Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 721 The Final Strategy

Chapter 721 The Final Strategy
Glancing at everyone, Li Jing continued: "After taking Siam, the Southwest region and Manga will be connected together. If foreign enemies invade Manga, then we can dispatch the army to pass through the Siam area. Reinforcements to Managa, and reinforcements to Batavia, the Malay Archipelago and other places can also be carried out across the Managa Strait.

Therefore, we must win Siam. We don't need Siam to surrender to Ming Dynasty. What we want is to bring Siam into the territory of Ming Dynasty. "

Gao Qi and the others nodded emphatically when they heard the words.

Li Jing continued: "However, Siam cannot be captured within a year or so. If the troops of the Southwest Army alone are relied on, I guess it will be impossible to capture all of it in less than three to five years."

Gao Qi nodded: "Although the area of ​​Siam is about the same as that of Myanmar, the depth from north to south is much longer than that of Myanmar. Relying on the Southwest Army alone, this battle is bound to be protracted. I'm afraid it may not be won in three to five years."

"The key is supplies. Why it took us so many years to fight Burma and Annan and other places is because our supplies can't keep up. Alas, it took three years to fight this battle, but half of the time was spent on supplies." Li Jingdao.

Gao Qi sighed: "If it weren't for the fact that Burma is rich in grain, after our army occupied Burma's grain-producing areas, it would have solved the military rations needed by the troops there. I don't know how long this battle will take."

Li Jingjing nodded: "So you can't rely on the Southwest Army alone to fight Siam, you have to cooperate with the Manchurian Front Army. Zhang Chu's West Route Army attacked Siam from the west, and Qin Liangyu's East Route Army attacked Siam from the east. The Gargantuan Front Army launched an attack on Siam from the south, let's give it a go, and try to take Siam in the shortest possible time."

Gao Qi said with a smile: "Last time when we fought Burma and Annan, Zheng Zhilong's Second Fleet didn't play a role until the final stage. For this reason, Lao Zheng often complained to me, saying that I looked down on the navy. He's the main force."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile: "Zheng Zhilong has been stationed in Manjaka for the past two years. He is anxious when he sees you all fighting around and conquering the city. Okay, let him personally lead the troops to attack Siam this time." southern region.

But there is one thing, this time against Siam, supplies must be transported by sea, so that he does not have to worry about fighting on his own, and has to ensure the logistics supplies of Zhang Chu and Qin Liangyu. "

Gao Qi nodded with a smile.

After a while, Gao Qi continued: "Commander, the strength of our army in the Southwest Theater has reached 15, and with the addition of the troops in the Manlajia Theater, it has reached 20. With such a large army, if you start from the Manchuria If Raja conducts supplies, it will definitely affect the trade of Manlaja. What I mean is to build a material supply point in the southern part of Myanmar and the southern part of Annan, so that it will be convenient for the east and west armies to replenish. "

Li Jing heard the words and pondered: "You are right. If supplies are supplied from Manga, then there is no need to do other things in Manga Port. A few more supply points should be built."

Speaking of which, Li Jing got up and took out a map from the cabinet behind him, turned around and spread it on the table, looked at it for a while, Li Jing clicked on a position on the map and said: "Brother Gao, look, this place is called Dagon (now Yangon), although it is a small city, there are several large rivers passing through here and entering the sea, and the water transportation is very convenient. Our ships can reach the river upstream, and then transport materials to various regions along the river. And here is originally It’s a small town, we only need a little repair to turn it into a supply point for the West Route Army.”

Upon hearing this, Gao Qi praised: "Commander, your memory is really amazing. You can still remember the topography of such a small town so clearly."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother Gao, you are the one who sent me the information on Myanmar. At that time, I was going to choose a place in Myanmar to build a provincial capital, so I carefully studied the terrain here."

Gao Qi was surprised: "The commander-in-chief is not going to build the chief envoy's office here?"

Li Jing smiled: "I have this idea, but the location here is a bit south, so I have been hesitant."

At this time, Fang Fang suddenly interjected: "Marshal, if the water transportation is really convenient here, then according to the students' opinion, it is very suitable to build the chief envoy's office here."

"Oh? You agree to build the chief envoy's office here?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

Fang Fang smiled and said: "Commander, the reason why you hesitate to build the chief envoy's yamen here is nothing more than worrying that the location here is a bit biased, and that it will be inconvenient for the chief envoy's orders to be conveyed, but has the commander ever thought about it?" Therefore, it is much more convenient to establish the chief minister here than to accept orders from the imperial court. Comparing the two, it is clear that the imperial court's decrees are more important.

In addition, if it is also a new city, the terrain here is obviously more conducive to the development of the city. In a few years, it will reach the size of a medium-sized city.Just like Tianjin Wei, it has been expanded twice in just a few years, and it has already reached the standard of Fucheng.Why is Tianjin Wei developing so fast?Without him, because of the convenience of water transportation, it is more convenient and cheaper for merchants from all over the world to do business here than elsewhere. "

At this time, Yuan Shu interjected: "In addition, the place of governance does not lie in the provinces, but in the prefectures and counties. As long as we don't change the decree overnight, it doesn't matter how many days later the chief envoy Si Yamen conveys the decree to the local government."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Since you all think that it is more appropriate to build the Chief Envoy's Yamen in Dagon, then this matter is settled like this. It is just in time to build a supply point in Dagon to pull up the framework of the city. Nothing Solution, I will leave this matter to you.”

Fang Fang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Commander, I will immediately send people to Dagon to survey the terrain and ask them to draw the blueprint as soon as possible."

Li Jing waved his hand: "There is no need to come back to ask for instructions. It will take more than half a year to go back and forth. We don't have that much time to delay. You tell the people below, I believe they will be able to design this city well."

Fang Fang hurriedly said: "Students must arrange capable people, and they will never disappoint the trust of the commander."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said: "These people are going to Burma, and I'm afraid they won't be able to return to Beijing until several years later. You tell them that they will be given double salaries in the past few years. If they do a good job, I will reward them."

Fang Fang hurriedly said: "The students, on behalf of the subordinates, thank the commander in advance."

Li Jing waved his hand, turned his gaze back to the map and continued: "It is not enough to build a supply point in Myanmar, Annan also needs to build a supply point."

After clicking twice on the map, Li Jing said, "Build a supply point here and here."

Gao Qi looked at the location Li Jing was pointing at, and nodded lightly: "Dongguan County (now Hanoi, Vietnam) is similar to Dagon in terms of terrain, both have unobstructed water systems, and it is close to Guangxi. very suitable."

Li Jing smiled: "Besides, this was once the capital of Annan Kingdom, so we don't need to build any facilities, it can be used directly, saving us a lot of trouble."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

To be honest, the biggest headache for everyone now is to build cities in these newly-occupied areas. It is not because they are afraid of spending money. To build cities in occupied areas does not need to be paid by Daming at all. Some of them are captives as free laborers. A group of officials will be stationed.

Although Daming has trained many officials over the years, the area occupied this time is too large, and the officials trained are far from enough to distribute. In fact, most of the occupied areas are now under military control, including the former capital of Annan Kingdom Dongguan County is where Qin Liangyu sits.

Li Jing naturally understands everyone's thoughts, but in fact he is also troubled by the lack of officials.

The second supply point that Li Jing chose in Annan was Champa, which used to be the capital of Champa, and there was no need to build any more facilities.

The reason why Li Jing built two supply points in Annan was mainly because Annan's terrain was long and narrow from north to south, and the Ming army's front line was too far away. If there was only one supply point, it would be too difficult to supply.

Finally, Li Jing nodded at Temasek at the eastern end of the Managa Strait and said: "Here, we also need to build a supply point, so that Dongguan County, Champa, Temasek, Manjaka, and Dagon can all be connected. If the domestic supplies do not arrive in time, several supply points can complement each other."

Gao Qi smiled and said: "In addition, if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, the garrisons we arrange at the supply point can also support each other."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Rolling up the map, Li Jing said: "After taking Siam and the Malay Islands, the military operations in the south of Daming can be stopped, and then it is time to recover Mobei, Moxi and Wusizang. Alas , These places should have been recovered long ago, and I don’t want to delay it for so many years.”

Gao Qi said with a smile: "It's not too late to recover now, and after years of training, the troops of Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou have fully adapted to the local climate. As long as the commander gives an order, the two armies of Hong and Lu will be as strong as a broken bamboo, and they will be wiped out with a crushing force." these areas."

Li Jingjing nodded, then sighed softly and said: "Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng have been in charge of local affairs these years, and the last battle of Daming to recover the lost land must be fought with them no matter what, otherwise, I will have no face to see him in the future." It’s over. Brother Gao, you are now the Secretary of the Ministry of War, and the appointment of the two of them is up to you.”

Gao Qi thought for a while, nodded slightly, turned to Su Heng and said, "Pingzhi, help me draw up an order."

Hearing this, Su Heng hurriedly sorted out the record of Li Jing's conversation with everyone just now and put it aside, then took out a piece of paper and laid it out, and re-dipped the pen with ink: "Master Gao, please tell me."

Gao Qi nodded, thought for a while and said, "By order of the commander-in-chief, Chen Dahu is hereby appointed as the commander-in-chief of the left army of the North Army. After receiving the order, Chen Dahu will immediately go to Beijing to take over the commander-in-chief."

After Su Heng finished writing, Gao Qi said again: "According to the order of the commander-in-chief, Liu Erleng is hereby appointed as the commander-in-chief of the right army of the North Army. After receiving the order, Liu Erleng will immediately go to Beijing to take over the commander-in-chief seal."

After giving the order, Gao Qi watched Li Jing and said, "Marshal, it's okay."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "The words Feng Dashuai in front of you are completely redundant."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Marshal, let me tell you, these four characters are probably what Du Hu and Er Leng like to read the most."

Li Jing smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that Li Jing had no objection, Gao Qi used the official seal on the official document, and then handed the official document to Li Jing. Li Jing took it over and looked at it, smiled and took out the private seal and stamped it.

(End of this chapter)

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