Chapter 641 A Great Victory
In the blink of an eye, Luo Liang appeared on the sea.

He said: "This sea is full of wind and waves. It's not a place for a little girl like Miss Chu to stay. It's better for you to take her away from the sea."

The right to command all the pirates in the Northern Territory must be in his hands, so that these pirates can do things for him, and no one can get in his way.

The corners of Rong Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "But my Jiu'er wants to win the position of the Pirate King. Even if she wants to go back, she has to wait until she has played enough before going back! You must admit defeat or die!"

"Boy, what a big tone." Luo Liang said angrily.

"Boom!" Both of them were very strong, and they fought fiercely in an instant.

On the other side, the King of Pirates also raided them.

Without the sea beast, all her people came back.

Facing the attack of the Pirate King, they were evenly matched.

This unusual battle is going on soon, the pirate group versus the pirate group, Rong Yuan versus Luo Liang.

Rong Yuan was obviously in a state of releasing water, and he crushed Luo Liang to death in no time.

Even so, the flow was startling.

So strong!

What is the origin of this guy?
"Boom!" He was blown away and almost sank to the bottom of the sea.

Lightly stepping on the surface of the sea, he jumped up again, bursting out with ferocious spiritual power and using powerful spiritual skills to attack Rong Yuan again, but was easily avoided by Rong Yuan.

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises, and Luo Liang's complexion became worse and worse.

He has persisted for so long, and that trash hasn't caught the little girl yet.

That little girl is this kid's fiancee, once she is caught, no matter how strong this kid is, he can only submit obediently.

How could it be possible for Chu Jiuge to be caught so quickly by them? Not only that, they also solved several right-hand men around the Pirate King, and the Pirate King wanted to find Chu Jiuge himself.

However, he was entangled for seven days, and he was at a loss.

It was another protracted battle, and Chu Jiuge and the others could afford it even more.

Luo Liang also noticed the problem, and said with a gloomy face, "You played me on purpose, you obviously have the strength to completely defeat me."

"So what?" Rong Yuan said indifferently.

Jiu'er wanted this guy to see with his own eyes how his pirate group was defeated, so naturally he had to keep him first.

"Damn it! Don't underestimate people." Luo Liang roared angrily.

"Bang bang bang!" After several fierce battles, the Pirate King felt very tired, but he had to grit his teeth and continue fighting.

At this time, he also experienced the feelings of those guys in other pirate groups. These guys really have endless pills, and the extremely rapid recovery speed made him itch with hatred.

Chu Jiuge has disappeared for a long time. On the side of the frontal battlefield, Chu Jiuge rest assured that she has to do something that will determine the key to victory.

The Pirate King also knew that Chu Jiuge must be eyeing him, so he was always more careful not to give Chu Jiuge the possibility of taking advantage of loopholes.

It is very dangerous to use two purposes in such a battle. If you can prevent Chu Jiuge in time, you can't prevent others.

Like Tiantian, like Xiao Jin Heiyan!

"Puff puff puff!" Two kinds of flames intertwined and attacked ferociously, making the pirate king hard to guard against.

The Pirate King's face is getting worse and worse, and he wants to fight with all his might.

That icy cold gaze in the dark never let him go, how could he dare to be careless?

Compared to being cut by this kid's axe, being burned by the monster's fire.

He also didn't want to get a small wound by that weird arrow, that arrow was too dangerous.

In this tormenting and psychologically stressful battle, the Pirate King became more and more embarrassed.

He was full of anger, wishing to tear the opponent in front of him, but there was nothing he could do.

The corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly, the fire was almost ready, and the prey should be slaughtered.

Do you really think that being so careful can prevent her?I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know it, and he has already exposed a lot of flaws.

The blood arrow flitted across the sea like lightning, with an extremely tricky angle. It flew past the Pirate King's blind spot. When the Pirate King found out, it was too late.


This arrow did not hit the Pirate King's vitals, but hit the very center of his spine.

"Crack!" It penetrated directly, and the spine was directly broken into two pieces.

"Ah!" There was a shrill scream, and the Pirate King twitched, unable to stay in the air at all.

With a sound of "Pfft!", the Pirate King fell into the bottom of the sea, struggling wildly.

"Help me... save me... hurry up and save me!"

Those of his subordinates were extremely shocked, their majesty had been recruited.

They just watched him save his life while his body turned into a mummy, and they were horrified!

Even if they could save him, they would probably only be able to save a mummy.

The King of Pirates shouted: "Master, save me! Lord Luo Liang... Lord..."

His neck is already withered, and soon he will completely turn into a mummy.

Now that Luo Liang can't protect himself, how can he save him?Seeing him defeated was even more furious.

"You trash, I've trained you for so many years, yet you've lost to me!"

The Pirate Emperor's heart was filled with chills. He had devoted himself to working for his lord for so many years, but he never thought that his lord would turn his back on him.

"Puff puff puff!" The overlord of the pirates above the Northern Territory turned into a mummy floating on the sea, and his era of the sea is over.

The death of the head of the group was extremely miserable. Some people desperately shouted to avenge the head of the group, but some still didn't have much morale and gave up resistance.

The group of people who were desperately struggling were only a minority, and they were quickly cleaned up. Chu Jiuge said: "We won!"

"Hahaha! We won!"

Especially those pirates, everything today is like a dream.

No, they dare not do such a thing even in their dreams, it is too whimsical, but now it has come true.

They have won three games in a row, and from now on, the person they follow will become the overlord of the sea.

The pirate group of the Pirate Emperor chose to surrender, and the other three pirate groups did not dare to make mistakes, and followed the agreement set before.

From now on, there is only one pirate regiment on the sea, and they will completely obey the orders of the new pirate king and be loyal to the new pirate king.

Chu Jiuge naturally gave Tiantian the task of being the King of Pirates, because she was not interested in this title, but Tiantian was very interested.

"I've seen the boss, I've seen His Majesty the Pirate Emperor."

They also know very well that compared to this lovely His Majesty the Pirate King, the boss who can turn people into mummified corpses with one arrow is the highest status existence in the entire pirate group, and they are obedient if they don’t see the new Pirate King in front of him ?
He planned everything by himself, but in the end let someone else collect the fruit. Luo Liang said with a gloomy face, "Damn it, who are you guys?"

(End of this chapter)

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