Chapter 669

After pondering for a while, Li Jing continued: "I will consider your suggestion to let the grain merchants provide military rations for the army. As for letting Jixian get involved in overseas trade, if you think it's okay, let him participate."

Gu Bingyou was overjoyed when he heard the words. Li Jing said that he agreed that the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce could also enter Manchuria.

Seeing Gu Bingyou's happy face, Li Jing said with a smile: "Don't be too happy too early. There are no foreign merchants in Manlaga for the time being. They may lose money in the early stage."

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "Commander, there is no risk in doing business. Compared with the profits that can be obtained in the future, this risk is nothing at all. To tell the truth, Commander, there are friends who have done this humble job in overseas trade before. , I know a thing or two about the humble job, it is definitely a huge profit.

However, according to the transaction volume in previous years that I know, not to mention Young Master Jixian, even our entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce is unable to meet the supplies needed for this transfer station, so we must gather more merchants. "

Li Jing smiled and said: "We are just starting now, so we should not spread the stall too big. Also, some time ago I asked you to contact the Dutch for business, you can ask them first if they would like to set up shop in Manchuria Trading."

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "It turns out that the commander-in-chief was planning on the Dutchman's idea, okay, talk to the Dutchman when I return to my humble position."

Li Jing smiled, this Gu Bingyou is really smart, he knows everything, and he knows how to give him advice at the right time, he is a rare talent.It's just that a businessman values ​​profits, and he doesn't know whether this person can maintain his loyalty to Daming in front of money. He still has to be tested. If Gu Bingyou is loyal to Daming, then give him a good support.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, the situation in Manjaka City is not very good. When Zheng Zhilong occupied Manjaka, he almost killed everyone in the city, and he also robbed the shops in the city. One day, Zheng Zhilong was busy with the war this year, so he hardly built Manga. As for the logistics supplies of our garrison in Manga, we mainly rely on domestic supplies.

There is a saying that soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first. If you want to turn Manlajia into a trade transfer station between Ming Dynasty and Western countries, many facilities must be built first. "

Gu Bing nodded: "I don't need to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation for the time being, but I have to find a way to solve the problem of clothing, food, and housing. It is impossible for merchants to come to Manlajia to eat and live on the boat. If they live for a long time, they will not even be able to buy a piece of clothing. "

"Yes! That's what it means. We have to build all the facilities needed for life first." Li Jing nodded.

Gu Bingyou pondered for a while and said: "It's just one thing. To build so many facilities requires a lot of manpower. This manpower problem may not be easy to solve."

Li Jing smiled: "The problem of manpower is easy to solve. Don't forget that we have more than 1 troops stationed in Manga. These people are now sweeping the surrounding areas of Manga. It is not easy to arrest thousands of people to work."

Gu Bingyou thought for a while and then said: "Marshal, there is no official government office in Manajia yet, and it is impossible to do so many things without government management, but setting up an official government office requires a large number of people from top to bottom. Officials, and as far as I know, there is a shortage of officials in Ming Dynasty, and I am afraid that it is impossible to send so many people to Manlajia."

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's another reason I'm looking for you, do you think it's okay to leave these things to businessmen?"

Gu Bingyou said: "Of course it's okay to let the merchants build those facilities themselves, but what about the taxes if you don't send officials? You don't expect the merchants to return to China to pay the taxes, right? To tell you the truth, if you are a humble , will definitely not pay taxes.”

Li Jing smiled: "You are honest, I have also thought about this matter, the taxation will be handed over to the garrison, and as for the establishment of local government offices in Manlaja, there is no need to send officials from the country, and the same will be handed over to the garrison. Manga is located overseas, and until everything is stabilized, military control will be implemented."

After a pause, Li Jing continued with a smile: "Of course, the imperial court has to send several officials to Manga to assist Liu Hong. After all, Liu Hong doesn't know how to govern the country. If he blindly acts rashly, all the businessmen will be scared away. gone."

Gu Bingyou laughed lightly when he heard this.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip, then looked at Gu Bingyou and said, "Mr. Gu, I am going to entrust you with the heavy responsibility of building Manchuria, are you willing to go?"

When Gu Bingyou heard the words, he hurriedly stood up and replied, "Marshal, I will never give up my humble job even if I die."

Seeing that Gu Bingyou accepted the order without hesitation, Li Jing nodded slightly.

From the bottom of the desk case, I found out the materials of Manjijia sent back by Zheng Zhilong and others, Li Jing said: "Mr. Gu, these are the materials of Manjijia, please take a look, see what you need, and make a list for me. "

Gu Bingyou hurriedly took the documents, and then read them carefully.

After reading the information, Gu Bingyou knew the weight of the burden Li Jing entrusted to him. The original residents of Manlajia City were almost wiped out by Zheng Zhilong. Now it is basically an empty city. Except for the garrison, the population is less than [-]. Most of them It was Liu Hong who was captured from the surrounding areas after he arrived in Manlajia.

Gu Bingyou frowned and read the information, then said with a wry smile: "Commander, this burden seems to be heavy! I can only promise to the commander that I will do my best to build Manjajia City into an important commercial town. As for when it will be built? Well, I can’t guarantee the humble position, it depends on the strength of General Liu’s support for the humble position.”

Li Jing smiled and said: "You didn't promise me how much time to complete the construction of the city of Manjaka. I am very pleased with this attitude. Don't worry, I will let Liu Hong fully support you. I have ordered Zheng Zhilong to assist Liu Hong to go to Johor in the east. When the time comes, as many people as you need, just ask Liu Hong.

As for Liu Hong, you don't have to worry. Liu Hong is mature and prudent, and he can tell which is more important. He will never tell you what to do or interfere with your affairs.Of course, he is the highest military officer in Managa, you have to respect him, and discuss some things with him, don't think he is a rough person, so you don't look down on him. "

"Don't dare, General Liu is an old man who follows the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief sent him to sit in Manjijia, which shows how much he values ​​General Liu. How dare he look down on General Liu with a lowly position." Gu Bingyou said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded, sighed softly, and said, "Liu Hong is not young. After a few years, I plan to transfer him back to take care of him. You have to worry about some things."

"Yes!" Gu Bingyou hurriedly said.

Li Jing continued: "Tell me, besides manpower, what else do you need?"

Gu Bingyou pondered for a while and said: "Marshal, the court is in trouble now, and the lowly position will not ask for money from the commander. The lowly position only asks for a two-year tax exemption policy from the commander. You know, Manga will be rebuilt. In the first year I'm afraid there will be no profit, and the second year will be regarded as compensation to those businessmen, so that the businessmen are willing to pay for the construction of Malawi. "

Li Jing nodded lightly, thought for a while and said, "Your consideration is correct, but you can only exempt the businessmen who paid for the construction of the city of Manjaga, and the taxes of the merchants who followed up cannot be exempted. "

After a pause, Li Jing said again: "You can consider the difficulties of the court, which shows that you have a heart, but I can't let you go to Manchujia empty-handed. I don't have much money for you, so I will give you 20 taels of silver." Bar."

"Master!" Gu Bingyou said excitedly.

Gu Bingyou assisted Du Laojiu in managing the issuance of banknotes at the bank, so he naturally knew the current state of Ming's treasury.

Some time ago, Li Jing borrowed 500 million taels of silver from Jingji Bank. The money was spent like water before it was warmed up. sent silver.

But Gu Bingyou knew that the money that Lu Song sent to the capital was not enough. In this case, Li Jing gave him 20 taels of silver. out of money.

However, Li Jing's personal money has been almost borrowed by the court in the past two years. The 20 taels of silver may already be the bottom of Li Jing's money.

Looking at Li Jing, Gu Bing felt inexplicable for a while, the man in front of him was so powerful, but he never considered himself, just like Zhuge Wuhou, who devoted himself to Daming.

For a moment, Gu Bingyou's blood was surging, and he knelt down in front of Li Jing, and kowtowed heavily: "Commander, I know that the country spends a lot of money, and the commander-in-chief keeps this money urgently. If you need money, I will find a way for myself.”

Li Jing smiled, got up and left his seat, stretched out his hand to hold Gu Bingyou and said, "What can you think of? Don't you pay for it yourself? Mr. Gu, you do things for the country, and the country can't deny you a penny. You just need to know The country is difficult now, and I am very relieved to be more careful when spending money."

"Master!" Gu Bing choked up for a moment.

Gently patted Gu Bingyou on the shoulder, Li Jing said with emotion: "Mr. Gu, work hard and build the city of Manchuria, you are a great achievement, and I will definitely reward you."

"Marshal, a humble job must be heartbreaking to repay the kindness of Marshal's understanding." Gu Bingyou said.

Li Jing smiled: "I will transfer some people from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Well, you have also worked in the bank for a while. If you think there are people who are available, bring a few people to Manga."

Hearing that Li Jing asked him to call a few bank employees, Gu Bingyou's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly said: "Commander, there is a solution, and the commander-in-chief doesn't want the money, and I hope the commander-in-chief can allocate 50 taels of banknotes to you." Humble job, humble job to open a bank in Manchuria, not only to let paper money circulate in Manchuria, but also to reserve some silver for Daming."

Li Jing smiled wryly, "Mr. Gu, we don't have money to issue banknotes now. If we issue false banknotes, the bank will lose its credibility."

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "Marshal, this money is not used in Daming's homeland, but in Manga, and it will never disturb Daming's banknote credit."

"But those who use banknotes are all businessmen from Daming, and these people will eventually bring the banknotes back to Daming." Li Jing asked doubtfully.

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "There are not only Ming merchants in Manlajia, but there are also [-] local aborigines? And the commander said that in the future, General Liu will capture some aborigines from other places to enrich the city of Manlajia. Don't these people spend money?

In Malawi, Daming has the final say, and they have to spend whatever money we ask them to spend.Not only the local aborigines, but even the foreign businessmen were required to use Ming's banknotes. "

(End of this chapter)

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