Chapter 634 The Competition Begins

Chu Jiuge quietly entered the ship of the Pirate King, shuttled around the ship like a ghost, and was never discovered by anyone. He successfully reached the most heavily guarded place on the ship.

"My lord, everything is ready, starting tomorrow! Those ignorant pirates will soon become our slaves, and we will definitely find what you want, my lord." The voice of the Pirate King came out.

"Yeah! I've been in this sea for too long, wasting too much time, and because of the spiritual power of this place, I can't even break through to the highest level. It's really bad luck! The next thing, No mistakes are allowed." A hoarse voice came.

"However, there is something strange about the Southern Pirates. They are led by two young men. I don't know where they came from?" The Pirate King said.

"Tomorrow will naturally know their details."

"My lord is right!"

Chu Jiuge thought she was hiding well, but she was discovered.

"A little mouse came into your territory, and your people didn't notice it at all!"

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge's hiding place was discovered. Fortunately, she had predicted the trajectory of the man's attack and was able to avoid it.

She rushed out at the fastest speed, Qitian felt the movement on this side, and swept to the surface of the sea to meet Chu Jiuge.

A pair of gloomy eyes stared at the two of them, "Two little dolls, it's not good to play on other people's territory in the middle of the night."

Chu Jiuge said: "I'm here to spy on the enemy, not to sneak attack you, you two uncles, don't be so stingy!"

The two looked at Chu Jiuge gloomyly, and the pirate king said, "My lord, do you want to kill them both?"

"Killing them will affect the entire southern pirate group, let's save their lives! Anyway, she didn't hear any important news. Even if she did, it's impossible for the four major pirate groups to be yours." Opponent, don't mind."


Chu Jiuge said: "I'm curious, how did you find me?"

This is the first time such a miss.

"Little girl, if you look at me carefully, you will find the reason."

Chu Jiuge looked over, and using the Eye of Immortal Life in the darkness, she saw that the eyes of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi were not in focus.

The eyes can't see, so the sensitivity in other aspects may be too ordinary, maybe it's the sound, maybe it's the smell that exposed her.

"Beautiful eyes! Little girl, next time don't wander into other people's places. If you get caught, maybe your eyes will be gone." The empty eyes are facing Chu Jiuge, giving Chu Jiuge a whole body. A cold feeling.

This guy is not just talking casually to scare people, but really has such a plan.

Qitian stood in front of Chu Jiuge, and said coldly, "You are dreaming."

"Let's go! It's windy outside!" said the man in Tsing Yi.

"Ninth Sister, you are not allowed to take such risks next time." Qi Tian said with a solemn expression.

"Although I'm not sure about that guy's identity, I can be sure that everything he did was to find something." Chu Jiuge said.

"Whether it's true or not, being the Pirate King is very domineering, and you must grab it." Qi Tian was eager to try.

Early the next morning the horn sounded.

The Pirate King said: "The result of the lottery has come out. The south is facing the east, and the combat location is the Sea of ​​No Return. The west is facing the west, and the combat area is the Ice Moon Sea."

"Whoever arrives at that piece of sea first can take the lead and set up an ambush. On the road, we only compete for speed and cannot attack each other! We will have someone to supervise us. Since we agree to participate in this competition, we must follow the rules."

"When the stick of incense burns out, let's go!"

A subordinate next to the Pirate King lit a stick of incense.

Today's sea breeze is quite strong, so this stick of incense will naturally burn quickly.

Chu Jiuge said: "Everyone get ready and check their boats. There must be no accidents during the half-day voyage."


On the other side, the eastern pirate king named Zhang Lang said: "As soon as the stick of incense is burned, we will leave! We must be the first to arrive."

The stick of incense burned out quickly, and the ships of the Eastern Pirates rushed out as fast as they could.

Chu Jiuge gave an order to the first team: "Chase!"

They took advantage of the victory to pursue, but the ships behind did not run very fast.

They didn't seem to be participating in a life-and-death contest between pirate groups, but more like going on a sea tour.

The other two pirate regiments set off almost at the same time, on the same parallel line, and no one allowed the other to take the lead.

"Boss! Isn't it better to go there first and then set up an ambush? It wouldn't be good if they fall behind and be plotted against by them?" Suo Wu asked puzzled.

"Boss must be the only one who has reason to do things! I'm not sure about dealing with the Pirate King, but I can definitely deal with those guys in the east with the boss supporting me!"

Only one small team created the illusion of chasing those people in the east. As for the people who followed slowly, they should eat and rest, and they were very comfortable.

"Captain, I always feel that there are fewer and fewer ships catching up with these guys from the south?" Some pirates in the east also found this problem.

"It must be that their southern ship is too broken. How powerful can a southern pirate group be reduced to being dictated by two little guys! This time we were lucky and got him to fight with them. When we arrive at the place, Immediately beat them to pieces, and save some energy for the next round." Zhang Lang said.

"Commander, you are right."

It takes about half a day's voyage from their starting point to the sea area of ​​no return. These people in the east drive fast, so they arrive in less than half a day.

They walked fast all the way, and when they got there, they looked back and saw that those people in the south were gone.

"It's too slow! I can't keep up. It's not good at the beginning, and I'm afraid it will be even worse when we fight against them. I'm afraid there is no challenge at all against them." Someone said.

"It doesn't matter, just lay an ambush first, and when they come over, they will be caught off guard by a direct attack."

They are old pirates with prison experience, so they naturally know what to do. After everything is arranged, they still haven't waited for the target to come.

They all said, "This is too slow! Those members of the Southern Pirates lost their way?"

"They won't be blown away by the big waves, will they?"

"Are you afraid of us, so you ran away secretly?"

Zhang Lang frowned, his eyes were serious, and he said, "I always feel something is wrong!"

"The plan remains the same. Let's wait. If they don't act before dark, it will be tantamount to admitting defeat." Zhang Lang said to his subordinates. twenty two
(End of this chapter)

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