Chapter 640 Her Fiance
Chu Jiuge also noticed their movement, and was a little surprised, "They don't want to fight anymore, they want to retreat, it's not like their style!"

"Chase!" Chu Jiuge gave an order.

"Why did you retreat?" The three major pirate groups watching the battle were also stunned.

"Get out of the way!" said the pirate emperor.

His face also became blacker than the bottom of the pot, and the adults actually asked him to retreat!

Since he became the Pirate King, he has never encountered such a shameful thing.

However, he had to listen to the adults' orders, so he had to evacuate obediently.

"Something's wrong!" Chu Jiuge's soul force dispersed.

She looked directly through the sea water, and felt that an extremely fierce aura was about to sweep across this sea area.

"Go! Get out of here immediately! Quick!" Chu Jiuge rushed out and shouted.

They have been with the boss for so long, the boss has always been calm and composed, and looks like he has a plan for everything.

If you're so anxious now, something must have happened.

They didn't dare to hesitate, and one by one accelerated and quickly evacuated from this place.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and something seemed to have collapsed on the bottom of the sea, and a huge tsunami swept over in the blink of an eye.

"Bang bang bang!" They felt a whirlwind, but luckily they were still some distance away from the center of the eruption, and it was just bumps and bumps, so they wouldn't be smashed to pieces.

The Pirate King and the others ran faster. Seeing that they escaped, Luo Liang said, "It's not bad luck, the whole army was not wiped out, but..."

"Roar!" There was a roar of beasts, and a huge sea beast emerged from the bottom of the sea, swinging its huge tail, and the reef instantly turned into powder.

It grew its big mouth that could swallow the whole island, devouring the sea water, and at the same time, it also looked at them and regarded them as delicious food.

"Boss! It... Oh my god! There is such a powerful sea beast here, we are dead." Facing such a terrifying existence, everyone trembled.

"Seventh Young Master, Ninth Miss, you leave this place immediately, we will stop them."

These masters of the Mysterious Realm also look very small in front of this sea beast.

"Leave immediately!" Chu Jiuge said to the pirates.

Qitian said: "It's too coincidental that this thing came out! Damn it."

Chu Jiuge said: "Evacuate in batches first!"

"Boom!" Even though she was far away from the sea beast, she could still feel the oncoming dangerous aura.

This guy is full of weaknesses, but she knows that he is definitely not that easy to deal with.

She had to do something, the blood arrow rushed out like a bamboo shoot.

Facing Chu Jiuge's attack, the giant sea beast didn't hide at all. Even so, the arrow didn't scratch its scales at all.


Such a strong defense!
Then came the sea beast, and at this time the Pirate King's men attacked Chu Jiuge again.

Facing the sea beast, they were also afraid, but Master Luo Liang gave them a reassurance.

He said he would deal with that sea beast as long as they defeated the pirates in the south.

Most of the masters went to entangle the sea beast to buy them time to stay away from danger. At this time, the pirate king made a move, putting Chu Jiuge and the others into a predicament.

The Pirate Emperor said: "Commander Chu, is your luck really bad? Now, are you sure you want to continue fighting? Just admit defeat, and your subordinates can still live. If you don't admit defeat, your people are not killed by sea beasts. If it is swallowed, even if it is killed by our people, that would be too miserable!"

Qitian said: "The appearance of the sea beast, is it your fault?"

The pirate king pretended to be stupid, "It's just your bad luck."

This thing is indeed strange, but what can't they do now?
Can only fight!Do your best to fight.

The situation is not optimistic, the sea beasts have already regarded them as prey and do not intend to let them go, the pirate king has trapped them all.

"It's come to this point, don't you still want to admit defeat? Don't be so stubborn when you are young." The Pirate King said.

Chu Jiuge frowned slightly, with a solemn look on his face.

She still has a trump card in her hand, which is the second painting that Konghun gave her.

Just when she was forced to do nothing by the Pirate King to take out that painting to steal her soul, a white figure suddenly appeared on the sea.

He walked on the waves, and under the huge waves formed by the terrible sea beast, walking in the garden was like walking in his own back garden.

He had a slender figure, even though his face was covered by a mask, he still couldn't conceal his arrogance and arrogance.

Many people were slightly taken aback, who is this?
"Get out of the way!" Standing in front of the giant beast, he waved his hand.

"Withdraw!" Chu Jiuge ordered them.

"Yes, Miss Nine!"

They evacuated immediately, and then the man in white made a move.

Everyone was terrified, they didn't see the man's movements clearly, and everyone heard the roar of the sea beast.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The terrifying force crushed the huge body of the giant beast mercilessly, and the dark blue blood spread around it centered on it.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The giant beast was extremely unwilling, and wanted to make a final counterattack, but it couldn't move anymore.

"Boom!" It was mercilessly bombarded, and its huge body sank into the bottom of the sea.

They were stunned, what a **** strength!

After the white-clothed man dealt with the dangerous sea beast, he touched the water surface and flew towards Chu Jiuge.

The King of Pirates asked, "Who are you?"

The man in white didn't answer him, but rushed towards Chu Jiuge.

He hugged him into his arms and said, "I'm Jiu'er's fiancé!"

" are the one..." Qi Tian returned to the state of fighting.

"Since you know that you are still your fiancé, let go of Jiumei immediately."

The members of the pirate group admired Chu Jiuge immensely. The boss is very tough, but the fiancé is also so tough. It's really amazing.

Rong Yuan directly ignored him, he said: "Jiu'er hid in the sea, can I find it easily?"

The face of the Pirate King became very ugly. With the strength of this man who killed the huge sea beast before, this is definitely not something they can compete with.

The Pirate Emperor said: "My lord, what should I do? I never thought that this damned little girl would find such an opponent."

Luo Liang exuded this cold aura all over his body, and he said: "Very good, it's a good deal! I'll take care of this guy myself, and you'll be responsible for defeating those guys. It's best to catch that little girl first. "

"Yes! My lord, we have nothing to be afraid of if your lord makes a move! That man is very powerful, and he absolutely cannot be your match, my lord." Said the king of pirates.

Luo Liang is not as optimistic as he is, that man can deal with the sea beast so quickly, this is a very terrifying opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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