Chapter 657 Frozen into a Snow Sculpture
Stealing things is what Chu Jiuge is good at. The most important thing now is to see where the palace spirit is hidden?

Chu Jiuge's soul power spread out, not letting go of every corner here.

The temple spirit naturally also felt a powerful soul force pervading every corner of the ice and snow temple, which made it have a very bad premonition.

"Human, even if you consume your soul power like this, it's useless at all. Can't your soul power do any harm to them?" came the voice of the temple spirit.

Chu Jiuge laughed, and she said, "Xiao Dianling, I think you will regret talking now."

In the blink of an eye, Chu Jiuge avoided the attacks of some snowmen.

She was blessed with the Luo family's hidden formation, which allowed her to reach the place she wanted to go very smoothly.

She held a Xiaoxue who was no bigger than a palm in her hand and said: "Xiao Dianling, catch it!"

The little snowman was very surprised, how was it discovered?
It won't admit it even if it dies, so it pretends to be dead in Chu Jiuge's hands, pretending that it's just an ordinary little snowman.

Chu Jiuge said: "Don't pretend, if you really treat you as an ordinary little snowman, I will dismantle you, what do you think?"

Chu Jiuge really made a move, and the little snowman turned his extremely imitative black eyeballs and said: "Stop, stop, you human..."

At this time, those snowmen rushed towards Chu Jiuge.

She said: "I think you should tell those guys to stop first!"

These snowmen really obeyed the words of the palace spirit, it told them to stop, and they stopped attacking Chu Jiuge.

"Can you let me go now?"

"No, let me go, what if you run away?"

"Bastard human being!" The little snowman almost cried angrily.

"Are you still asshole little snowman?"

"What do you want?" asked the little snowman.

Chu Jiuge replied: "I want to know what you have here? I was attracted by the things here? Is it the power of ice and snow elements?"

She needs this power to improve her strength, and it would be great if she had it.

If not, I have to blackmail this little snowman, it is not easy for her to come all the way, why can't she return empty-handed?
"You..." Little Snowman was a little stunned.

It said: "It seems that you have been selected. Although you steal tricks and bully the weak, you can still pass the test. I will reluctantly lead you the way! Whether you can succeed or not depends on yourself."

"Okay!" Chu Jiuge nodded.

The little snowman took Chu Jiuge to the core of the hall. In an empty square at the core of the hall, there was a mass of snow-white light shining in the middle.

Xiaoxue said humanely: "That is the heart of ice and snow. If you can make this heart of ice and snow approve, you can get the inheritance of ice and snow."

"Of course, if you fail, you will be completely frozen into a snow sculpture. Have you figured it out?"

Become a snow sculpture!Xiao Jin said: "Master, it's too dangerous, what if this little snowman cheats on you?"

The little snowman was very angry, "What are you talking about, stupid bird? I never lie, so stop slandering me."

"Hmph! A liar would foolishly admit that he is a liar, but he just doesn't believe you." Xiao Jin said angrily.

Chu Jiuge said: "I'm going to try! If I don't have enough elemental power, then I won't be able to practice the seventh level of the Immortal Life Ten Thousand Laws. I must get this heart of ice and snow."

"You wait for me here," she said.

"Yeah!" Although Xiao Jin and Hei Yan were worried, they couldn't stop it, because the master had already made up his mind.

The closer he got to the heart of ice and snow, Chu Jiuge felt the chill from the bottom of his heart and soul.

She has to persevere, resist the freezing cold here, and approach the heart of ice and snow step by step.

When Chu Jiuge's hand touched the power of ice and snow, her body began to freeze.

Hei Yan and Xiao Jin were about to jump in anxiety, but Xiao Jin flew over but was blocked by a wall of ice and snow.


"Ah! My mouth!" Xiao Jin screamed.

Chu Jiuge seems to be in a world full of ice and snow. This world has no color except the extremely pure white. Chu Jiuge feels that his body and mind have been washed by this white.

Little did she know, the ice on her body was getting thicker and thicker.

The little snowman sighed: "The skill is not enough, it seems that this human is still not good?"

"If something happens to my master, I will never let you go! Don't think that my current fire can't burn you, I'm a golden phoenix, and I can always find a way to kill you." The anxious Xiao Jin put down his harsh words.

"My lord, your purpose is to obtain the heart of ice and snow, not to immerse yourself in this ice and snow environment. Use your power to break it!" An ethereal voice sounded from the depths of Chu Jiuge's soul, and Chu Jiuge suddenly woke up.

She was fascinated by that peaceful and beautiful world!
How could she forget her purpose?

She needs to accumulate enough power of ice and snow so that she can practice the Ten Thousand Laws of Immortal Life.

She wants to find all the magic boxes of immortality, cultivate the pupil of immortal life to the ninth level, and detoxify the evildoers.

"Crack!" The ice that blocked Chu Jiuge shattered instantly.

"What? She... she succeeded."

The powerful soul power dispersed, Chu Jiuge grabbed the Frozen Heart and said forcefully: "Frozen Heart, become my strength! It's mine."

"Inheritance of Ice and Snow, I want it."

The white light shrouded Chu Jiuge in it. Under the power of the pupil of immortal life, Bingxuexin had a heart of surrender and was willing to be used by Chu Jiuge.

The little snowman said in amazement: "She really succeeded!"

After Chu Jiuge completely accommodated the power of ice and snow, he walked out from the snow-white light.

She felt that she possessed extremely strong power of ice and snow, and tried to operate the seventh stage of the Immortal Life Art, but she still couldn't break through.

"Is it because the power of ice and snow is not enough? Or is it because of the lack of enough wind power?" Chu Jiuge murmured in his heart.

"The power of ice and snow should be enough, it should be the latter!" Konghun replied to Chu Jiuge.

Hei Yan and Xiao Jin ran towards Chu Jiuge, and they said excitedly, "Master, that's great."

The little snowman raised his head and said, "That..."


Chu Jiuge became the master of Ice and Snow Heart, that is, the master of this Ice and Snow Temple, so naturally...

Chu Jiuge picked up the little guy and said, "Call again, louder."

"You bully!" Little Snowman said aggrievedly.

"Bullying people? Hei Yan, what do you think, Xiao Jin?" Chu Jiuge said jokingly.

"Master doesn't!"


If you are a group, naturally help her!The little snowman was oppressed and called out the master.

Those people in Wu Yatian encountered various dangers in the land of extreme ice, and they were extremely embarrassed. As a result, they couldn't even find a hair of Chu Jiuge, let alone killed Chu Jiuge.

Sheng Baichen said gloomyly: "You can continue to use the tracking disk! Use the disk to find it for me! Find it!"

Chu Jiuge has a life-seeking holy light on his body, and he can find it even if he goes to heaven and earth.

However, Wu Yatian's tracking array is already a bit old, so they can only be used once in a while, otherwise they will not be trapped by Chu Jiuge in the land of extreme ice to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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