Chapter 632 Perfect Match
"Pfft!" She jumped and hid in the sea.

Many people jumped into the water to chase Chu Jiuge, even in the water Chu Jiuge was still very agile.

The powerful soul power can sense their position, so avoiding them easily is not a problem at all.

The spiritual power formed a barrier, and Chu Jiuge knew every move on the sea.

The others haven't come yet, even though Tian Tian's strength prevents the enemy from getting close, it is still extremely dangerous to be surrounded by these people.

Chu Jiuge drew his bow fully, put ten arrows in total, and shot them instantly.

"Puff puff puff!" Ten arrows shot out through the water, and struck at the pirates at an extremely tricky angle, all ten arrows hit.

"Damn it! That sharp archer sneaked up on us in the water, you bunch of trash, why haven't you found him yet?"

"Find it quickly!"

Many search ships appeared in the distance, and a group of pirates came to kill them.

"Boss, Seventh Young Master, we are here."

"Sure enough, it's you, a group of mobs who are so overconfident. I don't know how much I have, but I dare to fight with our first-class pirates!" The first burly man said disdainfully.

A phoenix cry resounded on the sea, and a golden phoenix set fire in the air.

"Bang bang bang!" They were enveloped by the golden flames of the phoenix, but they couldn't extinguish the flames by jumping into the water.

Hei Yan went to the enemy's rear and wiped out those pirates on board.

"Puff puff puff!" Chu Jiuge hid in the sea, and attacked when he saw the right opportunity.

"Find someone!"

The blood arrow shot out again, they were already prepared, this time they avoided it.

Even so, the head of the group was shocked into a cold sweat.

If he slows down a little bit, I'm afraid he won't even know how he died?
"I haven't found it yet, I'll look for it myself." A seemingly gentle leader Zhang of one of the five great pirate regiments skimmed to the surface of the sea.

"Puff puff puff!" The sea water rolled under his feet, but he still didn't force him out, so he had no choice but to dive into the bottom of the sea.

"Kill!" The sound of fighting on the sea sounded, and Chu Jiuge's pirate group had already started.

They have improved their strength in a short period of time, and they still have some combat effectiveness against other minions.

To capture the thief, first capture the king, as long as the five captains are dealt with, then everything can be over.

Head Zhang went into the water to look for Chu Jiuge, and Chu Jiuge had already sneaked into their boat quietly.

Tiantian was fighting with the four regiment leaders, and the domineering head-to-head confrontation made the four of them feel their blood rolling.

"This kid's strength is too strong."

"It's really tricky, don't waste time on this kid."

Chu Jiuge has found an ambush point, and this time, he must not miss a leader this time.

Tian Tian injured a person at this time, and now he is full of flaws, giving Chu Jiuge an excellent opportunity.

Chu Jiuge shot an arrow!

"No!" It was too late when he found Chu Jiuge's arrow, and his face was full of panic. After all, he still remembered the two companions who turned into mummies.

"Pfft!" Unavoidably, he was shot through the abdomen by an arrow, and fell into the sea from the air.

His body instantly turned into a mummy, floating on the sea.

Seeing the three regiment leaders, they gasped.

"That arrow is too evil, so dangerous!"

"Lao Zhang didn't even find out the sharp archer himself, she is really good at hiding!"

"Who said I didn't find it, I have already found it." A white figure swept towards the place where Chu Jiuge was hiding.

To find her whereabouts by sacrificing a head of the Profound Void Realm, the price paid is a bit too tragic.

"I didn't expect it to be a little girl!" Head Zhang was a little surprised when he saw Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge shot three arrows at the same time, telling him with the facts that she was the one who shot the arrow.

"Very weak! I thought you were so powerful." Captain Zhang easily avoided Chu Jiuge's arrow. After all, his level was much higher than Chu Jiuge's.

"Go to hell!" He said harshly.

Suddenly, a red afterimage swept over, and the black flame stopped the attack of the head of the chapter.

Xiao Jin controls the overall situation in the air and assists the pirates of the pirate group to kill the enemy.

And Hei Yan, who cleaned up the boat, had finished cleaning up now, so they naturally came to help the master.

"Master, here I come!"

Xiao Jin and Hei Yan grew up very fast. Although they couldn't win against this one, they could still entangle him to protect their master.

"Monster!" Head Zhang raised his eyebrows.

"Do you really think this monster can save you? Dreaming!" A powerful spiritual power erupted, with destructive power.

"Boom!" There was a terrifying bang.

Hei Yan and Chu Jiuge cooperated together, even though the level of alchemy realm would not play much role in such a battle, but don't forget that Chu Jiuge is good at long-distance.

"What kind of monster is this?" Captain Zhang frowned.

He was slightly distracted, and Chu Jiuge noticed it immediately.

Chu Jiuge cast Wantong Fade, which instantly deprived him of his consciousness and bought time for Hei Yan.

Hei Yan cooperated well with his master, and soon burst out an extremely powerful flame and blasted towards the leader Zhang.

"Puff puff!"

The severe pain of the flames burning his skin woke up Captain Zhang, and he gasped, "Pupil surgery! I was careless."

"The power of ice and snow!" Chu Jiuge didn't give him a chance to breathe at all, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and he stared into his eyes.

The soul was frozen, the body trembled, and then burned again.

"Boom!" He retreated hastily, almost falling into the sea.

A person who looked gentle before was now burned into a black coal.

"This is the pupil technique again." His face became more and more serious, but a little girl in the alchemy realm controlled his unexpected trump card.

He exploded with all his spiritual power, he didn't hold back, he just wanted to get rid of Chu Jiuge quickly.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Go away!" Facing the obstruction of the monster, he wanted to blast away with violent force, but the black flame wrapped around him like it was sticky.

"Bang bang bang!"

With Hei Yan in the way, Chu Jiuge had already predicted his attack trajectory, so when he approached Chu Jiuge, Chu Jiuge had already disappeared in place.

In an instant, the black flame came again, and the dark red arrow was always hidden in it.

"Not good!" This arrow that can turn people into mummies is definitely their nightmare. He dodges quickly, but Chu Jiuge is staring at him not far away.

He stabilized his mind and concentrated his energy. This time, he must not let the little girl's pupil technique succeed. Then he used his spiritual power to prepare to attack Chu Jiuge.

"Boom!" A hurricane appeared out of nowhere, instantly surrounding him.

"Ah!" There was a shrill scream, which made the other three regiments turn pale with fright.

"No way! Something happened to Lao Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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