Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 695 Killing

Chapter 695 Killing

But Zhu Youjian is more embarrassed than Li Jing, because Zhang Yan is his sister-in-law, but now she has a child with another man.

And Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu didn't expect that Li Jing would bring Zhu Youjian here, and their faces were extremely embarrassed. If they knew that Zhu Youjian would come, they would never let Zhang Yan show up.

The scene was extremely strange, the five people looked at each other and none of them would take the initiative to speak, the room was so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard.

After a while, Zhu Youjian coughed lightly, saluted Zhang Yan and said, "Sister-in-law, how have you been?"

"Good! Good! Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern." Zhang Yan said hurriedly.

Zhu You inspected the child in Zhang Yan's arms: "Is it a boy? How old is it? What's his name?"

Zhang Yan hurriedly said, "It's just passed its first birthday, and you haven't named it yet?"

Zhu Youjian nodded, turned to look at Li Jing and said, "Brother Li, why don't you name the child?"

Li Jing shook his head: "It's not appropriate for me to name the child, the emperor should do it."

Zhu Youjian thought for a while and said, "Brother Li, let this child be named Zhu."

Hearing this, Li Jing couldn't help but look up at Zhang Yan. Seeing Zhang Yan's expressionless face, Li Jing secretly sighed and said, "Let this child be named Zhu according to the emperor's words."

Zhu Youjian answered, "Then call me Zhu Ciyu."

"Ciyu?" Li Jing pondered for a while and then said, "I think it's very good, I don't know what Queen Yi'an wants?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Yu Zhe, the fire is shining, this name is very good, thank you the emperor for giving this child a name."

"Sister-in-law Huang is too polite. The child adopted by sister-in-law Huang can't wrong him. After staying for a few years, when the child grows up, I will bestow him with a title. In short, let him have no worries for the rest of his life." Zhu Youjian said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love." Zhang Yan said hurriedly.

At this time, Zhu Huiling suddenly smiled and said, "This child is now from our old Zhu's family, and I am his aunt. Let my aunt give you a hug."

As he spoke, he took the child from Zhang Yan's hand and began to tease him, then said to Li Jing: "Master, look at how fun this child is, he doesn't recognize his birth at all."

As if to verify Zhu Huiyu's words, when the child saw Li Jing, he immediately tied his little hands and asked Li Jing to hug him.

Li Jing felt sore, and hastily reached out to take the child.

I saw the child's eyes were big and round, with long eyelashes, and a round face. He was so cute and beautiful that one couldn't help but want to kiss him.

However, Li Jing finally resisted kissing the child, and just patted the child on the back lightly.

After holding the child for a while, Li Jing handed the child to Zhu Huiyu, and said, "Okay, you can arrange for someone to clean it up, and we will be returning to Beijing in two days."

"It's rare for the master to go back to Pingyang Mansion once. Why don't you stay for a few more days?" Zhu Huiyu asked.

Li Jing sighed softly: "I would like to stay for a few more days, but the emperor and I have been away from Beijing for so long, and if we delay returning to Beijing, it will definitely arouse speculation from others, which will cause some unnecessary troubles."

Zhu Huiling nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Li Jing turned his head to look at Shen Ying and said, "The old brothers should already know that I came to Pingyang Mansion. You can make arrangements for me to meet the old brothers tonight."

Shen Ying said with a smile: "I know that the master will definitely meet those old brothers when he comes, so I have sent someone to notify me a long time ago."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Send someone to notify the officials in Pingyang Prefecture, and tell them that I will meet them tomorrow and tell them not to wait outside."

"Yes! Master." Shen Ying replied.

As she said that, Shen Ying turned around and ordered Dong Bai to inform the housekeeper to arrange what Li Jing had to explain.

When Dong Bai went out, Li Jing turned to look at Zhu Youjian and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, those old brothers of mine are all rough people, and their words are unbearably vulgar. Your Majesty, please don't meet them. Tonight, you and Empress Yi'an And Huilao, let's have a family dinner."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Okay, I have heard that the Queen's sister drinks a lot, and I want to learn tonight."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

That night, Li Jing hosted a banquet to greet the old brothers, and let Shen Ying accompany them, which moved the old brothers. They said that they did not follow Li Jing back then, and those who retired early due to mistakes, such as Ding Gousheng and Zhang Erdan, were even more embarrassed , I’m sorry Li Jing, I shouldn’t have made a mistake back then.

That night, Li Jing and a group of old brothers broke up happily.

In the early morning of the next day, a group of officials from the Pingyang Mansion came to wait outside Li Jing's residence. Li Jing called them in to encourage them, and then, accompanied by everyone, walked around Yicheng County.

Two days later, Li Jing and his party set off to return to Beijing. By the time Li Jing and others returned to the capital, it was already October of the 13th year of Chongzhen.

A few days after returning to the capital, Lu Xiangsheng reported that he had contacted Huang Degong's department. At this time, Huang Degong was leading the rest of his troops to march from Wusizang to Dogan, and Lu Xiangsheng's department was ready to stop, and started to act when Huang Degong's department arrived at Dogan. .

Li Jing was convinced, and immediately appointed Lu Xiang as the general of Pingxi, appointed Hong Chengchou as the general of Zhengxi, and transferred some cavalry from Cao Wenzhao's department to Hong Chengchou's command.

The reason why Hong Chengchou was equipped with cavalry and Lu Xiangsheng was not equipped with cavalry was because of the terrain where the two fought.

The positions of these two people seem to be similar, but in fact, the combat areas are not in the same place at all.

Lu Xiangsheng fought in Wusizang and Duogan, both of which belonged to plateau areas, and soldiers who had not experienced plateau life could not fight in such places.If you want to fight in plateau areas, you have to adapt for a long time.

The cavalry not only needs to undergo adaptive training, but even the horses must adapt to the training, otherwise the cavalry will not be able to gallop freely on the plateau.

Although Cao Wenzhao's cavalry is brave and good at fighting, it is the first time to fight in the plateau area, and it has never been trained in the plateau area before. Such cavalry cannot fight in the plateau area at all, so it is not very useful to equip Lu Xiangsheng with cavalry.

And Li Jing arranged for Hong Chengchou to attack Yilibali (Xinjiang area).

In fact, at this time, Yilibali had been split into the Tatar Tumed tribe, Turpan, Yarkand, Yilibali, Gilijis, Kazakh and other tribes.

Among them, the Tatar Tumed tribe and the Kazakh tribe are nomadic peoples who are good at riding horses. Without the cooperation of cavalry, it is difficult to defeat these forces with infantry alone.

Soon after Li Jing's order was issued, Cao Wenzhao transferred a cavalry force to Hong Chengchou, and then Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou began to swear to go out.

Thanks to Huang Degong's secret help, Lu Xiangsheng's marching speed was not much slower than Hong Chengchou's, and it was much faster than Hong Chengchou's when he occupied it.

It's no wonder that Huang Degong's tribe burned, killed and looted in Duogan and other places. Those lucky enough to survive encountered Lu Xiangsheng's army and naturally surrendered. It can be said that Lu Xiangsheng regained a large area of ​​​​the territory almost without much effort in the early stage .

However, the momentum of this advance was quickly blocked, because Huang Degong's troops had no ammunition, and because the soldiers were not adapted to the plateau climate, many soldiers fell ill.Now that the troop has been seriously downsized, it is no longer possible to rampage like before.

Hearing the news, Li Jing immediately ordered the Logistics Department to allocate a batch of weapons and ammunition from the military factory in Pingyang Prefecture to Lu Xiangsheng, and then asked Lu Xiangsheng to secretly send them to Huang Degong. A batch of cotton clothes, food and medicine.

After getting the supplies, Huang Degong's troops gradually recovered their vitality, and then cooperated with Lu Xiangsheng to attack Duogan and Wusizang again.After several months of fighting, most areas of Duogan and Uszang were recovered.

However, the data reported by Lu Xiangsheng also shocked Li Jing. The battle report sent back by Lu Xiangsheng said that Huang Degong's troops killed at least more than 50 local indigenous people. Many places in Duogan and Wusizang are thousands of miles away. When the troops killed the most, there were almost no survivors in many places.

Seeing this battle report, Li Jing couldn't help but wryly smiled. Although Li Jing ordered the implementation of population reduction strategies in Duogan and Wusizang, the killing was a bit too ruthless. More than half a million people!How many people are there in total for those local ethnic minorities?It is estimated that it will take at least 50 years to recover after being killed like this.

Just when Li Jing had a headache and transferred a group of people to places such as Duogan and Wusizang, Hong Chengchou's battle report was also sent back.

Seeing Hong Chengchou's battle report, Li Jing shook his head even more. Compared with Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng was nothing compared with Hong Chengchou. Lu Xiangsheng and Huang Degong only killed more than 50 people, but Hong Chengchou killed at least 100 million people.

Even if the Tumed tribe and Turpan were not wiped out by Hong Chengchou, it would not be much worse. Duogan and Wusizang and other places can recover some vitality after 20 years, but it will take at least 50 years for the Tumed tribe and Turpan to recover. Rejuvenate.

In the cabinet study, Li Jing sighed slightly after reading the battle report, turned his head and smiled bitterly at Su Heng, "No wonder someone calls Hong Chengchou Hong Yan Wang. In my opinion, the Lord Yama is not as ruthless as Hong Chengchou! How long did it take for Hong Chengchou to send troops?" ? It’s only about half a year? Good guy, more than 100 million people have been killed, if things go on like this, will Moxi still find a living person?”

Su Heng was taken aback when he heard the words: "What? Killed more than 100 million people. Is Hong Chengchou trying to turn the area he occupied into a dead zone? Isn't this killing too hard?"

Li Jing smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way. Although Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are scholars, they don't have much kindness in their hearts, especially for those barbarians. Naturally, these two people have no scruples. Sigh! Do you have to kill people to reduce the population? Wouldn’t it be better to capture them as slaves?”

Su Heng smiled and said, "Marshal, do you still want to transfer people to these places we occupy?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "People will definitely arrange it, but before the population is relocated, government offices must be set up in the occupied places. To govern these places, you must be young, courageous, and responsible, but what the court lacks now That's the kind of talent."

"From the perspective of the students, it is better to transfer officials from various provinces." Su Heng said.

"That's the only way to go." Li Jing sighed.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "As for the population, I think it's better to continue to recruit recruits, and then let the recruits bring their families there."

Su Heng smiled wryly and said, "That's the only way to go. Ordinary people definitely don't want to leave their homes and careers to live in such a place."

(End of this chapter)

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