Chapter 644
"Boom!" Qitian punched him unceremoniously, and he said coldly: "You look like you deserve a beating!"

"Puff puff puff!" A few poisonous needles directly sealed Luo Liang's acupoints.

"Tiantian, how tiring it is to use fists! It's easier to do this." Chu Jiuge said lightly.

"Ah!" A shrill scream came out.

Luo Liang felt uncomfortable, after all, Chu Jiuge's poison was not simple.

" poisoned me." Luo Liang said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Yes! Even if you are not released from the cage, you are doomed to be retaliated by us."

"Ahhh!" He screamed heart-piercingly.

"Forgive me! Forgive me, I have told you everything I know, and my attitude is so sincere, can't you show mercy?" He said.

"Extremely merciful, I really can't! How about you teach me." Chu Jiuge said with interest.

"What exactly do you want? I promise you no matter what." Luo Liang said.

"First! Apologize, apologize to Tiantian, apologize to the Seventh Clan, and apologize to the entire Nine Immortal Clans." Chu Jiuge said.

"Boom!" He fell directly into the cage, in a kneeling position.

"I apologize, we shouldn't take the initiative to provoke a war with the Immortal Nine Clans, and sneak into the Immortal Nine Clans to steal the treasures of the Immortal Nine Clans! But the patriarch gave the order, and the reason why the patriarch did this was instigated by the gods of the ten directions. Injustice If you have a debtor and a debtor, what you Immortal Nine Clans should look for most is the gods of the ten directions! I am just a small person." He said with cold sweat all over his body.

After hearing his words, Rong Yuan frowned slightly.

Chu Jiuge said: "Put all the responsibility on to others. It's beautiful. If other people are at fault, you are also at fault! Stop talking nonsense and listen to my second request."

"Second, your Luo family's formation that can hide people's traces is very powerful. Tell me your formation! I'm quite interested." Her current concealment method is very powerful, but it is naturally the best if it can be strengthened again. Well, the formation of the Luo family can play a great supporting role.

"Our Luo family's formation, other than our Luo family, can't learn it at all. This is a unique skill, otherwise, how could our Luo family have always been one of the eight holy families." Luo Liang said.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, the Luo family is not high, and even said to be almost at the bottom.

However, they have several sets of special formations, which can hide them from anyone without knowing it. It is very easy to kill a person.

"Whether I learn it or not, you just need to tell me whether to hand it in or not. If you don't want to take it out, it's okay. There is no antidote."

"I'll hand it in!" Anyway, this little girl couldn't learn, so Luo Liang handed a few books to Chu Jiuge.

"It's all here," he said.

Rong Yuan flipped through those books, and said: "Jiu'er, he didn't lie to you, you really did! As for not being able to learn, it's impossible for Jiu'er, because I'm here. "

Luo Liang didn't take Rong Yuan's self-confidence seriously.

Do you think that being strong is omnipotent?Their Luo family's formation is not so easy to penetrate.

"Pfft!" Chu Jiuge's injection made Luo Liang feel better, but his complexion was still very bad.

Chu Jiuge said: "Okay, this guy is solved, let's explore in this city! Even if there is a [-]% possibility, we must search everywhere in this secret realm."

"Next, follow me! There are organs everywhere here, and the organs inside are more dangerous. If you don't get the news, you will be recruited." Chu Jiuge said.

Rong Yuan said: "It's good that he can keep up. Jiu'er doesn't have to worry about me being in danger. Even if I am in danger, just destroy it."

"You!" Qi Tian's teeth were itching, this guy dared to look down on him.

"No! The mechanism here is perfect, it's better not to destroy it, but to ensure its integrity." Chu Jiuge said.

"That's good! I'll listen to Jiu'er for everything, but I need Jiu'er's encouragement." Rong Yuan reached out to hug Chu Jiuge, bowed his head and approached.

"Just a kiss." He smiled.

Before Chu Jiuge could answer, Rong Yuan made his move first.

"Shameless, let go of my ninth sister." Qi Tian was furious.

Tiantian is not as cowardly as Liuliu, his personality is bursting, no matter how tough his opponent is, he will directly bar him.

Under the premise of disparity in strength, Tian Tian couldn't get close to Rong Yuan at all.

She was stopped by a force, and she could only see Rong Yuan eating her sister's tofu recklessly.

"Damn it!" Qi Tian's anger!

Now he is so arrogant that when Uncle Jiu recovers his strength, he doesn't believe that this guy can be stronger than Uncle Jiu, and wait until he is beaten to death by Uncle Jiu!

Rong Yuan let go of Chu Jiuge and said, "It's so sweet and smells like wine. How about some encouragement?"

"Can you show some face?" Qi Tian roared angrily.

A cold light flashed in Rong Yuan's eyes and he glanced at the guy who got in the way. Before he came here, he kicked this kid to the sea beast, and let the sea beast torment him.

Chu Jiuge pushed him away and said: "Rong Yaoxie, let's get down to business first, it's wrong for you to set fire now!"

"Okay, when I find the magic box of the Seventh Clan, Jiu'er can't treat me badly." Rong Yuan smiled.

"Follow me! Every step can't be wrong." Chu Jiuge said.

A red figure streaked across the air, very agile.

Qi Tian originally wanted to follow closely, but in the end he was a step too late, being preempted by Rong Yuan.

"Damn it!" Qi Tiantian snorted and chased after him.

In fact, Luo Liang had been waiting for their bad luck. He knew that there were many terrifying institutions in this weird city, and every one of them was very dangerous.

Chu Jiuge and the others went deep into it, looking for death.

Wait!Soon they will also be recruited, and they will be worse than him, and even die.

However, Chu Jiuge traveled unimpeded all the way without disturbing any authorities.

This city is empty, it seems that it has just been built, and people have not had time to move in.

"Xusu..." came a soft voice.

"Be careful, something is coming."

"Bang bang bang!" Tian Tian was accidentally thrown out by something.

He fell on the floor paper, and in an instant two ropes locked his legs and pulled them out in an instant.

This is an extremely dangerous mechanism, if you don't break free, it will be divided into two halves.

"Hahaha! Boy of the seventh family, you are dead."

"Boom!" Liuliu was struggling hard, but he couldn't break free.

"Rong Yaoxie, stop that thing, I'll go and dismantle this organ."

Chu Jiuge rushed to a place like a ghost, dismantled the mechanism at an extremely fast speed, and fell to the ground every day.

"It's dangerous!" He didn't suffer any injuries, but the feeling of being divided into two just now was really uncomfortable.

"Ninth Younger Sister, your skills are too heaven-defying." Qi Tian said with bright eyes.

"Is that possible? You... What kind of method are you doing?" Luo Liang, who had lost his hope, was also extremely shocked, unable to accept this fact.

Chu Jiuge said: "As a thief, you just dismantle the mechanism. This is something you must know, otherwise you don't know how many times you have died."

(End of this chapter)

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