Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 690 After the old man

Chapter 690 After the old man
Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "Sir, do you know that now Daming has begun to move forward according to our father's vision, but there are too many obstacles, and without your old man's guidance, the students have made many mistakes. thing."

Then Li Jing recounted the great things he had done in these years, no matter whether they were good or bad, whether they were right or wrong. He punished himself with a bowl, and in less than half an hour, the jar was full of wine.

After patting the wine jar, Li Jing shouted loudly: "Xiao Jiu, bring the wine!"

Although Li Jing drove everyone away, how could Yuan Shu and others stay too far away?At this time, they were waiting anxiously in a house built to guard Yuan Keli's mausoleum not far away.

Suddenly hearing that Li Jing asked for wine, Xiao Jiudang ordered someone to deliver the wine, but Yuan Shu waved his hand lightly: "Don't take it, the commander is in a bad mood, it's freezing outside, drinking like this, the commander is very happy." Don't get drunk, I'm afraid you will be seriously ill."

"But the commander-in-chief wants wine, how dare I not give it?" Xiao Jiu asked hurriedly.

Yuan Shu shook his head: "I'll go over, you all wait here."

After saying that, Yuan Shu walked out quickly.

Arriving in front of Yuan Keli's tomb, seeing Li Jing sitting on the ground, Yuan Shu frowned, leaned over and said to Li Jing, "Jimin, it's cold on the ground, how can your body bear it when you sit like this?"

Hearing this, Li Jing raised his head to look at Yuan Shu, shook his head lightly and said, "Am I going to show off in front of Mr.?"

After a pause, Li Jing said again: "Brother Boying, why are you here? You are here, who will greet you with so many guests?"

Yuan Shu smiled wryly: "You are here, how dare everyone leave?"

Li Jing nodded silently upon hearing this.

After a while, Li Jing sighed softly, turned back to Yuan Keli's mausoleum and said, "Sir, I wanted to sit with you for a while, but you also saw that if I don't leave, everyone has to stay there .Sir, I have to leave. I don’t know when I will come to see you again after I leave. Don’t worry, I will be buried here when I die. Then, the students will honor you well.”

After finishing speaking, Li Jing knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times respectfully, then got up and stood silently for a while, finally heaved a long sigh, and waved to Yuan Shu: "Let's go."

Yuan Keli's three-year grand sacrifice, the Yuan family naturally had to throw a big banquet for the guests, many of them were old relatives and neighbors around the Yuan family, and Li Jing sat with these people.

For these ordinary people, they never thought that one day they would sit down to eat and drink with the chief minister of the court, let alone Li Jing was so approachable.

During the dinner, Li Jing asked everyone's income status with concern, and also asked everyone's views on taxation. Although he knew that everyone was dissatisfied and dared not tell him, at least he could feel that these people I am quite satisfied with the new tax rate.

While eating and chatting with these people, Li Jing felt that these people respected Yuan Keli from the bottom of their hearts.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing ordered people to call the magistrate of Suizhou and said, "These people will be exempted from land taxes for five years, and I will pay the taxes for them for these five years. Also, the mountain where the mausoleum is located is changed to Yuan's." Jiashan, you send someone to measure the area of ​​that mountain, I bought this mountain with money, and this mountain will belong to the Yuan family from now on."

"Yes, I will do it when I return home." Suizhou Zhizhou hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand to let the magistrate of Suizhou retreat, and then said to the neighbors: "Although this mountain belongs to the Yuan family, you should go up the mountain to chop firewood, and you should hunt. Treat it as your own."

"Thank you, my lord." All the neighbors said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hands and said, "You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank, you can thank Mr. Yuan, I have something to ask everyone."

"My lord, please tell me." All the neighbors said hurriedly.

Li Jingdao: "I originally wanted to send soldiers to guard Mr.'s tomb, but I was afraid that they would disturb your life, so I will not send this soldier, but Mr.'s tomb cannot be left unattended. I would like to ask everyone for this matter, I hope you Take good care of your mausoleum, don't let wild beasts destroy it, let alone people."

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely take good care of the old grandfather's tomb." All the neighbors said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded, ordered people to fill up the wine, and toasted everyone.

Finally, Li Jing said: "If you don't eat or drink well when I'm here, I won't accompany you. You neighbors take it easy."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and they all felt that Li Jing was really understanding.

Seeing Li Jing leave the table, Yuan Shu hurried over and said, "Jimin, there is someone I think you should meet."

Li Jing asked in surprise, "Who is it?"

"It's Shen Shouchong, the son of General Shen Yourong, my father's original subordinate." Yuan Shu said.

"General Shen's son? Where is it? Take me to see him." Li Jing said happily after hearing this.

Yuan Shu hurriedly said: "Here, follow me."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Shu led the way first, and brought Li Jing to the table of Yuan Keli's student.

Seeing Li Jing coming, everyone hurriedly got up, Yuan Shu brought Li Jing to a person and said, "This is Shen Shouchong, the son of General Shen. Shou Chong, this is our commander in chief."

Hearing the words, the man hurriedly said: "The last general, Shen Shouchong, has a meeting with the commander in chief."

"Today is a family banquet, so there is no need to be polite." Li Jing raised his hand and said.

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Shouchong carefully, and saw that Shen Shouchong was about 40 years old, with a slender and tall body, and he was really a good-looking talent.

Li Jing waved for everyone to sit down, and ordered someone to add a chair beside Shen Shouchong, and poured a glass of wine for Shen Shouchong, Li Jing said, "You call yourself the last general, where do you serve now?"

"The last general is currently serving as a garrison in Chengtian Mansion (Hubei)." Shen Shouchong said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded, sighed softly and said: "Mr. Shen told me about General Shen many times back then, saying that General Shen has made countless contributions in his life, but he has not been reused. It is a pity for a general. At that time, I also I once wanted to look for the descendants of Ning Haigong (Shen Yourong's name), but at that time my status was too inconvenient, so I put the matter on hold. Later, I entered the main center and was busy with business all day long, so I forgot about it. I don't want to be able to get it today. After seeing your old friend, you should be very pleased that you have found out from the spring.”

"My lord Lao and the commander-in-chief are worried about it, and the general will be very frightened." Shen Shouchong said hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "Sir and I are nostalgic people, you work hard, it will be useful in the future."

"Yes! Thank you, Commander, for your kindness." Shen Shouchong said hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand, raised his wine glass and said, "Today is my husband's memorial day, you came from a long way, I offer you a toast."

"Thank you, Marshal." Shen Shouchong said hurriedly.

After drinking the wine in the cup, Shen Shouchong suddenly said in a very low voice: "Commander, there is something I want to report to Commander at the end."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, nodded slightly at Shen Shouchong, put down the wine glass gently, and said to everyone: "I am too tired to drink today, so I won't accompany you. You drink slowly, and I will rest in the back for a while. Shouchong, you Don't rush back after the banquet, let's chat later."

"Yes!" Shen Shouchong said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand, got up and left the table, and was taken to Yuan Keli's study to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Jiu reported to Shen Shouchong asking to see her.

Hearing this, Li Jing hurriedly put on his clothes and got up, and then asked Xiao Jiu to bring Shen Shouchong in.

After Shen Shouchong entered, Li Jing ordered Xiaojiu to look at the door of the house, and no one was allowed to enter without Li Jing's permission. Then he poured a cup of tea for Shen Shouchong and said, "Sit down and talk slowly."

"Thank you, Marshal." Shen Shouchong said hurriedly.

After deliberating his words, Shen Shouchong said, "Commander, I finally found that there is something wrong with the troops in Anhui and the two lakes."

"What's wrong?" Li Jing asked in a deep voice.

"It's like this. Since the emperor visited Hubei last year, General Huang Degong suddenly stepped up his training." Shen Shouchong said.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I know Huang Degong quite well. This man was brave in battle. He made many military achievements in the eradication of bandits, so I named him General Hubei! He may be dissatisfied when he sees other people fighting, so he began to attack the troops." Strengthen training."

Shen Shouchong said: "At first, General Mo thought the same way, but then General Mo realized that things might not be so simple."

Looking at Li Jing, Shen Shouchong continued: "It's not surprising to train troops. What's strange is that most of the ordnance and ammunition brought by the troops from the logistics department are stored and not used for training."

Li Jing was stunned when he heard the words, and his expression became solemn: "You said that the training supplies that Huang Degong received were not used for training, but were stored?"

"Yes! And since the emperor left, General Huang received a large amount of ammunition from the logistics department in the name of training, most of which were stored." Shen Shouchong said.

Hearing this, Li Jing suddenly got up, walked back and forth in the room for a few times, then suddenly turned to Shen Shouchong and said, "How did you know about this?"

"Back to Commander, the quartermaster in charge of Hubei's military supplies is the same year as the general. When the general met with him this year, he drank two more glasses and told the general about it." Shen Shouchong said.

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Shen Shouchong and said, "What do you think about this matter?"

Shen Shouchong said: "It's not how the general looks at this matter, but how the general looks at it. To tell you the truth, the general was horrified when he learned about it, but he didn't know who to tell about it. Later, the general Knowing that the commander-in-chief is coming to pay homage to the boss, the general will come to worship the boss because his father was a subordinate of the boss, hoping to take this opportunity to meet the commander-in-chief and tell the commander-in-chief about it."

Li Jing nodded silently: "You did a good job, but I have to investigate this matter before I can make a decision. Don't tell any third person about this matter, otherwise you may be killed."

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, the general is not afraid of death, but this matter is very important, if the General does not tell the news to the Commander-in-Chief, even if he dies, he will not die with peace." Shen Shouchong said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Go back and act as if nothing happened, and do what you have to do."

"Yes! I will never mind it." Shen Shouchong said hastily.

Li Jing patted Shen Shouchong's shoulder lightly: "Thoughtful and calm, you are worthy of being the queen of General Shen."

"Thank you, Commander, for your compliment. Commander, I will retire." Shen Shouchong said.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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