Chapter 660
Chu Jiuge didn't care how bloody the Wuya Tiansheng Shengwei was going to have a bloody fight with the monsters here, he had already fled away, anyway, they would not have a good time.

After the implementation of the second plan for the first time, the team of Wuyatian Temple chasing and killing Chu Jiuge was reduced by half, and many people were stained with blood.

"Holy Son, why don't we go? Chu Jiuge is a hard nut to crack. We will act after she leaves this extremely icy place. Is it really hard to kill her hiding here?" These holy guards said with a headache .


Sheng Baichen swept them coldly and said: "You dare to disobey my orders, don't you know what will happen if you don't obey?"

The end of disobedience is death!
Keep going, or you might die!

"Holy Son, we naturally listen to you." They quickly replied.

Competing with these chasing soldiers again and again, Chu Jiuge's strength also broke through, reaching the fifth level of alchemy realm.

This strength seemed insignificant to them, but there were still many people from the Wu Ya Tian Temple who became the souls of her arrows.

"How does Chu Jiuge know so much about Bingyuan?"

"Her ice arrows are getting more and more terrifying!"

"She actually advanced!"

Fighting all the way, the mood of the people in the Wuyatian Temple is getting worse and worse.

Chasing and killing Chu Jiuge not only did not cause much harm to her, but also improved her stimulating promotion strength.

Chu Jiuge had no fear of being chased and killed at all, and took advantage of the extremely ice land to deal with them unhurriedly, sending those who chased her to hell one by one.

They don't know how long they have been hovering on this extreme ice support, and then all their elixirs have been consumed.

There is only one bottle of the holy medicine.

Sheng Baichen had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, no, how could he be afraid of that woman?
When the people around him fell down one by one, Sheng Baichen's mood became worse and worse.

"Holy Son, listen to my advice, let's go! Get out of here quickly, that little girl is too dangerous." A personal guard said before dying.

"No! I won't leave!" Sheng Baichen persisted so stubbornly.

When everyone fell down except him, a smile appeared on Sheng Baichen's face.

"Chu Jiuge, don't you want to take revenge openly? Now that all my people are dead, do you dare to come out?"

"Come out!" Sheng Baichen's roar spread around.

After a while, a cold voice came out. "Then as you wish!"

A fiery red figure flew out, turning into a flame-like afterimage in the snow-white world.

In an instant, countless arrows of ice and snow appeared in the air, sweeping towards Sheng Baichen overwhelmingly.

Sheng Baichen dodged quickly, while Chu Jiuge captured his movement trajectory, pulled the Emperor Demon Bow, and shot an arrow decisively.

Xiao Jin and Hei Yan rushed out, and when the flames were about to burn him, he also released a monster, a flood dragon.

"The death of those guys is worth it, at least to lure you out. Chu Jiuge, this time, you are dead! Without the help of monsters, do you think you can be my opponent?"

"Boom!" Jiaolong entangled Xiao Jin and Hei Yan, preventing them from attacking Sheng Baichen.

"Heh! Two little bastards, it's not enough for me to eat in one bite! It's really boring." The dragon looked at Xiao Jin and Hei Yan contemptuously.

"You're courting death! Young master, you were still a worm when I was dominating the world and wreaking havoc on the world? I really don't know where you come from to say such a thing?" Hei Yan said proudly.

"Yeah! What the hell, you're so ugly, I'll burn you to death!" Xiao Jin snorted angrily.

Chu Jiuge dodged Sheng Baichen's attack and said to her: "Sheng Baichen, if you are a smart person, you should stay in Wuyatian well. Now that you come to the Northern Territory, your strength is not very good? Kill me!" Me? Do you think you can do it?"

"Even if the strength is suppressed, it is more than enough to kill you!" Sheng Baichen's power burst out.

"Meteor of the Wind!" Chu Jiuge said coldly.

What came with the wind were dense arrows of ice and snow. Chu Jiuge's power of ice and snow is super powerful in the extremely ice place. This is definitely something that makes Sheng Baichen extremely nervous.

"Myriad pupils perish!"

"Frozen Soul!"

The pain of tearing the soul, and the coldness of being frozen into an ice sculpture, made Sheng Baichen's face pale as paper.

Is this really an alchemy realm?
Chu Jiuge dealt with Sheng Baichen for a long time, and he discovered a very terrible thing.

The consumption of spiritual power is huge when using powerful and lethal spiritual skills again and again.

And he has no elixir!
Spiritual power can only go out but not in, no matter how powerful a person is, accidents will happen.

At the end of the fight, Chu Jiuge was still in high spirits.

But Sheng Baichen's face was pale, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Chu Jiuge shot the bloody arrow without hesitation. Sheng Baichen, who knew the danger of this arrow, dodged hastily, and then countless arrows of ice shot out like a cloud.

Chu Jiuge approached Sheng Baichen like a ghost, and the poisoned needle flew out.

Anyway, with all possible means of attack, Chu Jiuge greeted Sheng Baichen.


"Boom!" Sheng Baichen made a big hole in the snow.

"What's wrong? Do you think it's better to stay in Wuyatian, and it's your biggest wrong decision to come out and attack me! And I will become stronger and stronger in the future, and you Wuyatian Temple will have no chance." Chu Jiuge was telling the truth.

"I won't lose! I will never lose to you!" Sheng Baichen was still holding on, he didn't want to lose to this woman.

He also has contracted beasts, as long as his Jiaolong swallows those two monsters, Chu Jiuge will soon be buried in Jiaolong's belly.

Pinning his hopes on his contracted monsters, Sheng Baichen's hopes were about to come to nothing.

"Ho Ho Ho!" He heard the roar of his contracted beast, which seemed to be in pain.

He glanced over, and he saw his dragon was killed.

In terms of level, Jiaolong's level is much higher.

However, the bloodline is far away, and it is two against one again. From the beginning, Jiaolong was full of confidence, but now he has become trembling.

Where did these two come from?How tough!
"Boom!" Hei Yan's Huo and Phoenix Jin Yan's have their own characteristics and advantages, but they are the same tormenting Jiaolong, and Jiaolong's dying application will contract space cultivation at the end.

"Useless things!" Sheng Baichen was so angry that he couldn't solve the two little things.

Jiaolong was also crying in his heart. These two guys looked small, but their fighting power was completely opposite to their appearance.

Jiaolong finally ran away before becoming completely disabled, with lingering fears, it was considered safe for the time being, and its owner would be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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