Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 709 The Purpose of Division

Chapter 709 The Purpose of Division

On this day, Huang Degong, Gao Jie, and Liu Zeqing were discussing the next course of action. The soldiers rushed to report back, and Lu Xiangsheng's messenger asked to see him.

Every once in a while in the past two years, Lu Xiangsheng would send messengers over, either to ask Huang Degong what he needed, or to inform him of the next move of the officers and soldiers.

Due to dealing with them all the year round, Huang Degong and others are already very familiar with the messenger, including the soldiers.Basically, when the courier came, he was directly led into Huang Degong's camp, and there was no need to inform him at all.

But this time, instead of reporting, it was so solemn that Huang Degong and others were a little surprised.

But Huang Degong came back to his senses immediately, and hurriedly ordered his soldiers to bring the messenger in.

After a while, the messenger came in with his own soldiers, met Huang Degong and others, the messenger bowed and cupped his fists and said: "See the three generals for humble positions."

Huang Degong smiled and said: "You are welcome, you have worked hard all the way, come, please sit down."

Then he ordered the soldiers to serve tea to the messenger.

The messenger thanked him, took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Huang Degong, saying: "General Huang, this is the military order of the commander in chief."

Huang Degong, Gao Jie, and Liu Zeqing couldn't help being stunned when they heard the words. Lu Xiangsheng had no affiliation with them. They were just fighting together. How could they send a military order?
All of a sudden, the three of them were overjoyed. Lu Xiangsheng was the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army, and Li Jing asked him to coordinate and command the war in the west. Now that Lu Xiangsheng sent them a military order, it meant that the imperial court had brought the three of them under the command of the Southern Army.

Entering the Confederate Army sequence may seem to have little meaning, but in fact it is very different.

Regardless of Huang Degong's rank as a general, Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing are also deputy generals temporarily acting as generals and enjoy the treatment of generals, but in terms of their positions, these people are basically the end.

Because they are local troops, the generals of the local troops will be the provincial generals at the end.

If you still want to be promoted, you have to enter the combat troops, that is, enter the six major military regions, namely Cao Wenzhao's Northern Army, Hong Chengchou's Western Army, Lu Xiangsheng's Southern Army, Sun Meng's Eastern Army, Sun Chuanting's Navy and Chen Guozhu garrison area.

Each of the six military regions has a governor, two deputy governors, and several generals. Although the two deputy governors and the generals are at the same level as the local generals, only these people have the opportunity to serve as the four ministers under the governor's office. Even entered the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Because after Li Jing implemented the new military system, he stipulated that the governor and the four departments under the governor's mansion, as well as the minister of the Ministry of war and the minister, must be promoted from generals with combat experience.To put it bluntly, these departments are in charge of fighting. Since they are in charge of fighting, these important positions must be filled by people with combat experience.

After the country is completely stabilized, the local forces will be gradually eliminated and transformed into security forces, and will no longer undertake combat tasks. Their functions are similar to those of the police and armed police forces of later generations.

Although local troops have often fought wars in recent years, as the country's situation stabilizes, local troops will have fewer and fewer opportunities to fight.Although Li Jing made such a regulation now, it was unfair to these local generals, but in order to set the rules for the future, Li Jing could only make these people feel wronged.

Of course, local generals are not completely without opportunities for promotion. This opportunity is to be transferred from local troops to combat troops.

Normally, there are not many such opportunities.However, there are still many places in Da Ming that have not been recovered, and some places are using troops, but Da Ming does not have many troops that can be used for combat.

At the beginning, Li Jing saw that the quality of Ming's officers and soldiers was low, and many troops had no combat effectiveness at all, so he ordered the disarmament. After the old, weak and disabled soldiers in the army were abolished, Daming's military strength was only about 50. Later, Li Jing ordered the conscription, recruiting 50 million people , Ming's military strength reached more than 100 million.

More than 100 million troops may seem like a lot, but Ming Dynasty has more than ten provinces. After tens of thousands of garrisons were scattered in each province, the remaining troops Cao Wenzhao's Northern Army had about 10 troops, and Sun Menggong took Luzon with 5 troops. The troops, Gao Qi captured Burma, Laos and Annan brought nearly 4 people, Chen Guozhu's garrison was nearly 4 people, Sun Chuanting's navy had about [-] people, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng's troops each had more than [-] people.

It can be said that Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng have the least troops. Therefore, when using troops to the west and northwest, Li Jing asked Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng to fight together to make up for the shortage of the two troops.

However, after occupying the Duogan area and the Tumot area, the two began to fight independently. Hong Chengchou was in charge of Turpan and Yilibali and other places, and Lu Xiangsheng was in charge of the Wusi Tibetan area. At this time, the strength of the two men was obviously insufficient.

So Lu Xiangsheng proposed to Li Jing that the troops of Huang Degong and others should be merged into the Southern Army.

It has been nearly three years since Huang Degong and others cooperated with Lu Xiangsheng in attacking Duogan and Wusizang areas in the name of rebels. Li Jing considered that they could not be allowed to fight for Ming with the reputation of rebellion forever, so he agreed to Lu Xiangsheng's request. Before regaining the Wusi Tibetan area, it is still necessary to use the banner of the rebel army, which makes it easier to do things.

The military order that Huang Degong received now should have been issued by the Military and Political Department, but since Gao Qi was leading the army in Burma, Li Jing asked Lu Xiangsheng to give Huang Degong an order in the name of the Military and Political Department.

After reading Lu Xiangsheng's warrant, Huang Degong, Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing were all overjoyed. Having this warrant meant that they would no longer be rebels in the future. point.

Seeing that the three were happy, the messenger took out three more letters and handed them to the three, saying: "This is a letter from the commander-in-chief to the three generals."

Huang Degong and others hurriedly took it and opened it to look carefully.

After reading it, Huang Degong pondered and said: "The commander-in-chief asked us to divide our troops and take charge of one side. I have no objection to this. It's just that it will be troublesome to supply."

The messenger said: "Don't worry, General Huang, the commander-in-chief has already made arrangements. In the future, each of the three generals will be equipped with a supply unit, so the general does not need to worry about supply."

Huang Degong nodded: "In that case, I will follow the order of the commander-in-chief."

After finishing speaking, Huang Degong turned his head to Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing and said, "Brother Gao, Brother Liu, although the commander-in-chief didn't tell us when to divide the troops, it's not too late for this matter. It just so happens that the supplies have been delivered this time. I think we will Divide up."

Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing nodded and said: "Brother Huang's words are very true, then we will lead our troops to the area designated by the commander-in-chief to garrison."

He cupped his hands to the messenger, and Gao Jie continued: "I wanted to treat you to a drink, but the commander-in-chief has ordered us, so we can't delay it. How about this, we owe you the drink first, and wait for another day when we have a chance. Make it up for you."

The messenger smiled and said: "The general is so loving, how dare you take a humble position?"

Gao Jie said with a smile: "We have not dealt with each other once or twice, so I will not say polite words, brother, let's count the supplies of soldiers and horses, and we will meet later."

The messenger cupped his fists and said, "Humble post congratulates the two generals for their promotion."

Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing laughed, clasped their fists at Huang Degong, got up and left Huang Degong's military tent.

Looking at the backs of the two, Huang Degong smiled and shook his head: "These two have been subordinate to me all these years, and now they finally don't have to listen to my orders anymore."

The messenger said with a smile: "No wonder they are so eager to go to the post."

Shaking his head, the messenger continued: "Unfortunately, they don't know the purpose of the commander-in-chief sending them away."

"Oh?" Huang Degong couldn't help being startled when he heard the words.

The messenger smiled, took out another letter from his pocket and handed it to Huang Degong, and then solemnly said: "Commander Lu has an order, the general must destroy this letter after reading it."

Seeing the messenger's serious expression, Huang Degong took the letter suspiciously, opened it, and read it carefully. After reading it for a while, Huang Degong took a sharp breath: "What? Da...here?"

The messenger nodded heavily, and waved his hand to signal Huang Degong to continue reading the letter.

Huang Degong hurriedly read the letter, and hurriedly ordered his soldiers to fetch a copper basin, and then burned the letter in front of the messenger.

After thinking about it, Huang Degong ordered his soldiers to go out to guard the door of the house and not allow anyone to enter.

After the soldiers left, the messenger said: "General Huang, do you now understand the intention of Commander Lu to transfer General Gao and General Liu away?"

Huang Degong clasped his fists and said: "Please send a message to Dushuai Lu, saying that Huang is trusted by the Dushuai, and he will definitely live up to the Dushuai's trust."

The messenger said: "Marshal Lu said that General Huang is a loyal person. If even General Huang can't be trusted, then no one in this world can trust him."

Huang Degong sighed softly when he heard the words, got up and rushed to the north and clasped his fists heavily.

After Huang Degong took his seat again, the messenger said: "General Huang, the Eldest Young Master's status is precious, and nothing can happen to him, so the Young Master's identity must be kept secret."

Huang Degong nodded again and again: "I understand, but I don't know when the eldest son will go back?"

The messenger sighed and said, "Who knows? The commander-in-chief wanted to sharpen the eldest son. Seeing the posture of the superintendent, he wanted to bring the eldest son up as soon as possible, so he assigned this errand to the eldest son. I was thinking about it. I will stay here for at least a year and a half."

Huang Degong nodded: "Go back and tell the commander-in-chief that I will cooperate with the eldest son to manage this place well, and I will never embarrass the commander-in-chief."

After pondering for a while, Huang Degong continued: "Just one thing, the folk customs here are a bit tough, and the local people may not be willing to listen to the prince's government orders. If these people are Tibetans, I can deal with them if they are disobedient, but most of them are Han people here. , which is a little difficult.”

The messenger said with a smile: "General Huang, don't talk about your lowly position, the commander-in-chief didn't reveal anything about this matter."

After a pause, the messenger continued: "However, I think that General Huang must be cautious about this matter. You must know that the commander-in-chief asked the eldest son to come here to govern the place. If you kill everyone, who will the eldest son govern for?" where?"

Huang Degong suddenly understood when he heard this, he cupped his hands at the messenger and said, "Thank you for your guidance."

The messenger hurriedly said: "General, you are polite. The humble position is just that I have been with the commander-in-chief for a long time, and I know a little about the commander-in-chief's mind."

Huang Degong smiled and said: "Just for this one word, Huang is already very grateful."

The messenger said with a smile: "General Huang, we have been dealing with you for some years, and I still know a little about your humble position, so I told you this. If you change someone, how dare you talk nonsense?"

"Huang understands." Huang Degong said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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