Chapter 645 Eternal Immortality
After saving her for seven days, Chu Jiuge looked at what was the thing that sneaked up on her?Some transparent vines.

"What is this?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"It should be a mutated sea vine, not only transparent, but also able to hide its breath and sneak attack." Ran Nengyin said secretly.

"Bang bang bang!" The number of transparent sea vines is increasing, overwhelming the attack.

These sea vines are not terrible, but it is very difficult to cooperate with the mechanism here, especially Qitian.

"Tian Tian, ​​it's fine for you to stand still, just defend." Once it's even more tricky to act.

"Yong Yaoxie, be careful not to touch the organ."

Chu Jiuge took out his bow and arrow, ready to do it.

"Puff puff puff!" Bows and arrows shot out one by one, but after being attacked, they became more transparent.

Chu Jiuge can only barely see it if he condenses his soul power and uses the pupil of immortal life. What is this?
"Bang bang bang!" There are more and more people who can't be killed, more and more people can't see, can't sense, and are even more difficult to deal with.

"This thing is too troublesome." Qi Tian felt dizzy.

"Bang bang bang!" After dealing with them for a long time, I still couldn't find a solution.

The road ahead is still blocked by them, so we can't continue wasting time here.

He couldn't be killed by chopping, and his spiritual power couldn't be broken. Chu Jiuge was going to try other methods.

"Xiao Jin, Hei Yan, come on! Try burning it?" Water can overcome fire, and perhaps using fire attack can also inflict damage on them.


The black flames and golden flames swept across directly, "Puff!", the flames entangled these transparent vines in circles.

Now even if it is transparent, they can still see it clearly, Chu Jiuge said: "Little Jin Heiyan, continue to open the way, amplify the fire, and burn it to its roots."


"Puff puff puff!" The fire burned wantonly and swept forward, and all the transparent sea vines appeared.

"You wait for me here, I'll go ahead and have a look." Chu Jiuge's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Her speed was very fast, and the vines knew they couldn't catch her, so they poked the switch of the mechanism.

He wants to use these organs to kill Chu Jiuge.

"Susu!" Chu Jiuge's figure was extremely fast, and countless extremely fast hidden weapons struck.

Chu Jiuge is not afraid of hidden weapons. These hidden weapons flying over showed slow motion in her eyes, and she avoided them calmly.

It's not that the hidden weapons here are not powerful, this is already the most ingeniously designed hidden weapon Chu Jiuge has ever seen, one link after another, but it can't stop her number one thief.

At the end of the sea vine, Chu Jiuge saw a door entangled by transparent sea vines.

"Keep setting fire!"

Fire can make the transparent sea vines appear, but it can't burn them. Only by uprooting them can they be solved.

According to Chu Jiuge's observation, she finally found the source of Haiteng's power.

Use the see-through to penetrate the ground and find a black seed under the ground.

That's it!

"Bang bang bang!" Hai Teng attacked again, and Chu Jiuge quickly backed away to dodge.

She took out a bow and arrow and concentrated on shooting an arrow.

"Pfft!" The arrow landed on the ground and penetrated a little bit into the soil. The soil here is not ordinary soil.

"Then we can only use blood arrows."

Chu Jiuge shot an arrow again, and the blood arrow is naturally much easier to use.

"Pfft!" The blood arrow pierced through the hard soil and hit the seed directly.

That one seed turned into powder and melted into the soil, and the transparent sea vine turned black at this time, and was wiped out by the flames.

Chu Jiuge pulled out the arrow of blood, and Rong Yuan had already come to her side.

"Jiu'er solved it, awesome!"

"Ninth sister, can I come here now? Are there any agencies around?"

"Come here! It's time to test your luck."

"Ah! Ninth Sister, are you going to abandon me?" Qi Tian said pitifully.

"Could it be that you are afraid every day?" Chu Jiuge said.

"How is it possible? How could I be afraid? Ninth Sister, wait, isn't it just a trap? It's not like I haven't broken through before." Qi Tian rushed over.

In the beginning, he was very lucky not to trigger the mechanism, but then his luck ran out.

"Hush!" Countless deadly sharp arrows struck.

Chu Jiuge pulled the bow and arrow and stopped them halfway.

"Bang bang bang!" The two arrows collided with flames, and in the end Chu Jiuge won the battle.

Those arrows deviated from their original targets and flew out.

An organ rushed out, Chu Jiuge shot an arrow to solve it, and arrived in front of Chu Jiuge unscathed for seven days.

He said with a smile: "I knew that my younger sister would not leave me alone."

"There's a door here. I don't know what's inside. Go in and have a look." The sea vines were cleaned up, revealing a very spectacular black iron door.

The iron gate was locked, which was not difficult for the first thief.

"Crack! Click!" Chu Jiuge opened the door a few times, pushed it open and walked in.

When I went inside, I found that it was a mansion. Compared with the atmosphere of some towering buildings in the city, everything in this mansion looked very delicate and lifelike.

Suddenly, Chu Jiuge felt a tyrannical wave of soul force.

She stared ahead and said, "Who?"

"Are the three of you destined to come here? I am the master who built this city, and I am also the former overlord of the sea, the Emperor of the Sea." A deep voice came.

"You're not dead yet?" Qi Tian asked in surprise.

"At the beginning, I met an old enemy, fought with him for three days and three nights, and was finally sealed here by his serious injuries! If you can help me unlock the seal, I will give you all the wealth of the Sea Emperor, and even let you become The overlord of the sea." The other party said.

"In terms of wealth, our family's money is enough. As for the overlord of the sea, we are now, and you don't need to give it," Chu Jiuge said lightly.

The other party was silent, obviously upset by Chu Jiuge's unreasonable answer.

These are all things they have, and they are not powerful. The most important thing is to find the Immortal Box of the Seventh Race.

"Tiantian, look around!" Chu Jiuge said.

The overlord of the hierarchical sea is indeed rich, and there are priceless treasures in any room, and Chu Jiuge took them away.

"Little girl, you obviously love money! Why didn't you promise me?" the voice said again.

"The treasures in front of me are worthless, but I don't think it's troublesome to do other things, so forget it."

The other party was silent again...

The Immortal Magic Box was not found, but a lot of treasures were collected.

In the end, that person couldn't help but said: "You are not short of money, and you don't need the position of Pirate King, so do you want to explore the secret of eternity?"

He felt that such a eccentric little girl would probably be interested in some strange things.

Chu Jiuge was slightly taken aback, "The secret of eternity? What do you mean by that?"

(End of this chapter)

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