Chapter 624 Tough opponent
"One by one said that I was not good at doing things, Uncle Jiu was super angry! He wanted me to go back to Wu Ya Tian to open a casino, but I couldn't do things right by your side anyway!" Liu Liu said sadly.

"Liu Liu, what's wrong with you? Can I help you?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"No... no need!" He also couldn't tell Jiumei, his most important task was to keep that evil Rong Yuan from getting close to Jiumei besides protecting Jiumei.

"I'm about to leave the Eastern Region," Chu Jiuge said.

"What?" Liuliu and Nangongxi were taken aback.

"I'm going to find the Immortal Box elsewhere."

Liuliu and Nangongxi understood why Chu Jiuge wanted to leave, but...

Nangongxi said: "I want to leave the Holy Land and go with you. Anyway, I have the strength at the peak of the Xuanxu Realm."

"I just became the Holy Master, so incompetent is not acceptable!" Chu Jiuge said.

Nangongxi also knew that for this position, some responsibilities cannot be thrown away.

"Be a good holy master! If one day I accidentally kill Son Wuya and have no place to take refuge, I will need you to cover me when I come to the Holy Land!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

"Okay! I will!" How could he forget that there is still the pursuit of the Wuya Temple.

Even if he is at the peak of the Profound Void Realm, he cannot stop the pursuit of the Wuya Temple.

Only with more powerful power and influence to make the Wuya Temple disappear, so the hunting order will naturally disappear.

After Chu Jiuge bid farewell to Nangongxi, Senior Nangongqi, and Master Yueluo, he left the holy land and went to the underground martial arts hall.

"We haven't heard from the auction house for nine days. What news can Ling Feimo have?" Liuliu muttered.

"Anyway, if you go there, you won't lose money!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

Chu Jiuge and the others returned to the Underground Martial Hall, "It is Jiuge and Lord Liuliu who are back, and we will notify the Hall Master immediately."

Chu Jiuge looked at the charming man sitting on his throne, and said, "I'm here, tell me if you have any good news!"

"When I first came to the Endless Continent, I landed on the sea in the Northern Territory. There, I met a person from the Luo family, one of the Eight Great Saint Clans. He was looking for things in that sea area. He will not be for no reason. I was looking for something in the vast ocean, so it must be something important! I knew you wanted to find the Immortal Box, so I guessed that there was a possibility." Ling Feimo said.

"Even if there is a possibility, I can't let it go, thank you." Chu Jiuge smiled.

She turned to Liuliu and said, "Send a message to Yinuo immediately, and let him pay attention to the sea area in the northern region."

"Hmm! The original goal of the Luo family was the seventh family. If it is true, we may have the whereabouts of the seventh family's immortal magic box." Liuliu said excitedly.

Chu Jiuge said: "I will also set off for the Northern Territory soon."

"Hallmaster! Hallmaster, someone wants to challenge Lord Jiuge, and the opponent has already won a hundred games in a row." The record that Chu Jiuge set in the underground martial arts hall was unbreakable.

"After playing a hundred games, he is not qualified enough to challenge the top guest minister in our underground martial arts hall," Ling Feimo said.

"But the palace master, the opponent is very strong! He played a hundred games, and a hundred people died."

Chu Jiuge frowned slightly, wasn't it some blood feud?Winning is enough.

Directly taking the lives of so many people was either bloodthirsty or deliberate.

challenge him!
"What is the background of the other party?" Ling Feimo asked.

"Not from the Eastern Region."

"It seems that he is coming for me. He wants to challenge me, so just fight. Anyway, I don't have time to wait for him to play a hundred games. It's better to solve it earlier." Chu Jiuge whispered.

"Then you want to be careful, after all, the other party is not kind." Ling Feimo reminded.


Winning 100 games in a row, killing [-] people in a row, the young man on the stage has already attracted the attention of many people.

Chu Jiuge looked upstairs, but the other party locked his position, as fierce as a wolf.

"Chu Jiuge, come down and fight!"

Liuliu said: "He's not from the Wuyatian Temple, so he wasn't guarded against him, and let him come to trouble the Ninth Sister."

"There are so many in the Endless Continent, and the Eastern Territory is so big, no matter how hard you defend, you can't defend against me. After all, the other party has the intention to kill me. This guy, they probably invited foreign aid! Enter the underground martial arts hall alone to challenge I obviously intend to risk my life, and I don't know what benefits Sheng Baichen has given him?" Chu Jiuge asked Liuliu.

"He's not simple, if Ninth Sister forgets it, ignore this guy." Liuliu said.

"I want to exercise my muscles and bones, so he is the only one." Chu Jiuge looked eager to try.

The fiery red figure flitted across the air, and Chu Jiuge landed on the competition stage, "Since you are so impatient to fight with me, I'll take the challenge."

"Master Mu! Master Mu!" Chu Jiuge really came out to fight, which made the audience boil.

When the competition started, everyone couldn't see clearly the figures of the two people on the competition stage in an instant.

"So fast!"

"Both are fast!"

"One at the fourth level of the Alchemy Realm, and one at the peak of the Ninth Level of the Alchemy Realm. In the end, we couldn't even see their battle trajectories clearly. What a ****!"

Chu Jiuge's figure is as agile as a ghost, but the other party is like a ferocious wolf, fighting several times and colliding fiercely.

That young man launched an attack on Chu Jiuge, and black lightning bolts pursued Chu Jiuge like chains.

Once trapped, Chu Jiuge's situation will be extremely dangerous.

Chu Jiuge speeded up again, drew the bow and shot the arrow, she used the pupil of immortal life to observe the weakest point where the black lightning connects.

"Puff puff puff!" An arrow pierced through, and the black lightning scattered.

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises, deafening.

Chu Jiuge parried his blow, and his eyes became dangerous.

"Myriad pupils perish!"

It was not a problem for Wantong Yumi's power to kill through the alchemy realm, but he just took three breaths in a daze before reacting and avoiding Chu Jiuge's attack.

The mind is so firm that it is not affected by external forces.

The power of ice and snow!

"Bang bang bang!" His strength is worthy of being the master who can easily win a hundred games. Facing Chu Jiuge's strong counterattack, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Master Mu is going to win, long live Master Mu!" Many people present cheered.

Ling Feimo frowned slightly, and even Liuliu's expression was not good.

win?I'm afraid it's not that simple!

Sure enough, the opponent's aura suddenly changed, it was no longer in the alchemy state, but in the return to the original state.

Breaking through on the competition stage is purely normal and not considered a violation.

"Hall Master, do you want to stop?" asked the steward on the side of the Huadan Realm Martial Arts Field.

(End of this chapter)

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