Chapter 655 Was shot again
Chu Jiuge's strides were very big, and soon left a lot of footprints on the snow, winding towards the depths of the extremely icy land.

This is to induce Sheng Baichen and his people to enter the depths of the land of extreme ice.

His own footprints were almost arranged, and just in front of him, the wind and snow began to blow again.

She found a high ground, and Sheng Baichen's team was getting closer.

When they were within her range, Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow.

At this time, Sheng Baichen was standing on the deck by himself, clearly letting her shoot!idiot.

The people in Wuyatian Temple probably never imagined that Chu Jiuge would attack them first from such a long distance, so there was no defense at all.

Waiting for a chance to hit the target [-]%, Chu Jiuge shot the arrow without hesitation.Then quickly disappeared in place, and went to join her little brother on the boat.

Chu Jiuge said: "Small it open! Then go in! Then seal the entrance with snow."


They quickly acted, the enemy was pressing, they had to hide quickly.

On the other side, Chu Jiuge's arrow shot over, and they didn't realize it until Sheng Baichen's life was in danger.

At this time, it is a bit late.

The masters of the Wuya Temple tried their best to make the blood arrow deviate from the vital point, but still left a bloody gash on Sheng Baichen's body.

If this bloody hole was normal, it would not be a problem, but Sheng Baichen knew that the arrow Chu Jiuge used was extraordinary, and even a small wound would be fatal.

Sheng Baichen took out their Wuyatian holy medicine again, and felt that his flesh was so painful that he was going to die.

This is already the second bottle, damn Chu Jiuge.

The blood arrow completed the mission and disappeared as quickly as possible. Sheng Baichen said angrily, "Chasing! Chu Jiuge is right in front, damn it! He even dared to attack me when he was dying."

"Yes, His Royal Highness Son." They chased after him as fast as they could, and finally reached a place close to the land.

"Holy Son, judging from the direction of the arrow, Chu Jiuge has already reached the land of extreme ice! The land of extreme ice is very cold. There are still dangerous monsters hidden, should we continue to chase after it? ?” they asked.

"Chasing! Of course chasing, I have to kill Chu Jiuge with my own hands, so that I can vent my hatred." Sheng Baichen said coldly.

So they landed on the land of extreme ice and followed Chu Jiuge.

In fact, Chu Jiuge was only a pile of snow away from them before. She used the Luo family's formation to cover up her aura, and they didn't let them find out.

"Are they chasing after them? City Lord, let's go out and retreat now?"

Chu Jiuge shook his head and said: "No! Stand still for the time being, you wait for me here, I'll go and find out what's inside? Before I come out, unless your life is in danger, you can't leave here anyway, you know Is it?" Chu Jiuge asked them.

"Yes! Lord City Lord."

Chu Jiuge took a small boat from the Neptune, and then slid the boat to go deep.

As the temperature got lower and lower, Chu Jiuge pulled Xiao Jin and Hei Yan out to masturbate.

They themselves are monsters of fire attribute, and they become much warmer in an instant when they are in their arms.

Chu Jiuge walked straight forward, observing the surrounding movement with the pupil of immortal life, there was no danger.

It has been dark all the time, and after a long time like this, Chu Jiuge saw a snow-white world ahead, which was about to arrive.

The force that attracted her became more and more clear, and it was just ahead.

"Past!" Chu Jiuge speeded up and rushed over, and finally set foot on that ice and snow space.

"Hey——" Chu Jiuge was not happy enough, a sharp bird call came, and Chu Jiuge's face changed drastically.

It was safe all the way before, but the danger came here.

The pupil of immortal life could clearly see the movement of the big bird that merged with Baixue. Chu Jiuge's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the snow bird rushed towards Chu Jiuge again.

Chu Jiuge didn't avoid it this time, but just stared at it with her dark eyes.

"Windfall!" Chu Jiuge spat out these three words.

A hurricane broke out in this ice and snow land, trapping the snowbird.

The snowbird's screams became more and more piercing, and finally it fell to the snow, completely unable to move.

"Xiao Mian, you are the only one who sneaks up on me." This snow bird is not strong, and Chu Jiuge can handle it.

Suddenly, she had an extremely bad premonition that the entire sky over this area was covered by big birds with snow-white feathers.

"It's not a mistake! One is settled, and a large group has come!"

Chu Jiuge's face showed a dignified look, and he took out his bow and arrow.

anyway?Let's shoot a few first.

then run!
"Hoo hoo..." There was a gust of wind behind him, which was caused by these guys flapping their wings.

Chu Jiuge shot arrows all over the place, or attacked them with the power of wind.

However, there are too many of them, how can his strength alone be enough?

Chu Jiuge ran wildly, even if he could see their attack trajectory.

There were so many of them that Chu Jiuge was almost swallowed up by them and severely injured.

Chu Jiuge used the Luo family's formation to avoid catastrophe in a thrilling manner.

There is still her breath around, and these snowbirds have been wandering here, looking for Chu Jiuge's trace, and will not give up until they find her.

"It seems that we can only fight guerrilla warfare with them. We must deal with one or one. Only by reducing their number gradually can I leave here safely." If she had known that defeating a snowbird would cause so much trouble, she would not have fought back. Rather stay away from them.

Can't afford it!
"Hush!" Chu Jiuge shot countless arrows and exposed himself at the same time.

Although a few snowbirds fell, more snowbirds swarmed towards her.

Hurry up!

Her agility was at its peak, shuttling through the intensive hunting of these snowbirds.

Several times he had intimate contact with that snow-white feather, and at the same time brushed shoulders with death.

"Windfall!" The ultimate move of the force of wind is still very useful, allowing Chu Jiuge to deal with many snowbirds.

The number of them is beyond her imagination, if she kills some, more will come.

When Jiu Ge discovered this rule, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Is there a mistake?" Chu Jiuge's eyes widened.

"Hei Yan, Xiao Jin! Come out and help." In the current situation, she can't handle it alone.

However, when Hei Yan and Xiao Jin made their move, they also encountered a problem, and their fire could not do without these guys.

Whether it was Hei Yan's black flames or Xiao Jin's phoenix golden flames, they all disappeared when they landed on these snowbirds.

Those things that live in the land of ice and snow are actually immune to flames.

Xiao Jin said: "Master, these guys are too difficult to deal with, why don't we withdraw quickly?"

(End of this chapter)

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