Chapter 635
At this time, Chu Jiuge and the others stopped not far from the sea of ​​no return. Why did they stop?It's lunch time!
It's good to eat when you're full, isn't it?

The other pirates were nervous at first, but when they saw their boss so casual, they became more relaxed.

Even facing the pirate giants in the east, they believe that they will win as smoothly as before.

In today's competition, the members of the Eastern Pirates thought they would be busy fighting, so they didn't think about having lunch at all.

They can only wait boringly, they are still hungry, what a torment!
"What the hell do they mean? Surrender should have been said earlier! Now it's completely playing tricks on us."

"If they dare to come, I will definitely give them some color."


The long wait made the faces of these pirates grim, and Chu Jiuge and the others ate and drank contentedly.

Chu Jiuge said: "Let me go and see how their arrangements are going?"

Chu Jiuge was not afraid that the other party would set up an ambush, so he was on his way at a leisurely pace.

Because no matter how powerful an ambush they set up, she can see it clearly.

Knowing their ambush, making a targeted counterattack, and catching them by surprise, is more effective than setting up an ambush to deal with them.

So Chu Jiuge gave up the first place to arrive here to these guys from the Eastern Pirates.

Chu Jiuge could also see their state clearly, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, "Are you impatient? It's not enough."

He had just arrived in the Sea of ​​No Return, which must have been the time when his fighting spirit was at its strongest, but instead of starting the fight, he waited without listening, which weakened their fighting spirit.

Zhang Lang also knew that waiting like this was not a thing. He said: "Tenth team, go on the road and see where those bastards in the south are? Are they snails? At such a fast speed, even if you dare not fight Yes, and sent someone to inform us!"

"What is this? Are you kidding us? Damn it!" As the head of a pirate group, Zhang Lang was originally a calm master, but he was very angry at the manipulation of these guys from the southern pirate group.

"Yes! Captain."

Chu Jiuge said: "Oh! I know that someone has been sent to investigate, and my map has been drawn."

"Everyone is divided into [-] teams, and each team follows the route drawn on my map and takes a detour into the Sea of ​​No Return. Act according to the plan."


After receiving the map, the [-] teams separated, while Chu Jiuge and Qitian still followed the most popular route and ran into some pathfinders from the Eastern Pirates.

"It's those people from the Southern Pirates. Why is there only the leader's main ship?"

"Could it be that there is an ambush?"

They were shocked and cautiously did not dare to approach.

However, Chu Jiuge and his boat continued to move forward as if they hadn't seen them.

"It seems that there is no ambush?" After they confirmed that there was no ambush, they became more courageous.

"People from the Southern Pirates, what do you mean? What about the others?" they said.

Chu Jiuge lazily basked in the sun on the deck, and said lazily: "Yes! What about the others! After I slept, they all disappeared?"

The corners of their mouths twitched wildly. It was obvious that a big battle was about to start. As the head of the Southern Pirates, she was still in the mood to sleep.

"Then did you go to the Sea of ​​No Return and admit defeat?" they asked.

"Admit defeat, what a joke! We will never admit defeat. Are you sent by your regiment leader? Then warm up with you first."

A boy with an extremely cute appearance descended from the sky with a big ax on his shoulders!

"Boom!" As soon as the ax went down, their boat was cracked and leaking.

"Just because you also want to fight with us, you should admit defeat early and give up resistance!"

"Pfft!" Chu Jiuge shot an arrow while lying down, still hitting the opponent.

"Admit defeat, that's impossible, we will be the last winners."

This team is just inquiring about news, isn't it strong enough?It can only let Chu Jiuge and Qitian warm up.

All were knocked down, and their ship was rocking and sinking.

Chu Jiuge said: "Tie them up and move on."


"You treat us like this, our leader will never let you go, you just wait." They couldn't figure it out, these guys in the south ran away with only a small number of people left, it's fine if they don't admit defeat, and dare to provoke like this them.

"Aren't they back yet? They!" asked Zhang Lang, head of the Eastern Pirates, not returning to the interior of the sea.

"not yet."

This kind of waiting is too annoying, it is obviously an extremely important critical moment, but it is so tepid.

"The boat is coming! It's those people from the southern waters."

Naturally, someone was watching from the top of the boat, but the distance he could see was much worse than that of Chu Jiuge.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Lang asked.

"There was only one boat that came, the other boats seemed to disappear completely, and they had all of us strapped to the deck."

"A ship dares to come, what are they going to do?" Zhang Lang had no idea what tricks the other party was planning to play?
Chu Jiuge and the others finally reached the sea of ​​no return, and the boat slowly drove in.

Chu Jiuge stood up and said, "Commander Zhang, I accidentally captured some prisoners, how are you going to redeem them?"

Zhang Lang said: "These people are not important, you just need to tell me are you here to fight or to surrender?"

"Of course it's a war!" Chu Jiuge replied.

Go to war!Just so little people don't know where they got the courage to say go to war.

There were still a large number of people in the south, but his people didn't see them at all, and they weren't there!

Zhang Lang said: "Since you said to start a war, then I won't bully you! I just use the people on the main ship to fight you."

The others stood still and lay in ambush, just in case there were other accidents, Zhang Lang led the people on his boat to do it.

Qitian swept out and said, "I'll meet you."

"Let me see you who can lead all the pirates in the south, what are your abilities?"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and Qi Tian confronted Zhang Lang.

Others also rushed up, someone captured their ship, and they went to capture the other's ship.

Chu Jiuge had already disappeared in front of everyone, and his life was turned into darkness!
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Countless sharp arrows tore through the air and swept towards them. The people she aimed at were all masters who were [-]% sure of defeating them.

"Be careful, the opponent has a sharp archer!"

They looked at the guys who fell down one by one, and they shot all the arrows, which showed how strong the archer was.

"He is a sharp archer who hits every shot, so be careful."

Zhang Lang also frowned slightly, he said: "Do you think that a good archer can defeat me? Innocent kid."

(End of this chapter)

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