over Li Jing, and make Li Jing feel guilty, so that Li Jing will not be able to refuse any requests you have in the future.

Wanting to clarify this point, Zhu Huiyu hastily shut up.

Smiling slightly, Shen Ying asked softly: "I don't know how the master wants me and my sister to help?"

Li Jingdao: "I want Huilao to go home to visit relatives, and I will take a trip to Shanxi to check our family's property in Shanxi. As for Zhang Yan, let her go with Huilao in the name of inspecting a garment factory in Shanxi. After arriving in Shanxi, find an excuse to stay in Shanxi."

"That's it... This excuse makes sense, but when Empress Yi'an leaves the capital, the master has to greet the emperor and ask for the emperor's consent." Shen Ying murmured.

Li Jing smiled and said: "That's easy to say, with Hui Lai accompanying him, the emperor can rest assured."

"As long as the master can persuade the emperor to agree, there will be no hindrance for Empress Yi'an to leave the capital. Now there is only one problem left, how can the master let Empress Yi'an raise this child in a legitimate way?" Shen Ying continued.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I've thought about this too, just talking about the abandoned baby picked up on the road. Empress Yi'an adopted an abandoned baby, so no one else will have any doubts."

"Then how will the master face this child in the future?" Shen Ying asked.

Li Jing sighed lightly and said, "How can I face it? It should be said that I have no face. This child belongs to Zhang Yan alone, and I can't have anything to do with this child."

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou were silent for a while when they heard the words.

After a while, Shen Ying said: "If the master is worried, it is not impossible for the concubine to accept this child as a foster son or daughter."

Li Jing looked at Shen Ying, patted Shen Ying's hand lightly, and said with emotion: "It's hard for Ying'er to have a heart, I thank you in advance, but it's okay if the child is a girl, if it's a boy, you accept him There will definitely be people who suspect the adopted son. Forget it!"

Shen Ying and Zhu Huihou couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and nodded slightly at the same time.

Gently shaking Li Jing's hand, Shen Ying said softly, "I only hope for the protection of the Bodhisattva, this child is a girl."

After a pause, Shen Ying said again: "But master, don't worry, this child is the master's flesh and blood after all, even if it is a boy, we can't ignore him, we have to make good arrangements in the future."

"Thank you, madam." Li Jing got up and bowed to Shen Ying after hearing the words.

Seeing this, Shen Ying hurriedly took Li Jing's hand: "The master is so polite, wouldn't he kill the concubine?"

Li Jing sighed and said: "Madam is gentle and virtuous, I am ashamed of Madam for making such a mess for my husband and asking Madam to help clean up the mess."

"You and I are one husband and wife, how can I stand by and watch the master's affairs?" Shen Ying smiled.

Li Jing patted Shen Ying's hand lightly, speechless for a while.

At this time, Zhu Huiyu said: "It's better not to be late for this matter. The concubine's body will be prepared immediately. Zhang Yan's master will say hello to her later. In addition, Zhang Yan wants to leave Beijing with me. It is best to let Zhang Yan Mention it to the emperor first, if the emperor disagrees, the master will talk to the emperor again."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Well, I will explain to Zhang Yan later, and let her ventilate with the emperor first. If the emperor disagrees, I will tell the emperor again."

"Okay, your new master is coming, we're too busy talking and haven't prepared anything yet, so I'll let someone prepare the banquet." Shen Ying said with a smile.

"Your Madam." Li Jing said with a smile.


In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youjian sat at the desk, carefully looking through the accounts of the transaction with the Dutchman a few days ago.After a while, Zhu Youjian slowly closed the account book, looked up at Wang Cheng'en and said, "I heard that the emperor's wife sent someone to call you just now? I don't know what's up with the emperor's wife?"

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "Going back to the emperor, it's nothing serious. Empress Yi'an asked the old slave to find Duke Xing Guo, and asked when the money from the garment factory will be allocated."

"It seems that someone in the garment factory is responsible for this matter? How can I find you?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "Back to the emperor, the garment factory does have a person who is responsible for the accounts, but now that the treasury has no money, the logistics department naturally can't get any money. Empress Yi'an saw that the logistics department didn't want money, so she let the old slave Looking for Mr. Xingguo, I hope Mr. Xingguo can be more flexible, otherwise, the garment factory will have to stop working."

Zhu Youjian frowned when he heard the words: "If the treasury has no money, you can find a way to find Xing Guogong? You can only borrow money from Jingji Bank run by Xingguogong, but I remember the last time the emperor's wife borrowed money from Jingji Bank You are looking for Sister Huang, right? Even if you are embarrassed to find Sister Huang this time, you should let me come forward to find Duke Xing. deep?"

"This old slave doesn't know." Wang Chengen said hastily.

Zhu Youjian frowned and said in deep thought: "Sister-in-law Huang neither went to look for sister Huang nor I, but asked you to go to Duke Xingguo, which shows that sister-in-law Huang has confidence in her heart.

But the emperor's wife only met Xing Guogong once during the Lantern Festival last year, and the two of them didn't speak a few words. How could she be so sure?Could it be that……"

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian suddenly stared at Wang Chengen and said, "Chengen, do you have something to hide from me?"

Wang Chengen was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this old servant is loyal to the Emperor, how could he hide something from the Emperor? I wouldn't even dare to give this old servant the courage to do so!"

Seeing Wang Chengen's face change slightly, Zhu Youjian was even more puzzled.

"Chengen, you must have something to hide from me. Wang Chengen, do you think that I have no power now, and want to change my court to join Xing Guogong's sect?" Zhu Youjian said suddenly.

Wang Chengen was terrified when he heard the words, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, this old slave has absolutely no such intentions. The old slave's loyalty to the emperor can be learned from the sun."

Zhu Youjian sneered and said: "There is a lesson to be learned from the sun? I'm afraid it may not be true? I have no power and power now, and no one takes me seriously as the emperor. Even the people in this palace can't move me. Is it not surprising that you want to change the sect?"

"Old slave never dare, never dare!" Wang Chengen shouted while kowtowing.

Zhu Youjian sneered and said: "Hmph! Wang Chengen, although I have no power and power, it is still easy to kill you as a slave. You'd better tell the truth honestly, otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering the old love! "

Hearing this, Wang Chengen sweated from his forehead, kowtowed, and said: "Your Majesty, this old slave really has no dissent towards the Emperor. Yes! This old slave did indeed hide something from the Emperor, but the Emperor It’s better not to know, Your Majesty, don’t ask.”

"Sure enough, you are hiding something from me, tell me! What is it?" Zhu Youjian said angrily.

"Your Majesty, this old slave never lied to the Emperor. It will not do you any good if you know about it, but it will be disadvantageous to you!" Wang Chengen said anxiously.

"It's not good for me? Could it be that Mr. Xingguo... Could it be that there is an adultery between Li Jing and the emperor's wife?" Zhu Youjian was shocked.

"Your majesty, it's better not to ask!" Wang Chengen said anxiously.

Zhu Youjian stared at Wang Chengen for a while: "Is it true if you say so?"

"Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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