Chapter 708
It's just that Lu Xiangshengwan didn't expect that Li Anguo would actually work steadily in the logistics force, and he would do it for a year.

Seeing Li Anguo being so down-to-earth and willing to work, Lu Xiangsheng really couldn't understand how Li Jing raised his son.

This child is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was born in a family like Li Jing's. Not to mention being a dandy and arrogant, he should at least have the aura of a high-ranking official's son. However, compared with those ordinary soldiers, Li Anguo was a little more refined, Almost no different from ordinary soldiers.Moreover, Li Anguo was able to endure hardships and stand hard work just like those soldiers, and he never complained about the hard work.

According to the report from the bodyguard Lu Xiangsheng secretly sent to protect Li Anguo, Li Anguo had a very good relationship with those soldiers.

In addition, Li Anguo never took credit for it, and gave up all the rewards and awards to others. The soldiers in Li Anguo's army liked this sixteen or seventeen-year-old child the most.

At this point, Lu Xiangsheng finally changed his original view of Li Anguo, and at the same time understood that Li Jing arranged for his son to go to the army because he really wanted to sharpen his son.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng will naturally not be able to treat Li Anguo like he used to protect Canary. If Li Jing asks what his son has done in the army in the future, and he says that he has been protected in the logistics department and has not let him go anywhere, then It violated Li Jing's original intention to sharpen his son.

Therefore, when Li Anguo asked to deliver supplies to Huang Degong with the troops this time, Lu Xiangsheng readily agreed.

At the same time, Lu Xiangsheng decided that when Li Anguo came back, he would be granted a local official position.

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng also understood that since Li Anguo was going to take over from Li Jing's squad, Li Jing would definitely not let him work in the army for too long.If Li Jing wanted his son to develop in the army, he would not send Li Anguo to himself, but to Cao Wenzhao.

Needless to say, Cao Wenzhao has fought the most battles among Li Jing's generals in recent years, and his subordinates have been promoted the fastest. Moreover, Li Jing's adopted son Li Dingguo is Cao Wenzhao's deputy. Li Anguo went to Cao Wenzhao's place. The two must have taken good care of them, and it is estimated that Li Anguo will be promoted in a few years.

Even if Li Anguo is not sent to Cao Wenzhao, he should be sent to Gao Qi. Gao Qi is currently conquering the southwestern countries. When Li Anguo arrives there, as long as he participates in a few battles, Gao Qi will promote him.

But when Li Jing sent his son to his command, he didn't want his son to develop in the army, but planned to let his son learn to handle government affairs, and government affairs should naturally start from the grassroots.

Only by working at the grassroots level can one know how to manage grassroots officials and not be fooled by grassroots officials in the future. You only need to look at Li Jing's resume to understand this.

Li Jing started his business from a small mountain village, then a county, and then a prefecture.If it wasn't for Huang Taiji's siege of Beijing, Li Jing might still be operating in Shanxi for a while.

But this is enough. It is obviously no problem to govern Pingyang Mansion like that, and govern the whole of Shanxi.

Because Li Jing is very familiar with local affairs, it is very difficult for local officials to fool Li Jing.

In the same way, if Li Anguo wants not to be fooled by others in the future, he has to start at the grassroots level and then move up step by step, so that he has political experience and accumulated capital.

Of course, Li Anguo still had to reserve his military post, not only to keep it, but also to promote him quickly.

Now Li Anguo has been an ordinary soldier in the army for a year. With this year's experience, everyone has recognized Li Anguo. At this time, his colleagues will naturally have no objections when he is promoted to a low-level officer. Presumably Li Jing also would agree.After being promoted to an officer, it is much easier and faster to be promoted again. After a few military achievements, the rank can be raised.

Have a military position and know how to handle government affairs, so that you can control the political power.

For Li Anguo, it was not difficult to be promoted to a military position, but the difficult thing was to arrange for Li Anguo to serve.

If Li Anguo is assigned to work in the mainland, because Li Anguo is still young, there is no suitable position for him, and there will be no such problems in the Duogan area.

Although the court in the Dogan area also set up military and administrative institutions, these institutions were abandoned many years ago.

When Zhu Yuanzhang set up Duogan Dusi, in order to facilitate management, Zhu Yuanzhang had a total of one guard, two dharma kings, three consolation envoys, five recruiting divisions, four ten thousand households, and sixteen thousand households. .

Yiwei is the commander of Longwei.

The two dharma kings are the fief of King Zanshan and the fief of King Protector.

The three comfort envoys are Duo Gansi Xuan comfort envoy, Dong Buhan Hu Xuan comfort envoy, and Changhe Xiyutong Ningyuan comfort envoy.

The five recruiting departments are Duogansi recruiting department, Zaganlongda recruiting department, Duogancangtang recruiting department, Zagandan recruiting department, and Moerkan recruiting department.

The four ten thousand households are Shaer Ke Wanhu, Naizhu Wanhu, Luo Siduan Wanhu and Da Sima Wanhu.

The sixteen thousand-household offices are Duoergansi Thousand-Household Office, Lazong Thousand-Household Office, Suolijia Thousand-Household Office, Changhexi Thousand-Household Office, Duoer Sansheng Thousand-Household Office, Jiabaqian-Household Office, and Zhaori Qianhusuo, Nazhu Qianhusuo, Lunda Qianhusuo, Guoyou Qianhusuo, Shali Kehahu's Qianhusuo, Salituer Qianhusuo, Canrenlang Qianhusuo, Lacuoyaqianhusuo Husuo, Xiiliba Qianhusuo, Runze Lusun Qianhusuo.

Most of the military and political officials of these administrative offices were tribal leaders or chieftains of various ethnic groups who surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. The Ming court only appointed officials to assist in the management, that is to say, the military power at the grassroots level, especially the actual military power of the sixteen thousand-household offices. The world is not in Daming's hands.If the imperial court wants to control this area, it can only rely on the country's strong military power for deterrence.

However, as the strength of the Ming Dynasty declined, its military strength weakened, and foreign tribes invaded frequently, Ming gradually lost control over the area. When the Oala and Tatars rose up, the Duogan area was occupied by the Mongols. The clan chieftains abandoned Daming one after another, or stood on their own, or surrendered.

Seeing that these areas could not be taken back, the Ming court finally had no choice but to give up, and revoked the Commander of Duogandu, until Li Jing sent troops to recover the Duogan area in the last two years.

However, Li Jing believes that the use of the previous military and administrative institutions will cause future troubles and will not be conducive to management.Therefore, Li Jingsizhi repeatedly decided to abolish the native official system, and set up the Qinghai Chengxuan Political Envoy Division following the example of other provinces in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, Li Jing believes that the previous division of the Duogan area is very unreasonable. It includes Tibet, Sichuan, and parts of Qinghai in later generations. The terrain is very complicated. The road bypasses the territory of Sichuan, which is very unfavorable for the Qinghai chief envoy to manage this area.Li Jing is going to wait for the Wusi Tibetan area to be recovered, then re-establish the administrative division of this area, and break up the Duogan area according to the principle of easy management.

Because it involves re-establishing administrative divisions in the future, many places in the Dogan area have not set up local governments for the time being, and are still under military control. The purpose of this is to facilitate the handover in the future and avoid the provinces fighting for territory.

In other words, now that Lu Xiangsheng, as the highest military officer and chief executive in the region, has a great say, it is very easy to temporarily appoint an official to manage the area.

Lu Xiangsheng planned to arrange for Li Anguo to serve as a magistrate here. This place is now like a blank sheet of paper. Li Anguo can achieve results by doing whatever he wants. With achievements, he can be promoted in a legitimate way in the future.

In fact, Li Anguo didn't know that Lu Xiangsheng secretly arranged guards to protect Li Anguo among the troops escorting the logistics supplies, and these guards also carried warrants written by Lu Xiangsheng. When they arrived in the field, they would appoint Li Anguo.

The logistics troops traveled all the way south, and after walking for more than ten days, they finally arrived at the territory under the jurisdiction of the original Duogansi Xuanwei Envoy (now Qamdo, Tibet, Ganzi, Sichuan, and Aba County).Compared with other areas, the terrain here is relatively low, especially the central and western regions are basins, and the conditions are much stronger than other places. Huang Degong's army is stationed here.

Huang Degong's department has been waiting for this batch of supplies for a long time. Since the surrounding areas have been almost wiped out by him, if he wants to attack again, he will have to enter the Wusi Tibetan area. That is a real plateau operation. supplies.

Although Lu Xiangsheng asked Huang Degong to temporarily suspend military operations, Huang Degong did not fully obey his orders. Huang Degong would dispatch every two or three months to sweep the Wusi Tibetan area.

Huang Degong knew very well in his heart that although the imperial court was unable to recover the Wusi Tibetan area, he could not be idle. Every time he dispatched now, when the imperial court recovered the Wusi Tibetan area in the future, the burden would be lighter.Because the terrain in the Wusi Tibetan area is too high and the weather conditions are too harsh, soldiers cannot fight in the plateau area without training.

It will definitely cost a lot of money to train such an army and then pacify the Wusi Tibetan area.That is to say, every time Huang Degong pacifies an area now, he will save a fortune for the court in the future.

And Huang Degong's troops have been fighting here for nearly three years, and the soldiers have adapted to the climate and terrain here. If they are transferred to the imperial army again, they will save the imperial court a lot of money.At the same time, Huang Degong can make up for his previous mistakes by making more contributions, and he can also strive for more treatment for his subordinates after they return to the court.

However, Huang Degong will not let his brothers go to the plateau area to fight with those Tibetans. Whenever the weapons and ammunition are almost consumed, they will withdraw, and then ask Lu Xiangsheng for a batch. When Lu Xiangsheng's supplies arrive, he will The army is almost repaired, and then send troops to sweep the Wusi Tibetan area.After such constant tossing, Huang Degong basically wiped out all the Tibetans in the border area between Wusizang and Duogan.

(End of this chapter)

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