Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 691 Strategies to Defend the Enemy

Chapter 691 Strategies to Defend the Enemy
After Shen Shouchong left, Li Jing's face suddenly darkened.

Obviously, Huang Degong suddenly started to strengthen the training of soldiers and hoarded a large amount of ammunition must be preparing for a misdemeanor.And Huang Degong dared to do this, and he couldn't do without Zhu Youjian's instigation.

But would Huang Degong dare to rebel alone?As long as Huang Degong is not stupid, he will never think that with his little troops, he can help Zhu Youjian regain power, so Zhu Youjian must have contacted other generals.

According to Zhu Youjian's inspection route last year, the guarding generals in Anhui, Hubei, and Hunan are likely to have turned to Zhu Youjian.If the troops of these three provinces all fall to Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian may not have no chance of winning.

First of all, Li Jing's direct line troops are all in the north, and Sun Meng's troops in the south are on an expedition to Luzon. When Jiangsu and Zhejiang launched an attack, it would be difficult for Chen Dahu alone to resist the attack of these three troops. If Zhu Youjian occupied Nanjing, with Zhu Youjian's title of emperor, he would definitely respond.

Although Li Jing's reputation among the people has been getting higher and higher these years, it is still far behind Zhu Youjian. After all, the descendants of the old Zhu family have been the emperor for so many years, and he is more recognized as the emperor in the hearts of the people of Ming Dynasty. This is not something Li Jingshi can compare with after a few years of benevolent governance.

What's more, Li Jing's policy is a benevolent government for the common people, but it is not a benevolent government for the nobles, gentry and scholars at all. Not only is it not a benevolent government, but it deprives them of their interests.Once Zhu Youjian occupies Nanjing and is temporarily in a favorable military situation, these people will definitely follow suit.

If Zhu Youjian gets the support of these people, he will surely surpass Li Jing in terms of financial resources, and Li Jing has built a military factory in Anhui, and Zhu Youjian's troops can get weapons and supplies. It may not be possible to have the absolute upper hand, because Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng may not support him. If these two people turn to Zhu Youjian, then Li Jing will be in balance with Zhu Youjian in terms of military strength.

Of course, Zhu Youjian is now in Beijing, and these people will not act rashly for the time being. In addition, the training level of these troops is not good enough, so they dare not act rashly.If they are allowed to train for two years and have enough weapons and ammunition, Zhu Youjian will leave the capital again under the pretext of visiting the local area, and then it will be time to start an incident.

However, just like Li Jing knew Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian also knew Li Jing very well.

Li Jing thought carefully, and he could tell what a person was going to do based on some clues. This layout would take several years to prepare, so Zhu Youjian was so sure that he could hide Li Jing?

Zhu Youjian was perseverant, he endured for a year in order to eradicate Wei Zhongxian, and in order to deal with Li Jing, Zhu Youjian endured for a few more years without any problem.But this time it is not only a political contest, but also a military contest.

Zhu Youjian's political skills are definitely not inferior to Li Jing, but Zhu Youjian is far from Li Jing's opponent in military affairs.The reason why Zhu Youjian was seized by Li Jing is that in the final analysis he was not Li Jing's opponent in the military.

In other words, Zhu Youjian can only rely on Huang Degong and others in the military, but does Zhu Youjian dare to put treasure on Huang Degong and others?Once Huang Degong and others lose, then Zhu Youjian will fall into a situation of eternal doom.With Zhu Youjian's suspicious character, it is impossible for him to completely trust Huang Degong and others, so Zhu Youjian will definitely leave a way out for himself.

Li Jing considered himself in Zhu Youjian's position, and quickly judged that Zhu Youjian did not directly make a promise to Huang Degong and others, but only expressed his meaning cryptically during the conversation. Huang Degong and others understood best, If you don't understand Zhu Youjian, you can continue to bear it, so that even if Huang Degong and other personnel secrets are revealed, Zhu Youjian can completely push it away.

Coming to this conclusion, Li Jing couldn't help thinking.

Finding an excuse to take Zhu Youjian down is of course once and for all, but this is extremely detrimental to Li Jing's executive order and Zhongxing Daming.For the sake of the country, this is by no means a good idea.

Moreover, Li Jing has said many times that he will not usurp the throne, and he has said that he will never be Cao Cao. If Zhu Youjian is abolished now, Li Jing will live up to his words.You must know that during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the contacts of Han Xiandi wanted to overthrow Cao Cao, and Cao Cao had all the handles. Cao Cao didn't do anything to Han Xiandi.

Li Jing can't even compare with Cao Pi, can he?
The best way is to cut off all the wings of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty like Cao Cao did, so that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty can give up his last thoughts and be a puppet obediently.

It's just that Zhu Youjian's contacts are not civil servants, but generals. It's not so easy to take down these generals who hold heavy soldiers.

Although Huang Degong and others were greedy for profit, they were by no means fools. Seeing that Li Jing wanted to take them down, how could these people not know what would happen to them?How could they be caught without a fight?There must be rebellion.

Therefore, in order to prevent these people from jumping over the wall in a hurry, one must think of a perfect plan.Of course, you have to plan for the worst.

Thinking of the worst plan, Li Jing's heart was shocked. He came to Suizhou for the sacrifice this time, but he didn't bring many troops to escort him. Huang Degong is a battle-tested general. He wants to help Zhu Youjian regain power , he will never miss such an opportunity, don't let him catch the thief first and catch the king first.

Wanting to understand this point, Li Jing hurriedly asked Xiao Jiu to call Li Dingguo.

After a while, Li Dingguo came in a hurry.

Without waiting for Li Dingguo to salute, Li Jing said in a deep voice, "How many subordinates did you bring to Suizhou this time?"

"Three hundred." Li Dingguo said.

Li Jingjing nodded, Li Dingguo is now the deputy governor of the Northern Army, and traveling with only [-] retinues is considered light and easy.

"Send these troops out immediately to investigate in the direction of the two provinces of Hubei and Anhui to see if any troops are moving in the direction of Henan. Hurry up!" Li Jing said in a deep voice.

"What happened to Dad?" Li Dingguo asked in shock.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't ask so many questions, just do as I tell you."

"Yes!" Li Dingguo said hurriedly.

After Li Dingguo went out, Li Jing then said to Xiaojiu: "You immediately send someone to Hongshanling as quickly as possible, and transfer to me the five hundred soldiers guarding the old village in Hongshanling."

"Yes!" Xiao Jiu replied.

After a while, Li Dingguo and Xiaojiu came back with an order. Seeing Li Jing's serious expression, Li Dingguo asked, "Father, what happened?"

Li Jing shook his head: "I don't dare to make a conclusion yet. I'll talk about it after your people have finished inquiring about the news."

"Father, you asked your child to inquire about the armies in Anhui and Hubei. Could it be that the armies in these two places will be against you?" Li Dingguo asked in a deep voice.

He patted Li Dingguo's shoulder lightly: "My son's thinking is getting more and more careful, but now I'm not sure that these two soldiers and horses are going to be against me, so I have to inquire first."

"Father, no matter whether the news is accurate or not, you can't stay here." Li Dingguo said suddenly.

"It's okay, as long as your troops are fast enough, we have time to deal with it." Li Jing smiled.

Li Dingguo shook his head again and again: "A gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall, let alone you are the prime minister of a country? My child suggested that the father should go to Kaifeng immediately. The walls of Kaifeng are high and the city is strong. Even if something happens, the father can still move around. "

Li Jing smiled: "Don't you look at what time it is now. If I leave in a hurry at this time, if the news is true, then I will run away. How can I do such a thing?"

"But your safety..." Li Dingguo said anxiously.

Li Jing waved his hand to stop Li Dingguo's words: "I have had someone transfer the Hongshanling garrison here, and within three days, I think I should arrive. There are five hundred veterans, plus your three hundred cavalry, and mine. There are more than 1000 guards, how can [-] people resist for a while?"

"However, there are more than 3 troops stationed in Anhui and Hubei provinces, and we only have 1000 troops. How can we withstand the [-] troops?" Li Dingguo asked anxiously.

Li Jing smiled: "If they want to sneak attack, they won't dispatch the whole army, they will only dispatch a small number of troops, at most [-] people, otherwise they won't be able to cover their tracks, so you don't have to worry."

"Father, don't trust me too much!" Li Dingguo said anxiously.

"I'm not asking you to be big, I don't want to cause panic to everyone, Dingguo, you have to understand that the more critical you are, the more you have to calm down, so that others will be convinced of you." Li Jing smiled.

"My child understands this truth, but we only have less than 3000 people now. Even if they only come with [-] people, we are at a disadvantage in terms of military strength. Everyone uses the same weapons, and there is no danger to defend here. How can we resist then? "Li Dingguo said anxiously.

Li Jingwen glared at Li Dingguo: "You have fought so many battles these years, and you have learned this skill? Who said that you must defend when you have a small number of soldiers? Are your three hundred cavalry used for defense?
Cavalry has always been used for offense. If it is used for defense, cavalry will lose its biggest advantage of mobility.But we have few soldiers, so how to attack is a matter of knowledge. Forced attack is definitely not enough. Even if your cavalry can fight, but if a few people fight you one by one, they will wipe you out.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the maneuverability of the cavalry to keep harassing the enemy so that they dare not act rashly, or slow down the enemy's attack speed. As long as you can drag it for three days, the reinforcements from Hongshanling will come. At the same time, I can also transfer troops from other places.Don't forget, Shanxi still has your brother Shitou's [-] army?If your brother Shitou knows that I am besieged by the enemy, believe it or not, he will be able to lead the troops here within three days? "

"This child believes that if I change the child, it will take less than two days." Li Dingguo said.

Li Jingwen scolded: "Your army is cavalry, and there are three horses per person. How can you have so many army horses in Brother Shitou's army? Can this be compared?"

Li Dingguo hurriedly said: "My child dare not compare with Brother Shitou."

Li Jing snorted: "Among you brothers, you are the one I value the most, and I am the most partial to you. I was promoted to the deputy governor of the Northern Army at a young age. Don't you just treat your brother with respect to your status? disrespectful."

"Yes! I dare not!" Li Dingguo hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Okay, go back and rest."

"How can the child rest at this time?" Li Dingguo asked anxiously.

"If you don't rest well, if the enemy army comes, how will you lead the soldiers to deal with the enemy?" Li Jing scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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