Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 720 Military Power

Chapter 720 Military Power
After Li Jing finished speaking, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Throughout the dynasties, there were only rumors of people fighting for power, but few heard of people giving up their power. As for those who voluntarily gave up their military power, there were even fewer.Moreover, the purpose of the few people who gave up their military power was to protect themselves wisely, and they never gave up power in their hands for the sake of the country's future stability like Li Jing did.

Although everyone knows that for Li Jing now, even if he doesn't have any military position, he can still command the Ming army with his prestige.But after all, doing that is not justified, and after a long time, it will definitely be criticized.Therefore, Li Jing is now delegating power, which can be said to be far superior to his predecessors in terms of style.

Now it depends on how far Li Jing will delegate power.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip, then stroked the teacup and said, "You know, I have always wanted to hand over the leadership of the military to the cabinet, but since I am the prime minister and the governor of the cabinet, Everyone didn't care at all whether my order was issued in the name of the cabinet or in the name of the Metropolitan Government.

In fact, this is no wonder to everyone, because I usually use my personal seal, which does not indicate whether it is the cabinet or the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.In this way, of course, everyone cannot see where this order came from.

Obviously, this is inappropriate.

Starting today, I will use two seals to issue orders in the future, one is a public seal and the other is a private seal, so that everyone will know which department issued the order.In the future, I will issue all orders to declare war in the name of the cabinet, so as to determine the dominance of the cabinet in military affairs. "

Everyone nodded solemnly when they heard the words.

Although Li Jing had said many times before that the order to declare war was issued by the cabinet, due to his position, most people believed that Li Jing's order was issued in the name of the governor.

Now Li Jing tells everyone that the public seal will be used in the future, that is, to clarify the authority of the cabinet, which will undoubtedly increase the voice of cabinet members.

Although Li Jing once strictly ordered people who don't understand the military not to interfere in the military, so they don't have much say in the military.

But they don’t need to use force, they still have a certain right to make decisions. It is important to know that wars are not just fought on the spur of the moment, and political, economic, and ethnic factors are also involved.

The most important are of course political and economic factors. If it is not good for politics or economy, then it is debatable whether to use troops. If it is not good for politics and economy, then it is obviously not possible to use troops.In this case, it is necessary to use troops abroad, and that is to fight purely for the sake of fighting.Whoever makes such a decision is either stupid or a militant.

Therefore, although most of the people in the cabinet do not understand military affairs, because they understand politics and economics, they still have a certain right to speak when deciding whether to use troops.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, Li Jing continued: "But everyone also knows that simply dividing the power of deciding to use troops from the governor is not enough to weaken the power of the governor, because the final military power is still in the hands of the governor. inside.

There are four departments under the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. How to fight wars is planned by the Staff Department, the dispatch and promotion of officers is under the jurisdiction of the Military and Political Department, the logistics supply is under the responsibility of the Logistics Department, and the military equipment is provided by the Equipment Department. It can be said that everything related to the military is in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. jurisdiction.

Most of you here have read history books, and you should know that any dynasty that entrusts military power to one person will sooner or later cause chaos. Wang Mang usurped the throne at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the great general He Jin at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the generals in charge of military power in the previous dynasty. There are not many examples of politics.These are lessons learned from the past, and we must not make such mistakes. "

Everyone nodded and said yes when they heard the words.

Li Jing continued: "The reason why I transferred all the military power to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was because the political situation was unstable, and I was afraid that the dispersion of military power would cause turmoil in the country. But now that the country is stable, it is time to return the power belonging to the Ministry of War to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War checks and balances the Metropolitan Government.

So how to check and balance?Certainly not both departments are in charge of fighting. If they are both in charge of fighting, then who will the generals below listen to?

This is what I think, the administrative matters are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, and the combat matters are under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, which means that the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is only responsible for fighting. "

Gao Qi hesitated for a moment when he heard the words: "The commander-in-chief means that the military and political department should be assigned to the jurisdiction of the military department?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's not that the Military and Political Department is placed under the jurisdiction of the Military and Political Department, but the Military and Political Department is abolished. Part of the original military and political department's powers are taken over by the Military and Political Department."

Gao Qi hurriedly said: "Marshal, the power of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is actually all in the Military and Political Department. If all the power of the Military and Political Department is transferred to the Ministry of War, then the power of the Military Ministry is obviously greater than that of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. How can this be done?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Not all of them are handed over, but only part of them. Of course, the two intelligence departments, the Military Law Department and the Gendarmerie under the Ministry of Military Affairs cannot be taken over by the Ministry of War. Otherwise, the power of the Ministry of War is really too great. The Governor's Mansion is now. I am going to transfer the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Security to the cabinet."

"Marshal, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is responsible for combat matters, and intelligence is inseparable from combat. If the Intelligence Bureau is assigned to the cabinet, it may not be convenient for the Metropolitan Governor to direct wars in the future." Gao Qi hurriedly said.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Brother Gao, don't worry, just listen to me slowly."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Actually, many departments will be dismantled and rearranged this time. The first is the staff department. I plan to assign the strategy department under the staff department to the cabinet jurisdiction. The strategy department will analyze the intelligence of various countries. Then the cabinet makes decisions based on the analysis results of the Ministry of Strategy. Obviously, an intelligence agency must be set up under the Ministry of Strategy.

Similarly, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion also needs an intelligence department when studying operations. This intelligence department is set up in the staff department under the Metropolitan Governor, and the staff department formulates combat plans based on the information provided by the Intelligence Department.

Then there are the major military regions. In fact, it is the major military regions that are actually responsible for combat matters. Therefore, these military regions also have a staff department and an intelligence department.

But in order not to let the major military regions form a trend that cannot be lost, we must control their power. Therefore, the staff and intelligence departments at all levels are under the jurisdiction of the staff and intelligence bureaus of the Metropolitan Government.

This has the advantage that the Metropolitan Government can grasp all the military conditions and all the intelligence, which is conducive to the overall command of the Metropolitan Government. "

Gao Qi pondered for a while after hearing the words: "In other words, the Ministry of Intelligence is actually divided into two parts, one part is under the jurisdiction of the cabinet, and the other part is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion."

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's what it means. As for whether the intelligence department of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is under the jurisdiction of the intelligence department of the cabinet, I haven't considered it clearly. I will talk about this issue later."

Gao Qi continued: "If the commander-in-chief arranges this way, the power of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion will be dispersed by the cabinet, the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. In addition, the troops belonging to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion are mainly located in the major military regions. The governor basically has no ability to launch a mutiny."

Li Jingjing nodded: "What I'm talking about now is just a framework, and I haven't considered the specific details clearly. Brother Gao, you can help me think carefully."

Gao Qi hurriedly nodded yes.

Picking up the teacup, Li Jing took a sip of tea and said, "Okay, now let me talk about the strategic arrangements for the future of Ming Dynasty.

Now the hinterland of the Central Plains and the southern region of Ming Dynasty have been completely stabilized, the Mongolian tribes in the naturalized area and the Manchus in Liaodong have also been fully integrated into Ming Dynasty. In terms of North Korea, the western region has been integrated into Ming Dynasty, and some Koreans are hiding in the eastern and northeastern regions. Go into the mountains to fight against Daming, but Yue Tuo said that in two or three years at most, this part of the resistance can be completely wiped out.

Myanmar in the southwestern region has been occupied by Zhang Chu, and only some remnants of the Toungoo Kingdom have hid in the mountains.Qin Liangyu from Laos and Annan wrote a letter saying that he hoped that the imperial court would immediately arrange for local officials to enter and manage the areas, which meant that Laos and Annan had been pacified.

Sun Huacheng from Taiwan in the east wrote a letter saying that only a small number of indigenous people in Taiwan did not obey the Ming Dynasty’s government orders. Sun Huacheng said that it would take at least several years for these people to be educated, and asked me if I should exterminate these people .well!Sun Huacheng has killed many people in Taiwan these years, but he has made great contributions to the pacification of Taiwan, so it is not easy for me to punish him. "

Gao Qi laughed and said, "The commander-in-chief is probably not willing to punish him."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Although Sun Huacheng is vulgar, he is rough and fine. He is really good at fighting. It's a pity that he has no education. It would be great if he could read more books."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "This time I reprimanded Sun Huacheng, told him not to kill any more people, and educated those natives well. If I found out that he killed people indiscriminately, I would remove him from his post."

Yuan Shu laughed and said, "Sun Huacheng is obedient. He sent someone to send me a letter, asking me for some scholars, and he is going to let these scholars educate the natives."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "This kid is so daring, he dared to write to you directly, without telling me."

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "Sun Huacheng said in his letter that he wanted someone from Mr. Liu, but Mr. Liu said that he has no one in his hands and let him find a way by himself, so he wrote to me."

Li Jingjing nodded, sighed softly, and said, "Liu Erleng is also short of people everywhere, and there is no one to give him. Talent, Daming's talent is still not enough! Brother Youping, you must do a good job in education!"

Huang Daozhou hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do this well."

Li Jingjing nodded and continued: "On the Luzon side, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting have already occupied most of Luzon, leaving only some islands in the south. Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting wrote to say that there is no big battle in Luzon. beated.

I know what they mean when they say this. They have stayed in Luzon for so many years, and they must have stayed enough. They want to come back. "

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "It's a pity that I can't let them come back. There are still Malay Islands west of Luzon that have not been occupied (the area of ​​Indonesia and Malaysia today). If the Malay Islands are not occupied, foreign countries will occupy this place." , and then use this as a springboard to enter the South China Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty, so it must be fully occupied here.

Also, there is Siam in the north of Manga, and with Siam in the middle, Myanmar, Laos and Manga cannot be connected together. Therefore, our next goal is Siam. "

(End of this chapter)

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