Chapter 694

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Therefore, there are some things that cannot be made public. For example, this time, the emperor cannot admit that he has any contact with Huang Degong and others. The rebellion by Huang Degong and others is their own business, not the emperor's instruction. .”

"But in this way, Huang Degong will be wronged." Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jing shook his head: "Your Majesty, you are the symbol of Ming Dynasty. You must not have such stains on your body. Huang Degong will definitely take the blame for this."

"Brother Li, I want to ask you something." Zhu Youjian said suddenly.

"Please tell me, Your Majesty," Li Jing said.

"Huang Degong rebelled this time because of me. I hope you can let his family go." Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "I will never pursue Huang Degong's family. Not only will I not pursue it, but I will also treat his heirs kindly. I can't let him tarnish his reputation, be reviled by others, and make his family feel wronged."

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "This incident should have had a better result, but it's a pity... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Your Majesty, although Huang Degong restrained his subordinates from looting places during this military chaos, But how can a war not destroy the place?
It will take two or three years for the war-torn areas of Anhui and Hubei to recover. I don’t think we should rush back to Beijing. Let’s go to the war-torn areas. "

Zhu Youjian nodded, looked at Li Jing and suddenly sighed: "Brother Li, let me tell you the truth, if we change places, I will never let you go."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Your Majesty, do you want to hear me tell the truth?"

Zhu Youjian said: "I want to!"

Li Jing stared at Zhu Youjian for a while, shook his head, sighed and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that I never thought about abolishing you, but what will I do after I abolish you? I definitely won't be the emperor, then Who will be the emperor? You have to choose one from among the descendants of your Zhu family.

But apart from you, I don’t know much about the descendants of the Zhu family. I can’t just randomly grab someone from the Zhu family to be the emperor of Ming Dynasty. good thing.

Because what I do will set a bad precedent for future generations. If the emperor does not cooperate, or if he is disobedient, he can be abolished. Three changes and two changes. There will be a change of dynasty.

I absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen, so I thought about it and finally decided that you should be the emperor of Ming Dynasty.

As for what you did this time, I can also understand.After all, you used to hold the greatest power of Daming in your hands. Now that you suddenly lose power, you will definitely not be balanced in your heart. It is normal to want to regain the power that belongs to you. Anyone would do the same.

But you are still different from others. When you were planning this uprising, you were still thinking about my future strategy, so you made two-handed preparations. If Huang Degong’s uprising succeeds, then you will take advantage of the opportunity to regain your own power , if Huang Degong doesn't succeed, let him be the second Zheng Zhilong and bear some charges for Daming. "

Zhu Youjian was silent for a while when he heard the words, and finally smiled bitterly: "Brother Li, I seem to be unable to hide anything from you, but I am confident that this time I did it very secretly, because I did not directly tell Huang Degong of my intention. As for Gao Jie You and Liu Zeqing didn't even let the conversation slip, how did you see through my intentions?"

Li Jing smiled: "There is no impenetrable wall in this world. There are always some details that will reveal your intentions. But I can see through your intentions and there is also an element of luck. At the beginning, my judgment was actually Wrong, at that time I thought that you secretly contacted Huang Degong and others just to regain power, so the arrangement I made was to cut off your connection with the outside world and let you stay in the palace forever.

But when I learned that Huang Degong only deployed a few thousand troops at the junction of Hubei and Henan, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Huang Degong has led troops for many years, so he should know how to make a quick victory.But why did he only arrange a few thousand people in the most critical places, but instead arranged heavy troops in the direction of Nanjing?

Huang Degong should understand that if he can't win me, even if he occupies Nanjing, helps you regain power, and then uses your prestige to mobilize people who are loyal to you from all over the world to serve as king in Nanjing, the final comparison of your strength and mine can only be regarded as a balance of power.If you compare only from military strength, you are still at a disadvantage.As long as I gather people from all walks of life to fight a decisive battle with you, the final result is that you are more likely to lose.

That is to say, Huang Degong should gather heavy troops to attack me with all his strength and take me down, but his tactical arrangement is completely wrong, which makes me think again. "

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip slowly, and then continued: "Your Majesty, you should know that there is no sure victory in a war. The law of war says that if you don't expect victory, you will predict defeat. Before fighting, you must first think about the way out. If Huang Degong loses Now, where is his retreat? It can only be where my troops are weakest: Sichuan. And I can't let him occupy Sichuan, so I can only retreat to Yunnan or Wusi Tibet.

When I think about this, I suddenly wonder if you have ever thought about it that way.If you also think of this, then did you deliberately arrange for Huang Degong and others to riot?Thinking back to what I told you back then, the more I think about it, the more I think you should have done this on purpose. "

After listening to Li Jing finished speaking, Zhu Youjian sighed softly: "I really thought about it this way. When I talked to Huang Degong last year, I specifically mentioned to him the process of Zheng Zhilong's occupation of Manga, and then mentioned that you will regain it in the future. Wu Sizang and Yili waited in Li, and told him about your strategic concept. At that time, Huang Degong thought for a long time, and finally understood what I meant, and said that he would follow Zheng Zhilong and make contributions to Ming Dynasty."

After a pause, Zhu Youjian said: "At that time, I said that you would not use troops against Wusi Zang and other places in three years. He immediately understood what I meant and said that the troops should be trained well so that they can participate in the war at that time."

Speaking of this, Zhu Youjian smiled: "If these words are not in the middle of the conversation, it will be difficult for others to understand."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

Zhu Youjian continued: "It's just that I didn't expect that Huang Degong would suddenly decide to start an incident in advance. When I received the news in Beijing that Huang Degong asked me to visit Hubei again, I knew he was going to do something. I thought Hubei would stop it in person. His, but before I arrived in Hubei, he had already started to riot, and then I knew that my other goal was impossible to achieve, so I immediately transferred to Nanjing."

Li Jing sighed and said: "The reason why Huang Degong started the incident early was because he suspected that the news of his secret hoarding of weapons and ammunition had leaked out, and he was afraid that I would take him down if I found out, so he started the incident early."

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed and said, "It's a pity that Huang Degong started the incident too early. Now I'm not ready to use troops against Duogan, Wusizang and other places. If he does this, my strategy will have to be readjusted."

"Brother Li, what are you going to do?" Zhu Youjian asked hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled: "What else can I do? Huang Degong has already gone to Wusi Tibet, so I can only cooperate with him. I have already ordered Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou to gather troops and prepare to recover Duogan and Wusi Tibet and other places.

The difficulty now is how to get Huang Degong to cooperate. No matter how powerful Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are, they can't fly from Duogan to Wusizang, let alone make a big circle and attack Wusizang first. "

Zhu Youjian continued: "That is to say, let Huang Degong and others kill Duogan from Wusizang first, so that Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng can do their jobs."

Li Jingting nodded and said, "Yes, but who should contact Huang Degong?"

Zhu Youjian said: "This kind of thing must not be notified by letter, it will leave others with a clue. You can't even send your people to contact Huang Degong, that will also give people a pretext."

"Your people can't be sent either, it will give you a bad name." Li Jing continued.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing continued: "Now there are only four people who know the inside story, you and I, Xiaojiu and Dingguo. It seems that Dingguo can only send people to contact Huang Degong."

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Li, do you think we are deceiving ourselves by doing this?"

Li Jing was startled when he heard this, and then burst out laughing.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing said: "Since it's a matter of deception, then it's better. I will ask Xiao Jiu to arrange someone to contact Huang Degong, and then let Huang Degong cooperate with Lu Xiangsheng."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said nothing.

After talking with Zhu Youjian in detail, I went to Zhu Youjian's uneasiness, and then Li Jing and Zhu Youjian set off to inspect the place where the war broke out. On the way, they inevitably had to allocate money and food to appease the people who had suffered the war.

After inspecting Anhui, Hubei and other places, he then turned to Henan, and when he arrived in Henan, Li Jing took Zhu Youjian to live in Zhou Wangfu for a day, then went to Hongshanling to have a look, then went to Lingchuan from Hongshanling, and entered Shanxi territory.

Li Jing turned to Shanxi to pick up people. When Huang Degong and others raised their troops, Li Jing asked Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu to take the children back to Pingyang Mansion.

If there is any place in Daming where Li Jing can feel safe, it is only Pingyang Mansion.Li Jing could not consider his personal safety, but it was impossible not to consider the safety of his family, and by sending his family to Pingyang Mansion, Li Jing would have nothing to worry about.

Now that the rebellion has been put down, Li Jing naturally wants to go to Pingyang Mansion to pick up the people in person, and at the same time catch up with the retired old brothers who followed him back then, and take a look at the changes in Pingyang Mansion.

What Li Jing didn't expect was that he received another person in Pingyang Mansion, and this person was Zhang Yan.

Li Jing was a little embarrassed when he first saw Zhang Yan, because Zhu Youjian was with him, and when Li Jing saw Zhang Yan, Zhu Youjian naturally saw him too.

There was nothing embarrassing about seeing Zhang Yan, what embarrassed Li Jing was that Zhang Yan was holding a child in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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