Chapter 658 Being Chased Again
"It's ready to use! Holy Son, we'll use it right away!" said the elder of the temple.

They also don't want to search aimlessly in this ghostly place. The monsters here are too fierce, and many people have been injured.

After using the array disk, the array disk quickly gave the direction.

The elder who operated the array said: "It's not far from the coast, if it's in that direction, why can't we find anyone?"

"Damn it! Chu Jiuge must have used some special means, go back immediately! Hurry up!" Sheng Baichen urged.

"Yes!" They hurried back.

The Ice and Snow Temple is so big, it must not only be the most precious treasure, the Heart of Ice and Snow, but there are many other treasures, and Chu Jiuge took it into his pocket without hesitation.

And when Chu Jiuge was about to leave, the people of Wu Ya Tian Temple also discovered the hidden Sea Emperor.

"Is that the boat that Chu Jiuge escaped from before? Those people are her subordinates."

They just remembered that they had been focusing on chasing Chu Jiuge on the land before, but ignored an important matter.

That is, if Chu Jiuge landed, why didn't the ship be seen on the shore.

Where can such a behemoth hide?
An arrow from Chu Jiuge completely angered him, so he chased him ashore without finding it.

"Boom!" The place where the ship was hiding was exposed, and the pirates secretly gritted their teeth: "Fight with them!"

"The city lord said that there are still some attack mechanisms on board, we can defend against the enemy."


"Hey! This boat seems to have become much smaller, is it the same one?" The people in Wuyatian Temple were very surprised.

Sheng Baichen said: "The things in the holy land of the sea emperor are not simple. If Chu Jiuge wants to kill them, all the treasures left by the sea emperor will belong to this holy son."

"That's right! Back then, the Sea Emperor had the guts to challenge our temple. Fortunately, the Holy Master sent several powerful elders there. Before they completely became stronger, they strangled him in the cradle." Another elder said.

"Do it! Find Chu Jiuge." Sheng Baichen said.

"Boom!" After they made their move, they found that the defense of the Sea Emperor was extremely astonishing.

"You haven't been with Chu Jiuge for long, have you? As long as you hand her over, I'll spare you both, how about it?" Sheng Baichen said.

The coercion of the strong filled the entire sky, and these people were beyond their ability to deal with.

Suo Wu said: "Our boss left early, it's useless even if you ask us, you can kill or cut whatever you want."

The people of Wuyatian Temple despised these pirates, but they didn't expect these pirates to be so stubborn.

They said: "Stop lying, the induction of the life-seeking holy light is there."

An old man said: "Holy Son, it seems to go a little further in, the road there is very strange."

Sheng Baichen said: "It's a bit weird, take them down, go in and have a look!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" No matter how strong the Sea Emperor's defense was, it would be difficult to resist the wild bombardment of experts like the Temple of the Endless Heaven.

In order to kill Chu Jiuge, Sheng Baichen brought out all the people who were extremely strong.

The defenses are breached, and they are in danger.

Sheng Baichen said: "Sure enough, Chu Jiuge abandoned you and ran away long ago. If that's the case, you are worthless."

When Chu Jiuge came out, she happened to see Sheng Baichen about to kill Suowu, and she was very angry.

Countless ice arrows appeared around her and flew out instantly.

"Sheng Baichen, you don't kill my people at will!" Chu Jiuge said coldly.

Song got the heart of ice and snow, and the speed of the ice arrow was so fast that it tore through the void and rushed towards those people.

"Bang bang bang!" They resisted with all their strength. At this time, Chu Jiuge rushed over, and the wind strangled him.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Jin rushed over, they couldn't do anything in the Ice and Snow Palace because of their attributes, so couldn't they move them?
"Boom!" Ice and fire intertwined, and the surrounding ice cracked.

"Chu Jiuge!" Sheng Baichen gritted his teeth and spit out these three words, killing wanton, and rushed towards Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge was still running towards the land this time, she said: "You retreat first!"

"No! If we retreat, boss, how did you leave the land of extreme ice?" Their faces changed drastically.

"Let's go and get out of danger first." Chu Jiuge said incredulously.

On the ice sheet, there are icebergs and snow forests everywhere, which is very suitable for Chu Jiuge to dodge.

And in such an environment, Chu Jiuge's power of ice and snow can be extremely strong, and there is a little snowman as a helper.

Chu Jiuge used the Luo family's hiding formation to temporarily prevent them from being able to find it.

They wantonly destroy here, and they are not afraid of causing an avalanche.

"I didn't expect you to be chased and killed. If the owner of the heart of ice and snow was killed within a day after inheriting the heart of ice and snow, it would be embarrassing for tens of thousands of years." Xiaoxue said humanely.

"I can't help it. How long does it take for the other party to be strong? Everyone is several levels higher than me?" Chu Jiuge said.

"You are the inheritor of the heart of ice and snow. You can't die in the right place wherever you die? And what about me? I don't want to lose face, so I will help you as hard as I can!"

"You help me?" Seeing how confident the good guy looked, Chu Jiuge knew there was something to be done.

"Continue to go deep into the field of extreme ice." Xiaoxue said humanely.

"it is good!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Chu Jiuge rushed out, and was discovered again, and the next pursuit of victory was inevitable.

There are more snow piles here, and Chu Jiuge wants to hide it without any effort to destroy it.

Xiaoxue said: "Let's see mine next!"

The little snowman just clicked on the ground a few times, and for a while, several giants appeared around him. They were giant snowmen.

The giant snowman surrounded Wuya Tianshengwei who was chasing and killing Chu Jiuge, and blasted directly towards them.

"Boom!" There was a violent vibration, and those people in Wu Ya Tian Temple were also very surprised.

"What is this thing? There is something like this in the Extreme Ice Field?"

"It's just a dead thing. It's broken. Don't let them get in the way." Sheng Baichen said.

Perhaps these snowmen's movements are a little clumsy, but their defense is extremely strong, and even if they are chopped with a knife, they will not be able to cut a trace.

There was serious expression on their faces, and they cursed: "What a hell."

The little snowman said proudly: "How is it? I'm amazing! In my territory, they still want to hunt down and kill the masters I follow, they are really whimsical."

"Xiao Jin, Hei Yan, you guys go too! Take advantage of their illness and kill them!"


Xiao Jin spread his wings and flew to the highest sky, and Hei Yan also turned into a fiery red afterimage.

Even if they are attacked by snowmen, they will be burned.

Sheng Baichen said: "It's Chu Jiuge's monster, all of these were created by Chu Jiuge."

(End of this chapter)

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