Chapter 661
In mid-October of the 11th year of Chongzhen, the peaceful capital suddenly became lively. It was rumored that the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs would hold a grand military parade. At that time, Li Jing, the governor of the Ming Dynasty, would parade in the school grounds.Different from the previous emperor's military parade, all ordinary people can go to the school grounds to watch this military parade.

Upon hearing the news, the common people in the city rushed to the school field one after another, but apart from the normal training of soldiers, there was no difference from the past in the school field.

Just when the common people thought it was a rumor, someone discovered that a brigade of cavalry returned to the capital from outside the mouth and was stationed in the Fengtai barracks. Soon someone recognized that it was the cavalry unit of the Northern Army that pacified Liaodong.

Not long afterward, it was discovered that tens of thousands of people under Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng, who had been suppressing bandits in Shaanxi and Henan in the past two years, also rushed back to the capital and were also stationed in the Fengtai military camp.Then everyone saw Li Jing, Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty, and a group of officials went outside the city to meet the generals from Shaanxi and Henan.

The west gate of the capital.

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng led a group of generals to rush to the city. From a distance, they saw a group of officials at the city gate lined up to welcome them. The leader was Li Jing.

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng looked at each other, hurriedly jumped off their horses, and walked towards the city gate at the same time.

When they got close, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng bowed and saluted, "How dare you ask the commander-in-chief and your colleagues to greet him outside the city."

Li Jing smiled and went forward to take the two men's arms and said: "The two generals have worked hard and made great achievements. It is only right for Li Jing and the officials in the court to greet them."

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly said: "If the commander-in-chief hadn't managed well in the rear, how could we have achieved this feat."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's all thanks to you, I'm just doing some logistical work for you."

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng were even more humble. Behind Li Jing, Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Hong Shuai, Lu Shuai, don't be too polite when I tell you, who do you not know about our general? But you never give credit to yourself Take it on your body, so we just know what to do."

Lu Xiangsheng laughed and said, "What Commander Cao said is true."

Hong Chengchou glanced at Cao Wenzhao and said with a smile: "Cao Dushuai, you don't care much about this. The commander-in-chief called us back to Beijing together. You ran back early because your troops were all cavalry, and you didn't wait for me to talk to you." Brother Jiandou."

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Hong Shuai, I used to be your soldier, how dare I stand side by side with you, I ran back first, just to meet you with the commander in chief."

Hong Chengchou smiled and said: "Brother Wenzhao, you are being modest. Your meritorious deeds are far higher than that of Hong. If you use the old name, Hong will not dare to be called it."

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and smiled, "No matter when, I will never forget Hong Shuai's kindness."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "I said, two commanders, you two are planning to catch up here, aren't you? If you have anything to say, let's go back to the city and talk about it."

After speaking, he gave the two of them a wink.

Hong Chengchou understood immediately when he saw it, and then smiled and said: "I'm rude, I'm rude, it's Hong's fault that Marshal Lao and his colleagues waited for a long time."

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's okay, Brother Yanyan and Brother Wenzhao haven't seen each other for more than two years, so it's time to catch up."

Lu Xiangsheng laughed and said: "After all, we can't bring the commander in chief and all your colleagues to wait. Brother Yanyan, you and brother Wenzhao need to catch up on the old days. There will be plenty of time after we enter the city."

Hong Chengchou hurriedly said: "Exactly."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "Don't rush into the city, introduce me to your generals. All the generals are heroes of Ming Dynasty. I can't neglect everyone."

Lu Xiangsheng slapped his forehead when he heard the words, turned around and pulled a person forward to Li Jing and said, "If you don't tell me, I forgot, the commander-in-chief. This person is the one who will be called outstanding by all the generals under my command. This person is called Zuo Liangyu, whose name is Kunshan, and Qingzheng in Henan." The rogues were able to see their achievements so quickly, and Kunshan has contributed a lot."

Zuo Liangyu hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee: "The last general Zuo Liangyu sees the commander in chief."

Li Jing looked at Zuo Liangyu intently, and saw that Zuo Liangyu was tall and tall, with a red face and a long beard, just like Guan Gong, and nodded with a smile: "I know you, you are good at fighting, you can say that Merit, but do you know why I haven't promoted you?"

Zuo Liangyu hurriedly said: "The general understands that the military discipline was broken when the general led the army, and it is already a great grace for the general not to behead the general."

"It's good if you understand. In the past two years, you have been under Brother Jiandou's command. You have been diligent in combat and know how to strictly observe military discipline. There is a saying that you can correct your mistakes. There is nothing good about it. From today on, I will no longer care about your previous mistakes , I hope you will make more military achievements in the future, and I will be promoted to you at that time." Li Jing said.

"Yes! The last general will obey the command of the commander in chief." Zuo Liangyu hurriedly said.

Li Jing stretched out his hand and pulled Zuo Liangyu up: "Get up, don't kneel down in the future, a soldier should look like a soldier, kneel down every now and then, gradually his bones will soften, and he will lose the bloodiness of a soldier."

"Yes!" Zuo Liangyu stood up and cupped his fists.

Li Jing smiled, pointed at Cao Wenzhao and said, "Hehe, you seem to have recovered the four cities of Zunhua and Yongping together. At that time, were you a guerrilla or a member of the future? I'm not sure. , tonight I invite you to drink, then you catch up on the past."

"Thank you, Marshal." Zuo Liangyu said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands, and under the introduction of Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng, he met with the generals under their command one by one.

In fact, the information of Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng's generals had already been reported to Gao Qi, and Gao Qi reported it to Li Jing. The purpose of interviewing these people was to encourage them.

After meeting with the generals, Li Jing smiled and said: "It's rare for you to go back to Beijing, and you will feel bored following us. I will give you a vacation today and go around the capital by yourself. Just don't get lost. I will invite you tonight." You can't find anyone while you're drinking."

All the generals were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they all felt that Li Jing was really understanding.At that moment, the generals saluted Li Jing and others and said goodbye.

Seeing that Zuo Liangyu wanted to go with everyone, Li Jing smiled and said, "Kunshan, you can stay here, and come and listen to some things."

Zuo Liangyu replied, stopped, turned around and followed Lu Xiangsheng.

After returning to the city and dismissing all the accompanying officials, Li Jing brought the generals to the meeting room of the cabinet office.

After everyone sat down and the servants served tea, Li Jing said with a smile: "There are two things to call you back this time. The first thing is a military parade. Brother Gao must have told you about it. The second thing is to discuss The use of troops in the Hetao area. Speaking of which, the second matter is more important."

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng were overjoyed when they heard the words, they looked at each other and smiled at the same time: "Finally it's our turn to use troops abroad. In the past two years, we have only watched other people fight, but we are suffocated."

Li Jing said with a smile: "You two, don't be too happy too early. This time, Brother Wenzhao is still the vanguard, and you have to be the rear."

Lu Xiangsheng was dissatisfied when he heard the words: "Isn't it? Commander, the battles in the past two years were basically fought by General Cao, why did you let him be the striker this time!"

Li Jing said with a smile: "I would like you and brother Yanyan to be the forwards, but most of your troops are infantry. You can't chase the Mongolian cavalry on two legs on the prairie, can you?"

"Then what are we going to do in the Hetao area? Are we going to watch General Cao fight?" Lu Xiangsheng continued.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Go and occupy the Hetao area. Brother Jiandou, brother Yanyan, it is not difficult to defeat the Mongols, but the difficulty is to hold the Hetao area. My combat policy in this battle is to attack instead of defend, and completely eliminate the Mongols from the Mongols." The Hetao area was expelled, but the war cannot be wishful thinking. The Mongols will never give up the Hetao area, and they will definitely wait for an opportunity to retake the Hetao area.

In the vast grassland, no one knows from which direction the Mongols will attack, so we must arrange a large number of troops to garrison in the Hetao area.Brother Jiandou, although brother Wenzhao is in charge of attacking in this battle, but in terms of burden, you and brother Yanyan are much heavier than brother Wenzhao. "

Lu Xiangsheng nodded silently upon hearing this.

"Commander, Hong has been in Shaanxi for a long time, and he knows a thing or two about the terrain of the Hetao area. If we want to defend the Hetao area, we must have a city. Otherwise, no matter how sharp our weapons are, we will not be able to prevent the Mongolian cavalry from raiding " Hong Chengchou said suddenly.

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "This time we need the cooperation of the three of you to send troops to Hetao. Brother Wenzhao is the main attacker, and Brother Jiandou and Brother Yanyan are the main defenders. In order to coordinate everyone's battle, I plan to appoint Brother Gao as the commander of the battle of Hetao. I don't know if you have any opinions?"

Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng were startled when they heard the words, and they didn't understand why Li Jing made Gao Qi the coach.After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out the whole story.The three of them looked at each other and said at the same time: "It would be best if General Gao dispatched them in the middle."

Li Jing nodded with a smile, turned to Gao Qi and said with a smile: "Brother Gao, tell the generals how you plan to fight this battle."

Gao Qi shook his head with a smile, and said to Cao Wenzhao and the others: "The commander-in-chief arranged for me to be the commander-in-chief. The three generals should understand. As for me, the military and political department is busy with affairs, and it is impossible to command you to fight from the front line. In fact, with the abilities of the three of you, I don’t need to command. So, I’ll just tell you the purpose of this battle, and then the three of you will discuss how to fight.”

Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "General Gao is too modest. In fact, being a commander is how to arrange the soldiers under his command to perform their duties. General Gao has been in charge of the military and political department for many years. When it comes to deploying troops to fight, no one can do it except the commander." Go out to the right of the general."

Gao Qi laughed and said: "Commander Lu has raised Gao Mou, the ability of the governors is only above Gao Mou, not below Gao Mou, the reason why the commander let Gao Mou be the commander is because he can't compete with the three One of the supervisors was selected as a coach, so Gao was appointed as the coach, not to question the abilities of the three."

Cao Wenzhao and the others hurriedly said: "I will take care of it later, and I will definitely not violate the military order of the commander-in-chief."

Gao Qi hurriedly said: "You don't have to be polite, the three commanders. I will talk about the arrangement of this battle now."

After finishing speaking, Gao Qi ordered people to unfold the map and hang it on the wall, and then nodded at Guihua City and Ningxia Wei respectively: "The commander-in-chief and I have decided that General Cao's troops will send troops from Guihua City and attack westward. , Swept across the Mongolian ministries along the north bank of the Yellow River.

Dushuai Hong and Dushuai Lu led their troops from Shaanxi to take Ningxia Wei in Lingzhou. After occupying Ningxia Wei, they moved eastward along the south bank of the Yellow River and swept away the Mongolian tribes on the south bank of the Yellow River.

Although the Mongols have cavalry, but the Yellow River is blocked by natural dangers, it is almost impossible for the Mongols to cross the north and escape. Therefore, although the two of you are mainly infantry, you only need to advance step by step, and the Mongols on the south bank of the Yellow River will have nothing to do. There is nowhere to escape. "

(End of this chapter)

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