Chapter 662
Seeing that the three of Cao Wenzhao nodded at the same time, Gao Qi continued: "After eliminating the enemies on the south bank of the Yellow River, the two superintendents, Hong and Lu, will need to fully manage the Ningxia Guard, turn the Hetao area into a granary in the northwest of the Ming Dynasty, and recover the desert area in the future. West, Mobei and other places, the Hetao area is the supply base of the army."

Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help being shocked when they heard this.

"Does Marshal Gao mean that after recovering the Hetao area, the next step is to send troops to Mobei, Moxi and other places?" Hong Chengchou asked suddenly.

Gao Qi smiled: "It depends on Hong Shuai and Lu Shuai's operations in the Hetao area. When the grain production in the Hetao area can meet the needs of 30 troops and the two provinces of Shaanxi and Shanxi, then when will we go to the Hetao area?" Send troops to recover Mobei and Moxi."

Hong Chengchou glanced at Lu Xiangsheng, then suddenly swung his fist hard and said, "Okay, Hong has been waiting for this day for two years. Within two years, the Hetao area will definitely become the northwestern granary of the Ming Dynasty. We only hope that the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief Don't break your promise, when the time comes, Moxi will be recovered by Hong's troops."

"Hahaha, Moxinan belongs to Lu. This is what the commander promised three years ago. Brother Yanyan, you can't take the credit of Lu." Lu Xiangsheng laughed.

"Hehe, Hong will take care of it, and he will never dare to take the credit of Brother Jiandou." Hong Chengchou laughed.

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Since the two governors have such confidence, I don't need to say more. Presumably the two governors will be able to turn the Hetao area into a granary in the northwest of Ming Dynasty. But there is one thing I want to tell the two governors first. Shuai said well, I will do my best to support you with weapons and ammunition in this battle, but I can only provide you with a small part of the food, and you have to figure out what is not enough. As for the farming population, I will prepare [-] recruits for you. After you occupy Hetao, these [-] recruits will be transferred to the Tuntian Army on the spot."

Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, Commander Gao, we only need one month's food. After we get to Hetao, we will go and rob the Mongols. We will deal with them as the Mongols treated us back then. This is called the way of the other." , and give it to him."

Li Jing clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "That's exactly what it should be. When dealing with those foreigners who have repeatedly invaded our Ming territory, there is no need to be polite to them. I was worried about your self-esteem before, and I didn't bother to do such a thing."

Lu Xiangsheng laughed and said: "Although Lu is a literati, he has led the army and fought in the past two years, and he knows that he must not talk about benevolence and morality to the enemy. To be benevolent and righteous to the enemy is to be cruel to himself. The soldiers under my command are all raised by their parents. Yes, if I want to do such a stupid thing, how can I be worthy of the soldiers and their parents?"

"That's right, benevolence and righteousness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Let's not do those things for fame and fame." Li Jing laughed.

Hong Chengchou said with a smile: "As for Hong, you don't have to worry about it. Hong can deal with those rogues, let alone the Mongols."

Li Jing nodded with a smile.

Gao Qi smiled and continued: "The two superintendents are all-rounders who can run the army when they are on horseback, and how to manage the government when they are off their horses. I will not talk nonsense about how to fight this battle and how to manage the Hetao. The three commanders sincerely united to recover the lost land for the Ming Dynasty and expand the territory."

"We will never betray the trust of the commander-in-chief." Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng clasped their fists together.

Gao Qi hastily returned the salute: "Don't dare to be the coach. The coach Gao only plays a coordinating role, so you don't need to be more polite."

Li Jing waved his hands and said: "Okay, everyone, don't be polite. That's all for Hetao. Now let's discuss the military parade. I don't want to engage in this ceremony, but Brother Gao said that the military parade can boost soldiers. I feel reasonable, so I agreed.

But you also know that the imperial court does not have enough food right now, and you have tens of thousands of troops gathered in the capital, and I don’t have that much food to support so many people, so the sooner the military parade is done, the better, and the day of the military parade is the day when you go out to fight day. "

"What the commander-in-chief said is very true. I wonder if the commander-in-chief has chosen the day for the military parade?" Hong Chengchou asked hurriedly.

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "Hehe, the commander-in-chief has scheduled a military parade on October [-]th. There are still three days left. Can Hong Shuai and Lu Shuai be ready?"

Hong Chengchou smiled and said: "Brother Wenzhao, you returned to Beijing a few days earlier, you must have made arrangements, and you are sure in your heart, but Hong has led troops for many years, and the soldiers under his command dare not say that they are in command, but they are not far away. , three days is enough."

Lu Xiangsheng smiled and said: "The soldiers led by Lu are called the Tianxiong Army, and they will not be compared by you."

Li Jing laughed loudly: "The three of you are led by the Daming Iron Cavalry led by Guanning Iron Cavalry, one is called the Tianxiong Army, and the other is called the Hong Army. We will wait and see whose army is more powerful. Some."

Cao Wenzhao grinned: "Marshal, do you have a lot of money?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "What do you want to bet on?"

Cao Wenzhao turned his head to look at Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng and said with a smile, "I wonder what the two superintendents want to bet on?"

Hong Chengchou glared at Cao Wenzhao: "I will accompany you in any bet."

"Hey, let's gamble. We can't gamble money. If it spreads, people will laugh at it. In this way, let's gamble and have a banquet. Whoever loses will be treated! How about it?" Cao Wenzhao laughed.

"I have no objection, Brother Jiandou, what do you say?" Hong Chengchou said.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed? Just bet!" Lu Xiangsheng said.

Hong Chengchou pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "I suggest that the judge should be Gao Shuai. The Da Shuai and Brother Wen Zhao are relatives of sons and daughters. If they are not equal, they will be biased. Gao Shuai is our coach. Let Gao Shuai be the judge. By the way See if his bowl of water is level."

Li Jing smiled wryly, "Brother Yanyan, even if Brother Wenzhao and I are in-laws, I wouldn't take sides in this matter, would I?"

"Hey, it's a matter of reputation, so I have to guard against it, Brother Jiandou, you say so." Hong Chengchou laughed.

"Brother Yanyan is very worried. It is a matter of reputation, so we must not be careless." Lu Xiangsheng laughed.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "Okay, then let Brother Gao be the judge. Hehe, Brother Gao, your bowl of water should be leveled, otherwise, they will talk some more in the future."

"Hehe, this is not a good job, but it doesn't matter, I will ask the emperor to be the judge with me." Gao Qi laughed.

"Okay, now that the business is over, everyone should go to the palace to see the emperor, if you don't go, the emperor will be annoyed." Li Jing laughed.

Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "I heard that the emperor wants to go out of Beijing to visit various places. I don't know when he plans to leave?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "I originally planned to leave Beijing this month, but how could the emperor not be present when we inspected the troops? That's why the trip didn't take place."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded: "Marshal, you shouldn't let the emperor leave Beijing years ago? Now officials from all over the country are busy. If the emperor goes down, everyone will be busy receiving the emperor, which will delay government affairs."

Li Jing shook his head, sighed lightly, and said, "It's not easy for the emperor! These years, he has worked hard to rejuvenate Daming, but Daming has gone from bad to worse, and now he is starting to improve. If he wants to go down and have a look, let him go down.

Besides, there are many courtiers in Daming who have never met the emperor. If they can take this opportunity to see the emperor, it will be an encouragement to them. As long as it is not too much, let them receive what should be received, and nothing will be delayed.What's more, the emperor is a sensible person, and he will definitely not let the people below surround him, delaying his official duties. "

Lu Xiangsheng nodded: "It's still the commander who understands the emperor."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hehe, the reason why I understand the emperor is because my goal is the same as the emperor's, and both are for the rejuvenation of Daming."

Lu Xiangsheng sighed: "Yes, compared with the past emperors, the emperor is definitely a good emperor, but it's a pity that the emperor's character..."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "It's not easy. The time for the emperor to succeed to the throne has not yet arrived. Many things are not clear, so you can't help but be a little anxious. When you find something is wrong, you will inevitably be a little unreasonable. But in the past two years, The emperor has become much more stable."

Lu Xiangsheng continued: "That's because the Emperor's burden was taken over by the Marshal. The Emperor has nothing to do now, and seeing that the Marshal is governing Daming better and better, he naturally understands the gap between him and the Marshal."

Li Jing smiled: "Okay, let's go and see the emperor, let's bother the emperor in the palace at night."

"Hahaha, the commander-in-chief is a bit stingy, and he actually asked the emperor to treat him." Hong Chengchou said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You have put down the rogues in Shaanxi and Henan, and brought Shaanxi and Henan back to peace. You are the heroes of Ming Dynasty. The emperor will definitely invite you to dinner in the palace. Don't be like Brother Wenzhao last time. Encourage the emperor to come to my house for dinner."

Hong Chengchou laughed and said, "I've heard about it, it seems there are Brother Fuyu and Changbo, right?"

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui hurriedly said: "Yes, but we can't invite the emperor, it was Cao Dushuai who instigated it."

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed out loud.

While joking, Li Jing stood up and said, "Let's go."

At this time Zuo Liangyu suddenly said: "Commander, the last general will not go?"

"What? Why don't you go?" Li Jingqi asked.

Zuo Liangyu said: "A few years ago..."

Li Jing waved his hand: "I've said everything before and I won't pursue it, and you have done a lot of meritorious service in the past two years, so it's right to pay off your meritorious deeds. The emperor will definitely not blame you."

Gently patted Zuo Liangyu on the shoulder, Li Jing continued: "Kunshan! You are a rare general, but if you want to become a famous general, you must love the people. You know, if there is no support from the people, Where do we get our food and clothing? Where do our soldiers come from? If we don't have food, clothing and soldiers, how can we win battles?
Also, I heard that you are a bit indiscreet in terms of female sex, you must pay attention to this aspect, if your promotion is affected by female sex, it will not be worthwhile. "

Zuo Liangyu smiled embarrassingly: "Yes, the last general will definitely get rid of this problem in the future."

Li Jingjing nodded: "The concubines you married before are fine, but since I promulgated the decree, you count how many concubines you have taken, and then go to the Ministry of Population and Land to find Zhang Ao and pay the fine."

Zuo Liangyu hurriedly said: "The general will pay the fine tomorrow."

Li Jing smiled: "Don't feel that you are at a loss, it is actually a good thing for you, because after you pay the fine, no one will talk about your taking a concubine in the future."

"Thank you, Marshal, for your kindness." Zuo Liangyu said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands, and led everyone to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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