Chapter 623 I will feel distressed
Nangongxi said: "Then I won't fight anymore!"

A smile curled up on the corner of Chu Jiuge's mouth, and he said, "That's good! I'm announcing now that in the fourth match, Young Master Nangong will tie with Patriarch Ximen!"

The reason why Patriarch Ximen threatened Patriarch Ximen a little was because she had already discovered that after a fight with Patriarch Xiahou, Nangongxi's spiritual power had actually been exhausted, and it was not suitable to fight any more!
If the fight continues, even if she uses the same means to distract Patriarch Ximen, the possibility of Nangongxi winning is very low.

Chu Jiuge said: "Okay! Today's competition is over. Nangongxi won two games and became the person who is qualified to be the Holy Lord! Maybe you still have doubts about his strength, but everyone don't forget .He's still young, and even though he's progressing fast, his foundations are solid, so he can have unlimited possibilities."

It has to be said that Chu Jiuge didn't say anything, and everyone looked at Nangongxi with bright eyes.

With such strength in his 20s, he does have unlimited possibilities.

"Hahaha! Congratulations!" said the chief elder.

"This is the holy seal, now I leave it to you! This elder declares that from now on, Nangongxi will be the holy lord of the holy land." His resonant voice spread to every corner of the holy land.

"See Holy Lord!"

"Congratulations, Holy Master!"

Immediately afterwards, a deafening sound came from the entire square.

Nangongxi was also in a turbulent mood at this time. From now on, he would not only shoulder the responsibility of the Nangong family, but also the responsibility of the entire Holy Land.

Nangongxi said: "I'm not deeply involved in the world now, so I can't guarantee other things. What I can guarantee now is that I will do my best to make the Holy Land better."

"it is good!"

"We believe in you!"

The whole audience is boiling, there is no need to draw any grand blueprint, it is enough to have this pure heart.

After everything was settled, senior Nangong Qi was busy with Nangong's family.

Nangongxi, the holy master, is also very busy, and Chu Jiuge feels that he, the holy master, is a master of soy sauce.

Ling Feimo said: "Since the matter is settled, I should go back to the Underground Martial Palace. I have been outside for too long. If I don't go back, I'm afraid Mu will think that something happened to me."

"Okay! Then go back quickly!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

Chu Jiuge personally sent Ling Feimo to leave. When Ling Feimo left, he said in Chu Jiuge's ear: "Jiu Ge, should I still call you Jiu Ge! Or should I call you the most honorable ninth young master?" .”

Ling Feimo is so smart, and he is from the Ling family, one of the seven great imperial families.

After getting along several times, he also guessed Chu Jiuge's identity.

Chu Jiuge replied: "I am Chu Jiuge, and our cooperation remains unchanged, because I am not satisfied with only one arrow."

Ling Feimo laughed, "Okay! You are right. Congratulations on finding a treasure. When you are about to leave the Eastern Territory, go to the Underground Martial Hall to find me. I have a clue for you! About immortality The magic box thing."

Chu Jiuge was slightly taken aback, and said, "You didn't lie to me?"

"How dare I lie to you! If I lie to you, I will probably be stolen by you and become a pauper without a penny."

Chu Jiuge smiled and said, "You're smart! I'll go find you after I've dealt with the matter."

Rong Yuan got the news and came to the Holy Land. He hugged Chu Jiuge into his arms and said, "Jiu'er is too powerful. I found the immortal magic box of the sixth clan."

"So don't patronize eating tofu, protect me quickly!"

"Observe! But after Jiu'er succeeds, I will reward you." Rong Yuan smiled monstrously.

This is the sixth one. Chu Jiuge has opened an extremely large number of necessary magic boxes for the sixth family, and the sixth level of the Immortal Life Ten Thousand Law Art has been engraved in her mind.

The pupil of immortal life also has new power.

Chu Jiuge walked out, and in an instant a hurricane cut off the surrounding trees evenly.

Chu Jiuge said: "This is the mystery of the wind, and it is very lethal!"

"The mystery of the wind is not only for killing and attacking, but also for healing. I'll think about it... um..." Ye Ling was still talking, but Rong Yuan sealed his lips.

"It's a good thing to be promoted successfully. It's time for me to ask for a reward. As for the treatment, how about we think about it together after Jiuer?"

The three thousand green threads are inseparable, Rong Yuan enthusiastically relieves the pain of lovesickness, Chu Jiuge's stupidity is swollen.

He also dared to be so unscrupulous because the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and Liu Liu was a little timid in the face of him and did not dare to do anything.

After that, Rong Yuan didn't just focus on being gentle and bullying his fiancée, he and Chu Jiuge figured out the sixth level ability, both of them were very intelligent, so they figured it out naturally.

Chu Jiuge hugged Rong Yuan at the movement of the difficult immortal demon poison, and said with a smile: "Let's start! Rong evildoer!"

A ray of gentle wind wrapped the two of them together, making them extremely comfortable. The breeze entered Rong Yuan's body, blowing over the black immortal poison.

Wherever they went, the immortal poison was fading.

Chu Jiuge could see clearly with his penetrating power that Rong Yuan's situation had stabilized a lot.

However, the immortal poison took root too deeply, and it still couldn't be completely cleaned up.

Chu Jiuge said: "You evildoer, come again!"

Chu Jiuge was hugged tightly at the waist and said: "Since the effect is so good, Jiu'er can rest assured! Let's take our time, I don't want Jiu'er to be tired and feel distressed."

Rong Yuan forced him to refuse, and Chu Jiuge had no choice.

Anyway, Rong Yuan has lived in the Holy Land these days, and is with Ye Ling day and night, even Liuliu and Nangongxi have no chance to be alone with Jiuge.

"Ahh! That man is so hateful, I'm going to sue Jiushu and Yiyi!" Liuliu said frantically.

There is a certain limit to using the profound meaning of the wind to weaken the immortal poison. Chu Jiuge tried again, saying: "Now that I have cultivated to the sixth level, can I only do this?"

"Jiu'er, I feel very good now. I have never been so weak in Immortal Demon Poison. This is due to Jiu'er! The sixth level can do this. It seems that my guess is right. As long as you Cultivate to the ninth level, this immortal poison will definitely be cured." Rong Yuan whispered in Chu Jiuge's ear.

Chu Jiuge nodded and said: "Yes! I believe it too, so we must find a way to find the remaining immortal magic boxes! The immortal magic boxes of the seventh family, the eighth family, and the ninth family."

Rong Yuan, the number one patient, was cured, and there was another big move in the Wuyatian Temple on the other side. Rong Yuan had to get tired of Chu Jiuge for a few days and then left.

Chu Jiuge said: "I am also going to walk around. There should be no clues in the Eastern Region. I want to go to other places to see."

"Then Jiu'er, take good care of yourself, I'll find you soon after I've dealt with it," Rong Yuan kissed Chu Jiuge on the cheek before leaving.

"Okay!" Chu Jiuge nodded.

"Jiuge! Woooooo!" Liuliu, who went to complain, received a letter from Yiyi, showing a distraught look.

(End of this chapter)

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