Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 670 Farewell

Chapter 670 Farewell
"Are you sure that foreign businessmen will also use Daming banknotes?" Li Jingwen looked at Gu Bingyou firmly and said.

"Hehe, Commander, don't worry, don't forget, why did the humble job fall into the hands of the Commander in the first place, what's the point of running such a small matter?" Gu Bingyou said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled, Gu Bingyou is really good at business. If it wasn't for his intelligence spies who found out that Gu Bingyou and others were behind the scenes, the court would have suffered a big fall.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing smiled and said, "Since Mr. Gu is sure of running this matter, we might as well be more generous. I will approve 100 million, no, 200 million taels of banknotes for you."

"Two million taels?" Gu Bingyou asked in surprise.

Immediately Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "Marshal, such a large sum of money is handed over to the humble official, I am afraid that the humble official will not be able to control it!"

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Mr. Gu, since you said that, there must be no problem."

Gu Bing bowed to the ground: "Thank you, Marshal, for your trust."

Li Jing patted Gu Bingyou gently: "Work hard, I'll wait for your good news."

"A humble job must not disappoint the trust of the commander!" Gu Bingyou said solemnly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You should prepare well these few days. The climate over there is very different from ours in Daming. You have prepared everything you need. When you get there, you must take care of your health. Write to me if you have any difficulties."

"Thank you, Marshal, for your concern. I'll go back and prepare now." Gu Bingyou said.

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Sending Gu Bingyou out of the study, Li Jing pondered for a while, and ordered Xiaojiu to inform Ma Wu, who asked Ma Wu to arrange two spies stationed in the bank to follow Gu Bingyou to Manga.

It's not Li Jingxin, but Gu Bingyou, it's really a huge amount of money, and now the full power is handed over to Gu Bingyou, and he alone controls it. If he is left alone, it's hard to guarantee that Gu Bingyou won't do something stupid, so someone must be sent to deal with the money. Money is regulated.

However, if you tell Gu Bingyou directly that you want to send someone to supervise Gu Bingyou's use of the money, Gu Bingyou must be unhappy. influences.

Therefore, Li Jing thought again and again, and decided to let the spies of the Security Bureau secretly supervise.Of course, the spies of the Security Bureau only have the power to supervise, not to dispose of, otherwise, Gu Bingyou would be unable to do things.

Then Li Jing ordered someone to inform Fang Fang, ordering him to transfer several officials in charge of urban planning and overall planning from Tianjin Wei to Manlajia with Gu Bingyou.

After all, these people are professionals and can plan the city reasonably. If the merchants are allowed to do it themselves, they will only choose the best locations to build shops, and in the end they will make the city messy.

After explaining the matter, Li Jing let out a long breath.

The construction of Manjijia is not a one-day effort, and it is impossible to see results immediately, but as long as it is in operation, it can bring a lot of money to Daming.

Looking at the sky, Li Jing waved to Xiao Jiu and walked towards Shuiyunju.

Professor Yunyangzi Li Jing's breathing method is not some great qigong, but a method of practicing qi for practitioners. The main purpose is to cultivate the body and mind. Combining with the thirteen Tai Chi postures, it is of great benefit to maintaining the body.

After practicing for several months, Li Jing's physical condition has greatly improved. Although he is not as vigorous as when he was young, he still has a sense of sharpness and restraint.Li Jing felt that if he were to fight against his young self now, the odds of victory should be greater.

Yun Yangzi was also very impressed with Li Jing's skill, thinking that Li Jing was a rare talent who practiced internal boxing, and that only a few months of practice was worth some people's hard work for several years.

I don't know that when Li Jing was young, he practiced the killing method of killing the enemy with one blow. He is very familiar with the human body. Which parts can be fatal, which parts can cause serious injuries, and which parts can make people powerless to resist. It couldn't be more clear.

Yunyangzi could defuse Xiao Jiu's punch with internal strength, but he couldn't defuse Li Jing's punch.Because the parts that Li Jing attacked were absolutely powerless to resist, no matter how deep Yunyangzi's internal energy was, he couldn't train those parts.For example, for the carotid artery, if Li Jing cut it with his palm, it would kill someone directly.

Although Yunyangzi understands medicine, he doesn't understand human body structure. Although Li Jing's physical strength and endurance are not as strong as when he was young, his reaction and consciousness have not been lost. After practicing the method of Qi training, he is even better than before. Under the combination of internal and external, the shot is more rapid and effective, it is difficult for Yun Yangzi not to admire.

It's just that Li Jing doesn't need to personally kill people now, those killing methods are useless to him, Li Jing learned from Yunyangzi just to recuperate his body and cultivate his character.

As usual, Li Jing meditated with Yunyangzi and practiced Qi for a while, and then did Tai Chi with Yunyangzi combined with the method of Qi training.

After punching, Yun Yangzi looked at Li Jing with a smile and said, "Jimin, I have taught you everything I can teach you as a teacher. From now on, you only need to practice on time every day. There is no guarantee that you will live a long life, but yes Prolonging life is still useful. Well, it’s been a long time since I left the mountain as a teacher, so it’s time to go back.”

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "Master, I am busy with official duties every day, and I don't have time to accompany you. You must be bored when you stay with me. If you want to leave, I dare not stay longer. Master is a cultivator, and I don't have time for you." There is nothing to give to the master, the only thing we can do is to make a name in the Taoist Temple of Wudang Mountain, I think the name of the disciple is still useful for preaching in Wudang Mountain."

"Jimin, are you willing to be named in the Wudang Taoist temple?" Yunyangzi was overjoyed when he heard that.

Li Jing smiled: "Master, what did you say? I am your apprentice. I have worshiped the master seriously, but I have not formally entered Wudang. If the master thinks it is okay, I can record the name of the disciple among the lay disciples. I am afraid that my disciple's name will disgrace Wudang Taoism."

Yunyangzi said happily: "I'm afraid your name is more useful than the sages of all ages, Jimin, thank you for being a teacher."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "Master, it is said that the disciple should confer a title on Wudang Taoist Temple, but I don't want people to think that the disciple advocates Taoism. You know, what is good at the top will make the bottom worse. If the disciple confers the title of Wudang Taoist Temple , then everyone in the Ming Dynasty must listen to the scenery, and that is not a good thing."

Yunyangzi pondered for a while and said: "Jimin, my Taoist school advocates governance by doing nothing. If the people all believe in Taoism, the country will be safe and sound. If the country is governed by Taoism in the past dynasties, the country's situation is relatively more stable. Don't you think so? Can't you consider listing Taoism as Zhengshuo?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Master, the way of Taoism is natural. If it is suitable, there is no need for disciples to force it. Taoism can be accepted by the people and used by the court. If it is not suitable, it is useless even if disciples force it. Disciple To govern the country, only use ideas that are most beneficial to the country and the people, and the most beneficial ideas are to learn from the strengths of all families, rather than sticking to one particular family."

Yun Yangzi sighed softly when he heard the words: "Jimin, since you took charge of the government, Ming Dynasty has been improving day by day, I think your approach is correct. A teacher is a monk, so you shouldn't meddle in political affairs."

"Master, I don't want Master to interfere in political affairs. Let Wudang put my name in the roster of lay disciples, which is already the bottom line of my disciple. As for whether Wudang Taoist temple can become a Taoist leader, it depends on you. Whether you are a disciple or not?" It will interfere." Li Jing said.

Yun Yangzi nodded silently when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "Jimin, let's say goodbye today, we don't know when we will see each other again, take care of yourself."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Master, you have to take care of your health when you are old. If there is improvement in the Ming Dynasty in a few years, and the disciple has time, he will go to Wudang Mountain to pay homage to your old man."

Yun Yangzi laughed and said, "Then I will live a few more years as a teacher, and I have to meet you in Wudang Mountain before I can die."

After laughing for a while, Yunyangzi said: "Okay, let's go as a teacher."

"In such a hurry? Let's leave tomorrow morning, and I will practice it for Master tonight." Li Jing said hurriedly.

Yunyangzi said with a smile: "I am a generation of monks, and everyone in the world can be a home. How sooner or later? As for the practice, it is not necessary at all. If you have this kind of heart, you will be very satisfied as a teacher."

Seeing that Yunyangzi insisted on leaving, Li Jing hurriedly said: "Then master, please wait a moment, I will ask Xiaojiu to prepare some money for you."

"Hehe, what's the use of asking for money as a teacher? Could it be that you can't get anything to eat as a teacher along the way?" Yunyangzi laughed.

"It's always more convenient to bring some money." Li Jing said hurriedly.

Yun Yangzi smiled and said, "No need."

Seeing that Yunyangzi didn't want to stay longer, Li Jing hurriedly said to Xiaojiu: "Have you got any money with you? Take it all out, and take all the money from your brothers."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing looked at Yunyangzi and said embarrassedly: "Master, I never carry money with me, but I don't think it will be difficult today."

Seeing Li Jing's eagerness, Yun Yangzi sighed and said, "It seems that if you don't want money as a teacher, you will feel uneasy. Well, then as a teacher, you will accept your kindness."

While talking, Xiao Jiu took the money from the guards, added to his own, and handed it to Yunyangzi.

Although Li Jing didn't carry any money with him, Xiao Jiu and all the guards did. There were hundreds of taels of banknotes and silver coins.

The reason why the guards brought so much money was because Li Jing would occasionally walk around the city and look around. The guards carried money with them for emergencies.

Yunyangzi was startled when he saw that Xiaojiu had drawn so much money. Yunyangzi had never seen so much money in his life, and as for himself, he had never exceeded five taels of silver. Yangzi only has a few hundred dollars.

Seeing that Xiaojiu gave him so much money, Yunyangzi waved his hands repeatedly and refused.

Li Jing smiled, took the money and put it into Yunyangzi's hands: "Master, just treat it as a little bit of filial piety from a disciple. If you keep refusing to accept it, then you don't want to recognize me as a disciple."

Hearing this, Yun Yangzi reluctantly took the money, then smiled wryly: "Jimin said so, then I will accept it as a teacher. Alright, I am leaving, take care of yourself."

"Master, it's a long way to go to Wudang Mountain, you have to take care of your health." Li Jing said.

Yunyangzi nodded, and strode out of Shuiyun Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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