Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 688 Field Trips

Chapter 688 Field Trips
The cabinet signed the mortgage room, Li Jing stretched his waist, and let out a long breath.

"Marshal, are you tired? Have a cup of tea and take a rest." Su Heng came in with a teacup and said.

Li Jing reached out and tapped the table, motioned Su Heng to put it down, and then sighed: "It's not easy to manage a country well, and it's even more difficult to develop a country. Now I feel more and more powerless."

Su Heng said with a smile: "Commander, if you can't do what you want, then those ministers in the court will be even more helpless."

Li Jing shook his head: "I'm not being humble, I'm really powerless. Pingzhi, you should know that many ministers in the court do not agree with the policies I promote. I want to implement the new policy, and I have to talk to those ministers who are against it. Playing in the arena is really too much."

"Commander, those ministers are stubborn, you don't need to pay attention to them. In fact, according to the students' opinion, the commander should dismiss those stubborn ministers." Su Heng said.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "Pingzhi, your thinking like this is unacceptable. There must be people who don't understand our implementation of the New Deal, and if they don't understand, they will oppose it. At this time, what we have to do is to explain to them and let them understand the benefits of the New Deal. Suppression will only make them more opposed. At that time, they are not against my policies, but against me.

In addition, we are not necessarily right to implement the New Deal, and it is good to listen to different opinions, and because these people oppose it, they will definitely keep their eyes on the New Deal. Whenever there is a mistake, they will immediately catch it. It allows us to correct mistakes in time.Therefore, we must not move these opponents, not only cannot move, but we must respect them. "

"Yes! Students are taught." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Of course, the country must not be entrusted to these people to take the helm. Otherwise, the country will go back to the old road, and our hard work will be in vain. Therefore, we must not let them control real power."

Picking up his teacup and taking a sip of tea, Li Jing flipped through the official documents on the table and said, "This is the information from newspapers from various places this year. I calculated that this year there will be tens of thousands of new stores and more than 700 new factories across the country. Most of them have been put into production and have begun to pay taxes for the court. This year, the court's business tax can be increased by at least 150 million taels, and it will definitely be more in the coming year.

However, there is another problem here. Due to the establishment of a large number of factories and shops, a lot of cultivated land has been occupied. At the same time, many farmers have abandoned farming and turned to work. People from the Ministry of Land reported that cultivated land has decreased in many places. In addition, some We must pay attention to the poor cultivation of the land. "

"The commander-in-chief sent Huang Zongxi and the others to investigate, just to solve this problem?" Su Heng said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "If they don't go deep into the local area to understand the situation, how can they give me practical and effective suggestions? To solve the problem, you can't use data to imagine it out of thin air, you have to adapt to local conditions."

Su Heng nodded silently upon hearing this.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Pingzhi, the eighth day of February is Mr. Yuan's memorial day. I was not with him when he passed away. I was too busy to go back on the anniversary. I have to pay homage to Mr. Yuan during the three-year festival." , you write a letter to Henan chief envoy Ni Yuanlu, tell him that I will go to Suizhou to pay homage to Mr., and let him prepare."

"Yes!" Su Heng hurriedly said.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "In addition, you should write a letter to Duke Rong Xu Ji, telling him that if I go to Henan to pay homage to Mr. Yuan, I will not be able to go to Shanghai to pay homage to Mr. Xu. I will be there next year." Shanghai pay homage to Mr. Xu, and let him not be offended."

Su Heng nodded hastily upon hearing this.

After pondering for a while, Su Heng asked: "Did the general write the sacrificial oration to worship Mr. Yuan himself, or did the students do it for him?"

"I'll write it myself, and you'll polish it up for me when I'm done," Li Jing said.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "When Mr. passed away, Kong Zhenyun's sacrificial inscription was very good. This time, I will ask Mr. Kong Zhenyun to write another inscription."

"Okay." Su Heng replied.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing continued: "When I go to Suizhou this time, I will definitely be accompanied by many ministers. If I get too much, I will inevitably make Xu Ji think that I favor one person over another. I think it is better to send some people to Shanghai. What do you think?" Whoever takes the lead is more appropriate."

Su Heng thought for a while and said, "Master Shen and Master Zhou are the most suitable ones, but I'm afraid that they will also go with the commander to worship Mr. Yuan."

"My father-in-law hasn't been back to his hometown in Henan for many years, this time let him go back to his hometown to have a look. Send Heng Chen to go, let Kong Zhenyun go with him, it will be more grand." Li Jing said.

"Then I will inform Master Zhou and Master Kong immediately." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

Li Jing went to Suizhou to pay homage to Yuan Keli, and another reason was to take a look below.

Because sometimes the news reported below may not be true and accurate, local officials usually report good news but not bad news, as for the personnel sent to investigate sometimes they will take care of the face of local officials and cover up for them.In this way, there may be deviations in the news and data received by Li Jing, and once there are deviations, it will affect Li Jing's next decision-making.

Although what Li Jing saw may not be true, but there are some things that cannot be concealed. For example, how many factories have been built and how many shops have been opened in the newspaper below. This cannot be faked. Li Jing went down to see if there is any With so many factories, and whether there are so many stores, you will know whether the reported data is true or false.

Another example is to check the cultivation situation. You can see whether there are crops in the field, and what crops are planted. Although the crops have been harvested long ago at this time, the stubble is still in the field. You can know the crops when you see the stubble. The growth situation of the plant can be used to judge how the output is, and these cannot be faked.

And Li Jing went down to take a look, the people below would know what Li Jing valued, and they would not and would not dare to neglect these things in the future.

On the fifth day of the first month of the 13th year of Chongzhen, after explaining the affairs in Beijing, Li Jing, his family and a group of officials left Beijing for Suizhou, Henan.

The reason why we left so early was that it was a long way from the capital to Suizhou in Henan. Given the current traffic conditions and the fact that we had to inspect the luggage scene along the way, the action was unavoidably slow. It would be considered good to arrive in Suizhou within a month.

As Li Jing expected, the actual situation in various places differs greatly from what the government reported. First of all, the factories, most of which are under construction or not in operation, and the data reported by these places indicate that the factories have started construction and have begun to pay. tax.

After checking the tax accounts, Li Jing found that these factories have indeed begun to pay taxes, which means that the local government has started to collect taxes before these factories have started construction.

Through questioning the local people, Li Jing found that the local officials had a good reputation in the hearts of the people. Except for the relatively strict requirements on taxation and other matters that the court grasped, in general, they were not harsh on the people.

However, it is obviously unreasonable to collect taxes before the factory starts operation, and it is impossible for the local government not to know that it is unreasonable to do so, but they still collect taxes in advance, no doubt for the sake of political achievements, or in favor of Li Jing.

Li Jing severely reprimanded the local government for such unreasonable behavior, and for those local officials who began to collect taxes while the factories were still under construction, Li Jing even pointed at their noses and scolded them for their shortsightedness.

Li Jing bluntly said that if the local government did this, no one would dare to open factories under their rule in the future.Now they seem to have collected a little more tax, but it has had a bad impact on the future development of the locality.

In the end, Li Jingyan ordered the local governments with similar problems to immediately return the unreasonable taxes collected and apologize to those businessmen.

And Li Jing also personally summoned some businessmen, apologized to them personally, and promised them that similar things would not happen in the future, so that everyone can set up factories with peace of mind and operate well.

After this incident, Li Jing felt that in order to promote the development of industry and commerce in Daming, the interests of the merchants must be guaranteed, and in order to guarantee the interests of the merchants, they must be given a department that can respond to problems.

Sitting in the carriage, Li Jing closed his eyes and meditated silently.

Although there are many things that later generations can learn from, but now is the Ming Dynasty, people's ideas and concepts are completely different from those of later generations, and it is not easy for the government and businessmen to accept it.

"Master, are you still worrying about the things happening in various places?" Shen Ying asked softly.

Seeing that Shen Ying cared about him, Li Jing opened his eyes and smiled at Shen Ying, patted Shen Ying's hand lightly and said, "Madam, don't worry, I'm thinking about how to ensure that the interests of businessmen will not be violated by the local government."

"My lord, merchants who do business in one place must be under the jurisdiction of the local government. I'm afraid it's not easy for their interests not to be infringed upon by the local government." Shen Ying said softly.

"That's right! It's really not easy, but we can't stop solving it just because we have difficulties. There will always be a solution." Li Jing laughed.

"The master is the same as when he was young, he always has the confidence to solve any difficulties. I believe that the master will definitely find a way to solve these difficulties." Shen Ying said softly.

Hearing this, Li Jing gently shook Shen Ying's hand and said, "Madam is the same as she was back then, she always has confidence in me. These years, if Madam has not been silently supporting me behind my back, I would not have the confidence to solve many things."

Hearing Li Jing's true feelings, Shen Ying slowly leaned her head on Li Jing's chest: "Actually, being able to know the master is the greatest blessing in my life. If it weren't for the master, our Shen family would have been ruined long ago.

I still remember that when our family fled from Lin County to Xiaomazhuang, we were surrounded by bandits that night. If it weren't for the master, I don't know what happened.

The master first rescued my family from the Xu family, and then saved our whole family from the bandits. Later, the bandits in Motianling surrounded Jinniuling. At a critical moment, the master led his people back to save my concubine. In Hongshanling, the master rescued the concubine when the concubine was in danger. I still remember the heroic appearance of the master when he threw the gun. At that time, the concubine was thinking that the master must be the hero bestowed on the concubine by heaven, otherwise, How can it happen again and again, every critical moment, the master will appear? "

Li Jing put his arms around Shen Ying's shoulders lightly, and said softly: "It's hard for Madam to still remember what happened back then. In fact, if you want me to say that being able to know and marry Madam is the greatest gift from heaven to Li Jing. If it weren't for Madam's support And advice, how could Li Jing achieve today's achievements?"

(End of this chapter)

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