Chapter 663
Zuo Liangyu, 40 years old, was born in Linqing, Shandong Province, whose name is Kunshan. Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was raised by his uncle.Although Zuo Liangyu has never been to school, she is extremely intelligent. She has practiced martial arts since she was a child.

Zuo Liangyu joined the army in Liaodong when he was young. Because of his high martial arts skills and resourcefulness, he was quickly promoted to Liaodong Cheyouying Dusi (battalion officer, equivalent to battalion commander).

Since the country had no money or food at that time, the military pay for soldiers was already low, and they often did not receive military pay for several months.

After Zuo Liangyu became an officer, Zuo Liangyu led the soldiers to make a fuss about the salary because the imperial court hadn't paid him for a long time.

However, Zuo Liangyu was quickly reinstated and promoted to guerrilla general.

After becoming a guerrilla general, Zuo Liangyu learned to be clever, and stopped making troubles about salary. Like many generals in Ming Dynasty, Zuo Liangyu also started to falsely report soldiers and deduct military salary.

The purpose of Zuo Liangyu's doing this was not greedy for money, because soldiers' salaries were very low at that time, and military training cost money.Zuo Liangyu falsely reported the number of soldiers, and even deducted the pay of ordinary soldiers in order to get more money to train elite soldiers.

Many generals in the Ming Dynasty did this, like Wu Sangui, Zu Dashou and others, because ordinary soldiers could hardly count on them during the war, and they only received such a small amount of military pay, so why should people go all out?

There are many such generals in Daming's army. After Li Jing took power to purge the army, he did not abandon these generals. Instead, most of them were demoted and retained, and a small number were sent to prison for questioning.

The reason why Li Jing did this was not because the law does not blame the public and he dared not attack these people, but because Li Jing knew the situation of the army before the Ming Dynasty. The military expenditure was forced to helplessness.If the problem is not fundamentally solved, even if all these generals and officers are removed and a new group of people come up, I am afraid it will still be the case.

Li Jing's solution is to count the troops, weed out the old, weak and remnant soldiers, and then increase the soldiers' salaries and pay them in full.This not only improves the morale and combat effectiveness of the soldiers, but also prevents the generals from paying their own money to support the soldiers, which is prone to the disadvantages of self-respect.

However, compared to Wu Sangui, Zu Dashou and others, Li Jing's punishment for Zuo Liangyu after he came to power was heavier, and he was downgraded by three levels to keep him.Because Zuo Liangyu did a little more. When he led his troops to wipe out the bandits, he even looted the common people.

In fact, this kind of punishment is still relatively light. If Li Jing knew that the court had not allocated rations for a long time, and the rations in Zuo Liangyu's army were already unsustainable, he sent troops to plunder the common people in order to prevent the army from mutiny and disintegration. Jing cut off Zuo Liangyu's head.

Zuo Liangyu is indeed very smart, he quickly discerned the situation, and has never done similar things again. Moreover, Zuo Liangyu is really good at fighting, and has repeatedly made military exploits under Lu Xiangsheng's men.And Lu Xiangsheng also attached great importance to Zuo Liangyu, but because Zuo Liangyu's punishment period had not passed, he was not promoted.

This time Lu Xiangsheng brought Zuo Liangyu to Beijing to meet Li Jing, and his intention to show his merits to Zuo Liangyu was obvious. After Zuo Liangyu's previous mistakes, he can be promoted if he makes military achievements in the future.

And this Hetao battle is Zuo Liangyu's opportunity, as long as Zuo Liangyu fights well, his promotion is certain.

It's just that Zuo Liangyu obviously didn't know Li Jing, when he heard that Li Jing was going to take everyone into the palace to meet the emperor, he declined immediately, wanting to find out Li Jing's true attitude.

Li Jing is well aware of Zuo Liangyu's cleverness, but Li Jing does have a pity for Zuo Liangyu, so he comforts and wakes him up with words, which makes Zuo Liangyu completely at ease.

In fact, at the level of Li Jing, a lot of energy is spent on how to balance the power and interests of various parties. Gao Qi was appointed as the commander in order to balance the power of Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng.

After agreeing to promote Zuo Liangyu in the future, one is to give Lu Xiangsheng face, and at the same time, it is also acquiesced in Lu Xiangsheng's establishment of a power circle headed by him. In the final analysis, it is also for balance.

After all, Cao Wenzhao's power is too great now, and Sun Meng's power is not weak. They are both governors of the military region. If Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou do not have their own confidantes, they will not be able to compete with Cao Wenzhao and Sun Meng. This is obviously not good for the army. of stability.

Of course, no matter whether Lu Xiangsheng or Hong Chengchou wants to establish their own power team, they must be under the acquiescence of Li Jing. Similarly, no matter how powerful Cao Wenzhao and Sun Meng are, they must be under Li Jing's control.It should be said that considering and dealing with these matters is more difficult than governing a country.

Fortunately, Li Jing's current control is not a problem, and Cao Wenzhao, Sun Meng, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng obviously understand the truth, and they are also well aware of Li Jing's intentions.


Three days later, at the school grounds in the capital.

Since the wind had been released early, the common people in the capital knew that the emperor and Li Jing were going to have a military parade on this day, and countless common people gathered around the school grounds early in the morning to watch the military parade.

For ordinary people, such excitement was rarely seen before. In fact, the imperial court has not had a military parade in public for many years. In the past, the emperor occasionally paraded troops, and they inspected the Imperial Forest Army troops in a closed environment. Few ordinary people could see the emperor. parade.

At Chen Shi in the morning, the gate of the school grounds suddenly opened, and then a group of officials surrounded Zhu Youjian and Li Jing and entered the school grounds, and tens of thousands of soldiers in the school grounds had already been waiting in full force.

Seeing Li Jing and Zhu Youjian enter the school grounds, Gao Qi rushed up to meet them, and then guided Li Jing, Zhu Youjian and others to the high platform in front of the school grounds.

Standing still on the high platform, Li Jing glanced around, nodded with a smile, turned to Gao Qi and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Everything is ready, and the military parade will start as soon as the quarter of the hour arrives," Gao Qi said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded, turned back to Zhu Youjian and said: "The emperor will wait for a while, it will start in a while."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "It's okay, if I can see such a powerful army from Daming, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

After a while, Gao Qi said: "Marshal, Your Majesty, the time has come, we can start."

Li Jing nodded: "Then let's start."

Hearing this, Gao Qi took out a flag from behind and waved it.

At this time, there were drummers in the corner of the school grounds who were watching Li Jing and the others closely. Seeing Gao Qi's flag waving, they immediately started beating the drums.

There was only a bang, and the sound spread far away.

With the sound of the drum, there was a sudden neighing of horses in the distance, and then the sound of horseshoes sounded, and the sound of horseshoes seemed to match the sound of the drum. Amidst the heavy and powerful sound of the drum, a group of cavalry slowly stepped into the center of the school field, The leader was Cao Wenzhao, holding a dragon flag high in Cao Wenzhao's hand, waving in the wind, with a bright character written on the front, and behind Cao Wenzhao were Sun Hutou and Li Dingguo. People also hold a dragon flag in their hands, with Bei characters written on one side and Cao characters written on the other.

"Excellent! I never imagined that Daming could train such an iron cavalry." Zhu Youjian couldn't help applauding loudly when he saw it.

Li Jing smiled: "The current army is not quite the same as the previous army. You see, there are not so many banners in the army now, and they are not as full of armor as the soldiers in the past. Obviously, they are not as majestic as before."

"But I can feel the murderous aura from these soldiers, a killing spirit, which was not present in the army before the Ming Dynasty. You can also put on a show, if you really want to go to the battlefield, you may escape faster than anyone else." Zhu Youjian laughed.

Li Jing smiled: "These soldiers are veterans of hundreds of battles, and everyone's sword has been stained with the blood of the enemy. Naturally, the Imperial Forest Army can't compare with these soldiers, and they can only be used as guards of honor."

Zhu Youjian sighed: "Yeah, seeing these soldiers, I feel more at ease. With such an iron-blooded army, who would dare to stroke Daming's tiger's beard!"

While talking, I saw a group of infantry behind the cavalry, the leader was also three people, and the first person was Hong Chengchou.These three people also held high the three dragon flags. The flag held by Hong Chengchou was the same as Cao Wenzhao's, and the two sides were written with Western characters and Hong characters.

After Hong Chengchou's troops passed, Lu Xiangsheng's Southern Army troops followed, also with three dragon flags, with the characters Nan and Lu written on the back.

Although the two groups of infantry were not as majestic as the cavalry, their killing spirit was not much less.

Seeing such a mighty force from Daming, the people around the school field burst into cheers.

Amidst the cheers, the three armies stood still in the school grounds. Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng rode their horses to the front of the high platform, saluted Li Jing and Zhu Youjian with clasped fists, and then shouted in unison: "Commander, Great Ming North Army iron cavalry, (Western Army Hongbing), (Southern Army Tianxiong Army) are ready, please speak."

As the three people's voices fell to the ground, Gao Qi waved his hand, and the two guards in front of the high platform quickly raised a large flag under the flagpole. As the flag gradually rose, the flag slowly unfolded under the blowing of the wind. The big Li character is displayed in front of everyone.

Amidst the loud cracking of the flag, all the soldiers suddenly shouted in unison: "Commander! Commander! Commander!"

Suddenly hearing the shouts of the Chinese soldiers shouting like a tsunami, Li Jing felt a rush of blood in his heart.

After taking two steps forward, Li Jing shouted loudly: "Soldiers of Daming, you have worked hard!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"


Li Jing waved his hand, and the voices of the soldiers gradually died down.

Li Jing said in a loud voice: "Soldiers, I am very relieved to see you have such an aura. With you here, Daming's country will never fall. You are the cornerstone of Daming, and you are the iron-blooded Great Wall of Daming."

"Big guy!"

"big guy"


Li Jing waved his hand again, and when the voices of the soldiers died down, Li Jing continued, "Today is the day for the military parade, and it is also the day for you to go to war. Where are you going to go?"

As he spoke, Li Jing pointed to the north and shouted loudly: "There, that is the land that Daming used to have. Today, I want you to take back the land that Daming lost, and I want you to rebuild the prestige and glory of Daming. "

(End of this chapter)

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