Chapter 631: The Blue Sky of the Sea
Various weapons were brandished, and waves of spiritual power swayed.

They shed their blood for money and power, fighting for the only throne.

Chu Jiuge and Tiantian watched with great interest, stuffed a lot of good things for Chu Jiuge every day and said: "Just sister, snacks!"

Chu Jiuge watched all the pirates' actions, flaws, loopholes, and the corresponding coping methods.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles!
"Tiantian, the seven leaders..." Chu Jiuge told Tiantian about the weaknesses of the seven leaders, and there are targeted solutions.

"Ninth sister, don't be too tired from watching."

"You underestimate the Immortal Life Eye of our Immortal Nine Races too! And I have already cultivated to the sixth level, and the power of using the micro light is similar to that of normal eyes." Chu Jiuge said.

"It's our fault that the Seventh Clan lost the magic box of immortality. We will definitely find the magic box of the Seventh Clan as soon as possible, so that the Ninth Sister can break through again!" said Tian Tian, ​​clenching her fists.

"Well! Let's look for it together." Chu Jiuge nodded.

This battle lasted for a long time. After all, there were seven pirate regiments, and it was only after dark that the winner was decided. In the end, the Qiongtian pirate regiment won.

It was dark, and the empty soul came back.

"Konghun, you spend more time outside."

"Because there are many souls here to replenish my strength." Those ethereal eyes glanced at the sea filled with blood.

Such a big battle would naturally kill many people, and their souls would be used by Void Soul, so he could stay outside all day.

"My lord, this is dedicated to you."

In one day, Konghun finished the painting.

Chu Jiuge looked at the sea and blue sky in the painting. Under the hands of Konghun, it was more beautiful than what she saw with her eyes.

"It's so beautiful, thank you!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

Konghun looked at the smiling face in front of him, he had a feeling that the smile on this face was more beautiful than the sky.

His heart moved slightly, and he wanted to draw it down and keep it forever.

Such thoughts were suppressed by him, no, this is the master.

"It's so beautiful, I'm reluctant to use it." Chu Jiuge whispered.

"I still have it! When the master is in danger, use this." Konghun stuffed another painting for Chu Jiuge, which was also a very beautiful sky.

Konghun returned to the picture scroll, blinked his eyes every day and said: "Ninth Sister, this guy can't find out his history one by one, but he said that this guy's ability is too weird. Even if he recognizes you as the master, you still Don't use his power too often, lest it put you in danger."

"Although this is the person Jiumei likes very much, we shouldn't doubt it, but Yiyi and everyone are because they care about you."

Everyone has a love for beauty, let alone such a soul-stirring person in the painting, it is normal for Jiumei to like it.

Chu Jiuge replied: "Well! The empty soul has no memory. I don't know if I use his power. I don't know if it will do him any harm. I won't use it indiscriminately until my life is in danger."

On that side, it was a foregone conclusion.

Qiongtian is now the head of the strongest pirate group in the south, very excited.

Although the other six heads were jealous to death, the matter was a foregone conclusion.

Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow. This distance is already far away, surrounded by the sea. I am afraid that Qiongtian would never have thought that someone would sneak attack at this time.

"Hoo!" A dark red sword swept over from Qiongtian's back.

After all, he is a master of the Mysterious Void Realm, sensing the danger and quickly avoiding it, there was a bloodstain on his neck.

"If you lose, you have to lose. Now that you have admitted that I am the king of the south, what do you mean by attacking me?" It was just a small injury, and he didn't take it to heart, but angrily found someone else to settle the score.

He suspected that people from the other six pirate regiments did it.

"not us!"

"We didn't do it either."


The others were about to explain, only to find that Qiongtian suddenly fell to the ground.


"Is there poison on the arrow?" Someone asked in surprise.


" me..." Qiongtian's eyes widened, and the blood on his body quickly disappeared, and his body became completely shriveled.

"It's terrible! What kind of poison is this?"

"It's cruel! Who did it?"

"You dare to kill our regiment leader, you cannot forgive me!"

After a lot of difficulty, a boss was selected, but he died in an instant, and the Qiongtian Pirates rioted.

Others felt that they had a chance, and they calmed down, but it turned out to be another bloody battle.

Continuing the fight would only weaken their strength in the south, and another was eventually elected.

And when it was confirmed that he was on the southern throne, Chu Jiuge shot countless pieces.

"Damn it! Come again, who the hell is it?"

He dodged quickly, those arrows were just for cover.

As a result, he revealed more flaws, which Chu Jiuge discovered, so...

"Hoo!" The blood arrow flew out, this time piercing through the man's thigh.

"Pfft!" An arrow hit.

Suspecting that the arrow was poisonous, he took the antidote instead of cutting off his own thigh, so he was doomed to be drained of blood by the blood arrow's power.

"Over there!" The first time Chu Jiuge made a sneak attack, they didn't pay attention.

This time they found out, and found Chu Jiuge's hiding place.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Several figures flew over.

At this time, Tian Tian swung his big ax and flew over.

Anyone who dared to do something to his ninth sister, he would not let go.

"Boom!" With a strike of the axe, countless water splashes rose.

"It turned out to be a boy with no hair at all. Which pirate group is this?"

"It's not our family anyway."

"Could it be..." They remembered that there was another pirate group in the southern waters.

They didn't pay attention to that pirate group at all, but it turned out to be plotted by them.

"Catch that kid, do you really dare to break into anywhere?" They said angrily.

They really underestimated Tian Tian, ​​​​he was born with supernatural power, and his battle ax was not an ordinary black weapon, so he easily resisted their attacks.

"Puff puff!" One by one, they were blown into the water by him.

"He has such strength at such a young age, what is the origin of this kid?" Several regiment leaders went into battle in person, but it was the rain of arrows shot by Chu Jiuge that came oncoming.

"There's one more person!" they exclaimed in surprise.

"This one used an axe, and the other archer didn't catch it. What are you still doing, arresting people."

They knew that the one who used arrows was probably more dangerous than this one, after all, she had turned the heads of two first-class pirate groups into mummies.

They don't want to be the third mummy, so they have to find that guy out anyway.

Chu Jiuge released a signal flare, and a colorful flare exploded in the air.

"Over there!" Chu Jiuge released the signal flare, and at the same time exposed himself, countless enemies rushed towards Chu Jiuge's position.

(End of this chapter)

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