Chapter 673
After Imperial Physician Hu left, Li Jing closed his eyes and began to meditate.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Jing opened his eyes, then spread paper and ground it, and wrote down what he had just thought.

After finishing writing, Li Jing read it carefully, corrected a few typos, then got up and went to the signing room and said to Su Heng: "Put the matter at hand first, I have something to explain."

Hearing this, Su Heng hurriedly stopped what he was doing, and followed Li Jing to the study.

Li Jing handed the materials in his hand to Su Heng and said, "This is what I wrote just now. I wrote it in a mess, so please straighten it out."

Su Heng nodded, took the materials and looked at them seriously.

After finishing reading, Su Heng pondered for a while, picked up his pen and began to write.

After a long time, Su Heng put down his pen and handed the rewritten materials to Li Jing: "Marshal, take a look and see if the symbol meets your meaning."

Li Jing took it and looked it over carefully, and then said with a smile: "Pingzhi, your pen is getting better and better, and it's even rarer to understand my thoughts. It's very good, that's what it means."

Su Heng smiled and said: "Master, compared with you, the students are far behind. The students are just polishing what you wrote."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Don't underestimate the work of polishing, these are all details, if the details are not done well, nothing will be accomplished."

Returning the materials to Su Heng, Li Jing continued, "Write a few more copies, I will use them later."

Su Heng took the materials, pondered for a while and said. "Marshal, don't be offended if the student says something inappropriate."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Just say what you want."

Su Heng thanked, and then said: "The student knows that you transcribed some materials for the adults in the cabinet to read, but the student thinks that you should make up your own mind on this matter and discuss it with the adults. The student is afraid of you. Adults will not agree."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Pingzhi, some things are not as simple as you think. This matter must be done, even if all the ministers in the cabinet object to me, but I can't do it without discussing with you adults. Decided, even if they can't figure it out for a while, I have to explain it clearly to them.

You must know that this newly established department involves the interests of many people.

Let's just talk about the doctor's assessment. It used to be under the control of the Ministry of Rites. Now I let the General Administration of Medicine take care of it, which is equivalent to depriving the original power of the Ministry of Rites.

There is also the Ministry of Officials. The personnel relations of this newly established department are not under the control of the Ministry of Officials. It is independent of the Ministry of Officials. Does Zhou Hengchen have no ideas?

There is also the Ministry of Accounting, the department's income and expenditure are not under the control of the Ministry of Accounting, do you think Mr. Shen has any ideas?If I don't communicate well with everyone, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to do this. "

Su Heng smiled wryly: "Actually, the students are also a little confused. Why did the commander-in-chief give the General Administration of Medicine so much power? This is simply an independent government office."

Li Jing sighed: "I don't want to either, but you know that literati have many problems, and they want to ask about everything. They don't understand this medical matter. If you ask them to intervene, what can they do? It will only add to the confusion.

I used to say that professional things should be managed by professionals, and laymen should not care about experts.

Especially in matters of medicine, laymen should not be allowed to intervene.

You want to!How can people not get sick if they eat whole grains?When we get sick, doctors are our hope. We all hope that the doctors will be as skilled as possible. However, many doctors in our Ming Dynasty are simply quack doctors. Seeking these quack doctors for treatment can't cure the disease at all. Not only can't cure the disease, even Can put people to death.

This is a terrible thing, because one day such a thing may happen to you and me, so, even for our own sake, this newly established General Administration of Medicine must not let laymen dictate, we must find people who are proficient in medical skills to manage Doctors, find someone who is proficient in medicine to manage medicinal materials. "

Su Heng sighed: "Everyone should understand this principle, but it involves the power in everyone's hands..."

Li Jing said coldly: "Is power more important than life? Yes, everyone has a professional doctor to see them, and there is no need to worry about finding a quack doctor, but what about ordinary people? Who do they look for? Do ordinary people deserve to die? So I To abolish the Imperial Physician, in the future, except for the emperor who can assign a special doctor to see a doctor, all officials will go to the hospital to see a doctor, including me."

Su Heng sighed lightly and said, "The commander-in-chief will offend all the officials if he does this."

Li Jing shook his head: "No, only those high-ranking officials will object to my doing this. As for those middle and low-level officials, not only will they not object, they will support me instead. I am not alone."

Speaking of which, Li Jing got up and came to the window, pushed the window open, a gust of cold wind blew in, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

Li Jingshen pointed out the window and said, "Daming's system has many problems, just like the weather outside, which makes people unable to stretch their hands and feet. Pingzhi, if I don't change these systems, no one will think about changing them." They. I have already thought about it, even if everyone opposes it, I will carry out this matter. However, in my opinion, no matter how much resistance this matter has, it will not be as big as me getting rid of Confucianism, right?"

Seeing Li Jing suddenly open the window, Su Heng was startled, and hurried over to close the window: "Marshal, be careful of catching a cold. You had a serious illness last year because of catching a cold."

Li Jing turned around and smiled, and patted Su Heng's shoulder lightly.

Seeing Li Jingping's peaceful smile, Su Heng couldn't help feeling a surge of enthusiasm, and blurted out: "Marshal, no matter how many people oppose you, the students will support you, even if you die, the students will never back down."

"Oh?" Li Jing looked at Su Heng with a smile.

Su Heng continued: "The commander-in-chief has the world in mind, and he doesn't care about personal gains and losses. He is really a role model for my generation. Mencius said: "If you are self-conscious, you will shrink back. Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go. If you are not talented, you are willing to follow the commander-in-chief and make a living for the world. "

"Okay! It's a good one, although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go! My generation of men should have this kind of courage. In peace, as long as you have this heart, you will not be afraid of any difficulties." Li Jing praised.

"Students must keep in mind the teachings of the commander, and the students will copy the materials." Su Heng said
Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Xu was motivated, Su Heng moved his pen like flying, and it didn't take long to transcribe the information.

Seeing that Su Heng finished writing, Li Jingdao: "Send someone to invite Shen Zheng, Zhou Hengchen, Yang Liufeng, Yuan Shu and other cabinet ministers."

"Yes!" Hearing this, Su Heng hurried to the signing room and ordered the Secretary's Office to invite someone.

After a while, Shen Zheng and others came to Li Jing's study.

After several people met the ceremony, Li Jing waved his hand to signal for everyone to sit down, and then asked Su Heng to distribute the transcribed materials to everyone.

"I'm going to set up the Daming General Administration of Medicine. This is the structure of the General Administration of Medicine. Take a look." Li Jing said.

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly unfolded the information and read it carefully.

After reading it, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing smiled and said, "Let's talk about your views."

Shen Zheng and the others looked at each other, seeing each other's meaning from their eyes.

After pondering for a while, Shen Zheng said: "Commander, isn't the Tai Hospital good? Why do you want to set up a General Administration of Medicine? Now that the country is in financial difficulties and the manpower is not sufficient, should you think about it again, Commander?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Yes, financial difficulties and lack of manpower. But there are some things that cannot be waited for. If we do them one day earlier, more people will benefit."

"The department that the commander-in-chief is going to set up has never been heard of before. When did the commander-in-chief start to have this idea?" Yang Liufeng laughed.

"Hehe, I just came up with this idea today." Li Jing laughed.

Shen Zheng heard the words and asked: "Why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"Father-in-law, do you still remember Ding Gousheng?" Li Jing asked without answering.

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "I remember, why don't I remember, Ding Gouxeng was our old brother in Hongshanling. What's wrong with him?"

"Ding Gousheng almost disappeared some time ago." Li Jing said.

"What's going on? Why did you almost die?" Shen Zheng asked in surprise.

Li Jing immediately told Shen Zheng what Zhang Erdan said when he came to see him.

Finally, Li Jing said: "Originally, I just wanted to formulate a law on punishing the sale of counterfeit medicines, but after I asked Dr. Hu, I found out that there are many disadvantages in Ming Dynasty's medicine management. The law of medicine is afraid that it will treat the symptoms but not the root cause, so after thinking twice, I decided to start from the root cause."

"We absolutely support the abolition of the maladministration, Commander-in-Chief, but you seem to be overdoing it? The maladministration of medicine in the Ming Dynasty has existed for a long time, and it is by no means abolishing the maladministration of medicine by setting up a new department. In my opinion, the governance of the maladministration of medicine should be done step by step instead of using too much force." , otherwise, trouble may arise!" Shen Zheng continued.

"Afraid of trouble? What trouble could happen? Are you afraid that those doctors won't see you?" Li Jing laughed.

Shen Zhengdao: "Although I'm not sure, I have to be on my guard."

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Yang Liufeng and asked, "What do you think?"

Yang Liufeng looked at Shen Zheng, then at Yuan Shu, squirmed his mouth, and finally fell silent.

"Brother Boying, what's your opinion?" Li Jing turned to Yuan Shu and asked.

"What Master Shen said is true, this matter really needs to be cautious." Yuan Shu said.

Li Jing looked at Zhou Hengchen again: "What about you, what do you think?"

Zhou Hengchen clasped his hands together and said, "Whatever the commander wants to do, the subordinates will give full support, but what Mr. Shen said just now is indeed an old-fashioned way to seek the country. The subordinates think that the commander should consider Mr. Shen's opinion."

Li Jing smiled: "You don't offend both ends."

Sighing slightly, Li Jing continued, "Actually, you all don't agree with my move, do you?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Jing shook his head, sighed and continued: "Actually, it's no wonder. My father-in-law's family is wealthy, and he never worried about finding a good doctor. Not to mention brother Boying, even the officials are not Just go to a doctor and go home to see a doctor. As for Hengchen, Hengchen was born as a Jinshi, and he was a county magistrate when he became an official. If a family member is sick, he will not go to a doctor casually."

After a pause, Li Jing turned to Yang Liufeng: "But what about you? Be careful, you won't forget your previous experience, right? Don't you also object to my move?"

Yang Liufeng hurriedly said: "Commander, the student used to be from a poor family. When the father was seriously ill, he couldn't even get a doctor. The student has never forgotten the past experience."

(End of this chapter)

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