Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 687 General Administration of Medicine

Chapter 687 General Administration of Medicine
In May of the 12th year of Chongzhen, the imperial court once again sent out heavy news that the Daming General Administration of Medicine, which had been in the works for half a year, was officially established.The Medical Affairs Department and the Pharmaceutical Affairs Department under the General Administration of Medicine manage the medical affairs of Ming Dynasty respectively.

Subsequently, the General Administration of Medicine announced the establishment of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Ming Dynasty, and merged the Department of Medicine under the Academy of Sciences into the Royal Academy of Medicine, and transferred some highly skilled imperial physicians from the Taiyuan Hospital to the Royal Academy of Medicine to engage in medical and pharmaceutical research and education.

Then the General Administration of Medicine announced that Tai Hospital would be changed to Daming Royal Hospital. Nearly a hundred doctors would attend the Royal Hospital every day, not only treating royal and court officials, but ordinary people in the capital could also visit the Royal Hospital.

In addition, the Royal Hospital also arranged for dozens of doctors to make rounds. These doctors are specially for patients and women who are inconvenient to go out.

For ordinary people, this news is unbelievable. They never imagined that one day the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital would treat these grassroots people like them.

Therefore, although the Royal Hospital categorically said that the doctors in it were former imperial physicians from the imperial hospital, most ordinary people did not believe it.

But there are always some seriously ill people who go to the Royal Hospital to see a doctor in desperation. When these people are cured, they finally believe that the doctors in the Royal Hospital are good doctors with superb medical skills. It will not be much different from the imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital, and they found that seeing a doctor in the Royal Hospital is not as expensive as they imagined.

Although there are not many people of this type, as long as there is an ordinary person who goes to the Royal Hospital for treatment, it will be passed on to more people, so more and more ordinary people pour into the Royal Hospital.

The profession of doctor has been very lucrative since ancient times, and Li Jing established the Royal Hospital not as a charity, so although the fees of the Royal Hospital are not ridiculously high, they are not very low.

But for patients, as long as the disease can be cured, they will admit it even if they spend a little more money, which is better than spending money and not seeing the disease cured.

Therefore, when more and more patients poured into the Royal Hospital, the revenue of the Royal Hospital also increased, which could soon offset the expenditure of the hospital.

The Daming Royal Hospital is more and more accepted by the common people, and the provincial governments have also started to set up hospitals. The nature and operation of these hospitals are basically the same as the Royal Hospital in the capital, and the main purpose is to treat the common people.

Not long after the establishment of the General Administration of Medicine, the Daming Minsheng Daily suddenly released a major news that the first joint-stock company in Daming was established.

Along with the news, there is also an explanation of the concept of a joint-stock company, as well as the total assets and annual income of Jingji Transportation Company. At the same time, the number of shares converted by Jingji Transportation Company based on the existing assets and the price of each share are also released. Wait.

This news does not mean much to ordinary people, but it is different to businessmen.

Because businessmen often deal with Jingji Chariots and Horses when they are in business, and all businessmen who have dealt with the chariots and horses know that Jingji Chariots and Horses is Li Jing's industry, let Jingji Cars and Horses consign or It is said that the safety of escorting materials can be guaranteed, and no department or local government dares to obstruct Jingji's carriage.It can be said that Jingji's chariots and horses travel unimpeded in the territory of Daming.

Although many people imitated Jingji Chariots and Horses to engage in transport escorts, they did not have the strength of Jingji Chariots and Horses at all.

Not to mention anything else, road guides need to be issued when transporting across states and counties, and road guides need to be paid. This alone increases the operating costs of these chariots and horses. Can you charge these miscellaneous fees?
Without those messy charges, the cost of Jingji Car and Horse Company is much lower than that of its peers, and the charges are naturally lower than that of its peers. This undoubtedly gives Jing Ji Car and Horse Company an absolute advantage in the competition.It can be said that Jingji Chariot and Horse Company has basically monopolized the transportation industry of Ming Dynasty.

Now Jingji Chariot & Horse Company suddenly began to sell its shares, which naturally attracted the attention of countless businessmen.

According to Minsheng Daily, the total asset value of Jingji Transportation Company is 380 million taels, of which fixed assets, including all semicolon vehicles, horses, real estate, etc., are worth 280 million taels, and the value of the Jingji signboard is 100 million taels. silver.

The annual income of Jingji Transportation Company is more than [-] taels of silver, which means that the return on investment has reached more than [-]%, which is quite high.

Jingji Transportation Company intends to convert all assets into 800 million shares, each worth one penny.Among them, Li Jing retained [-]% of the shares, and then the imperial court held [-]% of the shares, and the remaining [-]% of the shares were sold.

After figuring out what equity means, and carefully calculating the assets and returns of Jingji Transportation Company, countless businessmen went to the capital to purchase the equity of Jingji Transportation Company.

To say that most merchants are very shrewd, it seems unreasonable that Jing Ji's signboard is worth 100 million taels of silver, but everyone knows the meaning of this signboard, because this signboard represents Li Jing.If Li Jing agreed to let them use the signboard of Jingji, let alone 100 million taels of silver, they would be willing to buy it no matter how much it was.

Businessmen all know that if someone invests 280 million taels of silver to open a transportation company, let’s not talk about how much money they earn, and whether they can travel all over the country, but with the signboard of Jingji, they can pass without hindrance. Remember the value of this signboard.

With so many businessmen coming to the capital to buy shares, it is obvious that the [-]% shares offered for sale are far from enough for these businessmen. In order to buy shares, some businessmen began to raise the price, and then other businessmen began to follow suit, so the stock price was quickly lost by the businessmen. They were pulled up, from the initial price of one penny per share, all the way to one penny and six per share.

In the end, all the shares offered by Jingji Transportation Company were sold at 360 yuan per share, and a total of 8000 million taels of cash was recovered, which was more than 130 million taels of silver more than expected.

Seeing that Jingji's car and horse business made so much money in a day, the bank and account department officials in charge of registration and the company's accountants were all dumbfounded.And after the news reached the cabinet, Shen Zheng and the others were also taken aback, even if they robbed the money, it would not be so fast!

However, Li Jing knew the inside story, because he arranged for the increase in the stock price.Two days before the stock sale, De Bauer suggested to Li Jing to arrange for several businessmen to raise the price to buy the stock, so that the stock price could be pulled up.

So Li Jing asked Shen Jixian to find a few businessmen from Jiangsu and Zhejiang firms, and deliberately raised the price on the day of the stock sale, triggering bids from businessmen, and finally pulling the stock price to [-] cents.

Li Jing did this not to make money, but to tell everyone about this method of capital operation in advance.

Because Daming has invented the steam engine now, with the application of the steam engine, Daming will definitely enter the era of industrialization, and after entering industrialization, the demand for capital will increase. At this time, let everyone know this method of capital operation. The development of industry and commerce in China is undoubtedly beneficial.To put it bluntly, it was Li Jing who wanted Daming to enter the capitalist society in advance.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to immediately realize that capital can still operate in this way just by establishing a joint-stock company, and most people still cannot understand this mode of operation.

But it doesn't matter, there are still many industries under Li Jing's name, except for restaurants and inns and other service industries, the rest are monopoly industries.

For example, the factories run by Li Jing, whether they are textile factories, garment factories or cement factories, are basically the only ones in Daming.

With the successful experience of selling shares in Jingji Transportation Company, Li Jing immediately began to sell shares in other industries.

So Jingji cement factory, textile factory, and garment factory began to sell their shares one after another.After raising a large amount of funds, they began to build more factories in various places. After these factories were put into production, the assets of the company naturally increased, and then began to issue additional equity. Just like a snowball, the scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger. .

The rapid expansion of Jingji industry deeply shocked the businessmen of Ming Dynasty, they did not expect that capital could still operate like this.

However, Chinese businessmen are extremely imitative. First, those big firms began to imitate Jingji’s model to raise capital, and then some small businesses joined forces to form companies, and then sold equity.In just one year, dozens of firms in Daming established joint-stock companies, including Shenji Jewelry Company, Shenji Firm, and Jiangsu-Zhejiang Firm jointly established by Shen Jixian and Jiangsu-Zhejiang merchants.

Of course, this mode of operation has certain risks. Once the management is not good, the value of the equity purchased by businessmen will shrink.In addition, there are still a small number of businessmen who set up some shell companies to sell equity purely for the purpose of earning money. Buying equity in such companies is basically tantamount to wasting money.

In order to allow everyone's money to be truly invested in the development of industry and commerce, Li Jing began to conduct strict audits on joint-stock companies. If the audit fails, the sale of equity is not allowed.

This is undoubtedly good news for those companies with real development potential, because in this way, businessmen will only invest in these companies.As a result of the investment, the scale of these companies is getting bigger and bigger, gradually forming a monopoly on their respective industries.

And monopoly is obviously not conducive to the development of industry and commerce, so Li Jing started to set up a supervision department to supervise and not allow such monopoly behavior of enterprises.

It can be said that in the process of developing industry and commerce in full swing, Daming was completely in a state of groping, basically taking one step at a time. Although there were many mistakes, as long as there were problems, they were corrected immediately, and there was not much trouble. .

In the process of correcting mistakes, a series of laws and regulations were issued, and supervision departments were established, so that the Ming system gradually improved.

(End of this chapter)

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