Chapter 664
Hearing that Li Jing could mobilize the soldiers' morale with just a few words, Su Heng was greatly impressed.

Su Heng knew very well that although Li Jing's prestige in the army played a big role, if Li Jing's words hadn't happened to arouse the soldiers' fighting spirit, the soldiers would never have been so fanatical.

Two days ago, Su Heng wrote a manuscript for Li Jing's speech for the military parade, but Li Jing didn't accept it, because Su Heng's article was too colorful, and Li Jing doubted whether the soldiers could understand it. What do these words mean.

Later, Li Jing wrote an article himself. Compared with Su Heng's manuscript, Li Jing's manuscript was much more concise, but Li Jing did not use his own manuscript during the military parade.Because Li Jing suddenly realized that there was no need to talk nonsense with these passionate soldiers, so he only said a few words.

What Li Jing did won the hearts of the soldiers, because most of the soldiers at this time were illiterate, and it was useless to talk to them about those long speeches, they couldn't understand and they didn't want to listen.

Li Jing's two words first recognized the status of the soldiers, and second, they aroused the fighting spirit of the soldiers. They were exactly what the soldiers wanted to hear and could understand. Coupled with Li Jing's status in the army, it was easy to It mobilized the soldiers' emotions.

After Li Jing finished speaking, he retreated to Zhu Youjian's side, and made a gesture with his hand: "The emperor should also say a few words to the soldiers."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and then strode to the edge of the stage.

Clearing his throat, Zhu Youjian said loudly: "Soldiers, the commander-in-chief said just now that you are the cornerstone of the Great Ming Dynasty and the Iron-Blooded Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. I deeply believe that.

Daming still has a lot of territory occupied by foreign races. It depends on you to take back these territories. In the future, it will depend on you to open up territories for Daming. The people of Daming will remember your achievements, I will remember them, and our descendants will also will remember.

go!Go build your own glory!I look at you, and the people of Daming are also looking at you! "

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Gao Qi suddenly took the lead and shouted: "Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

All the soldiers responded immediately and shouted in unison: "Long live the Ming Dynasty!..."

Amidst the cheers of the soldiers, Li Jing shouted loudly: "Grant the seal!"

Immediately a soldier walked up to the stage carrying a tray covered with brocade cloth.

Li Jing uncovered the brocade cloth, revealing a golden handsome seal.Li Jing held the golden seal with both hands, held it high above his head, and shouted loudly: "Gao Qi accepts the seal!"

Gao Qi strode up to Li Jing and knelt down on one knee.

"Gao Qi, the governor entrusted you with the title of General Fuyuan! I hope you will live up to Daming's entrustment and regain lost ground for Daming." Li Jing said loudly.

"The last general will live up to the commander's entrustment!" Gao Qi said loudly.

After all, he solemnly accepted the seal of command.

Li Jing said again: "Give the flag!"

Immediately, two soldiers walked up to the stage holding a military flag.

Li Jing took the military flag and said to Gao Qi: "This military flag represents the glory of Ming Dynasty, and it will be handed over to you today. I hope you will not insult the honor of the soldiers of Ming Dynasty!"

"Yes! If the last general insults the honor of the Ming soldiers, he will come to see the commander in advance!" Gao Qi said solemnly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "These soldiers are all your subordinates now, you can say something to them."

Gao Qi put the seal of the commander in his arms solemnly, took the military flag with both hands, went to the front of the stage and stretched it vigorously, the military flag was unfolded, and the red background of the military flag was seen, with a golden dragon on the front and a big clear character on the back.

Gao Qi held up the military flag and said in a loud voice: "Generals, you have seen Daming's military flag from your own army commander before. Just now the commander said that this military flag represents the glory of Daming and the glory of all armies. Generals, For our glory, we will wipe out all enemies who dare to step into Daming, now, I order, Cao Wenzhao!"

"The last general is here!" Cao Wenzhao replied loudly.

"Cao Wenzhao, I order your troops to be the vanguard, and wipe out all the enemy troops within [-] miles north of Hetao!" Gao Qi shouted.

"The last general obeys orders!" Cao Wenzhao responded loudly.

Immediately, Cao Wenzhao turned his head to face the cavalry of the Northern Army and shouted: "Soldiers, did you hear that, this time the general ordered my troops to be the vanguard to clear the three hundred miles to the north of Hetao. Hehe, this important task belongs to our army Well, our army has been invincible since it became an army, and it has never been defeated. This time we will fight the Tartars so that they can't find the north, and we will have to flee when we see Ming's army in the future!"

"The commander-in-chief is mighty! The Northern Army is mighty!" All the soldiers of the Northern Army shouted in unison.

When the voices of the Northern Army faded away, Gao Qi continued to shout: "Hong Chengchou!"

"The end will be here." Hong Chengchou replied loudly.

"Hong Chengchou, I order you to lead the Western Army to sweep the area south of Hetao, and kill all foreigners with weapons." Gao Qi shouted in a deep voice.

"The general obeys orders!" Hong Chengchou replied loudly.

Immediately, Hong Chengchou turned to face the soldiers of the Western Army, and shouted loudly: "Listen to the orders, the general has an order. This time, when we leave the army, the area south of Hetao will not allow a foreigner who is an enemy of our Ming to live in our territory. Anyone who dares to fight with us All the aliens that Daming fought against were wiped out. We have to show Hong Jun's prestige, and we can't let the boys from the Northern Army underestimate them!"

"Follow the order of the commander in chief!" The soldiers of the Western Army shouted in unison.

Then Gao Qi said again: "Lu Xiangsheng!"

"The end is here!" Lu Xiangsheng responded.

Gao Qi continued: "I order your department to cooperate with General Hong's headquarters, wait for Jingping in the south of Hetao, and occupy Ningxia Wei."

After a pause, Gao Qi continued: "After occupying Ningxia Wei, rely on Ningxia Wei to attack the area west of Hetao. I don't limit your target. You can hit me as far as you can within your ability. .”

Lu Xiangsheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said loudly: "The general will obey."

Speaking of which, Lu Xiangsheng turned his head to face the soldiers of the Southern Army and shouted: "Do you understand? This time we can't let the guys from the Northern Army and the Western Army look down upon us. We want the foreign enemies to taste the strength of our Tianxiong Army. Dare The general does not limit our attack range, I will limit the range for you, five hundred miles west of Hetao, we will wipe them all out!"

"I would like to obey the command of the commander in chief!" the Southern Army general shouted.

With a vigorous wave of his hand, Gao Qi shouted loudly: "Beat the drum!"

As soon as Gao Qi finished speaking, the drummer on the high platform beat the drum vigorously.




As the drumbeat became faster and faster, Gao Qi raised his head and sang loudly: "Laughing with arrogance and pride..."

Immediately, all the soldiers sang in unison: "Hot blood beats red sun..."

Tens of thousands of soldiers sang in unison, and the momentum was really like a mountain. For a while, the people around the school were also infected by the passion of the soldiers, and couldn't help cheering in unison: "Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

Amidst the cheers that shook the sky, Gao Qi waved the military flag vigorously: "Send troops!"

Cao Wenzhao, Hong Chengchou, and Lu Xiangsheng waved their military flags at the same time.

"send troops!"

"send troops!"

"send troops!"

Immediately, the gate of the school yard opened, and the soldiers of the three armies began to turn and set off.

"The army's heart is available! The people's hearts are available! I don't need to look at the results to know that the Hetao area will be flat. After more than 100 years, the Hetao area that has been occupied by the Tatars for more than 100 years will finally return to Ming Dynasty. After a hundred years, I will be worthy of my ancestors. Brother Li, this is all thanks to you and the soldiers." Zhu Youjian looked at Li Jing and said.

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's also the credit of the emperor and the courtiers. If it weren't for everyone's hard work, how could I create such a mighty teacher? How could I make the people so loyal?"

"Brother Li is still as humble as ever." Zhu Youjian shook his head and smiled.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands, watching the backs of the soldiers from afar.

After all the soldiers of the three armies left the school grounds, Li Jingfang turned around and got off the high platform with Zhu Youjian, sent Zhu Youjian back to the palace, and then returned to the cabinet office with all the officials.

Back in the cabinet, Li Jing ordered everyone to deal with official business, and only let Zhang Ao follow him to the study.

Invite Zhang Ao to sit down and order someone to bring tea.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said, "Brother Zhang, have you sent someone to look at Liaodong?"

Zhang Ao nodded: "I've seen it."

"According to your investigation, how big a gap do you think is in the manpower gap in Liaodong?" Li Jing then asked.

Zhang Ao pondered for a while and said: "If we try our best to manage the Liaohe area, then the population of Liaodong will definitely be sufficient, but if that happens, it means that we will abandon the Liaonan area, and there is still a large area of ​​uncultivated land in the entire Liaonan area. .”

After a pause, Zhang Ao continued: "If we fully manage the Liaohe area, we can indeed solve the food problem for millions of people, but what I am worried about is that the southern Liaoning area is adjacent to North Korea, and the land in the North Korean area is barren. , the Koreans will inevitably migrate to southern Liaoning. Southern Liaoning is extremely rich in natural resources, if Koreans occupy this area, the population will expand rapidly within a few years, which is extremely detrimental to our rule of eastern Liaoning."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Your concern is right, although North Korea has been included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, but they were forced to join Ming Dynasty.

If the lives of the Koreans gradually become prosperous and the population grows, with the character of this nation, they will definitely not be willing to belong to Ming Dynasty forever, and will definitely rebel.

Right and wrong, our race must have different minds, so we can make the North Koreans live a prosperous life, but we cannot let their population develop.This is also one of the reasons why I asked Yue Tuo to go to North Korea to preside over the military administration and let him keep Dorgon's troops. "

With a sneer, Li Jing continued: "We must implement a two-handed policy towards the North Koreans. We must fully support those who are determined to follow Daming, and we must fully suppress those who are half-hearted or even disobedient. Dorgon It is the knife we ​​use to suppress these people."

"The commander is brilliant, keeping Dorgon's move is really wonderful." Zhang Ao said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Let's not talk about this, just estimate, if all the Manchus are moved to the Liaohe area, and then to the southern Liaoning area, how many people will need to be moved?"

"At least 100 million." Zhang Ao said.

Li Jing nodded: "100 million, this should be the lowest amount."

At this time, the guards brought tea, Li Jing took the tea from the guards, handed Zhang Ao a cup, picked up the cup himself, took a sip, and then continued: "Even with a population of 100 million, we don't have the ability to do so now." Move over. It is still necessary to use the method of military settlements to relocate the population.”

(End of this chapter)

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