Chapter 672

After thinking over and over again, Li Jing finally decided to impose the highest punishment on those who sell counterfeit medicines: beheaded.

Regardless of the seriousness of the circumstances, as long as it is selling counterfeit medicines, it will be punishable by death.

Although this kind of punishment seems to be severe for some pharmacies who mistakenly enter fake medicines, Li Jing believes that as a pharmacy, it should be able to distinguish between genuine medicine and fake medicine. Pharmacy?
If you feel that the penalty is heavy, or if you think you can't tell whether it is a real medicine or a fake medicine, then don't open a pharmacy as soon as possible.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing asked Xiao Jiu to go to the imperial hospital to invite Imperial Physician Hu.

Tai Hospital is the highest medical institution set up by the imperial court. In addition to treating the royal family and princes and ministers, it also manages national medical affairs, including medical education.

However, one of the biggest drawbacks of the Ming Dynasty was the hereditary system. Soldiers were hereditary, craftsmen were hereditary, and doctors were also hereditary.

Compared with the first two, hereditary doctors are pure nonsense.

Because learning Chinese medicine requires talent, without talent, at most you can only be an ordinary doctor, and you will never become a famous doctor.

Lao Tzu's medical skills are excellent, but his son's medical skills may not be excellent, and if Lao Tzu is a quack doctor, then one can imagine what kind of children he will teach.

Due to the decline of doctors' medical skills due to the hereditary system of doctors, the doctor's examination system was implemented in the sixth year of Jiajing, that is, anyone who knew medical skills could take the doctor's examination, and those who passed were hired and appointed as officials.

With the implementation of the doctor's examination system, the Ming Dynasty's medicine had a new improvement.However, since the hereditary system of doctors in the Ming Dynasty was not abolished, during the Ming Dynasty, a large number of quack doctors flooded the court and the people.

Imperial Physician Hu is Zhu Youjian's royal doctor, and his medical skills are considered outstanding in the imperial hospital. The key is the noble medical ethics. Li Jing heard that Imperial Physician Hu often treats some poor people without charging a penny.

Hearing Li Jing's summons, Imperial Physician Hu followed Xiao Jiu to the cabinet yamen with the medicine box on his back.

After saluting Li Jing, Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly asked, "I don't know what's wrong with your lord."

As he spoke, he wanted to feel Li Jing's pulse.

Stretching out his hand to cover Imperial Physician Hu's palm, Li Jing smiled and said, "You bastard, Xiao Jiu, can't speak clearly. I am in good health. I have something to discuss with Imperial Physician Hu."

Physician Hu couldn't help being panicked when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, if you have something to do, just order it."

Li Jing smiled, asked Imperial Physician Hu to sit down and talk, and ordered Xiao Jiu to serve tea to Imperial Physician Hu.

After Imperial Physician Hu sat down, Li Jing recounted what happened to Ding Gouzeng, and then told Imperial Physician Hu his thoughts.

Finally, Li Jing said: "Doctor Hu, do you think it is feasible for me to promulgate such a law?"

Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly said: "Your official is just a doctor. Your Excellency is talking about government affairs. How do you understand this?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "It is precisely because you are a doctor that I ask for your opinion."

After hearing the words, Imperial Physician Hu pondered for a while and said, "Then just tell me your own opinion. From my point of view, what you do is for the sake of the people, but how many quack doctors are there in the world? Many quack doctors can't tell the difference between the medicinal materials. true and false.

I don't want to hide the truth from my lord, some medicinal materials, even the lower officials have to carefully identify the authenticity, and even have to try it with my own mouth to know the true and false.If they are sentenced to death because they cannot recognize counterfeit medicines, I am afraid that many people will be killed, and it will not be long before there will be few doctors in the world. "

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "What Imperial Physician Hu said is reasonable, I owe it to you to think about it."

Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly said: "It can't be said that it is a lack of consideration. Those who sell fake medicines should be severely punished, and those who don't distinguish between the real and the fake should be severely punished, so that all people can seek medical treatment with peace of mind. But the lower officials think that this law It is best not to implement the law immediately after it is promulgated, and to give the doctors a buffer time. You should know that most of the doctors in Ming Dynasty are hereditary. Although most of these people are quack doctors, they will not do anything else except practice medicine. Such a law Once the law is enacted, these people will have no way out."

Li Jingjing nodded: "It makes sense. Before implementing this law, the hereditary system of doctors should be banned first, so that many people don't have to be doctors reluctantly because of hereditary reasons. At the same time, we also need to make great efforts to train doctors and improve the quality of doctors. Only when doctors improve their medical skills can they truly benefit the people."

"What your lord said is very true. The most important thing is to improve the medical skills of doctors." Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly said.

"Cultivating doctors is definitely not something that can be achieved in three to five years. After all, medicine is different from other disciplines. This requires long-term practice." Li Jing continued.

Physician Hu hurriedly said: "Yes, none of the real famous doctors learned to treat diseases by reading books, and it is impossible without long-term practice accumulation."

After a pause, the imperial physician Hu continued: "Actually, the lower officials think that the method adopted by the Lord in Pingyang Mansion is very good. At the beginning, the emperor sent several imperial physicians to Pingyang Mansion, and the Lord arranged these imperial physicians to study medicine in the Academy of Sciences. While studying medicine in Pingyang Prefecture, these people also taught many students, and many of the students they brought have gone out to practice medicine over the years."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It is true that I want doctors with the emperor, but they are only asked to study medicine. They treat people and teach students in their spare time. That is their own behavior." , not that I asked them to do that."

"It's also because you are open-minded. Many things that cannot be done in other places can be done in Pingyang Prefecture. Therefore, many people in Pingyang Prefecture have the opportunity to study medicine." Imperial Physician Hu laughed.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head.

Many people in Pingyang Prefecture studied medicine because Li Jing issued a reward order at that time, and any doctor who could develop a good medicine would be rewarded heavily.Those who study medicine are actually aiming at the big rewards, and this is Li Jing's unintentional trickery.

Knowing the reason behind it, Li Jing immediately said: "Then can we spread the successful experience of Pingyang Mansion to the public?"

Imperial Physician Hu shook his head and said: "The experience of Pingyang Mansion can be used for reference, but it may be counterproductive if it is fully promoted. Because there are few good doctors in Ming Dynasty and many quack doctors, if the practice of Pingyang Mansion is copied, the lower officials can conclude that those quack doctors must be They wantonly teach students to make profits. My lord, although quack doctors don’t kill people, countless patients die at the hands of quack doctors every year. One can imagine the consequences of the students taught by these people.”

"Then what can you do?" Li Jing pondered.

"Returning to my lord, the subordinate officials and several colleagues were worried that there were too many quack doctors in the country. We all thought that doctors should be strictly examined. Only those who are qualified can be granted the qualification to practice medicine. And only those who have the qualification to practice medicine can teach Students." Doctor Hu said.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

Seeing that Li Jing agreed with his point of view, Imperial Physician Hu continued: "But the evaluation of doctors is in charge of the Ministry of Etiquette. The lower officials say something ugly. How do these lay officials know whether the doctors have real talents? They just look at who they choose. There are so many benefits.”

"This is indeed a disadvantage. How can the Ministry of Rites be in charge of the evaluation of doctors? It should be in charge of the Imperial Hospital." Li Jing shook his head and sighed.

(Note: During the Ming Dynasty, imperial doctors in Taiyuan Hospital were divided into three classes. Those who first entered the Taiyuan Hospital were called doctors. After passing the examination, they were promoted to doctors, and those who passed the examination were promoted to doctors.

The imperial hospital has four seasons of exams every year, and a big exam once every three years. Doctors, doctors, and doctors all take the big exam. The exam is presided over by the officials of the Ministry of Rites together with the medical officers.

Those who pass the exam will be ranked first as doctors and second class as doctors. Those who fail can study for one year and take the exam again. Those who fail the exam three times will be deposed as civilians.Those who are all excellent in the five-year examination will be invited by the teacher and be awarded at their discretion, that is, the grade will be improved.

In the Ming Dynasty, the highest officer of the Taiyuan Hospital was the envoy, whose rank was the fifth rank, followed by the judge, the sixth rank, the imperial doctor, the eighth rank, the official order, and the ninth rank.

After serving as a physician or doctor, he must continue to study specialized subjects and take exams.

Those with first-class examination results, who were originally doctors, can serve as doctors, and those who do not have a crown will be given a crown.Those who were originally paid by the inner hall and had crown belts will be given a one-level increase in salary.If there is a shortage of people in the inner hall, the imperial hospital will report to the Ministry of Rites in turn according to different specialties, and send them to the inner hall.

The second-class examination results, who were originally doctors and pretended to be doctors, and doctors who did not have a crown, will be given a crown.Those who used to serve in the inner hall are not allowed to continue to work, but can only work in the imperial hospital.

The exam results are third class, and the position remains the same.

Examination results of the fourth class, the original crown belt, the crown belt will be removed.Those who received the original grade-level salary will be reduced for one year, and those who receive miscellaneous salary will be reduced to crown doctors.Those who have been given food for seven years will become doctors and only receive daily food.

Those who pass the fourth-class exam are allowed to study for half a year and then take the exam again at the Ministry of Gifts. Those who pass the exam can still receive salary and crowns.

Nayinhou is short of officials and needs to take a three-year exam, and the results are listed as first-class, so that he can make up for the vacancies like other doctors.Doctors led by Nayinguan have to pass the three-year exam before they are allowed to change jobs. Those who have not passed the exam cannot stay in Tai Hospital.

Those who are dispatched in Beijing and who fail to take the exam are required to make up the exam within half a year.If you avoid it again, if you don't recover, you will return.Those who have been on leave for more than one year after recovering from illness, or who have completed their service, short-term, or sick leave, and deliberately avoid the exam, and those who have not returned to the Taiyuan Hospital for more than one year in an attempt to avoid the exam, will be demoted by the Ministry of Rites.

It can be seen from this that the three-yearly grand examination and the determination of the grade of the imperial hospital are all under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites, and how can the officials of the Ministry of Rites understand medicine?There are many natural disadvantages in letting laymen test experts. )
After thinking about it, Li Jing said: "Nowadays, if you want to train good doctors, you must first unify the authority. How about this, after you go back, discuss it with your colleagues and come up with a specific charter."

"My lord, how can I wait for the doctor to make any regulations?" Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly asked.

Li Jing smiled: "What's wrong with this? You should first determine what the hospital should be in charge of. Doctors should be in your charge, right? Medicinal materials should also be in your charge? Then you should think about how to manage doctors, How to manage medicinal materials."

"This... I really wouldn't do such a thing, please appoint someone else." Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly said.

Li Jing couldn't help being dumb when he heard the words, and after pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "That's fine, I'll find someone else to get this charter. But you will also think about it after you go back, and let me know if you have any ideas."

"Yes! Then I will resign." Imperial Physician Hu hurriedly said.

"Physician Hu, go slowly, Xiao Jiu, send me Physician Hu." Li Jing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu stepped forward to pick up Dr. Hu's medicine box and sent Dr. Hu back to the Tai Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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