Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 710 Li Anguo's Marriage

Chapter 710 Li Anguo's Marriage
Beijing Zhonghai Cabinet Study.

Li Jing smiled after reading the letter, and waved to the young man who delivered the letter to sit down.

This young man is Guo Congwen, an orphan adopted by Li Jing in his early years. He went to Beijing with Li Jing a few years ago and was arranged by Li Jing to serve as a guard in the palace.

When Li Anguo left Beijing, Li Jing transferred several guards from the palace to secretly protect him, and Guo Congwen was one of them.

After Guo Congwen sat down, Li Jing looked Guo Congwen up and down, sighed lightly and said, "Congwen, thank you for your hard work."

"Marshal, as long as we can protect the eldest son, our hard work is nothing." Guo Congwen said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head: "With your qualifications, you can at least be a battalion commander if you are released, but you went to the Southwest as an ordinary soldier for more than two years, and suffered so much, I feel so guilty!"

Guo Congwen hurriedly said: "Don't say that, Commander. If the Commander hadn't adopted and taught us back then, how would we be where we are today? Not to mention a little bit of hardship, it will cost our lives, and the children will never complain."

Li Jing sighed: "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh! I can't bear to let you suffer along with me!"

"Marshal, you often say that you can only enjoy happiness if you endure hardships. What's more, going to the southwest this time is also a kind of tempering for the children." Guo Congwen said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "It's good if you can think so."

After speaking, Li Jing turned to Su Heng and said, "Pingzhi, bring that box from the closet."

Hearing this, Su Heng took out a small box from the cabinet and carried it over.

Li Jing took it and opened the box. Under the sunlight, the box reflected green light.

"Gao Qi got me a piece of jade from Myanmar. I asked my wife to find a craftsman to carve it into a jade pendant for each of you children." Li Jing smiled and took out a jade pendant from the box and handed it to Guo Congwen.

"Marshal, what a big piece of jade! It's a pity that you have cut so many jade pendants!" Guo Congwen said in surprise.

Li Jing shook his head: "What a pity, if you ask me, it is the most precious thing for you children to be able to hold each other together."

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "You have all grown up, and conflicts will inevitably arise when you do things in the future. I will give each of you a piece of jade just to tell you that you are like these jade pendants. Any benefit from Yuzhong is not as valuable as the brotherhood between you."

"Father!" Guo Congwen suddenly fell to his knees when he heard the words: "Father, my son will remember Daddy's teachings."

Patting Guo Congwen's shoulder lightly, Li Jingwen said in a loud voice: "Good boy, get up. You haven't been home for several months, and you didn't catch up with your daughter's birthday a few days ago. Go home and have a look."

"The child hasn't seen his mother yet, and he will go home after the child has seen his mother." Guo Congwen said.

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "You children know how to be filial, which is very good, but we don't need anything, don't spend money to buy us something, did you buy something again this time?"

Guo Congwen said with a smile, "I didn't spend any money. There is no place to spend money in that poor place."

Li Jing said with a smile: "That's not a broken place. Don't think that I don't know what's there if I haven't been to Duogansi. Let me tell you, there are many good things there, especially medicinal materials, the most precious. It's velvet."

Guo Congwen said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief is really knowledgeable, and what he said is not bad at all. What the children brought back from Duogansi are medicinal materials, including three whole sets of deer antlers. They are for the children to honor you, your mother, and the princess."

Li Jing smiled: "You're really cute, that's all right, go see your mother."

"Yes! I'll take my leave." Guo Congwen said with a bow.

Watching Guo Congwen leave with a smile, Li Jing said with emotion: "The children have grown up! I am old too!"

"Marshal, you are only in your early forties, when you are in the prime of life, why do you say you are old?" Su Heng laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "I was forced to grow old by these children. They were only this tall when I adopted them."

Speaking of which, Li Jing stretched out his hand to compare, and then smiled and said: "Now they are all taller than me, Anguo is seventeen this year, the emperor has been asking me to call Anguo back these days, saying that he will let Anguo and the princess Get married. My son is about to start a family, you say I'm not old yet?"

"Hehe, these are two different things. You were the one who dragged the eldest son into getting married. According to the emperor's wishes, you will be able to have a grandson two years ago." Su Heng laughed.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "The princess gave birth to a child at a young age, and she is a child herself. The emperor thought I was delaying the marriage, and was worried that I would have other ideas. In fact, I wanted to wait for the princess to grow up. "

"Princess has reached her age this year, so the commander-in-chief has to wait?" Su Heng asked suspiciously.

"You're only fifteen, no matter what, you have to be fully grown to get married." Li Jing laughed.

"Married? This is not good for the reputation of the princess." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand: "What's wrong with the princess' reputation, saying that the princess can't get married? The princess is my daughter-in-law, Li Jing. This matter has been settled for almost ten years. Who in the world doesn't know? What's the point of getting married a few years later?" relation!"

"I'm afraid the emperor doesn't think so." Su Heng said in a low voice.

Li Jing pondered for a while, looked at the official documents on the desk and said: "Well, you go to the palace and ask the emperor to come over, and I will explain it to him."

Su Heng responded, and hurried out of the study.

After a long time, Zhu Youjian brought Wang Chengen to Li Jing's study.

Seeing Li Jing, Wang Chengen hurriedly bowed and said: "This old slave sees the commander in chief."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "You old man, how many times have I told you, don't be so polite, just don't listen."

Wang Chengen said with a smile: "This etiquette can't be abolished, otherwise the rules won't be messed up?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "It's better to ask a handsome man, it's better than saying that to others."

Waving his hand, Li Jing smiled at Zhu Youjian: "Come, please sit down, Your Majesty."

Then he said to Su Heng: "Pingzhi, serve tea to the emperor, and a cup to the prince as well."

Zhu Youjian sat down with a smile, and said to Li Jing, "Brother Li, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Li Jing smiled and picked up the letter on the table and handed it to Zhu Youjian: "Please read, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian took the letter suspiciously and read it. After reading it, Zhu Youjian's face darkened suddenly: "What the hell is Lu Xiangsheng doing? Why did you arrange Anguo to work in Duogan? Where is that? What's the matter, can he afford it?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, brother Jian Dou is promoting Anguo."

"Promote Anguo? Does he need to be promoted? Besides, can he be promoted to Duogan? It's really hard for him to think of a low-level official!" Zhu Youjian said angrily.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Your Majesty, An Guo is no longer an eighth-rank petty official, but now a sixth-rank eunuch. This promotion is fast enough."

Zhu Youjian shook his head: "Brother Li, don't fool me, don't you want An Guo to marry Aimee?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I have absolutely no intention of regretting the marriage. The princess is dignified, virtuous and gentle, she is a rare good girl, how could I ruin this marriage?"

Zhu Youjian said: "Then why did you let Anguo go to Duogan? It took more than a year to go. I mentioned the child's marriage to you many times, but you always pushed back?"

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "I let Anguo go to Brother Jiandou's command to let him go down to practice and practice. Without the experience at the grassroots level, how will Anguo be able to handle things in the future? As for the delay in the marriage between Anguo and the princess, it is mainly because The princess is still young."

"Brother Li, Aimee has already reached the age of Ji, how can you still say that you are young? You want to experience An Guo, and it won't be too late when he and the princess get married!" Zhu Youjian said.

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "Your Majesty, although the princess has grown up, she has not yet grown up. Letting them marry now is not good for the princess' health. Your majesty, although the princess is your daughter, she is still in my house." When I grow up, I treat her like my own daughter, and I can't let my daughter marry before she grows up."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Furthermore, you and I came here when we were young, so we should understand the thoughts of young people. If An Guo gets married and grows in love with the princess, he might not want to go down there anymore. Experienced."

Zhu Youjian sighed softly when he heard the words: "Even if you go down to practice, you don't need to go so far, do you?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "It's a good thing for young people to suffer more, and you read in the letter, Anguo has done a good job with Duogan, and his promotion is justified."

Pointing to the letter, Zhu Youjian continued: "I know you want Anguo to be promoted in a justifiable name, and I admit that Anguo has done a good job in Duogan, but have you ever thought that Lu Xiangsheng knows that Anguo is your son, he Even if we try to change the way and want to be promoted to an official in Anguo, Anguo's promotion from an eighth-rank petty official to a sixth-rank governor in one year is not justified."

Li Jing smiled and said: "This letter was not written by Lu Xiangsheng, it was reported by the people I sent down according to the facts."

Zhu Youjian shook his head: "Even if An Guo is promoted by his own ability, but as time goes by, An Guo's identity will inevitably be leaked. It is still the sphere of influence of Huang Degong and others. Have you ever thought about Anguo's safety?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty can rest assured about this, brother Jian Dou is still very safe in his work, he has already transferred Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing away."

Zhu Youjian said: "What about Huang Degong? The letter said that Huang Degong had heard about Anguo several times in the past six months. Huang Degong must have known Anguo's identity. Otherwise, Huang Degong would have heard about a low-level official when he had nothing to do? And in the letter He also said that Huang Degong sent people to help Anguo solve several problems."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this. Huang Degong is very measured in his actions. He has heard about Anguo so many times, which means that he may already know the identity of Anguo, but Huang Degong did not go to see Anguo under the rule of Anguo. Anguo, it can be seen that Huang Degong is not a follower, and he also knows that Anguo's identity cannot be revealed. If Gao Jie and Liu Zeqing would surround Anguo all day, Anguo would have forgotten what they said every day when he listened to their flattering words."

(End of this chapter)

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