Chapter 656 Ice and Snow Temple
"Withdraw?" Chu Jiuge wanted to find the way he had come here before, but found that it had disappeared.

The exit, too, disappeared.

Hei Yan said: "Damn it! It seems that I only fight with them."

"I'm a golden phoenix, so I don't believe that I can't kill these big white birds." Xiao Jin was also angry, she felt that her majesty of the phoenix had been challenged.

Snowbird's individual combat effectiveness is not very good, but it is extremely powerful in joint combat.

Chu Jiuge fell into a very dangerous situation, and Xiao Jin was almost injured by it.

When the power of the wind was exhausted, Chu Jiuge could only use the power of ice and snow secondly.

These snowbirds themselves live in a place of ice and snow, and Chu Jiuge always attacks with the result that the power of ice and snow is useless.

Unexpectedly, this worked wonders.

When Jiuge's eyes burst out with the power of ice and snow to the greatest extent, the blood birds who attacked them frantically calmed down completely.

"Bang bang bang!" They fell to the ground one by one, not like the crazy monsters before, but like a well-behaved big white goose.

"What's going on?" Chu Jiuge muttered.

She was sure that it should have something to do with the power of ice and snow.

They are not afraid of the power of ice and snow, but they instinctively surrender to this power.

Chu Jiuge said: "Squat down!" These snowbirds squatted obediently.

"Get lost!" she said again.

The corner of Hei Yan's mouth twitched slightly, the master is really serious, the bird is not their fox, so it is really hard to figure out how to make the bird roll.

"Bang bang bang!" Snowbird rolled very clumsily, which was a little ridiculous.

Xiao Jin gloated and laughed, "I told you to hunt down my master, and you will have today."

After Chu Jiuge's experiment was successful, he said, "Take me to the place where there is a baby? Do you know where it is?"

Snowbird flew high into the sky, and the flying team became a regular straight line and flew forward.

"Follow!" Chu Jiuge knew they must know something?Quickly caught up.

"Srustling..." After driving for a long time, Chu Jiuge noticed movement on the ground, and countless tiny snow snakes rushed towards Chu Jiuge.

Although their attacks were unexpected, Chu Jiuge could still avoid them.

As a result, the snowbirds that fell from the sky swooped down in an instant and captured the snow snakes that were attacking her.

None left!
According to the original rule of killing one to kill, a group of snow snakes also came.

They are small in size and snow-white, blending in with this piece of snow-white.

If it weren't for Chu Jiuge's pupil of immortal life, even with a pair of blind eyes, it might be difficult to tell which ones are snow and which ones are snakes?
What was better than before was that the snow bird would help Chu Jiuge deal with these snow snakes, and it was a vigorous group fight for a while.

These snowbirds and snow snakes seemed to have some kind of hatred in themselves, and they tore apart extremely fiercely when they met.

Even with the protection of the snowbirds, Chu Jiuge would not do nothing, and she shot seven inches of those snow snakes with one arrow.

I have to say that the snow snake, which is so slender and can hide in the environment, is quite suitable for making arrows.

Hit and hit, attracted a big one.

That snow snake was as thick as a thousand-year-old tree, and it exuded a terrifying hostility.

This time Chu Jiuge used the power of ice and snow to no avail. These snow snakes are different from snow birds.

There were bursts of sharp birdsong, which showed that the big snow snake gave these snowbirds a great sense of oppression.

However, they still protect Chu Jiuge as always.

"Bang bang bang!"

In this battle, the fight was inexhaustible, and Bai Xue was flying.

Even if it is one-to-many, these snowbirds are not its opponents, but they insist on entangled the giant snake.

Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow, "We must help them, the death and injury of Snowbird are too serious now."

She observed the weakness of that guy, and kept staring at it seriously, and she finally found it without wasting her efforts.

An arrow was shot at the most appropriate time and hit the guy's snake tail.

The giant snake roared, and it continued to attack the snowbird angrily.

It didn't know how to deal with the snow arrow's wound and minimize the damage, so it was doomed to tragedy.

"Boom!" Such a huge snow snake fell down, and soon its blood was swallowed up, and its body completely melted away.

Once the boss died, the remaining Snow Snakes did not dare to provoke the Snow Birds.

One by one, they got into the white snow and quickly evacuated.

"It's done, continue to lead the way!" Chu Jiuge said to these snowbirds.

They lead the way very well. There are all kinds of dangerous creatures in this ice and snow land.

Snowbirds are located on the periphery of this ice and snow land, and their strength seems to be the weakest, but the combat effectiveness of their entire group is also extremely impressive.

With their cooperation and Chu Jiuge's means, there was no major danger along the way, and Snowbird even let Snowbird solve some enemies who had bullied them before.

Snowbird took her to the destination, and that destination was a snow temple.

The entire store door was blocked by ice, the door could not be pushed open, and neither Xiao Jin nor Hei Yan could be boiled.

"Try the power of ice and snow." Chu Jiuge stared at the door.

She seemed to use the power of ice and snow to open a certain mechanism, and then the door slowly opened in a flash.

"Boom!" As soon as she entered the door, she was attacked. Chu Jiuge jumped into the air to avoid it, and she could see clearly what was attacking her?
snowman!A large group of snowmen.

They formed an array to attack Chu Jiuge. Chu Jiuge wanted to use the power of wind to deal with the attack, but he couldn't. What's the matter?

"This is the Ice and Snow Palace. Since you have come in, then use the power of ice and snow to fight! The first human being who has visited this place in thousands of years and has the power of ice and snow, proves your strength." A cold voice came from the dark came.

"Dian Ling?" Chu Jiuge whispered.

Use the power of ice and snow to use the power of ice and snow. This burst of power made the snowman who attacked her pause for a while.

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge slapped him with a palm.

"Bang bang bang!" Chu Jiuge dealt with these snowmen, each of them was super sturdy.

"What you have is a fetish, but your use of the power of ice and snow is really not that good?"

"Your strength is too weak. With this little strength, why do you come here?"


Dian Ling disliked Chu Jiuge in various ways, which made Xiao Jin and Hei Yan angry.

They set fires everywhere, but to no avail.

Xiao Jin said: "I hate these cold places the most."

"Do you think you are the only one who hates it?" Hei Yan was also very annoyed

"Puff puff puff!" Chu Jiuge's arrow shot out.

These snowmen are made of snow, even if they are hit by an arrow, they can continue to move and attack without any response.

"Bang bang bang!" These things are too tricky.

Chu Jiuge felt that even if he fought with them for ten days and half a month, he couldn't defeat them.

If you can't defeat them, you can't continue to explore the secrets here, so...

Chu Jiuge thought of another way, but in fact, he didn't necessarily have to defeat these guys.

As long as you find the temple spirit, these guys must obey the temple spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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