Chapter 671

Regarding the issue of establishing a material transfer station in Manlajia, Gu Bingyou had a smooth discussion with De Bauer. De Bauer fully supported Ming Dynasty in building Manlajia as a city for the transfer of Chinese and Western materials.

De Bauer knew very well that with the current military strength of Ming Dynasty, it is impossible for the Dutch to get involved in the sea area southeast of Ming Dynasty. The only solution for now is to maintain friendly relations with Ming Dynasty, and the western countries have not yet established formal trade relations with Ming Dynasty. time, try to get the maximum benefit.

However, trading in Malawi can greatly shorten the transportation time. Although Daming takes a lot of profits, because the distance is much shorter, the supply pressure on the ship is much lighter. Some Dutch businessmen who were originally unable to come to Daming to do business also You can come to Malawi for trade, and more merchant ships can completely make up for the loss in profits.

Of course, De Bauer must also consider the interests of the merchants in his own country, because it is impossible for Dutch merchants to come to Manga to buy materials with empty ships, and they will inevitably bring their own materials. If these merchants want to trade in Manga, it is best to Buy or lease shops in Manjaka City.

After a serious discussion with the Dutch businessman, De Bourr proposed to Gu Bingyou that the Dutch should occupy at least [-]% of the land area in the city of Malaca for the construction of shops, warehouses and other facilities.

De Bauer's request was completely unexpected to Gu Bingyou. He did not expect that De Bourr had such confidence in Manlajia.

Seeing that De Bourr was very familiar with bargaining with him, Gu Bingyou really couldn't believe that this person would be a politician, and Gu Bingyou was more willing to believe that De Borr was a businessman.

Gu Bingyou's guess is correct. Although De Bold has the name of an envoy of the Netherlands, he is indeed not a politician. De Bold used to be the governor of Taiwan. Business de Boer is much more familiar than government affairs.

Gu Bingyou hastily reported the news to Li Jing after getting De Bourger's promise that the [-]% of the land in Manga City would be funded by the Dutch.

If it is said that Gu Bing considered whether De Borr had any commercial purpose in making such a big deal, Li Jing considered whether De Borr had any political purpose.

But Li Jing really couldn't see what political purpose De Bauer could have in doing so.

We must know that there are more than 1 elite troops of Ming Dynasty stationed in Manlajia, and it is difficult for the Netherlands to send thousands of troops overseas, let alone tens of thousands of troops?Even if the Netherlands can send troops to Malawi, how can the Netherlands guarantee victory?Once it fails, it will be beyond redemption.

As for the Netherlands, it is not realistic to rely on a powerful navy to defeat Ming Dynasty. Hundreds of ships under Zheng Zhilong patrol the waters of Manga every day. If the Netherlands wants to take Manga by force, it must organize at least [-] warships. It is impossible for the small country of the Netherlands to mobilize so many ships. It is not that the Netherlands does not have ships, but that the Netherlands does not have so many soldiers.

Without the backing of force, it is nonsense for the Dutch to play politics.

Unable to think what political purpose the Dutch could have, and seeing that the Dutch were planning to invest heavily in the construction of Manga, Li Jingsizhi agreed to De Bauer's request after repeated attempts.

Afterwards, Li Jing had a talk with De Bauer in person, and met some of De Bauer's requests.

A month later, Li Jing and De Boer finalized all the details, and then De Boer signed an agreement with Daming on behalf of the Netherlands, which would make him very beautiful in the future and make Li Jing criticized in the future.

The contents of this agreement are as follows: First, the Netherlands recognizes Manga and Southeast Asia as the territory or dependent state of Ming Dynasty. The Netherlands is not allowed to send military forces into Manga and Southeast Asia. The safety of Dutch merchants in Southeast Asia is protected by Ming Dynasty.

Second, the Netherlands purchased or leased the right to use 50% of the commercial land in Managa City for 50 years, and the Dutch's share of the land was funded by the Dutch.Due to the reason of the new construction, in the first year, the Netherlands paid 80 taels of land use fees to Daming, and in the second year, the Netherlands paid 120 taels of land use fees to Daming. After that, the Netherlands paid [-] million taels of land to Daming every year. Land use fee until the agreement expires.

Third, the land purchased or leased by the Dutch has the right to transfer, and Ming Dynasty must not interfere.

Fourth, in order to facilitate trade with Ming, the Netherlands established a chamber of commerce headed by the East India Company in Managa, and this chamber of commerce was responsible for the trade between Ming and the Netherlands.At the same time, the directors of the chamber of commerce are also the official representatives of the Netherlands, and can communicate politically with the local government offices in Malaga.


The reason why this agreement caused Li Jing to be criticized in the future lies in the second and third articles, because the Netherlands has made a lot of profits from the 10% of the land by virtue of this agreement. There are several [-] taels of silver inflow every year.

However, Li Jing did not think that he had made a mistake at the time. After all, the country had no money at that time, and it would be impossible not to give them benefits if they wanted the Dutch to contribute.In fact, at the beginning of the construction, the land use fee of 50 taels of silver was obtained, which really relieved Li Jing's great pressure.

After the agreement was signed, Gu Bingyou took the accompanying officials arranged by Li Jing and merchants from Daming and the Netherlands to Manga by boat.

After dealing with the Manchujia matter, the three-year goals set by Li Jing can be regarded as fully implemented.

Before Li Jing could rest for two days, a small case caught Li Jing's attention.

In fact, the case that attracted Li Jing's attention was very small. If it wasn't for a coincidence, Li Jing would never have heard of this case.

The reason was that when the New Year was approaching, someone from Pingyang Mansion came to Beijing to deliver New Year's goods to Li Mansion.

Since Li Jing left Pingyang Mansion, the remaining officials would send people to Beijing every year to give Li Jing some souvenirs.

Knowing that Li Jing would not accept gifts from local officials, the Pingyang government sent Li Jing's old brothers to Beijing every time. Li Jing missed the old feelings, so he could not save face for these people, so he had to accept the gifts from these people.Of course, when these people returned, Li Jing would give the old brothers things in large and small packages every time, and the value was more than ten times that of the gifts they gave.

The person sent by Pingyang Mansion this year is Zhang Erdan. Zhang Erdan was an old man who followed Li Jing when he was in Hongshanling. He made a mistake and was punished by Li Jing, who was dismissed from his post as an officer.

Later, Li Jing saw that Zhang Erdan was getting old and it was difficult to be promoted from a soldier, so he ordered him to retire and bought some land for him in Pingyang Mansion so that he could live in peace.

When meeting Zhang Erdan, Li Jing inevitably asked how his old brother was doing in Pingyang Mansion now, and he mentioned another old brother Ding Gousheng from Hongshanling.

When Ding Gousheng and Zhang Erdan followed Chen Dahu's execution of Li Jing's orders, they stole money privately, and Li Jing also dismissed him as an officer, and they retired shortly thereafter. Li Jing hadn't seen Ding Gousheng for many years.

Hearing Li Jing ask about Ding Gousheng, Zhang Erdan told Li Jing about Ding Gousheng's recent situation.

Ding Gouzeng has been depressed since he retired, probably because of his mood, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, and he got sick a few months ago.

At that time, a doctor was invited to look at it, and he said that there was no serious problem, and he said that he would be cured after taking a few doses of medicine. Who would have thought that Ding Gousheng did not improve after taking medicine for more than a month. Instead of improving, his condition became more and more serious.

I thought it was because the doctor was inaccurate in seeing the doctor, but after seeing it with a different doctor, he said that the previous doctor's diagnosis was correct, and that the prescriptions prescribed by the previous doctor were just the right medicine, and there was no need to change the prescription.

Ding Gouleng didn't believe the doctor's words, and thought that if the right medicine was given, his body should have been healed by now, why would he get heavier and heavier?Ding Gousheng felt that these two were quack doctors, so he found another doctor to see a doctor.

I don't want this doctor's diagnosis to be the same as the previous two. After reading the prescription, he also thinks it is the right medicine.

One or two may not be sure, three or four may not be all right, even if they are not sure, they will not judge that Dinggou has the same disease, and the prescriptions are the same.

Now Dinggou became suspicious, and he called all the doctors who treated him, and asked what the problem was.

The result was completely beyond Ding Gousheng's expectation. After re-diagnosis and seeing the medicine bought by Ding Gousheng, several doctors said in unison that the medicine bought by Ding Gousheng was fake.

Hearing that the medicine he bought was fake, Ding Gouzeng couldn't help being furious, and immediately sued the pharmacy shopkeeper.

Although Ding Gousheng retired, he still has connections in the army. The magistrate also knew that Ding Gousheng was Li Jing's old subordinate. He immediately sentenced Ding Gousheng to win the lawsuit and beat up the pharmacy shopkeeper severely. And fined a sum of money heavily to compensate Ding Gousheng.

And Ding Gousheng bought medicine from other pharmacies and took it for a few days, and his health gradually improved. If he was not weak, he would come to Beijing to visit Li Jing this time.

After listening to Zhang Erdan's narration, Li Jing couldn't help thinking.

What happened to Ding Gousheng this time seems to be a small problem, but there must still be such drug dealers in Daming. Because of the relationship between Jing and Jing, the government sentenced Ding Gousheng to win the lawsuit and fined the drug dealer severely.

But what if it is a serious illness?It is very likely that they will die because of taking fake medicines, and if they are ordinary people, even if they win the lawsuit, they will not be punished so severely.

In Li Jing's view, the severe sentence the local government thought was extremely light.

You must know that medicines are used to cure diseases and save lives. Selling counterfeit medicines is not only delaying illnesses, but killing lives.If the crime was based on murdering human life, then the punishment for the drug dealer in Ding Gousheng's case is obviously much lighter.

After sending Zhang Erdan away, Li Jing frowned and pondered.

The Ming Law does not have clear penalties for the sale of counterfeit drugs, and generally depends on the situation.

For example, if there is a murder after taking fake medicine, it is one kind of punishment, and if there is no death, it is another kind of punishment.Moreover, the severity of the sentence is determined by the officials who decide the case.

This kind of punishment is obviously not acceptable.

Because medicinal materials are huge profits, if the sentence is light, the drug dealer doesn't care at all, and it will take a few days to make back some money.

Strict laws must be enacted, so that drug dealers must sell counterfeit medicines.

No matter how heavy the fine is for selling counterfeit medicines, even if they are fined and go bankrupt, they still have the opportunity to risk their money back.

(End of this chapter)

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